# Compute usage estimates (log-odds) in a contrast of interest
getEstimates <- function(object, contrast) {
coef <- getCoef(object)
if (is.null(coef)) {
coef <- rep(NA, times = length(contrast))
return(contrast %*% coef)
# Compute the variance oon the usage estimates in a contrast of interest
varContrast <- function(object, contrast) {
if (object@type != "fitError") {
if (nrow(object@params$vcovUnsc) == length(contrast)) {
vcovTmp <- object@params$vcovUnsc * object@varPosterior
return(diag(t(contrast) %*% vcovTmp %*% contrast))
# Compute p-values under an empirical null distribution
# The code is based on the source code of locFDR package https://CRAN.R-project.org/package=locfdr
p.adjust_empirical <- function(pvalues, tvalues, plot = FALSE) {
zvalues <- qnorm(pvalues / 2) * sign(tvalues)
zvalues_mid <- zvalues[abs(zvalues) < 10]
zvalues_mid <- zvalues_mid[!is.na(zvalues_mid)] # to avoid locFDR (numerical) fit errors if abs(z) is extremely large
#### start code from locFDR package
N <- length(zvalues_mid)
b <- 4.3 * exp(-0.26 * log(N, 10))
med <- median(zvalues_mid)
sc <- diff(quantile(zvalues_mid)[c(2, 4)]) / (2 * qnorm(.75))
mlests <- locfdr:::locmle(zvalues_mid, xlim = c(med, b * sc)) # initial MLEs of empirical null parameters
lo <- min(zvalues_mid)
up <- max(zvalues_mid)
bre <- 120
breaks <- seq(lo, up, length = bre)
zzz <- pmax(pmin(zvalues_mid, up), lo)
zh <- hist(zzz, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)
x <- (breaks[-1] + breaks[-length(breaks)]) / 2
sw <- 0
X <- cbind(1, poly(x, df = 7))
zh <- hist(zzz, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)
y <- zh$counts
f <- glm(y ~ poly(x, df = 7), poisson)$fit
Cov.in <- list(x = x, X = X, f = f, sw = sw)
ml.out <- locfdr:::locmle(zvalues_mid,
xlim = c(mlests[1], b * mlests[2]),
d = mlests[1], s = mlests[2], Cov.in = Cov.in
) # updated MLEs of empirical null parameters
mlests <- ml.out$mle
#### end code from locFDR package
zval_empirical <- (zvalues - mlests[1]) / mlests[2]
pval_empirical <- 2 * pnorm(-abs(zval_empirical), mean = 0, sd = 1) # p-values under empirical null
if (plot) {
zval_empirical <- zval_empirical[!is.na(zval_empirical)]
lo <- min(zval_empirical)
up <- max(zval_empirical)
lo <- min(lo, -1 * up) # to center the figure (is this a good idea?)
up <- max(up, -1 * lo)
bre <- 120
breaks <- seq(lo, up, length = bre)
zzz <- pmax(pmin(zval_empirical, up), lo)
zh <- hist(zzz, breaks = breaks, plot = FALSE)
yall <- zh$counts
K <- length(yall)
hist(zzz, breaks = breaks, xlab = "z-scores", main = "Empirical distribution of z-scores", freq = FALSE)
xfit <- seq(min(zzz), max(zzz), length = 4000)
yfit <- dnorm(xfit / mlests[3], mean = 0, sd = 1)
lines(xfit, yfit, col = "darkgreen", lwd = 2)
FDR <- p.adjust(pval_empirical, method = "BH")
newList <- list("pval" = pval_empirical, "FDR" = FDR)
#' Test function to obtain a top list of transcripts that are differentially used
#' in the contrast of interest
#' @description Function to test for differential transcript usage (DTU)
#' @param object A `SummarizedExperiment` instance containing a list of objects of
#' the `StatModel` class as obtained by the `fitDTU` function of the `satuRn` package.
#' @param contrasts `numeric` matrix specifying one or more contrasts of
#' the linear model coefficients to be tested.
#' The rownames of the matrix should be equal to the names
#' of parameters of the model that are involved in the contrast.
#' The column names of the matrix will be used to construct names to store
#' the results in the rowData of the SummarizedExperiment.
#' @param plot `boolean(1)` Logical, defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE,
#' a plot of the histogram of the empirical z-scores and the standard normal
#' distribution will bee displayed.
#' @param sort `boolean(1)` Logical, defaults to FALSE. If set to TRUE, the output
# output of the topTable test function is sorted according to the empirical p-values.
#' @examples
#' data(sumExp_example, package = "satuRn") # testDTU
#' sumExp <- fitDTU(
#' object = sumExp_example,
#' formula = ~0+group,
#' parallel = FALSE,
#' BPPARAM = BiocParallel::bpparam(),
#' verbose = TRUE)
#' group <- as.factor(SummarizedExperiment::colData(sumExp)$group)
#' design <- model.matrix(~ 0 + group)
#' colnames(design) <- levels(group)
#' L <- matrix(0, ncol = 2, nrow = ncol(design))
#' rownames(L) <- colnames(design)
#' colnames(L) <- c("Contrast1", "Contrast2")
#' L[c("VISp.L5_IT_VISp_Hsd11b1_Endou", "ALM.L5_IT_ALM_Tnc"), 1] <- c(1, -1)
#' L[c("VISp.L5_IT_VISp_Hsd11b1_Endou", "ALM.L5_IT_ALM_Tmem163_Dmrtb1"), 2] <- c(1, -1)
#' sumExp <- testDTU(object = sumExp, contrasts = L, plot = FALSE, sort = FALSE)
#' @return An updated `SummarizedExperiment` that contains the `Dataframes` displaying
#' the significance of DTU for each transcript in each contrast of interest.
#' @rdname testDTU
#' @author Jeroen Gilis
#' @importFrom locfdr locfdr
#' @importFrom stats qnorm median quantile poly glm poisson pnorm dnorm p.adjust pt
#' @importFrom SummarizedExperiment colData
#' @export
testDTU <- function(object, contrasts, plot = FALSE, sort = FALSE) {
if (is.null(rowData(object)[["fitDTUModels"]])) stop("fitDTUModels is empty. Did you run fitDTU first?")
models <- rowData(object)[["fitDTUModels"]] # call rowData only once
for (i in seq_len(ncol(contrasts))) {
estimates <- vapply(X=models,
contrast=contrasts[, i],
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
se <- sqrt(vapply(X=models,
contrast=contrasts[, i],
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
df <- vapply(X=models,
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
df[!(vapply(df, length, numeric(1)))] <- NA # replace numeric(0) with NA
df <- unlist(df)
t <- estimates / se
pval <- pt(-abs(t), df) * 2
regular_FDR <- p.adjust(pval, method = "BH") # regular FDR correction
empirical <- p.adjust_empirical(pval, t, plot = plot) # empirical FDR correction
empirical_pval <- empirical$pval
empirical_FDR <- empirical$FDR
result_contrast <- data.frame(
estimates, se, df, t, pval, regular_FDR, empirical_pval,
if (sort == TRUE) {
result_contrast <- result_contrast[order(result_contrast$empirical_pval), ]
rowData(object)[[paste0("fitDTUResult_", colnames(contrasts)[i])]] <- result_contrast
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