function(ttmap_part1_hda, m1,
select = row.names(ttmap_part1_hda$Dc.Dmat), ddd, e,
filename = "TEST", n = 3, ad = 0, bd = 0, piq = 1,
dd = generate_mismatch_distance(ttmap_part1_hda = ttmap_part1_hda,
select = select),
mean_value_m1 = "N", ni = 2){
write.table(dd, file = "distance_matrix.txt",
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, row.names = TRUE, col.names = NA)
minespace <- 50
beg <- ls()
annot <- function(q, n = n) {
q <- lapply(seq_len(length(q)), function(i){
ddd[q[[i]], n]
qmin <- min(m1)
q25 <- quantile(m1, 0.25)
q5 <- quantile(m1, 0.5)
q75 <- quantile(m1, 0.75)
qmax <- max(m1)
low <- m1[m1[] < q25]
mid1 <- m1[m1[] < q5 & m1[] >= q25]
mid2 <- m1[m1[] >= q5 & m1[] < q75]
high <- m1[m1[] >= q75]
f <- e
if(length(low) == 0){low_map <- as.matrix(0)}
else{low_map <- mapper1(as.matrix(
dd[names(low),names(low)]), e = f)}
if(length(mid1) == 0){mid1_map <- as.matrix(0)}
else{mid1_map <- mapper1(as.matrix(dd[names(mid1),
names(mid1)]), e = f)}
if(length(mid2) == 0){mid2_map <- as.matrix(0)}
else{mid2_map <- mapper1(as.matrix(dd[names(mid2),
names(mid2)]), e = f)}
if(length(high) == 0){high_map <- as.matrix(0)}
else{high_map <- mapper1(as.matrix(dd[names(high),
names(high)]), e = f)}
if(length(all) == 0){all <- as.matrix(0)}
else{all <- mapper1(as.matrix(dd), e = f)}
if(bd != 0){
low_map <- cutoff_low(low_map,
para = piq, text = "low")
mid1_map <- cutoff_low(mid1_map,
para = piq, text = "mid1")
mid2_map <- cutoff_low(mid2_map,
para = piq, text = "mid2")
high_map <- cutoff_low(high_map,
para = piq, text = "high")
all <- cutoff_low(all, para = piq, text = "all")
if(dim(all)[1] == 1){if(all != 0){
q_all <- names(all)
q_all <- as.list(q_all)
names(q_all) <- names(all)
else{q_all <- c()}}
q_all <- apply(all, 1, grep, pattern = 1)
q_all <- as.list(q_all)
q_all <- lapply(seq_len(length(q_all)), function(i){
q1_all <- q_all[lapply(q_all, length) > 0]
size_all <- lapply(q1_all, length)
if(dim(mid1_map)[1] == 1){if(mid1_map != 0){
q_mid1 <- names(mid1)
q_mid1 <- as.list(q_mid1)
names(q_mid1) <- names(mid1)
q_mid1 <- c()}}
q_mid1 <- apply(mid1_map, 1, grep, pattern = 1)
q_mid1 <- as.list(q_mid1)
q_mid1 <- lapply(seq_len(length(q_mid1)), function(i){
colnames(as.matrix(dd)[names(mid1), names(mid1)])[
q1_mid1 <- q_mid1[lapply(q_mid1, length) > 0]
size_mid1 <- lapply(q1_mid1,length)
if(dim(mid2_map)[1] == 1){if(mid2_map != 0){
q_mid2 <- names(mid2)
q_mid2 <- as.list(q_mid2)
names(q_mid2) <- names(mid2)
else{q_mid2 <- c()}}
q_mid2 <- apply(mid2_map, 1, grep, pattern = 1)
q_mid2 <- as.list(q_mid2)
q_mid2 <- lapply(seq_len(length(q_mid2)), function(i){
colnames(as.matrix(dd)[names(mid2), names(mid2)])[
q1_mid2 <- q_mid2[lapply(q_mid2, length) > 0]
size_mid2 <- lapply(q1_mid2, length)
if(dim(low_map)[1] == 1){if(low_map != 0){
q_low <- names(low)
q_low <- as.list(q_low)
names(q_low) <- names(low)
else{q_low <- c()}}
q_low <- apply(low_map, 1, grep, pattern = 1)
q_low <- as.list(q_low)
q_low <- lapply(seq_len(length(q_low)), function(i){
colnames(as.matrix(dd)[names(low), names(low)])[
q1_low <- q_low[lapply(q_low, length) > 0]
size_low <- lapply(q1_low, length)
if(dim(high_map)[1] == 1){if(high_map != 0){
q_high <- names(high)
q_high <- as.list(q_high)
names(q_high) <- names(high)
else{q_high <- c()}}
q_high <- apply(high_map, 1, grep, pattern = 1)
q_high <- as.list(q_high)
q_high <- lapply(seq_len(length(q_high)), function(i){
colnames(as.matrix(dd)[names(high), names(high)])[
q1_high <- q_high[lapply(q_high, length) > 0]
size_high <- lapply(q1_high, length)
squize <- function(q1_all, m1, size_all, n = n){
r_all <- create_colors(q1_all, m1, size_all)
sort_r <- sort(r_all$average, index.return = TRUE)
size_all <- size_all[sort_r$ix]
f_all <- create_places(size_all)
r_all$col <- r_all$col[sort_r$ix]
q1_all <- q1_all[sort_r$ix]
q1_all_a <- annot(q1_all, n = n)
out1 <- list(r = r_all, s = size_all,
f = f_all, q1_all = q1_all, q1_all_a = q1_all_a)
p <- squize(q1_all, m1, size_all, n = n)
lans <- lapply(seq_len(length(size_all)), function(i){
spheres3d(p$f[i], 0, 0, radius = p$s[i],
color=rgb((p$r)$col[[i]][1], (p$r)$col[[i]][2],
(p$r)$col[[i]][3], alpha = 1))
text3d(p$f[i], max(as.matrix(unlist(p$s))) + 5, 0, i)
if(ad == 0){text3d(p$f[i],
-max(as.matrix(unlist(p$s))) - 5, 0,
paste(unique(p$q1_all_a[[i]]), collapse=""))
m <- 0
if(dim(low_map)[1] == 1 && low_map == 0){
du <- max(as.matrix(unlist(size_all))) + minespace
d_low <- du
du <- du + minespace
size_low <- c()
p_low <- list()
p_low$f <- 0
p_low <- squize(q1_low, m1, size_low, n=n)
du <- max(as.matrix(unlist(size_all))) +
max(as.matrix(unlist(size_low))) + minespace
d_low <- du
lans <- lapply(seq_len(length(p_low$s)), function(i){
spheres3d(p_low$f[i], du,
0, radius = p_low$s[i],
color = rgb((p_low$r)$col[[i]][1],
(p_low$r)$col[[i]][2], (p_low$r)$col[[i]][3],alpha = 1))
du + max(as.matrix(unlist(size_low))) + 5, 0,
length(size_all) + i)
if(ad == 0){text3d(p_low$f[i],
(du - max(as.matrix(unlist(size_low))) - 5), 0,
paste(unique(p_low$q1_all_a[[i]]), collapse = ""))
create_links(q = p$q1_all, q1 = p_low$q1_all, f = p$f,
f1 = p_low$f, m, du, 0)
du <- du + max(as.matrix(unlist(size_low))) + minespace
if(dim(mid1_map)[1] == 1 && mid1_map == 0){
d_mid1 <- du
du <- du + minespace
size_mid1 <- c()
p_mid1 <- list()
p_mid1$f <- 0}
m <- max(p_low$f)
p_mid1 <- squize(q1_mid1, m1, size_mid1, n = n)
d_mid1 <- du + max(as.matrix(unlist(size_mid1)))
du <- d_mid1
l <- 10
lans <- lapply(seq_len(length(size_mid1)), function(i){
spheres3d(m + p_mid1$f[i], du, l,
radius = p_mid1$s[i], color = rgb((p_mid1$r)$col[[i]][1],
(p_mid1$r)$col[[i]][2], (p_mid1$r)$col[[i]][3],alpha = 1))
text3d(m + p_mid1$f[i], du + max(as.matrix(
unlist(size_mid1))) + 5, l,
length(size_all) + length(size_low) + i)
if(ad == 0){text3d(m + p_mid1$f[i],
(du - max(as.matrix(unlist(size_mid1))) -5), l,
paste(unique(p_mid1$q1_all_a[[i]]), collapse = ""))}
create_links(p$q1_all, p_mid1$q1_all, p$f, p_mid1$f, m, du, l)
du <- du + max(as.matrix(unlist(size_mid1)))+minespace
m <- max(p_mid1$f) + m
if(dim(mid2_map)[1] == 1 && mid2_map == 0){
d_mid2 <- du
du <- du + minespace
p_mid2 <- list()
p_mid2$f <- 0
size_mid2 <- c()}
du <- du + max(as.matrix(unlist(size_mid2)))
d_mid2 <- du
p_mid2 <- squize(q1_mid2, m1, size_mid2, n = n)
l <- 20
lans <- lapply(seq_len(length(size_mid2)),function(i){
spheres3d(m + p_mid2$f[i],
du, l, radius = p_mid2$s[i],
color = rgb((p_mid2$r)$col[[i]][1],
(p_mid2$r)$col[[i]][2], (p_mid2$r)$col[[i]][3],alpha = 1))
text3d(m + p_mid2$f[i],
du + max(as.matrix(unlist(size_mid2))) + 5,
l,length(size_all) + length(size_low) +
length(size_mid1) + i)
if(ad == 0){text3d(m + p_mid2$f[i],
(du - max(as.matrix(unlist(size_mid2))) -5), l,
collapse = ""))}
create_links(p$q1_all, p_mid2$q1_all, p$f, p_mid2$f, m, du, l)
du <- du + minespace + max(as.matrix(unlist(size_mid2)))
m <- max(p_mid2$f) + m
if(dim(high_map)[1] == 1 && high_map == 0){
d_high <- du
p_high <- list()
p_high$f <- 0
size_high <- c()}
p_high <- squize(q1_high, m1, size_high, n=n)
du <- du + max(as.matrix(unlist(size_high)))
d_high <- du
l <- 30
lans <- lapply(seq_len(length(size_high)), function(i){
spheres3d(m + p_high$f[i], du, l,
radius = p_high$s[i], color = rgb((p_high$r)$col[[i]][1],
(p_high$r)$col[[i]][2], (p_high$r)$col[[i]][3], alpha=1))
text3d(m + p_high$f[i],
du + max(as.matrix(unlist(size_high))) + 5, l,
length(size_all) +
length(size_low) + length(size_mid1) +
length(size_mid2) + i)
if(ad == 0){text3d(m + p_high$f[i],
(du - max(as.matrix(unlist(size_high))) -5), l,
collapse = ""))}
create_links(p$q1_all, p_high$q1_all, p$f, p_high$f, m, du, l)
annot_right(p_high, p, l, d_high, d_mid2, d_mid1, d_low, m)
u <- min(- minespace,-max(as.matrix(unlist(size_all))) - 10)
lans <- lapply(seq_len(100), function(i){
segments3d(c((((i - 1) / 100)*(max(m + max(p_high$f),
max(p$f)))), ((i / 100)*(max(m + max(p_high$f),
max(p$f))))), c(u, u), c(l, l),
col= matlab.like2(100)[i], lwd = 20)
text3d(-1-100, u, l, "Mean Deviation")
if(mean_value_m1 == "N"){
text3d(-40, u, l, round(qmin / length(select),2))
text3d(max(m + max(p_high$f),
max(p$f)) + 40, u, l,
round(qmax / length(select),2))
text3d(-40, u, l, round(qmin, 2))
text3d(max(m + max(p_high$f), max(p$f)) + 40,
u, l, round(qmax, 2))
#### descriptions files
e <- list()
if(length(p$q1_all) != 0){for(i in seq_len(length(size_all))){
e_1 <- paste(p$q1_all[[i]][1],
paste(ddd[p$q1_all[[i]][1], ni], ")"), sep=" (")
if(length(p$q1_all[[i]]) > 1){
for(j in 2:length(p$q1_all[[i]])){
e_1 <- paste(paste(e_1,
p$q1_all[[i]][j], sep=","),
paste(ddd[p$q1_all[[i]][j], ni], ")"), sep=" (")
e[[i]] <- paste(i, e_1, sep = ":" )
d <- length(size_all)
e[[d + 1]]<- "The first quartile"
if(length(p_low$q1_all) != 0){for(i in seq_len(length(size_low))){
e_1 <- paste(p_low$q1_all[[i]][1],
paste(ddd[p_low$q1_all[[i]][1], ni], ")"),sep="(")
if(length(p_low$q1_all[[i]]) > 1){
for(j in 2:length(p_low$q1_all[[i]])){
e_1 <- paste(paste(e_1,
p_low$q1_all[[i]][j], sep=","),
paste(ddd[p_low$q1_all[[i]][j], ni], ")"), sep="(")
e[[i + d + 1]] <- paste(i + d - 1, e_1, sep = ":" )
d <- length(size_all) + length(size_low) + 1
e[[d+1]]<- "The second quartile"
if(length(p_mid1$q1_all) != 0){
for(i in seq_len(length(size_mid1))){
e_1 <- paste(p_mid1$q1_all[[i]][1],
paste(ddd[p_mid1$q1_all[[i]][1], ni], ")"),sep="(")
if(length(p_mid1$q1_all[[i]]) > 1){
for(j in 2:length(p_mid1$q1_all[[i]])){
e_1 <-paste(paste(e_1,p_mid1$q1_all[[i]][j],
sep = ","),
paste(ddd[p_mid1$q1_all[[i]][j], ni],")"),
e[[i + d + 1]]<- paste(i + d - 2, e_1, sep = ":" )
d <- length(size_all) + length(size_low) + length(size_mid1) + 2
e[[d + 1]]<- "The third quartile"
if(length(p_mid2$q1_all) != 0){
for(i in seq_len(length(size_mid2))){
e_1 <- paste(p_mid2$q1_all[[i]][1],
paste(ddd[p_mid2$q1_all[[i]][1], ni], ")"),
sep = "(")
if(length(p_mid2$q1_all[[i]]) > 1){
for(j in 2:length(p_mid2$q1_all[[i]])){
e_1 <- paste(paste(e_1, p_mid2$q1_all[[i]][j],
sep = ","),
paste(ddd[p_mid2$q1_all[[i]][j], ni], ")"),
sep = "(")
e[[i + d + 1]]<-paste(i + d - 3, e_1, sep = ":" )
d <- length(size_all) + length(size_low) +
length(size_mid1) + length(size_mid2) + 3
e[[d + 1]]<- "The fourth quartile"
if(length(p_high$q1_all) != 0){
for(i in seq_len(length(size_high))){
e_1 <- paste(p_high$q1_all[[i]][1],
paste(ddd[p_high$q1_all[[i]][1], ni], ")"),
sep = "(")
if(length(p_high$q1_all[[i]]) > 1){
for(j in 2:length(p_high$q1_all[[i]])){
e_1 <- paste(paste(e_1, p_high$q1_all[[i]][j],
sep = ","),
paste(ddd[p_high$q1_all[[i]][j], ni], ")"),
sep = "(")
e[[i + d + 1]]<-paste(i + d - 4, e_1, sep = ":" )
write.table(e, file=paste(filename,
"description.txt", sep = "_"),
quote = FALSE, sep = "\n", row.names = FALSE,
col.names = FALSE)
end_out <- list(low_map = p_low$q1_all,
mid2_map=p_mid2$q1_all, high_map = p_high$q1_all,
all = p$q1_all)
vari <- setdiff(ls(), list(beg)[[1]])
vari <- setdiff(list(vari)[[1]], "end_out")
rm(list = vari)
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