
Defines functions .linregCreatePlotPlaceholder .linregInsertPlot .linregGetIndicesOfModelsWithPredictors .linregAddInterceptNotShownFootnote .linregAddVovkSellke .linregAddPredictorsInModelFootnote .linregAddPredictorsAsColumns .linregGetParameterNames.list .linregGetParameterNames.lm .linregGetParameterNames .linregGetPredictorColumnNames .linregMakeCombinedVariableFromInteraction .linregIsInteraction .linregGetFormula .reglinTermsContainNuisance .linregGetPredictors .linregPlotResidualsHistogram .linregPlotResiduals .linregGetPartialPlotData .linregGetDescriptives .linregGetResidualsStatistics .linregGetCasewiseDiagnostics .linregGetScaledPredictorMatrix .linregGetVarianceProportions .linregGetConditionIndices .linregGetEigenValues .linregGetCollinearityDiagnostics .linregGetCovarianceMatrix .linregGetPartAndPartialCorrelation .linregGetStandardizedCoefficient .linregGetVIFAndTolerance .linregGetBootstrapCoefficients .linregGetCoefficients .linregGetAnova .linregGetrSquaredChange .linregGetDurBinWatsonTestResults .linregGetSummary .linregTryToRemoveOnePredictor .linregTryToAddOnePredictor .linregStepwiseRegression .linregForwardRegression .boot.pval .linregMarginalPlot .linregFillMarginalPlots .linregCreateMarginalPlots .linregContainsFactor.lm .linregContainsFactor.data.frame .linregContainsFactor .linregRemoveFactors .linregMakePrettyNames.list .linregMakePrettyNames.lm .linregMakePrettyNames .linregGetParametersAndLevels.default .linregGetParametersAndLevels.lm .linregGetParametersAndLevels .linregBackwardRegression .linregGetModelEnterMethod .linregGetModelSteppingMethod .linregCalcDurBinWatsonTestResults .linregCalcModel .linregCreateDescriptivesTable .linregFillPartialPlot .linregCreatePartialPlots .linregCreateResidualsQQPlot .linregFillResidualsVsHistogramPlot .linregCreateResidualsVsHistogramPlot .linregCreateResidualsVsPredictedPlot .linregFillResidualsVsCovariatesPlot .linregCreateResidualsVsCovariatesPlots .linregCreateResidualsVsDependentPlot .linregCreateResidualsTable .linregFillCollinearityDiagnosticsTable .linregCreateCollinearityDiagnosticsTable .linregFillCoefficientsCovarianceMatrixTable .linregCreateCoefficientsCovarianceMatrixTable .linregFillPartialCorrelationsTable .linregCreatePartialCorrelationsTable .linregCombineMetaWithData .linregGetTitlesAndIsNewGroups .linregFillBootstrapCoefficientsTable .linregCreateBootstrapCoefficientsTable .linregFillCoefficientsTable .linregAddFootnoteAliasedCoefficients .linregAddFootnoteFactors .linregAddFootnotePredictorsNeverIncluded .linregCreateCoefficientsTable .linregFillAnovaTable .linregCreateAnovaTable .linregFillSummaryTable .linregCreateSummaryTable .linregGetModelContainer .linregCheckErrors .linregCheckIfInteractionWithFactors .linregCheckIfFactorWithMoreLevels .linregGetCaseNumbers .linregReadDataset RegressionLinearInternal

# Copyright (C) 2013-2018 University of Amsterdam
# This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
# the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License, or
# (at your option) any later version.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU General Public License for more details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
# along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

RegressionLinearInternal <- function(jaspResults, dataset = NULL, options) {
  ready <- options$dependent != "" && (length(unlist(options$modelTerms)) > 0 || options$interceptTerm)

  if (ready) {
    dataset <- .linregReadDataset(dataset, options)
    .linregCheckErrors(dataset, options)

  modelContainer  <- .linregGetModelContainer(jaspResults, position = 1)
  model           <- .linregCalcModel(modelContainer, dataset, options, ready)

  # these output elements show statistics of all the lm fits
  if (is.null(modelContainer[["summaryTable"]]))
    .linregCreateSummaryTable(modelContainer, model, options, position = 1)

  if (options$modelFit && is.null(modelContainer[["anovaTable"]]))
    .linregCreateAnovaTable(modelContainer, model, options, position = 2)

  if (options$coefficientEstimate && is.null(modelContainer[["coeffTable"]]))
    .linregCreateCoefficientsTable(modelContainer, model, dataset, options, position = 3)

  if (options$coefficientBootstrap && is.null(modelContainer[["bootstrapCoeffTable"]]))
    .linregCreateBootstrapCoefficientsTable(modelContainer, model, dataset, options, position = 4)

  if (options$partAndPartialCorrelation && is.null(modelContainer[["partialCorTable"]]))
    .linregCreatePartialCorrelationsTable(modelContainer, model, dataset, options, position = 6)

  if (options$covarianceMatrix && is.null(modelContainer[["coeffCovMatrixTable"]]))
    .linregCreateCoefficientsCovarianceMatrixTable(modelContainer, model, options, position = 7)

  if (options$collinearityDiagnostic && is.null(modelContainer[["collinearityTable"]]))
    .linregCreateCollinearityDiagnosticsTable(modelContainer, model, options, position = 8)

  # these output elements show statistics of the "final model" (lm fit with all predictors in enter method and last lm fit in stepping methods)
  finalModel <- model[[length(model)]]

  if (options$residualCasewiseDiagnostic && is.null(modelContainer[["influenceTable"]])) 
    .glmInfluenceTable(modelContainer, finalModel$fit, dataset, options, ready = ready, position = 9)
  .regressionExportResiduals(modelContainer, finalModel$fit, dataset, options, ready = ready)
  if (options$residualStatistic && is.null(modelContainer[["residualsTable"]]))
    .linregCreateResidualsTable(modelContainer, finalModel, options, position = 10)

  if (options$residualVsDependentPlot && is.null(modelContainer[["residualsVsDepPlot"]]))
     .linregCreateResidualsVsDependentPlot(modelContainer, finalModel, options, position = 11)

  if (options$residualVsCovariatePlot && is.null(modelContainer[["residualsVsCovContainer"]]))
    .linregCreateResidualsVsCovariatesPlots(modelContainer, finalModel, dataset, options, position = 12)

  if (options$residualVsFittedPlot && is.null(modelContainer[["residualsVsPredPlot"]]))
    .linregCreateResidualsVsPredictedPlot(modelContainer, finalModel, options, position = 13)

  if (options$residualHistogramPlot && is.null(modelContainer[["residualsVsHistPlot"]]))
    .linregCreateResidualsVsHistogramPlot(modelContainer, finalModel, options, position = 14)

  if (options$residualQqPlot && is.null(modelContainer[["residualsQQPlot"]]))
    .linregCreateResidualsQQPlot(modelContainer, finalModel, options, position = 15)

  if (options$marginalPlot && is.null(modelContainer[["marginalPlotsContainer"]]))
    .linregCreateMarginalPlots(modelContainer, finalModel, dataset, options, position = 17)

  # these output elements do not use statistics of a pre-calculated lm fit
  if (options$partialResidualPlot && is.null(modelContainer[["partialPlotContainer"]]))
    .linregCreatePartialPlots(modelContainer, dataset, options, position = 16)
  if (options$descriptives && is.null(modelContainer[["descriptivesTable"]]))
    .linregCreateDescriptivesTable(modelContainer, dataset, options, position = 5)
#TODO: capture crashes with many interactions between factors!
.linregReadDataset <- function(dataset, options, onlyCompleteCases = TRUE) {
  if (!is.null(dataset))

  numericVariables  <- c(options$dependent, unlist(options$covariates), options$weights)
  numericVariables  <- numericVariables[numericVariables != ""]
  factors           <- unlist(options$factors)
  excludeNaListwise <- if(onlyCompleteCases) c(factors, numericVariables) else NULL
  dataset           <- .readDataSetToEnd(columns.as.factor = factors, columns.as.numeric = numericVariables, exclude.na.listwise = excludeNaListwise)


.linregGetCaseNumbers <- function(options) {
  dataset    <- .linregReadDataset(NULL, options, onlyCompleteCases = FALSE)

  numericVariables <- c(options$dependent, unlist(options$covariates), options$weights)
  numericVariables <- numericVariables[numericVariables != ""]
  factors          <- unlist(options$factors)
  completeCases    <- complete.cases(dataset[, c(factors, numericVariables)])


.linregCheckIfFactorWithMoreLevels <- function(var) {
  # Custom function to check if a variable is a factor with more than 2 levels
  return(is.factor(var) && nlevels(var) > 2)

.linregCheckIfInteractionWithFactors <- function(modelTerm, factorVariables) {
  # Custom function to check if interaction contains more than 1 factor
  return(sum(modelTerm[["components"]] %in% factorVariables) > 1)

.linregCheckErrors <- function(dataset, options) {
  stepwiseProcedureChecks <- NULL
  if (options$method %in% c("backward", "forward", "stepwise")) {
    stepwiseProcedureChecks <- list(

      checkIfFactorWithMoreLevels = function() {
        if (any(vapply(dataset, .linregCheckIfFactorWithMoreLevels, logical(1L)))) {
          return(gettext("Stepwise procedures are not supported for models containing factors with more than 2 levels; retry the analysis using dummy variables"))
      checkIfFactorInteractions = function() {
        if (any(vapply(options[["modelTerms"]], .linregCheckIfInteractionWithFactors, logical(1L), factorVariables = options[["factors"]]))) {
          return(gettext("Stepwise procedures are not supported for interactions containing more than 1 factor"))

      checkIfPEntryIsValid = function() {
        if (options$steppingMethodCriteriaType == "pValue" && options$steppingMethodCriteriaPEntry > options$steppingMethodCriteriaPRemoval)
          return(gettext("Error in Stepping Method Criteria: Entry p-value needs to be smaller than removal p-value"))

      checkIfFEntryIsValid = function() {
        if (options$steppingMethodCriteriaType == "fValue" && options$steppingMethodCriteriaFEntry < options$steppingMethodCriteriaFRemoval)
          return(gettext("Error in Stepping Method Criteria: Entry F-value needs to be larger than removal F-value"))


  defaultTarget <- c(options$dependent, unlist(options$covariates))
  .hasErrors(dataset, type = c("infinity", "variance", "observations", "varCovData"),
             custom = stepwiseProcedureChecks,
             custom.target = defaultTarget,

             observations.amount = "< 2",
             observations.target = defaultTarget,

             varCovData.target = unlist(options$covariates),
             varCovData.corFun = stats::cov,

             exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE)

  if (options$weights != "") {
    .hasErrors(dataset, type = c("infinity", "limits", "observations"),
               all.target = options$weights, limits.min = 0, observations.amount = "< 2",
               exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE)
    if (length(options$factors) != 0)
                 type = "factorLevels",
                 factorLevels.target  = options$factors,
                 factorLevels.amount  = '< 2',
                 exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE)
    covwt <- function(...) return(stats::cov.wt(..., wt = dataset[[.v(options[["weights"]])]])$cov)
    .hasErrors(dataset[, -which(colnames(dataset) %in% c(.v(options$weights)))],  type = "varCovData", varCovData.corFun = covwt,
               exitAnalysisIfErrors = TRUE)

.linregGetModelContainer <- function(jaspResults, position) {
  if (is.null(jaspResults[["modelContainer"]])) {
    modelContainer <- createJaspContainer()
    modelContainer$dependOn(c("dependent", "method", "covariates", "factors", "weights", "modelTerms", "steppingMethodCriteriaType",
                              "steppingMethodCriteriaPEntry", "steppingMethodCriteriaPRemoval", "steppingMethodCriteriaFEntry", "steppingMethodCriteriaFRemoval",
                              "interceptTerm", "naAction"))
    modelContainer$position <- position
    jaspResults[["modelContainer"]] <- modelContainer

.linregCreateSummaryTable <- function(modelContainer, model, options, position) {
  if(options[['dependent']] == "")
    summaryTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Model Summary"))
    summaryTable <- createJaspTable(gettextf("Model Summary - %s", options[['dependent']]))

  summaryTable$dependOn(c("residualDurbinWatson", "rSquaredChange", "fChange", "modelAICBIC"))
  summaryTable$position <- position
  summaryTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE

  summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "model",  title = gettext("Model"),                    type = "string")
  summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "R",      title = gettext("R"),                        type = "number", format = "dp:3")
  summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "R2",     title = gettextf("R%s", "\u00B2"),           type = "number", format = "dp:3")
  summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "adjR2",  title = gettextf("Adjusted R%s", "\u00B2"),  type = "number", format = "dp:3")
  summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "RMSE",   title = gettext("RMSE"),                     type = "number")

  if (options$modelAICBIC) {
    summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "AIC",      title = gettext("AIC"),                  type = "number", format = "dp:3")
    summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "BIC",      title = gettext("BIC"),                  type = "number", format = "dp:3")
  if (options$rSquaredChange || options$fChange) {
    if (options$rSquaredChange)
        summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "R2c",  title = gettextf("R%s Change", "\u00B2"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
    if (options$fChange)
        summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "Fc",   title = gettext("F Change"),              type = "number")
    summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "df1",  title = gettext("df1"),                   type = "integer")
    summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "df2",  title = gettext("df2"),                   type = "integer")
    summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "p",    title = gettext("p"),                     type = "pvalue")

  if (options$residualDurbinWatson) {
    summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "DW_ac",  title = gettext("Autocorrelation"),  type = "number", overtitle = gettext("Durbin-Watson"))
    summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "DW",     title = gettext("Statistic"),        type = "number", overtitle = gettext("Durbin-Watson"))

    if (options$weights == "")
      summaryTable$addColumnInfo(name = "DW_p", title = gettext("p"), type = "pvalue", overtitle = "Durbin-Watson")
      summaryTable$addFootnote(message = gettext("p-value for Durbin-Watson test is unavailable for weighted regression."))

  if (options[["method"]] == "enter") {
    for (i in seq_along(options$modelTerms))
      .linregAddPredictorsInModelFootnote(summaryTable, options[["modelTerms"]][[i]][["components"]], i)

  if (!is.null(model)) {
    if (length(model) == 1 && length(model[[1]]$predictors) == 0 && !options$interceptTerm)
      summaryTable$addFootnote(gettext("No covariate could be entered in the model"))
      .linregFillSummaryTable(summaryTable, model)

  modelContainer[["summaryTable"]] <- summaryTable

.linregFillSummaryTable <- function(summaryTable, model) {
  for (i in seq_along(model)) {
    lmSummary     <- model[[i]][["summary"]]
    rSquareChange <- model[[i]][["rSquareChange"]]
    durbinWatson  <- model[[i]][["durbinWatson"]]

      model = model[[i]]$title,
      R     = as.numeric(sqrt(lmSummary$r.squared)),
      R2    = as.numeric(lmSummary$r.squared),
      adjR2 = as.numeric(lmSummary$adj.r.squared),
      AIC   = as.numeric(AIC(model[[i]][["fit"]])),
      BIC   = as.numeric(BIC(model[[i]][["fit"]])),
      RMSE  = as.numeric(lmSummary$sigma),
      R2c   = rSquareChange$R2c,
      Fc    = rSquareChange$Fc,
      df1   = rSquareChange$df1,
      df2   = rSquareChange$df2,
      p     = rSquareChange$p,
      DW_ac = durbinWatson$r,
      DW    = durbinWatson$dw,
      DW_p  = durbinWatson$p

.linregCreateAnovaTable <- function(modelContainer, model, options, position) {
  anovaTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("ANOVA"))
  anovaTable$dependOn(c("modelFit", "vovkSellke"))
  anovaTable$position <- position
  anovaTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE

  anovaTable$addColumnInfo(name = "model", title = gettext("Model"),          type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  anovaTable$addColumnInfo(name = "cases", title = "",                        type = "string")
  anovaTable$addColumnInfo(name = "SS",    title = gettext("Sum of Squares"), type = "number")
  anovaTable$addColumnInfo(name = "df",    title = gettext("df"),             type = "integer")
  anovaTable$addColumnInfo(name = "MS",    title = gettext("Mean Square"),    type = "number")
  anovaTable$addColumnInfo(name = "F",     title = gettext("F"),              type = "number")
  anovaTable$addColumnInfo(name = "p",     title = gettext("p"),              type = "pvalue")

  if (options[["method"]] == "enter") {
    for (i in seq_along(options$modelTerms))
      .linregAddPredictorsInModelFootnote(anovaTable, options[["modelTerms"]][[i]][["components"]], i)

  .linregAddVovkSellke(anovaTable, options$vovkSellke)

  if (!is.null(model)) {
    .linregAddInterceptNotShownFootnote(anovaTable, model, options)
    .linregFillAnovaTable(anovaTable, model, options)

  modelContainer[["anovaTable"]] <- anovaTable

.linregFillAnovaTable <- function(anovaTable, model, options) {
  rowTypes <- list(Regression = gettext("Regression"), Residual = gettext("Residual"), Total = gettext("Total"))

  indicesOfModelsWithPredictors <- .linregGetIndicesOfModelsWithPredictors(model, options)
  for (i in indicesOfModelsWithPredictors) {
    isNewGroup  <- i > 1
    anovaRes    <- .linregGetAnova(model[[i]]$fit, model[[i]]$predictors)

    for (rowType in names(rowTypes)) {
      anovaTable$addRows(c(anovaRes[[rowType]], list(.isNewGroup = isNewGroup, model = model[[i]]$title, cases = rowTypes[[rowType]])))
      isNewGroup <- FALSE

.linregCreateCoefficientsTable <- function(modelContainer, model, dataset, options, position) {

  coeffTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Coefficients"))
  coeffTable$dependOn(c("coefficientEstimate", "coefficientCi", "coefficientCiLevel",
                        "collinearityStatistic", "vovkSellke"))
  coeffTable$position <- position
  coeffTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE

  coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "model",        title = gettext("Model"),          type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "name",         title = "",                        type = "string")
  coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "unstandCoeff", title = gettext("Unstandardized"), type = "number")
  coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "SE",           title = gettext("Standard Error"), type = "number")
  coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "standCoeff",   title = gettext("Standardized"),   type = "number")
  coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "t",            title = gettext("t"),              type = "number")
  coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "p",            title = gettext("p"),              type = "pvalue")

  .linregAddVovkSellke(coeffTable, options$vovkSellke)

  if (options$coefficientCi) {
    overtitle <- gettextf("%.0f%% CI", 100 * options$coefficientCiLevel)
    coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", overtitle = overtitle)
    coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", overtitle = overtitle)

  if (options$collinearityStatistic) {
    overtitle <- gettext("Collinearity Statistics")
    coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "tolerance",  title = gettext("Tolerance"),  type = "number", format = "dp:3", overtitle = overtitle)
    coeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "VIF",        title = gettext("VIF"),        type = "number",                  overtitle = overtitle)


  if (!is.null(model)) {
    .linregAddFootnotePredictorsNeverIncluded(coeffTable, model, options)
    .linregAddFootnoteFactors(coeffTable, options[["factors"]], options[["collinearityDiagnostic"]])
    .linregFillCoefficientsTable(coeffTable, model, dataset, options)

  modelContainer[["coeffTable"]] <- coeffTable

.linregAddFootnotePredictorsNeverIncluded <- function(coeffTable, model, options) {
  if (options$method %in% c("forward", "stepwise")) {
    includedPredictors <- unlist(lapply(model, "[[", "predictors"))
    neverIncludedPredictors <- setdiff(unlist(options$covariates), .unv(includedPredictors))

    if (length(neverIncludedPredictors) > 0) {
      message <- sprintf(ngettext(length(neverIncludedPredictors),
                                  "The following covariate was considered but not included: %s.",
                                  "The following covariates were considered but not included: %s."),
                         paste(neverIncludedPredictors, collapse=", "))

.linregAddFootnoteFactors <- function(table, factors, collinearityDiagnostics = FALSE) {
  if (length(factors) > 0L) {
    colNames <- "standCoeff"
    message <- gettext("Standardized coefficients can only be computed for continuous predictors.")
    table$addFootnote(colNames = colNames, message = message)

.linregAddFootnoteAliasedCoefficients <- function(table, rows) {
  table$addFootnote(gettext("Missing coefficients are undefined because of singularities. Check the data for anything out of order!"))

.linregFillCoefficientsTable <- function(coeffTable, model, dataset, options) {
  for (i in seq_along(model)) {
    isNewGroup <- i > 1

    temp <- .linregGetCoefficients(model[[i]]$fit, model[[i]]$predictors, dataset, options)
    coefficients <- temp[["coefficients"]]
    footnoteRows <- temp[["footnote"]]

    for (j in seq_along(coefficients)) {
      coeffTable$addRows(c(coefficients[[j]], list(.isNewGroup = isNewGroup, model = model[[i]]$title)))
      isNewGroup <- FALSE

    # TODO: should this be done only after joining all obtained footnotes?
    if (!is.null(footnoteRows))
      .linregAddFootnoteAliasedCoefficients(coeffTable, footnoteRows)


.linregCreateBootstrapCoefficientsTable <- function(modelContainer, model, dataset, options, position) {
  bootstrapCoeffTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Bootstrap Coefficients"))
  bootstrapCoeffTable$dependOn(c("coefficientEstimate", "coefficientCi", "coefficientCiLevel",
                                 "coefficientBootstrap", "coefficientBootstrapSamples"))
  bootstrapCoeffTable$position <- position
  bootstrapCoeffTable$showSpecifiedColumnsOnly <- TRUE

  bootstrapCoeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "model",        title = gettext("Model"),          type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  bootstrapCoeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "name",         title = "",                        type = "string")
  bootstrapCoeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "unstandCoeff", title = gettext("Unstandardized"), type = "number")
  bootstrapCoeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "bias",         title = gettext("Bias"),           type = "number")
  bootstrapCoeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "SE",           title = gettext("Standard Error"), type = "number")
  bootstrapCoeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "pvalue",       title = gettext("p"),              type = "pvalue")

  if (options$coefficientCi) {
    overtitle <- gettextf("%s%% CI\u002A", 100 * options$coefficientCiLevel)
    bootstrapCoeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "lower", title = gettext("Lower"), type = "number", overtitle = overtitle)
    bootstrapCoeffTable$addColumnInfo(name = "upper", title = gettext("Upper"), type = "number", overtitle = overtitle)

  bootstrapCoeffTable$addFootnote(gettextf("Bootstrapping based on %i replicates.", options[['coefficientBootstrapSamples']]))
  bootstrapCoeffTable$addFootnote(gettext("Coefficient estimate is based on the median of the bootstrap distribution."))
  bootstrapCoeffTable$addFootnote(gettext("Bias corrected accelerated."), colNames = "pvalue", symbol = "\u002A")

    c("Efron, B., & Tibshirani, R. J. (1994). An introduction to the bootstrap. CRC press.",
      "Hall, P. (1992). The bootstrap and Edgeworth expansion. Springer Science & Business Media.")

  modelContainer[["bootstrapCoeffTable"]] <- bootstrapCoeffTable
  if (!is.null(model))
    .linregFillBootstrapCoefficientsTable(bootstrapCoeffTable, modelContainer, model, dataset, options)


.linregFillBootstrapCoefficientsTable <- function(bootstrapCoeffTable, modelContainer, model, dataset, options) {

  metaCols <- .linregGetTitlesAndIsNewGroups(model)

  if (is.null(modelContainer[["bootstrapCoefficients"]])) {
    startProgressbar(options$coefficientBootstrapSamples * length(model))

    anyMissingValues <- FALSE
    coefficients <- NULL

    for (i in seq_along(model)) {
      data <- .linregGetBootstrapCoefficients(model[[i]]$fit, dataset, options)
      anyMissingValues <- anyNA(data[-1L])
      coefficients <- rbind(coefficients, data)
      bootstrapCoeffTable$setData(.linregCombineMetaWithData(metaCols, coefficients))

    if (anyMissingValues)
      bootstrapCoeffTable$addFootnote(gettext("Some bootstrap results could not be computed."))

    modelContainer[["bootstrapCoefficients"]] <- createJaspState(coefficients)
    modelContainer[["bootstrapCoefficients"]]$dependOn(c("coefficientBootstrapSamples", "coefficientCiLevel"))
  } else {
    bootstrapCoeffTable$setData(.linregCombineMetaWithData(metaCols, modelContainer[["bootstrapCoefficients"]]$object))

.linregGetTitlesAndIsNewGroups <- function(model, includeConstant) {
  isNewGroup  <- logical(0)
  titles      <- character(0)
  for (i in seq_along(model)) {
    if (is.null(model[[i]]$fit))

    numPredictors <- length(stats::coef(model[[i]]$fit))

    isNewGroupCurrent <- i > 1
    if (numPredictors > 1)
      isNewGroupCurrent <- c(isNewGroupCurrent, logical(numPredictors - 1))

    isNewGroup  <- c(isNewGroup, isNewGroupCurrent)
    titles      <- c(titles, rep(model[[i]]$title, numPredictors))

  return(data.frame(.isNewGroup = isNewGroup, model = titles))

.linregCombineMetaWithData <- function(meta, data) { # this can go once we can add cells to a jaspTable
  if (!is.data.frame(meta) || !is.data.frame(data))
    stop(gettext("expecting both arguments to be data.frames"))

  filler            <- matrix(NA, ncol(data), nrow = nrow(meta)-nrow(data))
  colnames(filler)  <- names(data)
  data              <- rbind(data, filler)

  return(cbind(meta, data))

.linregCreatePartialCorrelationsTable <- function(modelContainer, model, dataset, options, position) {
  partPartialTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Part And Partial Correlations"))
  partPartialTable$position <- position

  partPartialTable$addColumnInfo(name = "model",   title = gettext("Model"),   type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  partPartialTable$addColumnInfo(name = "name",    title = "",                 type = "string")
  partPartialTable$addColumnInfo(name = "partial", title = gettext("Partial"), type = "number", format = "dp:3")
  partPartialTable$addColumnInfo(name = "part",    title = gettext("Part"),    type = "number", format = "dp:3")

  if (!is.null(model)) {
    .linregAddInterceptNotShownFootnote(partPartialTable, model, options)
    .linregFillPartialCorrelationsTable(partPartialTable, model, dataset, options)

  modelContainer[["partialCorTable"]] <- partPartialTable

.linregFillPartialCorrelationsTable <- function(partPartialTable, model, dataset, options) {
  indicesOfModelsWithPredictors <- .linregGetIndicesOfModelsWithPredictors(model, options)
  for (i in indicesOfModelsWithPredictors) {
    isNewGroup <- i > 1

    cors <- .linregGetPartAndPartialCorrelation(model[[i]]$fit, model[[i]]$predictors, dataset, options)

    for (j in seq_along(cors)) {
      partPartialTable$addRows(c(cors[[j]], list(.isNewGroup = isNewGroup, model = model[[i]]$title)))
      isNewGroup <- FALSE

.linregCreateCoefficientsCovarianceMatrixTable <- function(modelContainer, model, options, position) {
  covMatTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Coefficients Covariance Matrix"))
  covMatTable$position <- position

  covMatTable$addColumnInfo(name = "model", title = gettext("Model"), type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  covMatTable$addColumnInfo(name = "name",  title = "",               type = "string")

  if (!is.null(model)) {
    .linregAddPredictorsAsColumns(covMatTable, model, includeIntercept = FALSE)
    .linregAddInterceptNotShownFootnote(covMatTable, model, options)
    .linregFillCoefficientsCovarianceMatrixTable(covMatTable, model, options)

  modelContainer[["coeffCovMatrixTable"]] <- covMatTable

.linregFillCoefficientsCovarianceMatrixTable <- function(covMatTable, model, options) {
  rawNames    <- setdiff(.linregGetParameterNames(model), "(Intercept)")          # names used by R
  prettyNames <- setdiff(.linregMakePrettyNames(model),   gettext("(Intercept)")) # names shown in JASP

  indicesOfModelsWithPredictors <- .linregGetIndicesOfModelsWithPredictors(model, options)
  for (i in indicesOfModelsWithPredictors) {
    isNewGroup <- i > 1

    covData <- .linregGetCovarianceMatrix(model[[i]]$fit, rawNames, prettyNames)
    if (nrow(covData) > 0) {
      covData <- cbind(covData, .isNewGroup = c(isNewGroup, rep(F, nrow(covData) - 1)), model = model[[i]]$title)

.linregCreateCollinearityDiagnosticsTable <- function(modelContainer, model, options, position) {
  collDiagTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Collinearity Diagnostics"))
  collDiagTable$position <- position

  collDiagTable$addColumnInfo(name = "model",      title = gettext("Model"),           type = "string", combine = TRUE)
  collDiagTable$addColumnInfo(name = "dimension",  title = gettext("Dimension"),       type = "integer")
  collDiagTable$addColumnInfo(name = "eigenvalue", title = gettext("Eigenvalue"),      type = "number")
  collDiagTable$addColumnInfo(name = "condIndex",  title = gettext("Condition Index"), type = "number")

  if (!is.null(model)) {
    .linregAddPredictorsAsColumns(collDiagTable, model, options[["interceptTerm"]], overtitle = gettext("Variance Proportions"), format = "dp:3")
    .linregAddInterceptNotShownFootnote(collDiagTable, model, options)
    .linregFillCollinearityDiagnosticsTable(collDiagTable, model, options)

  modelContainer[["collinearityTable"]] <- collDiagTable

.linregFillCollinearityDiagnosticsTable <- function(collDiagTable, model, options) {
  columns <- .linregGetPredictorColumnNames(model, options$modelTerms)
  indicesOfModelsWithPredictors <- .linregGetIndicesOfModelsWithPredictors(model, options)
  for (i in indicesOfModelsWithPredictors) {
    isNewGroup <- i > 1

    collDiagData <- try(.linregGetCollinearityDiagnostics(model[[i]]$fit, columns, options$interceptTerm))
    if (jaspBase::isTryError(collDiagData)) {

      collDiagData <- cbind(.isNewGroup = isNewGroup, model = model[[i]]$title)
      collDiagTable$addFootnote(gettext("Some collinearity diagnostics could not be computed. This is expected if the model contains singularities."))

    } else {
      collDiagData <- cbind(collDiagData, .isNewGroup = c(isNewGroup, rep(F, nrow(collDiagData) - 1)), model = model[[i]]$title)

.linregCreateResidualsTable <- function(modelContainer, finalModel, options, position) {
  residualsTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Residuals Statistics"))
  residualsTable$position <- position

  residualsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "type", title = "",                 type = "string")
  residualsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "min",  title = gettext("Minimum"), type = "number")
  residualsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "max",  title = gettext("Maximum"), type = "number")
  residualsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "mean", title = gettext("Mean"),    type = "number")
  residualsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "SD",   title = gettext("SD"),      type = "number")
  residualsTable$addColumnInfo(name = "N",    title = gettext("N"),       type = "integer")

  if (!is.null(finalModel))
    residualsTable$addRows(.linregGetResidualsStatistics(finalModel$fit, finalModel$predictors))

  modelContainer[["residualsTable"]] <- residualsTable

.linregCreateResidualsVsDependentPlot <- function(modelContainer, finalModel, options, position) {
  residVsDepPlot <- createJaspPlot(title = gettext("Residuals vs. Dependent"), width = 530, height = 400)
  residVsDepPlot$position <- position

  modelContainer[["residualsVsDepPlot"]] <- residVsDepPlot

  if (!is.null(finalModel) && !is.null(finalModel$fit)) {
    fit <- finalModel$fit
    .linregInsertPlot(residVsDepPlot, .linregPlotResiduals, xVar = fit$model[ , 1], xlab = options$dependent, res = residuals(fit), ylab = gettext("Residuals"))

.linregCreateResidualsVsCovariatesPlots <- function(modelContainer, finalModel, dataset, options, position) {
  residualsVsCovContainer <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Residuals vs. Covariates"))
  residualsVsCovContainer$position <- position
  modelContainer[["residualsVsCovContainer"]] <- residualsVsCovContainer

  if (!is.null(finalModel)) {
    predictors <- finalModel$predictors

    for (predictor in predictors)
      .linregCreatePlotPlaceholder(residualsVsCovContainer, index = .unvf(predictor), title = gettextf("Residuals vs. %s", .unvf(predictor)))

    for (predictor in predictors) {
      if (.linregIsInteraction(predictor) && .linregContainsFactor(finalModel$fit, predictor)) {
        # TODO: this is maybe possible when an interaction consists of only factors, but the plot won't be very pretty
        residualsVsCovContainer[[.unvf(predictor)]]$setError(gettext("Cannot plot residuals versus an interaction with a factor."))
      } else {
        .linregFillResidualsVsCovariatesPlot(residualsVsCovContainer[[.unvf(predictor)]], predictor, finalModel$fit, dataset)

.linregFillResidualsVsCovariatesPlot <- function(residVsCovPlot, predictor, fit, dataset) {
  if (.linregIsInteraction(predictor))
    xVar <- .linregMakeCombinedVariableFromInteraction(predictor, dataset)
    xVar <- dataset[[predictor]]

  .linregInsertPlot(residVsCovPlot, .linregPlotResiduals, xVar = xVar, xlab = .unvf(predictor), res = residuals(fit), ylab = gettext("Residuals"))

.linregCreateResidualsVsPredictedPlot <- function(modelContainer, finalModel, options, position) {
  residVsPredPlot <- createJaspPlot(title = gettext("Residuals vs. Predicted"), width = 530, height = 400)
  residVsPredPlot$position <- position

  modelContainer[["residualsVsPredPlot"]] <- residVsPredPlot

  if (!is.null(finalModel) && !is.null(finalModel$fit)) {
    fit <- finalModel$fit
    .linregInsertPlot(residVsPredPlot, .linregPlotResiduals, xVar = predict(fit), xlab = gettext("Predicted Values"), res = residuals(fit), ylab = gettext("Residuals"))

.linregCreateResidualsVsHistogramPlot <- function(modelContainer, finalModel, options, position) {
  title <- gettext("Residuals Histogram")
  if (options$residualHistogramStandardizedPlot)
    title <- gettextf("Standardized %s", title)

  residVsHistPlot <- createJaspPlot(title = title, width = 530, height = 400)
  residVsHistPlot$dependOn(c("residualHistogramPlot", "residualHistogramStandardizedPlot"))
  residVsHistPlot$position <- position

  modelContainer[["residualsVsHistPlot"]] <- residVsHistPlot

  if (!is.null(finalModel))
    .linregFillResidualsVsHistogramPlot(residVsHistPlot, finalModel$fit, options)

.linregFillResidualsVsHistogramPlot <- function(residVsHistPlot, fit, options) {
  if (!is.null(fit)) {

    residName <- gettext("Residuals")
    resid     <- residuals(fit)
    if (options$residualHistogramStandardizedPlot) {
      residName <- gettextf("Standardized %s", residName)
      resid     <- resid / sd(resid)

    .linregInsertPlot(residVsHistPlot, .linregPlotResidualsHistogram, res = resid, resName = residName)

.linregCreateResidualsQQPlot <- function(modelContainer, finalModel, options, position) {
  residQQPlot <- createJaspPlot(title = gettext("Q-Q Plot Standardized Residuals"), width = 400, height = 400)
  residQQPlot$position <- position

  modelContainer[["residualsQQPlot"]] <- residQQPlot

  if (!is.null(finalModel) && !is.null(finalModel$fit)) {
    fit <- finalModel$fit

    .linregInsertPlot(residQQPlot, .glmFillPlotResQQ, model = fit, 
                      residType = "deviance", options = options)

.linregCreatePartialPlots <- function(modelContainer, dataset, options, position) {
  predictors <- .linregGetPredictors(options$modelTerms)

  title <- ngettext(length(predictors), "Partial Regression Plot", "Partial Regression Plots")

  partialPlotContainer <- createJaspContainer(title)
  partialPlotContainer$dependOn(c("partialResidualPlot", "partialResidualPlotCi", "partialResidualPlotCiLevel",
                                  "partialResidualPlotPredictionInterval", "partialResidualPlotPredictionIntervalLevel"))
  partialPlotContainer$position <- position
  modelContainer[["partialPlotContainer"]] <- partialPlotContainer

  predictors <- .linregGetPredictors(options$modelTerms[[length(options$modelTerms)]][["components"]])
  if (any(.linregIsInteraction(predictors))) {
    .linregCreatePlotPlaceholder(partialPlotContainer, index = "placeholder", title = "")
    partialPlotContainer$setError(gettext("Partial plots are not supported for models containing interaction terms"))

  if (options$dependent != "" && length(predictors) > 0) {
    for (predictor in predictors)
      .linregCreatePlotPlaceholder(partialPlotContainer, index = .unvf(predictor), title = gettextf("%1$s vs. %2$s", options$dependent, .unvf(predictor)))

    for (predictor in predictors) {
      if (.linregContainsFactor(dataset, predictor)) {
        partialPlotContainer[[.unvf(predictor)]]$setError(gettext("Partial plots are not supported for factors"))
      } else {
        .linregFillPartialPlot(partialPlotContainer[[.unvf(predictor)]], predictor, predictors, dataset, options)

.linregFillPartialPlot <- function(partialPlot, predictor, predictors, dataset, options) {
  plotData  <- .linregGetPartialPlotData(predictor, predictors, dataset, options)
  xVar      <- plotData[["residualsPred"]]
  resid     <- plotData[["residualsDep"]]
  dfResid   <- length(resid) - length(predictors) - 1

  xlab      <- gettextf("Residuals %s", .unvf(predictor))
  ylab      <- gettextf("Residuals %s", options$dependent)

  # Compute regresion lines
  weights <- dataset[[.v(options$weights)]]
  line <- as.list(setNames(lm(residualsDep~residualsPred, data = plotData, weights = weights)$coeff,
                           c("intercept", "slope"))

  .linregInsertPlot(partialPlot, .linregPlotResiduals, xVar = xVar, res = resid, dfRes = dfResid, xlab = xlab, ylab = ylab,
                    regressionLine = TRUE, confidenceIntervals = options$partialResidualPlotCi,
                    confidenceIntervalsInterval = options$partialResidualPlotCiLevel,
                    predictionIntervals = options$partialResidualPlotPredictionInterval,
                    predictionIntervalsInterval = options$partialResidualPlotPredictionIntervalLevel,
                    standardizedResiduals = FALSE, intercept = line[['intercept']], slope = line[['slope']])

.linregCreateDescriptivesTable <- function(modelContainer, dataset, options, position) {
  descriptivesTable <- createJaspTable(gettext("Descriptives"))
  descriptivesTable$position <- position

  descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "var",  title = "",              type = "string")
  descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "N",    title = gettext("N"),    type = "integer")
  descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "mean", title = gettext("Mean"), type = "number")
  descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "SD",   title = gettext("SD"),   type = "number")
  descriptivesTable$addColumnInfo(name = "SE",   title = gettext("SE"),   type = "number")

  variables <- c(options$dependent, unlist(options$covariates))
  variables <- variables[variables != ""]
  if (length(variables) > 0)
    descriptivesTable$addRows(.linregGetDescriptives(variables, dataset))

  modelContainer[["descriptivesTable"]] <- descriptivesTable

.linregCalcModel <- function(modelContainer, dataset, options, ready) {
  if (!ready)

  if (!is.null(modelContainer[["model"]])) {
    model <- modelContainer[["model"]]$object
    model <- .linregCalcDurBinWatsonTestResults(modelContainer, model, options)
  nModels           <- length(options$modelTerms)
  dependent         <- options$dependent

  predictorsInNull  <- .linregGetPredictors(options$modelTerms[[1]][["components"]])
  predictorsInFull  <- .linregGetPredictors(options$modelTerms[[nModels]][["components"]]) # these include the null terms
  if (options$weights != "")
    weights <- dataset[[options$weights]]
    weights <- rep(1, length(dataset[[dependent]]))
  if (options$method %in% c("backward", "forward", "stepwise") && length(predictorsInFull) > 0)
    model <- .linregGetModelSteppingMethod(dependent, predictorsInFull, predictorsInNull, dataset, options, weights)
    model <- .linregGetModelEnterMethod(dependent, modelTerms = options[["modelTerms"]], dataset, options, weights)

  for (i in seq_along(model)) {
    singleModel <- model[[i]]
    modNum <- singleModel[["number"]]
    model[[i]][["title"]]         <-  gettextf("M%s", intToUtf8(0x2080 + modNum - 1, multiple = FALSE)) # singleModel[["title"]]
    model[[i]][["summary"]]       <- .linregGetSummary(singleModel$fit)
    model[[i]][["rSquareChange"]] <- .linregGetrSquaredChange(singleModel$fit, i, model[1:i], options)

  modelContainer[["model"]] <- createJaspState(model)

  model <- .linregCalcDurBinWatsonTestResults(modelContainer, model, options)


.linregCalcDurBinWatsonTestResults <- function(modelContainer, model, options) {

  if (!options[["residualDurbinWatson"]])

  durbinWatsonResults <- modelContainer[["durbinWatsonResults"]] %setOrRetrieve% (
    lapply(model, function(singleModel) {
      .linregGetDurBinWatsonTestResults(singleModel$fit, options$weights)
    }) |> createJaspState()

  for (i in seq_along(model))
    model[[i]][["durbinWatson"]] <- durbinWatsonResults[[i]]


.linregGetModelSteppingMethod <- function(dependent, predictors, predictorsInNull, dataset, options, weights) {
  if (options$method == "backward")
    model <- .linregBackwardRegression(dependent, predictors, predictorsInNull, dataset, options, weights)
  else if (options$method == "forward")
    model <- .linregForwardRegression(dependent, predictors, predictorsInNull, dataset, options, weights)
  else # stepwise
    model <- .linregStepwiseRegression(dependent, predictors, predictorsInNull, dataset, options, weights)
  for (i in seq_along(model))
    model[[i]] <- c(model[[i]], number = i) 

.linregGetModelEnterMethod <- function(dependent, modelTerms, dataset, options, weights) {
  model <- list()

  for (i in seq_along(modelTerms)) {
    thisModelTerms <- .linregGetPredictors(modelTerms[[i]][["components"]])
    formula <- .linregGetFormula(dependent, thisModelTerms, options$interceptTerm)
    if (!is.null(formula)) {
      fit <- stats::lm(formula, data = dataset, weights = weights, x = TRUE)
      model[[length(model) + 1]] <- list(fit = fit, predictors = thisModelTerms, number = i)


.linregBackwardRegression <- function(dependent, predictors, predictorsInNull, data, options, weights) {
  formula <- .linregGetFormula(dependent, predictors, options$interceptTerm)
  fit     <- stats::lm(formula, data = data, weights = weights, x = TRUE)
  model   <- list(list(fit = fit, predictors = predictors))

  candidatePredictors <- setdiff(predictors, predictorsInNull)
  while (length(candidatePredictors) > 0) {
    prevModel <- model[[length(model)]]
    nextModel <- .linregTryToRemoveOnePredictor(prevModel, dependent, predictorsInNull, data, options, weights)

    if (is.null(nextModel))

    model[[length(model) + 1]]  <- nextModel
    candidatePredictors         <- setdiff(nextModel$predictors, predictorsInNull)


.linregForwardRegression <- function(dependent, predictors, predictorsInNull, data, options, weights) {
  model <- list()
  if (options$interceptTerm || length(predictorsInNull) > 0) {
    formula <- .linregGetFormula(dependent, predictorsInNull, options$interceptTerm)
    fit     <- stats::lm(formula, data = data, weights = weights, x = TRUE)
    model   <- list(list(fit = fit, predictors = predictorsInNull))

  candidatePredictors <- setdiff(predictors, predictorsInNull)
  while (length(candidatePredictors) > 0) {
    if (length(model) == 0)
      prevModel <- NULL
      prevModel <- model[[length(model)]]

    nextModel <- .linregTryToAddOnePredictor(prevModel, dependent, candidatePredictors, predictorsInNull, data, options, weights)

    if (is.null(nextModel))

    model[[length(model) + 1]]  <- nextModel
    candidatePredictors         <- setdiff(candidatePredictors, nextModel$predictors)

  # we don't have an intercept or nuisance variables and no predictor could be added
  if (length(model) == 0)
    model <- list(list(fit = NULL, predictors = NULL))


.linregStepwiseRegression <- function(dependent, predictors, predictorsInNull, data, options, weights) {
  model <- list()
  if (options$interceptTerm || length(predictorsInNull) > 0) {
    formula <- .linregGetFormula(dependent, predictorsInNull, options$interceptTerm)
    fit     <- stats::lm(formula, data = data, weights = weights, x = TRUE)
    model   <- list(list(fit = fit, predictors = predictorsInNull))

  predictorsNotInNull <- setdiff(predictors, predictorsInNull)
  candidatePredictors <- predictorsNotInNull
  while (length(candidatePredictors) > 0) {
    if (length(model) == 0)
      prevToAddModel <- NULL
      prevToAddModel <- model[[length(model)]]

    addStepModel <- .linregTryToAddOnePredictor(prevToAddModel, dependent, candidatePredictors, predictorsInNull, data, options, weights)

    # stop if we cant even perform a single add step
    if (is.null(addStepModel) && all(prevToAddModel[["predictors"]] %in% predictorsInNull))

    if (!is.null(addStepModel))
      model[[length(model) + 1]] <- addStepModel

    prevToRemoveModel <- model[[length(model)]]
    removeStepModel   <- .linregTryToRemoveOnePredictor(prevToRemoveModel, dependent, predictorsInNull, data, options, weights)

    # stop if no predictor could be added or removed
    if (is.null(addStepModel) && is.null(removeStepModel))

    if (!is.null(removeStepModel))
      model[[length(model) + 1]] <- removeStepModel

    if (identical(prevToAddModel, removeStepModel))

    candidatePredictors <- setdiff(predictorsNotInNull, model[[length(model)]]$predictors)

  # we don't have an intercept or nuisance variables and no predictor could be added
  if (length(model) == 0)
    model <- list(list(fit = NULL, predictors = NULL))


.linregTryToAddOnePredictor <- function(prevModel = NULL, dependent, candidatePredictors, predictorsInNull, data, options, weights) {
  fValues <- numeric(length(candidatePredictors))
  pValues <- numeric(length(candidatePredictors))

  for (i in seq_along(candidatePredictors)) {
    formula <- .linregGetFormula(dependent, c(prevModel$predictors, candidatePredictors[i]), options$interceptTerm)
    fit     <- lm(formula, data = data, weights = weights, x = TRUE)
    fValue  <- summary(fit)$coefficients[, "t value"]
    pValue  <- summary(fit)$coefficients[, "Pr(>|t|)"]

    if (grepl(candidatePredictors[i], pattern = ":")) {
      variables <- unlist(strsplit(candidatePredictors[i], ":")) # split up interaction
      permutations <- combinat::permn(variables) # realize all orderings
      myPattern <- paste(sapply(permutations, 
                                function(perm) paste(paste0(perm, ".?"), collapse = ":")), 
                         collapse = "|") # paste together with "|"
    } else {
      myPattern <- candidatePredictors[i]

    if (length(fValue) > 1)
      fValue <- fValue[grepl(pattern = myPattern, x = names(fValue))]

    if (length(pValue) > 1)
      pValue <- pValue[grepl(pattern = myPattern, x = names(pValue))]

    fValues[i] <- fValue^2 # turn t-value into f-value by squaring
    pValues[i] <- pValue

  nextPredictors <- NULL
  if (options$steppingMethodCriteriaType == "fValue" && max(fValues) > options$steppingMethodCriteriaFEntry) {
      highestFvaluePredictor <- candidatePredictors[which.max(fValues)]
      nextPredictors <- c(prevModel$predictors, highestFvaluePredictor)
  } else if (options$steppingMethodCriteriaType == "pValue" && min(pValues) < options$steppingMethodCriteriaPEntry) {
      minimumPvalueVariable <- candidatePredictors[which.min(pValues)]
      nextPredictors <- c(prevModel$predictors, minimumPvalueVariable)

  # no predictors could be added; the algorithm is done
  if (is.null(nextPredictors))

  formula <- .linregGetFormula(dependent, nextPredictors, options$interceptTerm)
  fit     <- stats::lm(formula, data = data, weights = weights, x = TRUE)

  return(list(fit = fit, predictors = nextPredictors))

.linregTryToRemoveOnePredictor <- function(prevModel, dependent, predictorsInNull, data, options, weights) {
  tValues <- summary(prevModel[["fit"]])$coefficients[ , "t value"]
  pValues <- summary(prevModel[["fit"]])$coefficients[ , "Pr(>|t|)"]

  if (options$interceptTerm) {
    tValues <- tValues[-1]
    pValues <- pValues[-1]

  tValues <- tValues[!(names(tValues) %in% predictorsInNull)]
  pValues <- pValues[!(names(pValues) %in% predictorsInNull)]
  fValues <- tValues^2

  nextPredictors <- prevModel[["predictors"]]
  if (options$steppingMethodCriteriaType == "fValue" && min(fValues) < options$steppingMethodCriteriaFRemoval) {
      lowestFvaluePredictor <- names(which.min(fValues))
      nextPredictors        <- prevModel$predictors[prevModel$predictors != lowestFvaluePredictor]
  } else if (options$steppingMethodCriteriaType == "pValue" && max(pValues) > options$steppingMethodCriteriaPRemoval) {
      highestPvaluePredictor  <- names(which.max(pValues))
      nextPredictors          <- prevModel$predictors[prevModel$predictors != highestPvaluePredictor]

  # no more predictors could be removed, the algorithm is done
  if (identical(nextPredictors, prevModel[["predictors"]]))

  if (length(nextPredictors) > 0)
    formula <- .linregGetFormula(dependent, nextPredictors, options$interceptTerm)
  else if (length(predictorsInNull) > 0)
    formula <- .linregGetFormula(dependent, predictorsInNull, options$interceptTerm)
  else if (options$interceptTerm)
    formula <- .linregGetFormula(dependent, NULL, TRUE)
    return() # we can't compute a null model because it has no intercept/nuisance variables, the algorithm is done

  fit <- stats::lm(formula, data = data, weights = weights, x = TRUE)

  return(list(fit = fit, predictors = nextPredictors))

.linregGetSummary <- function(fit) {
  summary <- list(r.squared = NaN, r.squared = NaN, adj.r.squared = NaN, sigma = NaN)

  if (!is.null(fit))
    summary <- summary(fit)


.linregGetDurBinWatsonTestResults <- function(fit, weights) {
  durbinWatson <- list(r = NaN, dw = NaN, p = NaN)

  if (!is.null(fit)) {
    # TODO: Make some nicer error messsage/footnote when durbin watson computation fails
    durbinWatson <- try(.durbinWatsonTest.lm(fit, alternative = c("two.sided")))

    if (jaspBase::isTryError(durbinWatson)) {
      return(list(r = NaN, dw = NaN, p = NaN))

    if (weights == "") # if regression is not weighted, calculate p-value with lmtest (car method is unstable)
      # TODO: this can fail when there are many interactions between factors. Do we want to show a footnote about that?
      durbinWatson[["p"]] <- tryCatch(
        lmtest::dwtest(fit, alternative = c("two.sided"))$p.value,
        error = function(e) NaN


.linregGetrSquaredChange <- function(fit, currentIndex, processedModels, options) {
  #R^2_change in Field (2013), Eqn. 8.15:
  #F.change = (n-p_new - 1)R^2_change / p_change ( 1- R^2_new)
  #df1 = p_change = abs( p_new - p_old )
  #df2 = n-p_new
  # the above works only for continuous predictors, for categorical, we have (k-1) coefficients
  # where k=number of the levels in the categorical variable

  if (currentIndex == 1) {
    # if we include the intercept, the number of coefficients to compare the null model to is 1
    # otherwise there are no coefficients
    prevCoefs    <- if(options[["interceptTerm"]]) numeric(1) else numeric(0)
    prevRSquared <- 0
  } else {
    prevCoefs    <- stats::coefficients(processedModels[[currentIndex - 1]]$fit)
    prevRSquared <- summary(processedModels[[currentIndex - 1]]$fit)$r.squared

  rSquaredChange <- fChange <- df1 <- df2 <- p <- NaN
  if (!is.null(fit)) {
    rSquared        <- summary(fit)$r.squared
    rSquaredChange  <- rSquared - prevRSquared

    coefs <- stats::coefficients(fit)

    df1 <- abs(length(coefs) - length(prevCoefs)) # df1 = p_change = abs( p_new - p_old )
    df2 <- stats::df.residual(fit) # df2 = n-p_new but should take factors into account

    if (df1 > 0L) {
      fChange <- (df2 * rSquaredChange) / (df1 * (1 - rSquared))
      p       <- pf(q = fChange, df1 = df1, df2 = df2, lower.tail = FALSE)
    } else {
      fChange <- p <- NA

  rSquareChange <- list(
    R2c = rSquaredChange,
    Fc  = fChange,
    df1 = df1,
    df2 = df2,
    p   = p


.linregGetAnova <- function(fit, predictors) {
  Fvalue <- mssResidual <- mssModel <- dfResidual <- dfModel <- dfTotal <- ssResidual <- ssModel <- ssTotal <- p <- vovksellke <- NaN

  if (!is.null(fit)) {
    if (length(predictors) > 0) {
      summary     <- summary(fit)

      Fvalue			<- summary$fstatistic[1]
      mssResidual	<- summary$sigma^2
      mssModel	  <- Fvalue * mssResidual
      dfResidual	<- summary$fstatistic[3]
      dfModel		  <- summary$fstatistic[2]
      dfTotal		  <- dfResidual + dfModel
      ssResidual  <- mssResidual * dfResidual
      ssModel		  <- mssModel * dfModel
      ssTotal		  <- ssResidual + ssModel

      p           <- pf(q = Fvalue, df1 = dfModel, df2 = dfResidual, lower.tail = FALSE)
      vovksellke  <- VovkSellkeMPR(p)
    } else {
      Fvalue <- mssResidual <- mssModel <- dfResidual <- dfModel <- dfTotal <- ssResidual <- ssModel <- ssTotal <- p <- vovksellke <- "."

  anova <- list(
    Regression  = list(F = Fvalue,  SS = ssModel,     df = dfModel,     MS = mssModel,  p = p, vovksellke = vovksellke),
    Residual    = list(             SS = ssResidual,  df = dfResidual,  MS = mssResidual),
    Total       = list(             SS = ssTotal,     df = dfTotal)


.linregGetCoefficients <- function(fit, predictors, dataset, options) {
  rows <- list()
  footnote <- NULL

  if (!is.null(fit)) {
    if (options$interceptTerm)
      predictors <- c("(Intercept)", predictors)

    factors <- options[["factors"]]
    hasFactors <- length(factors) > 0L

    summ          <- summary(fit)
    missingCoeffs <- summ[["aliased"]]

    # adapted from stats:::print.summary.lm -- automatically handles missing values
    estimates <- matrix(NaN, length(missingCoeffs), 4, dimnames = list(names(missingCoeffs), colnames(coef(summ))))
    estimates[!missingCoeffs, ] <- coef(summ)
    confInterval  <- confint(fit, level = options$coefficientCiLevel)
    confInterval[is.na(confInterval)] <- NaN

    info <- .linregGetParametersAndLevels(fit)
    names <- .linregMakePrettyNames(info)
    rawNames <- info[["paramsRaw"]]
    names[c(FALSE, names[-1L] == names[-length(names)])] <- ""

    # show footnote for missing coefficients
    footnote <- NULL
    if (any(missingCoeffs))
      footnote <- list(rows = names[missingCoeffs])

    rows <- vector("list", nrow(estimates))

    collinearityDiagnostics <- .linregGetVIFAndTolerance(fit)
    dataClasses <- attr(terms(fit), "dataClasses")

    # counts if we're showing a second level of a factor/ interaction
    # for example for collinearity diagnostics
    factorsSeen <- hashtab()
    rowIndex <- 1L

    for (i in seq_along(names)) {

      hasFactors <- any(dataClasses[rawNames[[i]]] == "factor")
      unstandCoeff <- estimates[i, "Estimate"]
      predictor <- paste(rawNames[[i]], collapse = ":")
      # these don't exist for the intercept or categorical predictors.
      standCoeff <- NULL
      if (!identical(rawNames[[i]], "(Intercept)") && !hasFactors)
        standCoeff <- .linregGetStandardizedCoefficient(dataset, options[["dependent"]], predictor, unstandCoeff)

      # tolerance/ VIF is only shown for the first level of categorical variables/ interactions
      tolerance <- VIF <- NULL
      if (!is.null(collinearityDiagnostics) && !identical(predictor, "(Intercept)") && (!hasFactors || !factorsSeen[[rawNames[[i]], nomatch = FALSE]])) {

        tolerance  <- collinearityDiagnostics[["tolerance"]][[predictor]]
        VIF        <- collinearityDiagnostics[["VIF"]][[predictor]]

        if (hasFactors)
          factorsSeen[[rawNames[[i]]]] <- TRUE


      # get translation for (Intercept)
      name <- names[i]
      if (identical(name, "(Intercept)"))
        name <- gettext("(Intercept)")

      row <- list(
        name         = name,
        unstandCoeff = unstandCoeff,
        SE           = estimates[i, "Std. Error"],
        t            = estimates[i, "t value"],
        p            = estimates[i, "Pr(>|t|)"],
        lower        = confInterval[i, 1],
        upper        = confInterval[i, 2],
        standCoeff   = standCoeff,
        tolerance    = tolerance,
        VIF          = VIF,
        vovksellke   = VovkSellkeMPR(estimates[i, "Pr(>|t|)"])

      rows[[i]] <- row



  return(list(coefficients = rows, footnote = footnote))

.linregGetBootstrapCoefficients <- function(fit, dataset, options) {
  .bootstrapping <- function(data, indices, formula, wlsWeights) {

    d <- data[indices, , drop = FALSE] # allows boot to select sample
    if (wlsWeights == "") {
      fit <- lm(formula = formula, data = d)
    } else {
      weights <- d[[wlsWeights]]
      fit <- lm(formula = formula, data = d, weights = weights)


  data <- data.frame(unstandCoeff = numeric(0), bias = numeric(0), SE = numeric(0), pvalue = numeric(0), lower = numeric(0), upper = numeric(0))

  if (!is.null(fit)) {

    #weights <- if (options$weights == "") NULL else options$weights
    missingCoeffs <- NULL
    coefNames <- names(coef(fit))
    if (anyNA(fit$coefficients))
      missingCoeffs <- coefNames[which(is.na(coef(fit)))]

    summary <- boot::boot(data = dataset, statistic = .bootstrapping,
                          R = options$coefficientBootstrapSamples,
                          formula = formula(fit),
                          wlsWeights = options$weights)

    coefficients  <- matrixStats::colMedians(summary$t, na.rm = TRUE)
    bias          <- colMeans(summary$t, na.rm = TRUE) - summary$t0
    stdErrors     <- matrixStats::colSds(summary$t, na.rm = TRUE)

    for (i in seq_along(coefNames)) {
      coefName <- coefNames[[i]]

      if (coefName %in% missingCoeffs) {
        data[i, ] <- rep(NaN, ncol(data))

      ci <- try(boot::boot.ci(summary, type = "bca", conf = options$coefficientCiLevel, index = i))
      if (jaspBase::isTryError(ci))
        ci <- list(bca = rep(NaN, 5L))

      p <- try(.boot.pval(summary, type = "bca", index = i))
      if (isTryError(p))
        p <- NaN

      data[i, ] <- c(coefficients[i], bias[i], stdErrors[i], p, ci$bca[4], ci$bca[5])

    data[["name"]] <- .linregMakePrettyNames(fit)


.linregGetVIFAndTolerance <- function(fit) {

  # also used inside car:::vif.default
  noTerms <- length(labels(stats::terms(fit)))
  if (noTerms == 0L) # nothing can be computed
  if (noTerms == 1L) {# trivial case, always 1
    name  <- labels(stats::terms(fit))
    value <- setNames(1, name)
    return(list(VIF = value, tolerance = value))

  # we can actually compute things
  result <- try(car::vif(fit))

  if (jaspBase::isTryError(result)) {
    nas <- rep(NA, noTerms)
    names(nas) <- labels(terms(fit))
    result <- list(VIF = nas, tolerance = nas)

  VIF <- if (is.matrix(result)) {
    result[, 3L]
  } else {
  tolerance <- 1 / VIF

  result <- list(VIF       = VIF,
                 tolerance = tolerance)


.linregGetStandardizedCoefficient <- function(dataset, dependent, predictor, unstandCoeff) {
  sdDependent <- sd(dataset[[dependent]])
  if (.linregIsInteraction(predictor))
    sdIndependent <- sd(.linregMakeCombinedVariableFromInteraction(predictor, dataset))
    sdIndependent <- sd(dataset[[predictor]])

  return(unstandCoeff * sdIndependent / sdDependent)

.linregGetPartAndPartialCorrelation <- function(fit, predictors, dataset, options) {
  formula <- formula(fit)
  R2      <- summary(fit)[["r.squared"]]

  cors <- vector("list", length(predictors))
  names(cors) <- predictors

  for(predictor in predictors) {

    # drop the term from the formula and refit the model
    newFormula <- update(formula, as.formula(sprintf(". ~ . - %s", predictor)))
    data <- dataset # because we call lm(..., data = data) in .linregForwardRegression we need 'data' to exist.
    newFit     <- update(fit, formula = newFormula)
    newR2      <- summary(newFit)[["r.squared"]]

    sr2 <- R2 - newR2      # squared semi-partial (part) correlation
    pr2 <- sr2 / (1-newR2) # squared partial correlation

    # determine the sign of the coefficient
    sign <- sign(coefficients(fit)[predictor])
    if(is.na(sign)) sign <- 1 # for categorical predictors

    cors[[predictor]] <- list(
      name    = jaspBase::gsubInteractionSymbol(predictor),
      part    = sign * sqrt(sr2),
      partial = sign * sqrt(pr2)


.linregGetCovarianceMatrix <- function(fit, rawNames, prettyNames) {
  data <- data.frame()

  if (!is.null(fit)) {

    namesInModel <- setdiff(names(coef(fit)), "(Intercept)")
    covmatrix <- matrix(NA_real_, length(namesInModel), length(rawNames), dimnames = list(namesInModel, rawNames))
    covmatrix[namesInModel, namesInModel] <- vcov(fit)[namesInModel, namesInModel]
    covmatrix[lower.tri(covmatrix)] <- NA

    if (nrow(covmatrix) > 0L) {
      colnames(covmatrix) <- prettyNames
      names <- prettyNames[rawNames %in% namesInModel]
      data <- cbind(data.frame(name = names), covmatrix)


.linregGetCollinearityDiagnostics <- function(fit, columns, includeConstant) {
  data <- data.frame()

  if (!is.null(fit)) {
    eigenvalues         <- .linregGetEigenValues(fit)
    conditionIndices    <- .linregGetConditionIndices(fit)
    varianceProportions <- .linregGetVarianceProportions(fit)

    data <- data.frame(dimension = seq_along(names(fit$coefficients)), eigenvalue = eigenvalues, condIndex = conditionIndices)
    colnames(varianceProportions) <- .linregMakePrettyNames(fit)
    data <- cbind(data, varianceProportions)


.linregGetEigenValues <- function(fit) {
  X           <- .linregGetScaledPredictorMatrix(fit)
  eigenvalues <- svd(X)$d^2 # see Liao & Valliant (2012)


.linregGetConditionIndices <- function(fit) {
  eigenvalues       <- .linregGetEigenValues(fit)
  conditionIndices  <- sqrt(max(eigenvalues) / eigenvalues)


.linregGetVarianceProportions <- function(fit) {
  X <- .linregGetScaledPredictorMatrix(fit)

  ### ( see e.g., Liao & Valliant, 2012 )
  svdX  <- svd(X) # singular value decomposition
  M     <- svdX$v %*% solve(diag(svdX$d))
  Q     <- M*M # Hadamard (elementwise) product
  tQ    <- t(Q)

  for (i in seq_len(ncol(tQ)))
    tQ[ , i] <- tQ[ , i] / sum(tQ[ , i])

  colnames(tQ) <- names(fit$coefficients)


.linregGetScaledPredictorMatrix <- function(fit) {
  X <- fit$x

  for (i in seq_len(ncol(X)))
    X[ , i] <- X[ , i] / sqrt(sum(X[ , i]^2)) # scale each column using Euclidean norm


.linregGetCasewiseDiagnostics <- function(fit, options) {
  diagnostics <- list()

  if (!is.null(fit)) {
    predictedValuesAll    <- predict(fit)
    residualsAll          <- residuals(fit)
    stdPredictedValuesAll <- (predictedValuesAll - mean(predictedValuesAll)) / sd(predictedValuesAll)
    stdResidualsAll       <- rstandard(fit)
    # stdResidualsAll       <-  statmod::qresid(fit)
    # stdResidualsAll       <- rstudent(fit
    cooksDAll             <- cooks.distance(fit)

    if (options$residualCasewiseDiagnosticType == "cooksDistance")
      index <- which(abs(cooksDAll) > options$residualCasewiseDiagnosticCooksDistanceThreshold)
    else if (options$residualCasewiseDiagnosticType == "outliersOutside")
      index <- which(abs(stdResidualsAll) > options$residualCasewiseDiagnosticZThreshold)
    else # all
      index <- seq_along(predictedValuesAll)

    if (length(index) > 0) {
      caseNumbers <- .linregGetCaseNumbers(options)
      diagnostics[["caseNumber"]]   <- caseNumbers[index]
      diagnostics[["stdResidual"]]  <- stdResidualsAll[index]
      diagnostics[["dependent"]]    <- fit$model[index, 1]
      diagnostics[["predicted"]]    <- predictedValuesAll[index]
      diagnostics[["residual"]]     <- residualsAll[index]
      diagnostics[["cooksD"]]       <- cooksDAll[index]


.linregGetResidualsStatistics <- function(fit, predictors) {
  residuals <- list()

  if (!is.null(fit)) {
    typesTranslated <- list("Predicted Value"=gettext("Predicted Value"), "Residual"=gettext("Residual"), "Std. Predicted Value"=gettext("Std. Predicted Value"), "Std. Residual"=gettext("Std. Residual"))
    types           <- names(typesTranslated)

    predicted     <- predict(fit)
    N             <- length(predicted)
    valuesPerType <- list("Predicted Value"       = predicted,
                          "Residual"              = residuals(fit),
                          "Std. Predicted Value"  = (predicted - mean(predicted)) / sd(predicted),
                          "Std. Residual"         = rstandard(fit))

    if (length(predictors) == 0)
      valuesPerType[["Std. Predicted Value"]] <- NA # cannot compute this for an intercept model

    residuals <- vector("list", length(types))
    for (i in seq_along(types)) {
      residuals[[i]]  <- list()
      type            <- types[i]

      residuals[[i]][["type"]] <- typesTranslated[[type]]
      residuals[[i]][["min"]]  <- min( valuesPerType[[type]], na.rm = TRUE)
      residuals[[i]][["max"]]  <- max( valuesPerType[[type]], na.rm = TRUE)
      residuals[[i]][["mean"]] <- mean(valuesPerType[[type]], na.rm = TRUE)
      residuals[[i]][["SD"]]   <- sd(  valuesPerType[[type]], na.rm = TRUE)
      residuals[[i]][["N"]]    <- N


.linregGetDescriptives <- function(variables, dataset) {
  descriptives <- vector("list", length(variables))

  for (i in seq_along(variables)) {
    descriptives[[i]] <- list()

    variable  <- variables[i]
    data      <- na.omit(dataset[[.v(variable)]])

    descriptives[[i]][["var"]]  <- variable
    descriptives[[i]][["N"]]    <- length(data)
    descriptives[[i]][["mean"]] <- mean(data)
    descriptives[[i]][["SD"]]   <- sd(data)
    descriptives[[i]][["SE"]]   <- sd(data) / sqrt(length(data))


.linregGetPartialPlotData = function(predictor, predictors, dataset, options) {
  predictors <- setdiff(predictors, predictor)
  if (length(predictors) == 0)
    predictors <- NULL

  weights <- dataset[[options$weights]]

  # Compute residuals dependent
  formulaDep    <- .linregGetFormula(options$dependent, predictors = predictors, includeConstant = TRUE)
  fitDep        <- stats::lm(formula = formulaDep, data = dataset, weights = weights)
  residualsDep  <- residuals(fitDep)

  # Compute residuals predictor as dependent
  formulaPred   <- .linregGetFormula(predictor, predictors = predictors, includeConstant = TRUE)
  fitPred       <- stats::lm(formula = formulaPred, data = dataset, weights = weights)
  residualsPred <- residuals(fitPred)

  return(data.frame(residualsPred = residualsPred, residualsDep = residualsDep))

.linregPlotResiduals <- function(xVar = NULL, res = NULL, dfRes = Inf, xlab, ylab = gettext("Residuals"), cexPoints= 1.3, cexXAxis= 1.3, cexYAxis= 1.3, lwd= 2, lwdAxis=1.2,
                                 regressionLine = TRUE, confidenceIntervals = FALSE, confidenceIntervalsInterval = 0.95, predictionIntervals = FALSE, predictionIntervalsInterval = 0.95,
                                 standardizedResiduals = TRUE, intercept = 0, slope = 0) {

  # TODO: slope should consist of multiple values for factors with more than 2 levels
  d     <- data.frame(xx= xVar, yy= res)
  d     <- na.omit(d)
  xVar  <- d$xx
  res   <- d$yy

  # construct here the x-axis scale which can be categorical or continuous
  if (is.factor(xVar)) {
    xScale <- ggplot2::scale_x_discrete(name = xlab)
  } else {
    xlow   <- min(pretty(xVar))
    xhigh  <- max(pretty(xVar))
    xticks <- pretty(c(xlow, xhigh))
    xlabs  <- jaspGraphs::axesLabeller(xticks, digits = 3)
    xScale <- ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = xlab, breaks = xticks, labels = xlabs)

  # y-axis scale is always continuous (since the dependent variable in linear regression should be continuous)
  ylow   <- min(pretty(res))
  yhigh  <- max(pretty(res))
  yticks <- pretty(c(ylow, yhigh, 0))
  ylabs  <- jaspGraphs::axesLabeller(yticks, digits = 3)
  ylim   <- range(yticks)

  if (standardizedResiduals) {

    stAxisTmp               <- pretty( yticks / sd(res) )
    stAxisOriginalScaleTmp  <- stAxisTmp * sd(res)
    stAxisOriginalScale     <- stAxisOriginalScaleTmp[stAxisOriginalScaleTmp < max(yticks) & stAxisOriginalScaleTmp > min(yticks)]
    stAxis                  <- stAxisOriginalScale / sd(res)

    yScaleSecAxis <- ggplot2::sec_axis(~.+0, breaks = stAxisOriginalScale, name = gettext("Standardized Residuals\n"),labels = stAxis)

  } else {
    yScaleSecAxis <- ggplot2::waiver()

  yScale <- ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = ylab, breaks = yticks, labels = ylabs, limits = ylim, sec.axis = yScaleSecAxis)

  regLine <- confidenceIntervalLines <- predictionIntervalLines <- NULL
  if (regressionLine) {

    regLine <- if (is.factor(xVar)) {
        data = data.frame(x = as.numeric(unique(xVar)), y = intercept + slope),
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
        col = "darkred", size = .5
    } else {
        data = data.frame(x = c(min(xticks), max(xticks)), y = intercept + slope * c(min(xticks), max(xticks))),
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
        col = "darkred", size = .5

    if (confidenceIntervals) {

      seConf <- sqrt(sum(res^2) / dfRes) *
        sqrt(1 / length(res) + (xVar - mean(xVar))^2 / sum((xVar - mean(xVar))^2))

      ciConf <- 1 - (1 - confidenceIntervalsInterval)/2

      upperConfInt <- (intercept + slope * xVar) + qt(ciConf, dfRes) * seConf
      lowerConfInt <- (intercept + slope * xVar) - qt(ciConf, dfRes) * seConf

      # ggplot2::geom_errorbar()

      confidenceIntervalLines <- if (is.factor(xVar)) {
          data = data.frame(x = levels(xVar), ymax = upperConfInt, ymin = lowerConfInt),
          mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, ymax = ymax, ymin = ymin),
          colour = "darkblue", linetype = "dashed"
      } else {
          data = data.frame(x = xVar, y = c(upperConfInt, lowerConfInt), g = rep(1:2, c(length(upperConfInt), length(lowerConfInt)))),
          mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, group = g),
          colour = "darkblue", linetype = "dashed"


    if (predictionIntervals) {

      sePred <- sqrt(sum(res^2) / dfRes) *
        sqrt(1 + 1 / length(res) + (xVar - mean(xVar))^2 / sum((xVar - mean(xVar))^2))

      ciPred <- 1 - (1 - predictionIntervalsInterval)/2

      upperPredInt <- (intercept + slope * xVar) + qt(ciPred, dfRes) * sePred
      lowerPredInt <- (intercept + slope * xVar) - qt(ciPred, dfRes) * sePred

      predictionIntervalLines <- if (is.factor(xVar)) {
          data = data.frame(x = levels(xVar), ymax = upperPredInt, ymin = lowerPredInt),
          mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, ymax = ymax, ymin = ymin),
          colour = "darkgreen", linetype = "longdash"
      } else {
        ggplot2::geom_line(data = data.frame(x = xVar, y = c(upperPredInt, lowerPredInt), g = rep(1:2, c(length(upperPredInt), length(lowerPredInt)))),
                           mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, group = g),
                           col = "darkblue", linetype = "dashed", size = 1)


  residualPoints <- jaspGraphs::geom_point(data = data.frame(x = xVar, y = res), mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y))

  p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
    xScale + yScale +
    regLine +
    confidenceIntervalLines +
    predictionIntervalLines +
    residualPoints +
    jaspGraphs::geom_rangeframe(sides = if (standardizedResiduals) "blr" else "bl") +
    jaspGraphs::themeJaspRaw(axis.title.cex = 1.2)


.linregPlotResidualsHistogram <- function(res = NULL, resName = gettext("Residuals"), cexYlab= 1.3, lwd= 2, rugs= FALSE) {
  density <- density(res)

  h       <- hist(res, plot = FALSE)
  dens    <- density(res)
  yhigh   <- max(c(h$density, dens$y))
  ylow    <- 0
  xticks  <- base::pretty(c(res, h$breaks), min.n= 3)

  p <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
    ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(name = resName,            breaks = xticks,         labels = xticks, limits = range(xticks)) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(name = gettext("Density"), breaks = c(ylow, yhigh), labels = NULL) +
      data = data.frame(res),
      mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = res, y = ..density..),
      binwidth = (h$breaks[2] - h$breaks[1]),
      fill = "grey", col = "black", size = .3,
      center = ((h$breaks[2] - h$breaks[1])/2)
    ) +
    ggplot2::geom_line(data = data.frame(x = density$x, y = density$y), mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y), lwd = .7, col = "black") +
    jaspGraphs::geom_rangeframe() +
    jaspGraphs::themeJaspRaw(axis.title.cex = 1.2) +
    ggplot2::theme(axis.ticks.y = ggplot2::element_blank())


.linregGetPredictors <- function(modelTerms) {

  predictors <- NULL
  for (i in seq_along(modelTerms)) {
    components <- modelTerms[[i]]
    predictor <- paste0(components, collapse = ":")

    predictors <- c(predictors, predictor)



.reglinTermsContainNuisance <- function(modelTerms) {
  for (i in seq_along(modelTerms)) {
    isNuisance <- modelTerms[[i]]$isNuisance
    if (isNuisance)


.linregGetFormula <- function(dependent, predictors = NULL, includeConstant) {
  if (is.null(predictors) && includeConstant == FALSE)
    # stop(gettext("We need at least one predictor, or an intercept to make a formula"))

  if (length(predictors) == 0)
    formula <- paste(dependent, "~", "1")
  else if (includeConstant)
    formula <- paste(dependent, "~", paste(predictors, collapse = "+"))
    formula <- paste(dependent, "~", paste(predictors, collapse = "+"), "-1")

  return(as.formula(formula, env = parent.frame(1)))

.linregIsInteraction <- function(predictor) {
  grepl(":", predictor)

.linregMakeCombinedVariableFromInteraction <- function(interaction, dataset) {
  terms   <- unlist(strsplit(interaction, split = ":"))
  newVar  <- rep(1, nrow(dataset))
  for (i in seq_along(terms))
    newVar <- newVar * dataset[[terms[i]]]


.linregGetPredictorColumnNames <- function(model, modelTerms) {
  usedPredictors  <- unique(unlist(lapply(model, function(x) x$predictors)))
  allpredictors   <- .linregGetPredictors(modelTerms)
  return(intersect(allpredictors, usedPredictors)) # ensures that the terms appear in the covariance matrix like they appear in the model terms box

.linregGetParameterNames <- function(model) {
  UseMethod(".linregGetParameterNames", model)

.linregGetParameterNames.lm <- function(model) {

.linregGetParameterNames.list <- function(model) {
  usedParameterNames <- unique(unlist(lapply(model, function(x) .linregGetParameterNames(x[["fit"]])), use.names = FALSE))

.linregAddPredictorsAsColumns <- function(jaspTable, model, includeIntercept = TRUE, type = "number", format = NULL, overtitle = NULL) {

  titles <- .linregMakePrettyNames(model)
  if (!includeIntercept)
    titles <- titles[-1L]

  for (title in titles)
    jaspTable$addColumnInfo(name = title, title = title, type = type, format = format, overtitle = overtitle)


.linregAddPredictorsInModelFootnote <- function(jaspTable, modelTerms, modelIndex) {
  if (length(modelTerms) > 0) {
    predictorsInModel <- .linregGetPredictors(modelTerms)
    modelName <- gettextf("M%s", intToUtf8(0x2080 + modelIndex - 1, multiple = FALSE))
    jaspTable$addFootnote(message = gettextf("%1$s includes %2$s", modelName, paste0(predictorsInModel, collapse = ", ")))

.linregAddVovkSellke <- function(jaspTable, wantsVovkSellkeMPR) {
  if (wantsVovkSellkeMPR) {
    jaspTable$addColumnInfo(name = "vovksellke", title = gettext("VS-MPR"), type = "number")
    #Haven't I seen the following footnote before?
    jaspTable$addFootnote(symbol = "\u002A", colNames = "vovksellke", message = gettextf("Vovk-Sellke Maximum <em>p</em>-Ratio: Based on the <em>p</em>-value, the maximum
        possible odds in favor of H%1$s over H%2$s equals 1/(-e <em>p</em> log(<em>p</em>)) for <em>p</em> %3$s .37 (Sellke, Bayarri, & Berger, 2001).", "\u2081", "\u2080", "\u2264"))

.linregAddInterceptNotShownFootnote <- function(jaspTable, model, options) {
  indicesOfModelsWithPredictors <- .linregGetIndicesOfModelsWithPredictors(model, options)
  if (options$interceptTerm && length(indicesOfModelsWithPredictors) != length(model)) {
    if (length(indicesOfModelsWithPredictors) > 0)
      jaspTable$addFootnote(gettext("The intercept model is omitted, as no meaningful information can be shown."))
      jaspTable$addFootnote(gettext("There is only an intercept model, no meaningful information can be shown."))

.linregGetIndicesOfModelsWithPredictors <- function(model, options) {
  predictorsInNull  <- model[[1]]$predictors
  indices           <- seq_along(model)
  if (options$method == "enter") {
    if (length(model) >= 1 && options$interceptTerm && length(predictorsInNull) == 0)
      indices <- indices[-1]
  } else {
    for (i in seq_along(model))
      if (length(model[[i]]$predictors) == 0)
        indices <- indices[-i]

.linregInsertPlot <- function(jaspPlot, func, ...) {
  p <- try(func(...))

  if (inherits(p, "try-error")) {
   errorMessage <- .extractErrorMessage(p)
   jaspPlot$setError(gettextf("Plotting is not possible: %s", errorMessage))
  } else {
    jaspPlot$plotObject <- p
    jaspPlot$status     <- "complete"

.linregCreatePlotPlaceholder <- function(container, index, title, width = 530, height = 400) {
  jaspPlot            <- createJaspPlot(title = title, width = width, height = height)
  jaspPlot$status     <- "running"
  container[[index]]  <- jaspPlot

.linregGetParametersAndLevels <- function(model, ...) {
  UseMethod(".linregGetParametersAndLevels", model)

.linregGetParametersAndLevels.lm <- function(model) {
  predictors <- all.vars(formula(model))[-1L]
  .linregGetParametersAndLevels(.linregGetParameterNames(model), predictors)

.linregGetParametersAndLevels.default <- function(model, predictors) {

  # exception for intercept only model
  if (length(predictors) == 0L && identical(model, "(Intercept)")) {
      paramsClean = model,
      levelsClean = "",
      paramsRaw   = model,
      levelsRaw   = ""

  orderedPredictors <- predictors[order(nchar(predictors))]
  # escape the parentheses
  orderedPredictors[which(orderedPredictors == "(Intercept)")] <- "\\(Intercept\\)"
  regexAnyPredictor <- paste(orderedPredictors, collapse = "|")

  lvls <- gsub(regexAnyPredictor, "", model)

  levelsRaw   <- strsplit(lvls, ":")
  levelsRaw[lengths(levelsRaw) == 0] <- list("")
  # the above works except for n-way interactions between continuous predictors there needs to be one more empty level
  # so that the number of levels matches the number of predictors. The regex below finds these interactions and adds an
  # extra "" to the levels.
  for (i in grep("^(:+)$", lvls))
    levelsRaw[[i]] <- c(levelsRaw[[i]], "")

  if (length(levelsRaw[[1L]]) == 1L && levelsRaw[[1L]] == "(Intercept)")
    levelsRaw[[1L]] <- ""

  levelsClean <- jaspBase::gsubInteractionSymbol(lvls)

  splitRnms <- strsplit(model, ":")
  allPredsRegex <- paste0("^(", regexAnyPredictor, ").*")
  paramsRaw <- lapply(splitRnms, gsub, pattern = allPredsRegex, replacement = "\\1")
  paramsClean <- unlist(lapply(paramsRaw, paste, collapse = jaspBase::interactionSymbol), use.names = FALSE)
    paramsClean = paramsClean,
    levelsClean = levelsClean,
    paramsRaw   = paramsRaw,
    levelsRaw   = levelsRaw

#' Change R names into pretty names, e.g., PredictorLevel ->
#' @param info either an lm object, a list where each sub element $fit contains an lm object, or the result of .linregGetParametersAndLevels.
#' @details For example "PredictorLevel" becomes "Predictor" Level
.linregMakePrettyNames <- function(info) {
  UseMethod(".linregMakePrettyNames", info)

.linregMakePrettyNames.lm <- function(info) {

.linregMakePrettyNames.list <- function(info) {

  if (is.null(names(info)) && !is.null(info[[1L]][["fit"]])) {
    # we could also distinguish between these cases by giving the return value of .linregGetParametersAndLevels a class.
    return(unique(unlist(lapply(info, function(x) .linregMakePrettyNames.lm(x[["fit"]])), use.names = FALSE)))

  title <- character(length(info[["paramsRaw"]]))
  for (j in seq_along(title)) {

    params <- info[["paramsRaw"]][[j]]
    levels <- info[["levelsRaw"]][[j]]

    ans <- character(length(params))
    for (i in seq_along(params)) {
      ans[i] <- if (is.na(levels[i]) || levels[i] == "") params[i] else paste0(params[i], " (", levels[i], ")")
    title[j] <- paste(ans, collapse = " \u2009\u273b\u2009 ")

.linregRemoveFactors <- function(fit, predictors) {

  terms <- terms(fit)
  dataClasses <- attr(terms, "dataClasses")
  factors     <- attr(terms, "factors")
  result <- logical(length(predictors))
  for (i in seq_along(result)) {
    consistsOf <- names(which(factors[, predictors[i]] == 1))
    result[i] <- !any(dataClasses[consistsOf] == "factor")

.linregContainsFactor <- function(x, predictors) {
  UseMethod(".linregContainsFactor", x)

.linregContainsFactor.data.frame <- function(x, predictors) {
  idx <- .linregIsInteraction(predictors)
  if (any(idx))
    predictors <- unique(unlist(strsplit(predictors, ":", fixed = TRUE), use.names = FALSE))

  return(any(vapply(x[predictors], is.factor, logical(1L))))


.linregContainsFactor.lm <- function(x, predictors) {
  # returns TRUE if the predictor is a factor or if it is an interaction that contains a factor
  terms <- terms(x)
  dataClasses <- attr(terms, "dataClasses")
  factors     <- attr(terms, "factors")
  consistsOf <- names(which(factors[, predictors] == 1))
  return(any(dataClasses[consistsOf] == "factor"))


.linregCreateMarginalPlots <- function(modelContainer, finalModel, dataset, options, position = 17) {
  marginalPlotsContainer <- createJaspContainer(gettext("Marginal Effects Plots"))
  marginalPlotsContainer$dependOn(c("marginalPlot", "marginalPlotCi", "marginalPlotCiLevel",
                                    "marginalPlotPredictionInterval", "marginalPlotPredictionIntervalLevel"))
  marginalPlotsContainer$position <- position
  modelContainer[["marginalPlotsContainer"]] <- marginalPlotsContainer

  if (!is.null(finalModel)) {
    predictors <- finalModel$predictors
    # marginal plots display only the main effects
    predictors <- predictors[!grepl(":", predictors)]
    for (predictor in predictors)
                                   index = predictor,
                                   title = gettextf("Marginal effect of %1$s on %2$s", predictor, options$dependent))

    for (predictor in predictors) {
      .linregFillMarginalPlots(marginalPlotsContainer[[predictor]], predictor, finalModel$fit, dataset, options)

.linregFillMarginalPlots <- function(marginalPlot, predictor, fit, dataset, options) {
  xVar <- dataset[[predictor]]
  xVar <- stats::na.omit(xVar)

  means_ls = list()
  if (length(options[["factors"]]) > 0) {
    for (var in options[["factors"]]) {
      column_value = dataset[[var]]
      column_levels = levels(column_value)
      means_ls[[var]] = column_levels[1]

  if (length(options[['covariates']]) > 0) {
    for (var in options[['covariates']]) {
      column_value = dataset[[var]]
      column_mean = mean(column_value, na.rm = TRUE)
      means_ls[[var]] = column_mean

  means_ls[[predictor]] = NULL

  dd_sim = data.frame(predictor = xVar)
  colnames(dd_sim) = predictor

  if (length(means_ls) > 0) {
    dd_sim = cbind(dd_sim, means_ls)

  fitted = predict(fit, newdata = dd_sim, interval = "none")

  if (options$marginalPlotCi == TRUE) {
    matrix_conf = predict(fit,
                          newdata = dd_sim,
                          interval = "confidence",
                          level = options[["marginalPlotCiLevel"]])
    conf_min = matrix_conf[, 'lwr']
    conf_max = matrix_conf[, 'upr']
  else {
    conf_min = NULL
    conf_max = NULL

  if (options$marginalPlotPredictionInterval == TRUE) {
    matrix_pred = predict(fit,
                          newdata = dd_sim,
                          interval = "prediction",
                          level = options[["marginalPlotPredictionIntervalLevel"]])
    pred_min = matrix_pred[, 'lwr']
    pred_max = matrix_pred[, 'upr']
  else {
    pred_min = NULL
    pred_max = NULL

                    xVar = xVar,
                    xlab = predictor,
                    yVar = fitted,
                    ylab = options$dependent,
                    conf_min = conf_min,
                    conf_max = conf_max,
                    pred_min = pred_min,
                    pred_max = pred_max)

.linregMarginalPlot <- function(xVar, xlab, yVar, ylab,
                                conf_min, conf_max, pred_min, pred_max, options) {

  d <- data.frame(x = xVar,
                  y = yVar)

  if (is.factor(xVar)) {
    d_factor <- unique(d)
    d_factor <- cbind(d_factor, group = 1)

    basicMarginalPlot <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
      ggplot2::geom_line(data = d_factor,
                         mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, group = group),
                         size = 1) +
      ggplot2::xlab(xlab) +

    factorPoints <- jaspGraphs::geom_point(data = d_factor,
                                           mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y))

  } else {
    xBreaks <- jaspGraphs::getPrettyAxisBreaks(xVar)
    basicMarginalPlot <- ggplot2::ggplot() +
      ggplot2::geom_line(data = d,
                         mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
                         size = 1) +
      ggplot2::xlab(xlab) +
      ggplot2::ylab(ylab) +
      ggplot2::scale_x_continuous(breaks = xBreaks, limits = range(xBreaks)) +
      ggplot2::geom_rug(data = d,
                        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y),
                        sides = "b",
                        alpha = 0.5)
    factorPoints <- NULL

  if (!is.null(conf_min)) {
    d <- cbind(d, conf_lower = conf_min, conf_upper = conf_max)
    if (is.factor(xVar)) {
      d_factor <- unique(d)
      confidenceBounds <- ggplot2::geom_errorbar(data = d_factor,
                                                 ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, ymin = conf_lower, ymax = conf_upper),
                                                 linetype = "solid",
                                                 width = 0.1,
                                                 size = 1)
    } else {
      confidenceBounds <- ggplot2::geom_ribbon(mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, ymin = conf_lower, ymax = conf_upper),
                                               alpha = .1,
                                               data = d,
                                               size = 1)

  } else {
    confidenceBounds = NULL

  if (!is.null(pred_min)) {
    d <- cbind(d, pred_lower = pred_min, pred_upper = pred_max)
    if (is.factor(xVar)) {
      d_factor <- unique(d)
      predictionBound1 <- ggplot2::geom_errorbar(data = d_factor,
                                                 ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = y, ymin = pred_lower, ymax = pred_upper),
                                                 linetype = "dashed",
                                                 width = 0.1,
                                                 size = 1)
      predictionBound2 <- NULL

    } else {
      predictionBound1 <- ggplot2::geom_line(
        mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = pred_lower),
        #color = "red",
        linetype = "dashed",
        data = d,
        size = 1)

      predictionBound2 <-
          mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = x, y = pred_upper),
          #color = "red",
          linetype = "dashed",
          data = d,
          size = 1)
  } else {
    predictionBounds <- predictionBound1 <- predictionBound2 <- NULL

  # base y-axis breaks on y and the prediction and/or confidence interval
  yBreaks <- jaspGraphs::getPrettyAxisBreaks(jaspGraphs::getPrettyAxisBreaks(unlist(d[, -1])))
  finalMarginalPlot <- basicMarginalPlot +
    confidenceBounds +
    predictionBound1 +
    predictionBound2 +
    factorPoints +
    jaspGraphs::geom_rangeframe() +
    jaspGraphs::themeJaspRaw(axis.title.cex = 1.2) +
    ggplot2::scale_y_continuous(breaks = yBreaks, limits = range(yBreaks))


# function taken from {boot.pval} version 0.4
# adjusted precision bug (alpha close to 1 causes some boot.ci type to crash)
.boot.pval <- function(boot_res,
                      type = "perc",
                      theta_null = 0,
                      pval_precision = NULL,
  if(is.null(pval_precision)) { pval_precision = 1/boot_res$R }

  # Create a sequence of alphas:
  alpha_seq <- seq(1e-10, 1-1e-10, pval_precision)

  # Compute the 1-alpha confidence intervals, and extract
  # their bounds:
  ci <- suppressWarnings(boot::boot.ci(boot_res,
                                       conf = 1- alpha_seq,
                                       type = type,

  bounds <- switch(type,
                   norm = ci$normal[,2:3],
                   basic = ci$basic[,4:5],
                   stud = ci$student[,4:5],
                   perc = ci$percent[,4:5],
                   bca = ci$bca[,4:5])

  # Find the smallest alpha such that theta_null is not contained in the 1-alpha
  # confidence interval:
  alpha <- alpha_seq[which.min(theta_null >= bounds[,1] & theta_null <= bounds[,2])]

  # Return the p-value:
jasp-stats/Regression documentation built on Oct. 18, 2024, 1:27 a.m.