#' @import jmvcore
# aggregate from R 3.3 for use in R 3.2
#' @importFrom stats aggregate.data.frame
aggregate <- function (x, by, FUN, ..., simplify = TRUE, drop = TRUE)
if (!is.data.frame(x))
x <- as.data.frame(x)
FUN <- match.fun(FUN)
if (NROW(x) == 0L)
stop("no rows to aggregate")
if (NCOL(x) == 0L) {
x <- data.frame(x = rep(1, NROW(x)))
return(aggregate.data.frame(x, by, function(x) 0L)[seq_along(by)])
if (!is.list(by))
stop("'by' must be a list")
if (is.null(names(by)) && length(by))
names(by) <- paste("Group", seq_along(by), sep = ".")
else {
nam <- names(by)
ind <- which(!nzchar(nam))
names(by)[ind] <- paste("Group", ind, sep = ".")
nrx <- NROW(x)
if (any(lengths(by) != nrx))
stop("arguments must have same length")
y <- as.data.frame(by, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
keep <- complete.cases(by)
y <- y[keep, , drop = FALSE]
x <- x[keep, , drop = FALSE]
nrx <- NROW(x)
ident <- function(x) {
y <- as.integer(as.factor(x))
z <- gsub(" ", "0", format(y, scientific = FALSE))
grp <- if (ncol(y)) {
grp <- lapply(rev(y), ident)
names(grp) <- NULL
do.call(paste, c(grp, list(sep = ".")))
else integer(nrx)
if (!drop && ncol(y)) {
y <- expand.grid(lapply(y, function(e) sort(unique(e))))
lev <- lapply(rev(y), ident)
names(lev) <- NULL
lev <- do.call(paste, c(lev, list(sep = ".")))
grp <- factor(grp, levels = lev)
else y <- y[match(sort(unique(grp)), grp, 0L), , drop = FALSE]
nry <- NROW(y)
z <- lapply(x, function(e) {
ans <- lapply(X = split(e, grp), FUN = FUN, ...)
if (simplify && length(len <- unique(lengths(ans))) ==
1L) {
if (len == 1L) {
cl <- lapply(ans, oldClass)
cl1 <- cl[[1L]]
ans <- unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE)
if (!is.null(cl1) && all(sapply(cl, function(x) identical(x,
class(ans) <- cl1
else if (len > 1L)
ans <- matrix(unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE),
nrow = nry, ncol = len, byrow = TRUE, dimnames = {
if (!is.null(nms <- names(ans[[1L]])))
list(NULL, nms)
else NULL
len <- length(y)
for (i in seq_along(z)) y[[len + i]] <- z[[i]]
names(y) <- c(names(by), names(x))
row.names(y) <- NULL
tapply = function (X, INDEX, FUN = NULL, ..., simplify = TRUE, drop = TRUE)
FUN <- if (!is.null(FUN))
if (!is.list(INDEX))
INDEX <- list(INDEX)
INDEX <- lapply(INDEX, as.factor)
nI <- length(INDEX)
if (!nI)
stop("'INDEX' is of length zero")
if (!all(lengths(INDEX) == length(X)))
stop("arguments must have same length")
namelist <- lapply(INDEX, levels)
extent <- lengths(namelist, use.names = FALSE)
cumextent <- cumprod(extent)
if (cumextent[nI] > .Machine$integer.max)
stop("total number of levels >= 2^31")
storage.mode(cumextent) <- "integer"
ngroup <- cumextent[nI]
group <- as.integer(INDEX[[1L]])
if (nI > 1L)
for (i in 2L:nI) group <- group + cumextent[i - 1L] *
(as.integer(INDEX[[i]]) - 1L)
if (is.null(FUN))
levels(group) <- as.character(seq_len(ngroup))
class(group) <- "factor"
ans <- split(X, group)
names(ans) <- NULL
if (drop) {
index <- as.logical(lengths(ans))
} else {
index <- rep(TRUE, length(ans))
ans <- lapply(X = ans[index], FUN = FUN)
if (simplify && all(lengths(ans) == 1L)) {
ansmat <- array(dim = extent, dimnames = namelist)
ans <- unlist(ans, recursive = FALSE)
} else {
ansmat <- array(vector("list", prod(extent)), dim = extent,
dimnames = namelist)
if (length(ans)) {
ansmat[index] <- ans
listItems <- function(self, items, quote = '\'') {
items <- vapply(items, function(x) paste0(quote, x, quote), '', USE.NAMES=FALSE)
if (length(items) == 1) {
l <- items
} else if (length(items) == 2) {
l <- jmvcore::format(.('{item1} and {item2}'), item1=items[1], item2=items[2])
} else {
l <- items[1]
for (i in seq(2, length(items)-1))
l <- jmvcore::format(.('{list}, {nextItem}'), list=l, nextItem=items[i])
l <- jmvcore::format(.('{list}, and {lastItem}'), list=l, lastItem=items[length(items)])
#' Set a global analysis notice
#' @param self The analysis object
#' @param message The message to set
#' @param name The name of the notice
#' @param type The type of the notice
#' @keywords internal
setAnalysisNotice = function(self, message, name, type) {
notice <- jmvcore::Notice$new(
options = self$options,
name = 'warningMessage',
type = jmvcore::NoticeType$STRONG_WARNING
self$results$insert(1, notice)
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