# ---------------------------------------- low-level data access
load.seabird.rawdata = function(fn, f, set, plotdata=F) {
out = NULL
filename= fn[f]
header = readLines(filename, n=75)
headerall = paste( header[1:12], collapse="~")
if (length(header) < 75 ) return( out )
data.start = grep( "start sample number", header, perl=T )
if (grepl( "test", header[ 7 ], ignore.case=T) ) return(out)
fileinfo = tolower(unlist(strsplit(filename, split="/")))
seabird = as.data.frame(read.table( file=filename, sep=",", as.is=T, colClasses="character", header=F, skip= data.start, strip.white=T))
if ( nrow(seabird) < 10 ) return( NULL )
if(ncol(seabird)==1) {
seabird = as.data.frame(matrix(apply(seabird,2,function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,","))),ncol=4,byrow=T))
tz.system = "America/Halifax"
tz.seabird = "America/Halifax"
tz.snowcrab = "UTC"
# if time is not correct in seabird file and is due to DST fix by BMC
mhead = readLines(filename, n=40)
#local time
lt = mhead[grep("System UpLoad Time",mhead)]
lt = unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(lt,"= "))[2], " "))
lt = lubridate::mdy_hms( paste( paste(lt[1],lt[2],lt[3],sep="-"), lt[4]), tz=tz.system )
#seabird time
st = mhead[grep("SERIAL NO", mhead)]
st = unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(st," "))[2], " "))
st = lubridate::dmy_hms( paste( st[1], st[2]), tz=tz.seabird )
#add difference to seabird times
colnames(seabird) = c( "temperature", "pressure", "mdate", "mtime")
seabird$timestamp = lubridate::dmy_hms( paste( trimWhiteSpace(seabird$mdate), trimWhiteSpace(seabird$mtime) ), tz=tz.seabird )
seabird$timestamp = with_tz( seabird$timestamp, tz.snowcrab ) # from now on, seabird is UTC
# BC 2018 - Seabird header data not populated in single instance so comparing system time with seabird
# time is not accurate to get time offset betweem system and seabird. Seabird is time is synced
# to system time every morning and should not be more than a few seconds in difference.
# seabird$timestamp = seabird$timestamp + difftime(lt,st)
numerics = c("temperature", "pressure")
seabird = factor2number(seabird, numerics)
# check time first
seabird.date.range = range( seabird$timestamp )
setxi = which( set$timestamp >= seabird.date.range[1] & set$timestamp <= seabird.date.range[2] )
if ( length( setxi ) == 0 ) return(NULL)
yr = lubridate::year( seabird$timestamp[1] )
if(months(seabird$timestamp[1]) %in% c("January")){
yr = lubridate::year( seabird$timestamp[1] ) -1
# First pass:
# break down multi-set records into separate records using a simple depth rule
print (filename)
seabird$pressure = adjust.depth.for.drift( seabird$pressure )
surface = quantile( seabird$pressure, probs=0.5 ) # pressure at which it is assumed the sensor in at surface (most data will be shallow)
# initiate new variables
seabird$seabird_uid = NA
seabird$depth = NA
metadata = NULL
for ( ssid in 1:length(setxi) ) {
filename2 = tolower( fileinfo[length(fileinfo)] )
iset = setxi[ssid]
setx = set[iset,] # matching trip/set/station
# find sets by running until some threshold depth is found, stating with set$chron
istart = which.min( abs( difftime( seabird$timestamp, set$timestamp[iset] )) )
j0 = istart
while ( j0 > 1 ) {
if (seabird$pressure[j0] <= surface ) break()
j0 = j0 - 1
tdiff0 = abs( difftime( seabird$timestamp[j0], set$timestamp[iset] ))
if ( tdiff0 > lubridate::minutes(10) ) {
# then something went wrong .. default to a few minutes before set$chron
j0 = which.min( abs( difftime( seabird$timestamp, (set$timestamp[iset] - lubridate::minutes(5) ) )) )
j1 = istart
while ( j1 < nrow(seabird) ) {
if (seabird$pressure[j1] <= surface ) break()
j1 = j1 + 1
tdiff1 = abs( difftime( seabird$timestamp[j1], set$timestamp[iset] ))
if ( tdiff1 > lubridate::minutes(15) ) {
# then something went wrong .. default to a few minutes before set$chron
j1 = which.min( abs( difftime( seabird$timestamp, (set$timestamp[iset] + lubridate::minutes(12) ) )) )
if(j0==j1){ #skip some entries and then re calculate
while ( j1 < nrow(seabird) ) {
if (seabird$pressure[j1] <= surface ) break()
j1 = j1 + 1
o = j0:j1
error = "" #dummy value
if (length(o) < 30) {
# no matching time range found ... use closest match and raise a flag
# data stream did not start appropriately .. use minilogs
ot = which.min( abs( difftime( seabird$timestamp, setx$timestamp) ) )
o = which( seabird$timestamp >= (seabird$timestamp[ot]- lubridate::minutes(2) ) &
seabird$timestamp <= (seabird$timestamp[ot] + lubridate::minutes(10) ) ) # 5 min tow + 5 min in case
print( "No set data matched for seabird data:")
print( filename )
print( head( seabird[ o,] ) )
print( "The following is the closest matching in set:")
print( setx)
setinfo = set[setxi,]
fp = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab"), "data", "seabird", "mismatches", yr)
dir.create( fp, recursive = TRUE, showWarnings = FALSE )
pdf(file.path(fp,paste(setinfo$trip[1],'pdf',sep='.') ),12,8)
plot(seabird$timestamp, -seabird$pressure,type='l',main=setinfo$trip[1])
points(setinfo$timestamp, rep(0,nrow(setinfo)),pch=16,col='red')
zmaxi = which.max( as.numeric( seabird$pressure[o] ) )
if (length(zmaxi)==0) stop('need depth data use esonar') #zmaxi = which.min( as.numeric( seabird$temperature[o]) ) #should use esonar depth if no depth in seabird dont do this step ever
if (length(zmaxi)==0) zmaxi = floor( length(o) / 2 ) # take midpoint
tstamp = seabird$timestamp[o[zmaxi]]
uid = paste( "seabird", setx$trip, setx$set, setx$station, lubridate::hour(tstamp), lubridate::minute(tstamp), f, sep=".")
seabird$seabird_uid[o] = uid
seabird$depth[o] = decibar2depth ( P=seabird$pressure[o], lat=setx$lat )
studyid = paste( setx$trip, setx$set, setx$station, sep="." )
out = data.frame( uid, yr, seabird$timestamp[o[zmaxi]], setx$trip, setx$set, setx$station, studyid, setx$Zx, setx$timestamp, error, filename2, headerall, stringsAsFactors=FALSE )
names( out ) = c( "seabird_uid", "yr", "timestamp", "trip", "set", "station", "studyid", "setZx", "set_timestamp", "error", "filename", "headerall" )
metadata = rbind( metadata, out )
basedata = seabird[ which( !is.na( seabird$seabird_uid) ) ,]
return( list( metadata=metadata, basedata=basedata ) )
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