identify_modes = function( Z, W=NULL, T=NULL, V=NULL, X=NULL,
sigdigits=2, lowpassfilter=0, lowpassfilter2=0, dx=NULL, xvals=NULL,
n_min=30, grad_method="simple", decompose_distributions=FALSE,
plot_solutions=FALSE, bw=1, kernel="gaussian", kexp=1, override_range=NULL ) {
# find modes and troughs from data vector of histograms
if (!is.null(X)) {
# treat Z and X as density
u = data.table(x=X, y=Z )
class(u) = "density"
u$bw = bw
u$n = 1L
} else {
# kernel density based approach
# simple determination from histogram
hasdata = which( is.finite(Z) )
Z = Z[ hasdata ]
if (length(Z) < n_min) return(list(peaks=NA, troughs=NA, peak_values=NA, N=NA))
if (!is.null(W)) {
W = W[hasdata]
hasdata2 = which( is.finite(W) )
W = W[hasdata2]
Z = Z[hasdata2]
W = W/sum(W)
} else {
W = rep(1/length(Z), length(Z) )
u = try( density(Z, bw=bw, kernel=kernel, weights=W), silent = TRUE )
if ("try-error" %in% class(u) ) return(list(peaks=NA, troughs=NA, peak_values=NA, N=NA, u=NA, res=NA))
if (!is.null(T)) {
# troughs also given ... multiply with peaks to adjust PDFs
DZ = u
#DZ$x = trunc( DZ$x/dx ) * dx
DZ = data.table(x=DZ$x, Py=DZ$y)
#DZ = DZ[, .(Py=mean(Py, na.rm=TRUE)), by=x]
hasdata = which(is.finite(T) )
if (!is.null(V)) {
hasdata = intersect( hasdata, which(is.finite(V) ) )
V = V[hasdata]
T = T[ hasdata ]
if (!is.null(V)) V = V/sum(V)
DT = density( T, bw=bw, kernel=kernel, weights=V )
#DT$x = trunc( DT$x/dx ) * dx
DT = data.table(x=DT$x, Ty=DT$y)
#DT = DT[, .(Ty=mean(Ty, na.rm=TRUE)), by=x]
if (!is.null(override_range)) {
i = which( DT$x >= override_range[1] & DT$x <= override_range[2] )
if (length(i) > 0) DT$Ty[i] = 0
DC = data.table( x = xvals )
# DC = DZ[ DC, on="x" ]
# DC = DT[ DC, on="x" ]
DZ = unique(DZ)
DC$Py = smooth_data( DC$x, approxfun( DZ$x, DZ$Py, rule=2 )(DC$x) )
DC$Py = DC$Py / sum( DC$Py) / dx # normalize to density
DT = unique(DT)
DC$Ty = smooth_data( DC$x, approxfun( DT$x, DT$Ty, rule=2 )(DC$x) )
DC$Ty = DC$Ty / sum( DC$Ty) / dx # normalize to density
DC[, e:=Py*(1-Ty)]
# DC[ e<0, "e" ]= 0
# DC$e = zapsmall(DC$e)
# plot( Py ~ x, DC, type="l", col="gray" )
# lines( e ~ x, DC, col="red")
u$x = DC$x
u$y = DC$e
u$y0 = u$y
if (kexp != 1) u$y = u$y ^ kexp # kexp > 1 augments peaks ..
u$y = zapsmall(u$y)
u$y = u$y / dx
u$y = u$y / sum(u$y) # normalize
u$y = u$y - lowpassfilter
u$y[u$y < 0] = 0
dZ = smooth_data(u$x, numDeriv::grad( approxfun( u$x, u$y, rule=2 ), u$x , method=grad_method ) )
dZ = zapsmall(dZ)
dZ = dZ / sum( abs(dZ)) # normalize to make scale a probability
ddZ = smooth_data(u$x, numDeriv::grad( approxfun( u$x, dZ, rule=2 ), u$x , method=grad_method ) )
ddZ = zapsmall(ddZ)
ddZ = ddZ / sum( abs(ddZ))
#ID crossing 0 line
zero = st_linestring( cbind( range(u$x) *c(0.9, 1.1) , rep(0, 2 )) )
dZ0 = as.matrix( st_intersection( st_linestring( cbind( u$x, dZ ) ), zero) )[,1]
# find closest match
oo = abs( outer( u$x, dZ0, FUN="-" ) )
xi = sort( unique( apply(oo, 2, which.min) ) )
ip = xi[ which( ddZ[xi] < -lowpassfilter2 ) ] # index of peaks
pks = u$x[ ip ]
pky = u$y0[ ip ]
it = xi[ which( ddZ[xi] > lowpassfilter2 ) ]
trs = u$x[ it ]
try = u$y0[ it ]
if (length(pks) > 0) pks = sort( unique( round( pks, sigdigits) ))
if (length(trs) > 0) trs = sort( unique( round( trs, sigdigits) ))
if (plot_solutions) {
abline( v=pks, col="blue", lty="dotted" )
abline( v=trs, col="red", lty ="dotted" )
res = list()
if (decompose_distributions) {
# individiual weights exist ... flag to decompose the distributions
max_classes = 14
finished = FALSE
xp = sort(pks, decreasing=TRUE)
count = length(xp)
xd = diff(u$x)[1]
xv = u$x
yv = u$y*xd
yv = yv / sum(yv)
# lines( yv~xv)
for (h in 1:count) {
rg = xp[h] + c(-bw, bw)
xi = which( xv>xp[h]-3*bw & xv<xp[h]+3*bw)
x = sample( xv[ xi ] , length(xv), replace=TRUE, prob=yv[xi]/sum(yv[xi]) )
n <- length(x)
xvariance <- crossprod(x - xp[h])[1L] / n # (a bised estimator, though)
xsd = sqrt( xvariance )
oo = dnorm( xv, mean=xp[h], sd=xsd )
# not yet resolved
yv_sum = sum(yv)
## oo = oo * xd / (yv() oo[which.max(oo)]
# sum(oo) # 1
yv = yv - oo # residual
xtozero = xp[h] + c(-1, 1) * xsd
yv[ which(xv > xtozero[1] & xv < xtozero[2]) ] = 0
res[[h]] = c( xp[h], xsd, n )
if (plot_solutions) {
points( oo ~ u$x, col="blue", pch=19 )
points( yv ~ u$x, col="red", pch=19 )
out = list(peaks=pks, troughs=trs, peak_values=pky, trough_values=try,
N=sum(Z), u=u, res=res )
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