figure_area_based_extraction_from_carstm = function( DS="temperature", year.assessment ) {
# params for number
pN = snowcrab_parameters(
carstm_model_label = "default", # default is the default anything else and you are on your own
selection = list(type = "number")
# first define polygons to use for extraction:
areal_units_proj4string_planar_km = aegis::projection_proj4string("utm20")
subareas = c("cfanorth", "cfasouth", "cfa4x" )
subareas_label = c( "NENS", "SENS", "4X" )
ns = length(subareas)
sc_sppoly = st_union( areal_units( p=pN ) )
polys = NULL
for ( i in 1:ns ) {
subarea = subareas[i]
print(subarea) # # snowcrab areal units
au = polygon_managementareas( species="maritimes", area=subarea )
au = st_transform( st_as_sf(au), st_crs( areal_units_proj4string_planar_km ) )
au = st_intersection( au, sc_sppoly )
polys = rbind( polys, au )
# plot(polys)
if (DS=="number") {
# number:
yrs =1999:year.assessment
LUT= aegis_survey_lookuptable( aegis_project="bio.snowcrab",
project_class="carstm", DS="carstm_predictions", pL=pN )
tss = aegis_lookup(
LOCS=expand.grid( AUID=polys$AUID, timestamp= yrs + 0.75 ), LOCS_AU=polys,
project_class="carstm", output_format="areal_units",
variable_name=list( "predictions" ), statvars=c("mean", "sd"), space_resolution=pN$pres,
returntype = "data.table"
plot( rep(0, length(yrs)) ~ yrs, type="n", ylim=c(2, 9) )
for (i in 1:ns ){
lines(predictions_mean~yr, tss[which(tss$AUID==subareas[i]),], type="b", col=i, pch=i)
legend("topleft", legend=subareas_label, col=1:ns, pch=1:ns )
if (DS== "mean_size" ) {
# mean size:
yrs =1999:year.assessment
# params for mean size .. mostly the same as pN
pW = snowcrab_parameters(
carstm_model_label = "default", # default is the default anything else and you are on your own
# carstm_model_label = paste( carstm_model_label, variabletomodel, sep="_")
family = "gaussian" ,
selection = list(type = "meansize")
LUT= aegis_survey_lookuptable( aegis_project="bio.snowcrab",
project_class="carstm", DS="carstm_predictions", pL=pW )
tss = aegis_lookup(
LOCS=expand.grid( AUID=polys$AUID, timestamp= yrs + 0.75 ), LOCS_AU=polys,
project_class="carstm", output_format="areal_units",
variable_name=list( "predictions" ), statvars=c("mean", "sd"), space_resolution=pW$pres,
returntype = "data.table"
plot( rep(0, length(yrs)) ~ yrs, type="n", ylim=c(2, 9) )
for (i in 1:ns ){
lines(predictions_mean~yr, tss[which(tss$AUID==subareas[i]),], type="b", col=i, pch=i)
legend("topleft", legend=subareas_label, col=1:ns, pch=1:ns )
if (DS== "presence_absence" ) {
# mean size:
yrs =1999:year.assessment
# params for mean size .. mostly the same as pN
pH = snowcrab_parameters(
carstm_model_label = "default", # default is the default anything else and you are on your own
# carstm_model_label = paste( carstm_model_label, variabletomodel, sep="_")
family = "binomial" ,
selection = list(type = "presence_absence")
LUT= aegis_survey_lookuptable( aegis_project="bio.snowcrab",
project_class="carstm", DS="carstm_predictions", pL=pH )
tss = aegis_lookup(
LOCS=expand.grid( AUID=polys$AUID, timestamp= yrs + 0.75 ), LOCS_AU=polys,
project_class="carstm", output_format="areal_units",
variable_name=list( "predictions" ), statvars=c("mean", "sd"), space_resolution=pW$pres,
returntype = "data.table"
plot( rep(0, length(yrs)) ~ yrs, type="n", ylim=c(2, 9) )
for (i in 1:ns ){
lines(predictions_mean~yr, tss[which(tss$AUID==subareas[i]),], type="b", col=i, pch=i)
legend("topleft", legend=subareas_label, col=1:ns, pch=1:ns )
if (DS=="temperature") {
# extract from area-based estimates: temperature
yrs =1999:year.assessment
# default paramerters (copied from 03_temperature_carstm.R )
params = list(
temperature = temperature_parameters(
pL = aegis.temperature::temperature_parameters( project_class="carstm", carstm_model_label="default" , yrs=p$yrs )
LUT= aegis_survey_lookuptable( aegis_project="temperature",
project_class="carstm", DS="carstm_predictions", pL=pL )
tss = aegis_lookup(
pl=pL, LUT=LUT,
LOCS=expand.grid( AUID=polys$AUID, timestamp= yrs + 0.75 ), LOCS_AU=polys,
project_class="carstm", output_format="areal_units",
variable_name=list( "predictions" ), statvars=c("mean", "sd"), space_resolution=pN$pres,
returntype = "data.table"
basedir = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab" ), "assessments", year.assessment, "timeseries" )
dir.create (basedir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive =TRUE)
fn = file.path(basedir, "temperature_bottom.pdf" )
pdf( file=fn, width=6, height=8 )
yran = c( 1, 10 )
yrs = params$temperature$yrs
nrep = 5000
nd = length(yrs)
y = matrix( NA, nrow=nrep, ncol=nd )
ncolors = 600
prs = seq( from=0.025, to=0.975, length.out=ncolors*2 ) # 95% CI
alpha = seq( from=0.85, to=0.95, length.out=ncolors )
cols_plot = c("Blues", "Purples", "Reds", "Dark Mint", "Greens", "Light Grays")
ncc = length(cols_plot)
cols = matrix( NA, ncol=ncc, nrow=ncolors*2 )
for (i in 1:ncc ) {
cols[,i] = c( rev(hcl.colors(ncolors, cols_plot[i], alpha=rev(alpha))), hcl.colors(ncolors, cols_plot[i], alpha=(alpha) ) )
layout( matrix( c(1,2,3), ncol=1, nrow=3 ) )
par(oma=c(6, 6, 6, 1)) # outer margins default: c(0, 1, 0, 1)'c(bottom, left, top, right)'
par(mar=c(0, 0, 0.4, 0))
for (j in 1:ns ) {
if (j==ns) {
plot( 0, 0, type="n", ylim=yran, xlim=range(yrs), axes=FALSE, xlab="Year", ylab="Bottom temperature (Celsius)" ) #change xlim to yrs0 to remove 3 yr projection
} else {
plot( 0, 0, type="n", ylim=yran, xlim=range(yrs), axes=FALSE, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL )
X = tss[which(tss$AUID==subareas[j]),]
for (i in 1:nd) y[,i] = rnorm( nrep, mean=X$predictions_mean[i], sd=X$predictions_sd[i])
Bq = apply( y, 2, quantile, probs=prs, na.rm=T )
for ( k in 1:length(prs) ) lines ( yrs, Bq[k,], lwd=3, col=cols[k,6] )
lines ( yrs, Bq[ncolors,], lwd=3, col=cols[ncolors, 6] ) # median
text( yrs[3] , yran[2]*0.95, subareas_label[j])
lines( yrs, rep(7, length(yrs)), col="darkred", lwd=2)
# legend("topleft", legend=toupper(subareas), lwd=5, col=cols[ncolors,1:ns] )
axis(1 )
if (DS=="temperature_full") {
# extract from area-based estimates: temperature
yrs =1970:year.assessment
# default paramerters (copied from 03_temperature_carstm.R )
params = list(
temperature = temperature_parameters(
pL = aegis.temperature::temperature_parameters( project_class="carstm", carstm_model_label="default" , yrs=p$yrs )
LUT= aegis_survey_lookuptable( aegis_project="temperature",
project_class="carstm", DS="carstm_predictions", pL=pL )
tss = aegis_lookup(
pl=pL, LUT=LUT,
LOCS=expand.grid( AUID=polys$AUID, timestamp= yrs + 0.75 ), LOCS_AU=polys,
project_class="carstm", output_format="areal_units",
variable_name=list( "predictions" ), statvars=c("mean", "sd"), space_resolution=pN$pres,
returntype = "data.table"
basedir = file.path( project.datadirectory("bio.snowcrab" ), "assessments", year.assessment, "timeseries" )
dir.create (basedir, showWarnings=FALSE, recursive =TRUE)
fn = file.path(basedir, "temperature_bottom_full.pdf" )
pdf( file=fn, width=6, height=8 )
yran = c( 1, 10 )
yrs = params$temperature$yrs
nrep = 5000
nd = length(yrs)
y = matrix( NA, nrow=nrep, ncol=nd )
ncolors = 600
prs = seq( from=0.025, to=0.975, length.out=ncolors*2 ) # 95% CI
alpha = seq( from=0.85, to=0.95, length.out=ncolors )
cols_plot = c("Blues", "Purples", "Reds", "Dark Mint", "Greens", "Light Grays")
ncc = length(cols_plot)
cols = matrix( NA, ncol=ncc, nrow=ncolors*2 )
for (i in 1:ncc ) {
cols[,i] = c( rev(hcl.colors(ncolors, cols_plot[i], alpha=rev(alpha))), hcl.colors(ncolors, cols_plot[i], alpha=(alpha) ) )
layout( matrix( c(1,2,3), ncol=1, nrow=3 ) )
par(oma=c(6, 6, 6, 1)) # outer margins default: c(0, 1, 0, 1)'c(bottom, left, top, right)'
par(mar=c(0, 0, 0.4, 0))
for (j in 1:ns ) {
if (j==ns) {
plot( 0, 0, type="n", ylim=yran, xlim=range(yrs), axes=FALSE, xlab="Year", ylab="Bottom temperature (Celsius)" ) #change xlim to yrs0 to remove 3 yr projection
} else {
plot( 0, 0, type="n", ylim=yran, xlim=range(yrs), axes=FALSE, xlab=NULL, ylab=NULL )
X = tss[which(tss$AUID==subareas[j]),]
for (i in 1:nd) y[,i] = rnorm( nrep, mean=X$predictions_mean[i], sd=X$predictions_sd[i])
Bq = apply( y, 2, quantile, probs=prs, na.rm=T )
for ( k in 1:length(prs) ) lines ( yrs, Bq[k,], lwd=3, col=cols[k,6] )
lines ( yrs, Bq[ncolors,], lwd=3, col=cols[ncolors, 6] ) # median
text( yrs[3] , yran[2]*0.95, subareas_label[j])
lines( yrs, rep(7, length(yrs)), col="darkred", lwd=2)
# legend("topleft", legend=toupper(subareas), lwd=5, col=cols[ncolors,1:ns] )
axis(1 )
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