## constructor ----------------------------------------------------------------
#' Constructing a pwm object
#' @description This function constructs an object of class pwm from a matrix. It checks that the matrix has correct dimensions and that columns add up to 1.0.
#' @param pwm matrix. Numerical matrix representing the position weight matrix.
#' @param alphabet character. The alphabet making up the sequence. Currently, only 'DNA' and 'RNA' is supported.
#' @return An object of class pwm.
#' @author Oliver Bembom
#' @import grid
#' @import methods
#' @import stats4
#' @examples
#' mFile <- system.file("extdata/pwm1", package = "seqLogo")
#' m <- read.table(mFile)
#' pwm <- makePWM(m)
#' @export
makePWM <- function(pwm, alphabet = "DNA") {
if (is.data.frame(pwm)) {
pwm <- as.matrix(pwm)
if (!is.matrix(pwm)) {
stop("pwm must be a matrix or a dataframe")
if (!alphabet %in% c("DNA", "RNA", "AA")) {
stop("alphabet must be either DNA, RNA or AA")
if (alphabet == "DNA") {
if (nrow(pwm) != 4) {
stop("PWM for DNA motifs must have 4 rows")
rownames(pwm) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
} else if (alphabet == "RNA") {
if (nrow(pwm) != 4) {
stop("PWM for RNA motifs must have 4 rows")
rownames(pwm) <- c("A", "C", "G", "U")
} else if (alphabet == "AA") {
if (nrow(pwm) != 20) {
stop("PWM for amino acid motifs must have 20 rows")
rownames(pwm) <- c(
"A", "C", "D", "E", "F", "G", "H", "I", "K", "L", "M",
"N", "P", "Q", "R", "S", "T", "V", "W", "Y"
if (any(abs(1 - apply(pwm, 2, sum)) > 0.01)) {
warning("Columns of PWM must add up to 1.0")
width <- ncol(pwm)
colnames(pwm) <- seq_len(width)
cons <- pwm2cons(pwm)
ic <- pwm2ic(pwm)
new("pwm", pwm = pwm, consensus = cons, ic = ic, width = width, alphabet = alphabet)
## class functions ------------------------------------------------------------
#' @param object object of `pwm-class`
#' @describeIn pwm-class Shows the position weight matrix.
#' @export
setMethod("show", signature(object = "pwm"), function(object) {
print(round(object@pwm, 4))
#' @param object object of `pwm-class`
#' @describeIn pwm-class Prints the summary information about position weight
#' matrix.
#' @export
setMethod("summary", signature(object = "pwm"), function(object, ...) {
cat("Position weight matrix:\n")
print(round(object@pwm, 4))
cat("\n\nInformation content:\n")
print(round(object@ic, 4))
cat("\n\nConsensus sequence:\n")
#' @param x object of `pwm-class`
#' @param y default (missing) for `plot` function
#' @param ... additional parameters for `plot` function
#' @describeIn pwm-class Plots the sequence logo of the position weight matrix.
#' @export
setMethod("plot", signature(x = "pwm"), function(x, y = "missing", ...) {
## getters --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' @param pwm object of `pwm-class`
#' @describeIn pwm-class Access to 'pwm' slot
#' @export
setMethod("pwm", "pwm", function(pwm) pwm@pwm)
#' @param pwm object of `pwm-class`
#' @describeIn pwm-class Access to 'ic' slot
#' @export
setMethod("ic", "pwm", function(pwm) pwm@ic)
#' @param pwm object of `pwm-class`
#' @describeIn pwm-class Access to 'consensus' slot
#' @export
setMethod("consensus", "pwm", function(pwm) pwm@consensus)
# #' @param pwm object of `pwm-class` #' @describeIn pwm-class Access to
# 'alphabet' slot #' @export setMethod('alphabet', 'pwm', function(pwm)
# pwm@alphabet)
## helpers --------------------------------------------------------------------
#' Calculates information content profile from PWM
#' @param pwm matrix. Position weight matrix.
#' @return numeric. Vector of length identical to with of the 'pwm'.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
pwm2ic <- function(pwm) {
if (!is.matrix(pwm) || !is.numeric(pwm)) {
warning("pwm argument must be of class matrix (numeric)")
npos <- ncol(pwm)
ic <- numeric(length = npos)
for (i in seq_len(npos)) {
ic[i] <- 2 + sum(vapply(pwm[, i], function(x) {
if (x > 0) {
x * log2(x)
} else {
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))
#' Extracts consensus sequence from PWM
#' @param pwm matrix. Position weight matrix.
#' @return character. Consensus sequence pf the length identical to the width of 'pwm'.
#' @keywords internal
#' @noRd
pwm2cons <- function(pwm) {
if (!is.matrix(pwm) || !is.numeric(pwm)) {
warning("pwm argument must be of class matrix")
letters <- rownames(pwm)
paste(apply(pwm, 2, function(x) {
}), collapse = "")
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