## Author: Gro Nilsen, Knut Liestøl and Ole Christian Lingjærde.
## Maintainer: Gro Nilsen <gronilse@ifi.uio.no>
## License: Artistic 2.0
## Part of the copynumber package
## Reference: Nilsen and Liestøl et al. (2012), BMC Genomics
##Required by:
### findNN
### getMad
### pcf(not the main function, but the rest of the help functions found in the same document)
### handleMissing
### pullOutContent
## Main function for pcf-analysis to be called by the user
pcfPlain <- function(pos.data,kmin=5,gamma=40,normalize=TRUE,fast=TRUE,digits=4,return.est=FALSE,verbose=TRUE){
#Input could come from winsorize and thus be a list; check and possibly retrieve data frame wins.data
pos.data <- pullOutContent(pos.data,what="wins.data")
#Make sure all data columns are numeric:
stop("All input in pos.data must be numeric",call.=FALSE)
#Check data input:
stopifnot(ncol(pos.data)>=2) #something is missing in input data
#Extract information from pos.data:
position <- pos.data[,1]
cn.data <- as.matrix(pos.data[,-1])
nSample <- ncol(pos.data)-1
sampleid <- colnames(pos.data)[-1]
nProbe <- length(position)
#save user's gamma
gamma0 <- gamma
sd <- rep(1,nSample) #sd is only used if normalize=TRUE, and then these values are replaced by MAD-sd
#If number of probes in entire data set is less than 100K, the MAD sd-estimate is calculated using all obs for every sample
#Only required if normalize=T
if(nProbe<100000 && normalize){
#calculate MAD-sd for each sample:
for(j in 1:nSample){
sample.data <- pos.data[,j+1]
sd[j] <- getMad(sample.data[!is.na(sample.data)],k=25) #Take out missing values before calculating mad
pcf.names <- c("pos",sampleid)
seg.names <- c("sampleID","start.pos","end.pos","n.probes","mean")
segments <- data.frame(matrix(nrow=0,ncol=5))
colnames(segments) <- seg.names
pcf.est <- matrix(nrow=0,ncol=nSample)
#Run PCF separately for each sample:
for(i in 1:nSample){
yhat <- rep(NA,length(nProbe))
sample.data <- cn.data[,i]
#Remove probes with missing obs; Only run pcf on non-missing values
obs <- !is.na(sample.data)
obs.data <- sample.data[obs]
if(length(obs.data)>0){ ##Make sure there are observations for this sample! If not, estimates are left NA as well
#If number of probes in entire data set is >= 100K, the MAD sd-estimate is calculated using obs in this arm for this sample.
#Only required if normalize=T
if(nProbe>=100000 && normalize){
sd[i] <- getMad(obs.data,k=25)
#Scale gamma by variance if normalize is TRUE
use.gamma <- gamma0
use.gamma <- gamma0*(sd[i])^2
#Must check that sd!=0 and sd!!=NA -> use.gamma=0/NA. If not, simply calculate mean of observations
if(use.gamma==0 || is.na(use.gamma)){
res <- list(Lengde=length(obs.data),sta=1,mean=mean(obs.data),nIntervals=1,yhat=rep(mean(obs.data)))
res <- list(Lengde=length(obs.data),sta=1,mean=mean(obs.data),nIntervals=1)
# Compute piecewise constant fit
#run fast approximate PCF if fast=TRUE and number of probes>400, or exact PCF otherwise
if(!fast || length(obs.data)<400){
#Exact PCF:
res <- exactPcf(y=obs.data,kmin=kmin,gamma=use.gamma,yest=return.est)
#Run fast PCF:
res <- selectFastPcf(x=obs.data,kmin=kmin,gamma=use.gamma,yest=return.est)
#Retrieve segment info from results:
seg.start <- res$sta
seg.stop <- c(seg.start[-1]-1,length(obs.data))
seg.npos <- res$Lengde
seg.mean <- res$mean
nSeg <- res$nIntervals
yhat[obs] <- res$yhat
#Find genomic positions for start and stop of each segment:
pos.start <- position[seg.start]
pos.stop <- position[seg.stop]
#Handle missing values:
#first find nearest non-missing neighbour for missing probes:
nn <- findNN(pos=position,obs=obs)
#Include probes with missing values in segments where their nearest neighbour probes are located
new.res <- handleMissing(nn=nn,pos=position,obs=obs,pos.start=pos.start,pos.stop=pos.stop,seg.npos=seg.npos)
pos.start <- new.res$pos.start
pos.stop <- new.res$pos.stop
seg.npos <- new.res$seg.npos
yhat[!obs] <- yhat[nn]
warning(paste("pcf is not run for sample ",i," because all observations are missing. NA is returned.",sep=""),immediate.=TRUE,call.=FALSE)
seg.start <- 1
seg.stop <- nProbe
pos.start <- position[seg.start]
pos.stop <- position[seg.stop]
nSeg <- 1
seg.mean <- NA
seg.npos <- nProbe
seg.mean <- round(seg.mean,digits=digits)
#Add results for this sample to results for other samples in data frame:
seg <- data.frame(rep(sampleid[i],nSeg),pos.start,pos.stop,seg.npos,seg.mean,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(seg) <- seg.names
segments <- rbind(segments,seg)
yhat <- round(yhat,digits=digits)
pcf.est <- cbind(pcf.est,yhat)
cat(paste("pcf finished for sample ",i,sep=""),"\n")
pcf.est <- data.frame(position,pcf.est,stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(pcf.est) <- pcf.names
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