plotAberration: Plot areas with copy number aberrations

View source: R/plotAberration.r

plotAberrationR Documentation

Plot areas with copy number aberrations


Create plots reflecting the location of aberrated segments. Results may be visualized over the entire genome or by chromosomes.


plotAberration(segments, thres.gain, thres.loss = -thres.gain, pos.unit = "bp", 
    chrom = NULL, layout = c(1, 1),...)



a data frame containing the segmentation results found by either pcf or multipcf.


a numeric vector giving the threshold value(s) to be applied for calling gains.


a numeric vector of same length as thres.gain giving the threshold value(s) to be applied for calling losses. Default is to use the negative value of thres.gain.


the unit used to represent the probe positions. Allowed options are "mbp" (mega base pairs), "kbp" (kilo base pairs) or "bp" (base pairs). By default assumed to be "bp".


a numeric or character vector with chromosome number(s) to indicate which chromosome(s) is (are) to be plotted. If unspecified the whole genome is plotted.


the vector of length two giving the number of rows and columns in the plot window. Default is c(1,1).


other optional graphical parameters. These include the plot arguments xlab, ylab, main, cex.main, mgp, cex.lab, cex.axis, mar and title (see par on these), as well as plot.size, plot.unit, plot.ideo, ideo.frac, cyto.text, assembly and cex.cytotext (see plotSample on these). In addition, a range of graphical arguments specific for this plot function may be specified:


a character vector of length two where the first and second element specifies the color used to represent loss and gain, respectively. Default is c("dodgerblue","red").


a logical value indicating whether sample labels are to be plotted along the y-axis. Default is TRUE.


a number in the range 0 to 0.4 used to create some space between samples. 0 implies that there is no space. Default is 2/nsample, where nsample is the number of samples found in segments.


a numeric scalar giving the margin line where the sample labels should be written, starting at 0 counting outwards. Default is 0.2.


the size of the sample labels.


For each sample, the aberrated regions are shown in the color specified in colors[1] (default dodgerblue) if the segment value is below thres.loss and the color specified in colors[2] (default red) if the segment value is above thres.gain. Non-aberrated regions are shown in white. Each row in the plot represents a sample, while probe positions are reflected along the x-axis.


This function applies par(fig), and is therefore not compatible with other setups for arranging multiple plots in one device such as par(mfrow,mfcol).


Gro Nilsen


#Load lymphoma data

#Run pcf to obtain estimated copy number values
seg <- pcf(data=lymphoma,gamma=12)

#Plot aberrations for the entire genome

#Plot aberrations for the first 4 chromosomes:

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