##' @title simulate from the posterior of a \code{ssm} fit.
##' @description simulates track locations from the joint precision matrix of a
##' \code{ssm} model fit. Currently, the joint precision of the SSM movement
##' parameters is not included (ie. a full posterior simulation).
##' @param x a \code{ssm} fit object with class `ssm_df`
##' @param what simulate fitted or predicted locations
##' @param reps number of replicate tracks to simulate from the \code{ssm} model
##' fit object
##' @param sim_only logical, do not include \code{ssm} estimated locations in
##' output (default is FALSE)
##' @return a \code{fG_sim_post} object containing the paths simulated from a
##' \code{ssm} fit object
##' @examples
##' fit <- fit_ssm(ellie, model = "crw", time.step = 24)
##' psim <- sim_post(fit, "p", reps = 10)
##' plot(psim, type = "lines")
##' @importFrom TMB sdreport
##' @importFrom dplyr mutate select bind_rows
##' @export
sim_post <- function(x,
what = "predicted",
reps = 1,
sim_only = FALSE
) {
what <- match.arg(what, choices = c("predicted", "fitted"))
model <- x$pmodel[1]
X <- switch(model,
rw = {
crw = {
mp = {
n <- nrow(x)
ps <- lapply(1:n, function(k) {
## re-gen sdreport w jnt prec matrix
sdp <- sdreport(x$ssm[[k]]$tmb, getJointPrecision = TRUE)
## get random parameters & subset to just locations
reMu <- sdp$par.random
reMu <- reMu[names(reMu) %in% X]
## use full joint prec matrix
jp <- as.matrix(sdp$jointPrecision)
muCov <- solve(jp) ## matrix inverse, 1/prec = varcov
## subset to just the location covars after inversion
muCov <- muCov[rownames(muCov) %in% X, colnames(muCov) %in% X]
# simulate
rtracks <- mvtnorm::rmvnorm(reps,
mean = reMu,
sigma = muCov,
checkSymmetry = FALSE)
## what are we simulating? fitted or predicted locations?
## use obs index to subset simulated locs - do after sim so
## full covar structure is preserved
obs <- switch(what,
fitted = {
rep(x$ssm[[k]]$isd, each = 2)
predicted = {
rep(!x$ssm[[k]]$isd, each = 2)
## return as a list (prob less efficient than array...)
tmp <- lapply(1:reps, function(j) {
## obs - subset to just fitted or predicted locs
as.data.frame(matrix(rtracks[j, obs],
nrow = sum(obs) / 2,
ncol = 2,
byrow = TRUE)) %>%
mutate(rep = j) %>%
select(rep, x = V1, y = V2)
}) %>%
if (!sim_only) {
loc <- grab(x[k, ], what = what, as_sf = FALSE)
loc$rep <- 0
loc <- loc[, c("rep", "date", "x", "y")]
tmp$date <- rep(loc$date, reps)
tmp <- tmp[, c("rep", "date", "x", "y")]
tmp <- rbind(loc, tmp)
} else {
date <- grab(x[k, ], what = what)$date
tmp$date <- rep(date, reps)
tmp1 <- try(st_as_sf(tmp, coords = c("x","y"),
crs = "+proj=merc +units=km +datum=WGS84"), silent = TRUE)
if(inherits(tmp1, "try-error")) {
stop("oops something went wrong, try again", call. = FALSE)
xy <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(tmp1))
names(xy) <- c("x","y")
ll <- st_transform(tmp1, crs = 4326)
ll <- st_coordinates(ll)
ll <- as.data.frame(ll)
names(ll) <- c("lon","lat")
st_geometry(tmp1) <- NULL
cbind(tmp1, xy, ll)[, c("rep","date","lon","lat","x","y")]
ps <- tibble(id = x$id, model = x$pmodel, psims = ps)
rw = {
class(ps) <- append("rwps", class(ps))
crw = {
class(ps) <- append("crwps", class(ps))
mp = {
class(ps) <- append("mpps", class(ps))
class(ps) <- append("sim_post", class(ps))
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