
Defines functions sim_filter

Documented in sim_filter

##' @title Filter `sim_fit` simulations
##' @description This function calculates the similarity between the simulations
##' generated by `sim_fit` and the SSM-estimated path from the `ssm` fit,
##' and returns a `sim_fit` object containing the most similar tracks based on
##' a user specified quantile. In this context, similarity is calculated 
##' as the sum of normalised differences in net displacement (km) and overall 
##' bearing (deg) between the SSM-estimated path and the simulated paths. 
##' @param trs a `sim_fit` object
##' @param keep the quantile of flag values to retain
##' @param flag the similarity flag method (see details). Ignored if var != NULL.
##' @param var the name(s) of the appended variable(s) to use for similarity 
##' calculations. Default is NULL, in which case similarity is calculated based
##' on distance and bearing - e.g., Hazen et al (2017).
##' @param FUN one of the following functions in quotes: mean, median, var, sd,
##' sum, min, or max. Ignored if var = NULL.
##' @param ... additional arguments to the specified FUN (e.g., na.rm = TRUE). 
##' Ignored if var = NULL.
##' @details
##' * `flag = 1` will use an index based on Hazen (2017)
##' * `flag = 2` (the default) will use a custom index
##' @return a `sim_fit` object containing the filtered paths
##' @examples
##' ## fit crw model to Argos LS data
##' fit <- fit_ssm(ellie, model = "crw", time.step = 72)
##' set.seed(pi)
##' ## generate 5 simulated paths from ssm fit
##' trs <- sim_fit(fit, what = "predicted", reps = 5)
##' ## filter simulations and keep paths in top 40% of flag values
##' trs_f <- sim_filter(trs, keep = 0.4, flag = 2)
##' ## compare unfiltered and filtered simulated paths
##' \donttest{
##' plot(trs) | plot(trs_f)
##' }
##' @references Hazen et al. (2017) WhaleWatch: a dynamic management tool for 
##' predicting blue whale density in the California Current J. Appl. Ecol. 54: 1415-1428
##' @importFrom dplyr group_by ungroup select bind_rows mutate
##' @importFrom dplyr first %>%
##' @importFrom tidyr nest unnest
##' @importFrom traipse track_distance_to track_bearing_to
##' @importFrom stats quantile
##' @export
##' @md

sim_filter <- function(trs,
                       keep = .25,
                       flag = 2,
                       var = NULL,
                       FUN = "mean",
                       ...) {

  ## include `simfit` class for backwards compatibility
  stopifnot("trs must be a `sim_fit` object" = any(inherits(trs, "sim_fit"),
                                                   inherits(trs, "simfit")))
  if(!is.null(var)) {
    #stopifnot("only specify a single var" = (length(var) == 1))
    stopifnot("var must be present in all tracks in the trs `simfit` object" = 
                any(sapply(trs$sims, function(x) var %in% names(x))))
  # filter based on similarity to original path
  # apply the similarity flag function to each simulated track
  # unnest the sim_fit object to extract the simulations
  trs_df <- trs |> unnest(cols = c(sims))

  ## append distance (km), bearing along tracks via traipse fn's
  trs_df <- trs_df |>
    group_by(rep) |>
    mutate(dist = track_distance_to(lon, lat, first(lon), first(lat)) / 1000) |>
    mutate(bear = track_bearing_to(lon, lat, first(lon), first(lat)) + 180) |> 

  trs_lst <- split(trs_df, trs_df$id)
  if (is.null(var)) {
    flg <- lapply(trs_lst, function(x) {
      sapply(split(x, x$rep)[-1], function(.x) {
          track = x |> dplyr::filter(rep == 0),
          sim_track = .x,
          flag = flag,
          cpf = ifelse("cpf" %in% class(trs), TRUE, FALSE)
  } else {
    flg <- lapply(trs_lst, function(x) {
      sapply(split(x, x$rep)[-1], function(.x) {
          track = x |> dplyr::filter(rep == 0),
          sim_track = .x,
          var = var,
          FUN = FUN,
  k.idx <- lapply(flg, function(x) {
    which(abs(x) < quantile(abs(x), keep))
  # filter based on user defined 'keep'
  # flag values can be positive or negative but will be centered around 0 (perfect match)
  # select only those tracks that have a flag value in the top 'keep' of flag values
  foo <- lapply(1:length(trs_lst), function(i) {
    rep0 <- split(trs_lst[[i]], trs_lst[[i]]$rep)[[1]]
    tmp <- split(trs_lst[[i]], trs_lst[[i]]$rep)[-1]
    reps <- tmp[k.idx[[i]]] |> bind_rows()
    rbind(rep0, reps)
  }) |>
    bind_rows() |>
    select(-dist, -bear)
  # format for aniMotum output
  if(is.null(var)) {
    trs_filt <- foo %>% nest(sims = c(rep, date, lon, lat, x, y))
  } else {
    if(length(var) == 1) {
      trs_filt <- foo %>% nest(sims = c(rep, date, lon, lat, x, y, .data[[var[1]]]))
    } else {
      trs_filt <- foo %>% nest(sims = c(rep, date, lon, lat, x, y, .data[[var[1]]], .data[[var[2]]]))
  class(trs_filt) <- append(class(trs)[1:2], class(trs_filt))
ianjonsen/foieGras documentation built on Jan. 17, 2025, 11:15 p.m.