
Defines functions route_path

Documented in route_path

##' @title Re-route a movement path around land using the `pathroutr` package
##' @description A wrapper function that uses the `pathroutr` package 
##' [https://jmlondon.github.io/pathroutr/](https://jmlondon.github.io/pathroutr/)
##' to re-route movement paths that cross a land barrier. The current 
##' implementation will take either the output from a `fit_ssm` model or the 
##' simulations generated by `sim_fit`.
##' @param x either a `ssm` fit object or
##' a `sim_fit` object containing simulated paths
##' @param what if using a `ssm` object should the fitted (typically 
##' irregular in time) or predicted (typically regular in time) locations be 
##' re-routed.
##' @param  map_scale scale of rnaturalearth map to use for land mass: one of 110,
##' 50 (default), or 10. Note that map_scale = 10 is only available if you have 
##' the `rnaturalearthhires` package installed see: 
##' [https://github.com/ropensci/rnaturalearthhires](https://github.com/ropensci/rnaturalearthhires)
##' @param dist buffer distance (m) to add around track locations. The convex 
##' hull of these buffered locations defines the size of land polygon used to 
##' aid re-routing of points on land. Larger buffers can result in longer 
##' computation times. See London (2020) for further details. The default buffer
##' distance is a constant 50000 m.
##' @param append should re-routed locations be appended to the `ssm` 
##' (ssm fit) object (default = TRUE), or returned as a tibble.
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to pathroutr::prt_visgraph
##' @details
##' `route_path` uses [rnaturalearth::ne_countries] at the medium (50)
##' scale, by default, to generate a land barrier. For efficient computation, 
##' `route_path` clips the polygons to the buffered bounds (set by `dist` (in m)
##' of the movement track(s). 
##' When the input is a `ssm` object `route_path` can append the 
##' re-routed path locations to the `ssm` (ssm fit) object. This is useful 
##' when move persistence is to be estimated from the re-routed locations via
##' `fit_mpm`, or tracks are to be visualised with `map`. `route_path` can also
##' return a standalone `tibble` of the re-routed path with the same number of 
##' locations as either the original fitted or predicted locations. 
##' When the re-routed path is appended to the `ssm` object, the path can be 
##' extracted using the `grab` function, e.g. `grab(fit, what = "rerouted")`.
##' When the input is a `sim_fit` object then `route_path` returns the same 
##' object but with the locations within each simulation re-routed.
##' We recommend that users working on complex rerouting problems and/or 
##' requiring higher resolution land barrier data work with the `pathroutr`
##' package directly by first exctracting aniMotum-estimated locations with 
##' `grab`. Higher resolution land barrier data (polygon shapefiles) must be
##' obtained independently.
##' @references
##' Josh M. London. (2020) pathroutr: An R Package for (Re-)Routing Paths Around 
##' Barriers (Version v0.2.1) [https://zenodo.org/record/5522909#.YnPxEy_b1qs](https://zenodo.org/record/5522909#.YnPxEy_b1qs)
##' @examples 
##' # if 'pathroutr' is installed then ok to use route_path()
##' if(requireNamespace("pathroutr", quietly = TRUE)) {
##'   fit <- fit_ssm(ellie, vmax = 4, model = "crw", time.step = 24)
##'   fit <- route_path(fit, what = "predicted")
##'   grab(fit, what = "rerouted")
##' }
##' @importFrom dplyr group_by ungroup rowwise select nest_by mutate bind_rows
##' @importFrom tidyr nest unnest
##' @importFrom sf st_as_sf st_transform st_make_valid st_buffer st_union 
##' @importFrom sf st_convex_hull st_intersection st_collection_extract st_sf 
##' @importFrom sf st_coordinates st_drop_geometry st_is_valid
##' @importFrom rnaturalearth ne_countries
##' @export
##' @md

route_path <- 
           what = c("fitted", "predicted"),
           map_scale = 50,
           dist = 50000,
           append = TRUE,
    if(requireNamespace("pathroutr", quietly = TRUE)) {
      stopifnot("x must be either a aniMotum ssm fit object with class `ssm_df`
         or a `sim_fit` object containing the paths simulated from a `ssm` fit object" = 
                  any(inherits(x, "ssm_df"), inherits(x, "sim_fit"), inherits(x, "simfit")))
      if(map_scale == 10 & !requireNamespace("rnaturalearthhires", quietly = TRUE)) {
        map_scale <- 50
        cat("resetting map_scale = 50 because rnaturalearthhires is not installed, 
          use remotes::install_github(\"ropensci/rnaturalearthhires\") to install\n")
      ## required for pathroutr fn's
      # default vals 
      detach.dplyr.on.end <- FALSE
      detach.sf.on.end <- FALSE
      if(!"package:dplyr" %in% search()) {
        detach.dplyr.on.end <- TRUE
      if(!"package:sf" %in% search()) {
        detach.sf.on.end <- TRUE
      # what to do with the error information if the location is being moved by pathroutr...?
      what <- match.arg(what)
      # pathroutr needs a land shapefile to create a visibility graph from
      world_mc <- ne_countries(scale = map_scale, returnclass = "sf") %>%
        st_transform(crs = 3857) %>%
      if (inherits(x, "ssm_df")) {
        # unnest aniMotum ssm object
        df <- x %>% grab(what)
        # this should be trimmed to reduce computation time
        # base the trimming on the trs data
        df_sf <- df %>% 
          st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326) %>% 
          st_transform(crs = 3857)
      } else if (inherits(x, "sim_fit")) {
        # unnest aniMotum sim_fit object
        df <- x %>% unnest(cols = c(sims))
        # this should be trimmed to reduce computation time
        # base the trimming on the trs data
        df_sf <- df %>% 
          st_as_sf(coords = c("lon", "lat"), crs = 4326) %>% 
          st_transform(crs = 3857)
      land_region <- suppressWarnings(st_buffer(df_sf, dist = dist) %>% 
                                        st_union() %>% 
                                        st_convex_hull() %>% 
                                        st_intersection(world_mc) %>% 
                                        st_collection_extract('POLYGON') %>% 
      ### if none of the tracks have any points on land, land_region will have no rows in it.
      ### this causes prt_visgaph(land_region, ...) to fail with the following message:
      ###    <simpleError in pathroutr::prt_visgraph(land_region, ...):
      ###    barrier must be a simple feature collection with geometry type 'POLYGON' or 'MULTIPOLYGON>
      ### in this case where are no points on land, there is no need for rerouting to change any locations,
      ### but instead of failing and forcing the user to go back to the original fit_rw locations, 
      ### it is coventient to get the original data packaged in the usual way this function returns it.
      ### so we set a flag to do this that is checked later in the script.
      if(prod(dim(land_region))==0) { 
        message("all tracks given to reroute_path() are entirely in water:")
        message("not changing any paths.")
      } else {
        # create visibility graph
        vis_graph <- pathroutr::prt_visgraph(land_region, ...)
      if (inherits(x, "ssm_df")) {
        # create nested tibble grouped by individual track
        # use rowwise to process each row in turn
        df_rrt <- df_sf %>% 
          nest_by(id) %>%
          rowwise() %>%
          mutate(pts = suppressWarnings(list(try(data %>% pathroutr::prt_trim(land_region), silent = TRUE))))
        ## check for errors due to entire track on land & return message
        idx <- which(sapply(df_rrt$pts, function(x) inherits(x, "try-error")))
        if(length(idx) > 0) {
          message("The following track(s) are entirely on land:")
          message("\nIgnoring these and rerouting all others")
        df_rrt$rrt_pts <- lapply(df_rrt$pts, function(x) {
          ### when output_unchanged_locations is true, we want unchanged input locations,
          ### but run through the rest of this script so they are packaged as usual as if prt_reroute had been run. 
          if (output_unchanged_locations) { 
            ### we cannot run prt_reroute here, because vis_graph is undefined, since land_region was empty.
            ### so we simulate as if we had run prt_reroute and it found no conflicts, by returning an empty tibble, 
            ### ?pathroutr::prt_reroute says "If trkpts and barrier do not spatially intersect and empty tibble is returned."
          } else {
            if (!inherits(x, "try-error")) {
              pathroutr::prt_reroute(x, land_region, vis_graph)
        df_rrt$pts_fix <- lapply(1:nrow(df_rrt), function(i) {
          if(!inherits(df_rrt$pts[[i]], "try-error")) {
            pathroutr::prt_update_points(df_rrt$rrt_pts[[i]], df_rrt$pts[[i]])
        # pull the corrected points from the object and reformat for aniMotum
        df_rrt$pts_rrt <- lapply(df_rrt$pts_fix, function(x) {
          if(!is.null(x)) {
            st_transform(x, crs = "+proj=merc +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs") %>%
              select(date, x.se, y.se)
        df_rrt <- df_rrt %>% select(id, pts_rrt) %>% ungroup()
        ## append id to each sf tibble
        df_rrt$pts_rrt <- lapply(1:nrow(df_rrt), function(i) {
          if(!is.null(df_rrt$pts_rrt[[i]])) {
            df_rrt$pts_rrt[[i]] %>% 
              mutate(id = df_rrt$id[i]) %>%
              select(id, everything())
        ## create empty sf_tibble to populate NULL list elements
        st <- min(which(!1:nrow(df_rrt) %in% idx))
        null.tibble <- df_rrt$pts_rrt[[st]]
        null.tibble <- null.tibble[-c(1:nrow(null.tibble)),]
        ## append rerouted sf tibble to fit_ssm objects - ensure any mp estimates get appended
        if(append) {
          x$ssm <- lapply(1:nrow(x), function(i) {
            if(!is.null(df_rrt$pts_rrt[[i]])) {
              if("g" %in% names(x$ssm[[i]]$predicted)) {
                x$ssm[[i]]$rerouted <- left_join(df_rrt$pts_rrt[[i]], grab(x[i,], what=what) %>%
                                                   select(date, logit_g, logit_g.se, g),
                                                 by = "date") %>%
                  select(id, date, x.se, y.se, logit_g, logit_g.se, g, geometry)
              } else {
                x$ssm[[i]]$rerouted <- df_rrt$pts_rrt[[i]]
            } else {
              x$ssm[[i]]$rerouted <- null.tibble
          out <- x
        } else {
          ## return as a single tibble, need to remove outer `id` to avoid error
          out <-  lapply(1:nrow(df_rrt), function(i) {
            if("g" %in% names(x$ssm[[i]]$predicted)) {
              left_join(df_rrt$pts_rrt[[i]], grab(x, what=what) %>%
                          select(date, logit_g, logit_g.se, g),
                        by = "date") %>%
                select(id, date, x.se, y.se, logit_g, logit_g.se, g, geometry) %>%
                mutate(x = st_coordinates(.)[,1], 
                       y = st_coordinates(.)[,2]) %>% 
                st_transform(4326) %>% 
                mutate(lon = st_coordinates(.)[,1], 
                       lat = st_coordinates(.)[,2]) %>% 
                st_drop_geometry() %>%
                select(id, date, lon, lat, x, y, x.se, y.se, logit_g, logit_g.se, g)
            } else {
              df_rrt$pts_rrt[[i]] %>% 
                mutate(x = st_coordinates(.)[,1], 
                       y = st_coordinates(.)[,2]) %>% 
                st_transform(4326) %>% 
                mutate(lon = st_coordinates(.)[,1], 
                       lat = st_coordinates(.)[,2]) %>% 
                st_drop_geometry() %>%
                select(id, date, lon, lat, x, y, x.se, y.se)
          }) %>%
      } else if (inherits(x, "sim_fit")) {
        # create nested tibble grouped by individual track
        # use rowwise to process each row in turn
        df_rrt <- df_sf %>% 
          nest_by(id, rep) %>%
          rowwise() %>%
          mutate(pts = suppressWarnings(list(try(data %>% 
                                                 silent = TRUE))))
        ## check for errors due to entire simulated track on land & return message
        idx <- which(sapply(df_rrt$pts, function(x) inherits(x, "try-error")))
        if(length(idx) > 0) {
          message("The following track(s) are entirely on land:")
          cat(paste0("id: ", as.character(df_rrt[idx,]$id), ", rep: ", as.character(df_rrt[idx,]$rep)), sep = "; ")
          message("\nIgnoring these and rerouting all others")
        df_rrt$rrt_pts <- lapply(df_rrt$pts, function(x) {
          ### when output_unchanged_locations is true, we want unchanged input locations,
          ### but run through the rest of this script so they are packaged as usual as if prt_reroute had been run. 
          if (output_unchanged_locations) { 
            ### we cannot run prt_reroute here, because vis_graph is undefined, since land_region was empty.
            ### so we simulate as if we had run prt_reroute and it found no conflicts, by returning an empty tibble, 
            ### ?pathroutr::prt_reroute says "If trkpts and barrier do not spatially intersect and empty tibble is returned."
          } else {
            if (!inherits(x, "try-error")) {
              pathroutr::prt_reroute(x, land_region, vis_graph)
        df_rrt$pts_fix <- lapply(1:nrow(df_rrt), function(i) {
          if(!inherits(df_rrt$pts[[i]], "try-error")) {
            pathroutr::prt_update_points(df_rrt$rrt_pts[[i]], df_rrt$pts[[i]])
        # pull the corrected points from the object and reformat for aniMotum
        df_rrt$pts_rrt <- lapply(df_rrt$pts_fix, function(x) {
          if(!is.null(x)) {
            st_transform(x, crs = 4326) %>%
              mutate(lon = st_coordinates(.)[,1],
                     lat = st_coordinates(.)[,2]) %>%
              st_drop_geometry() %>%
              select(model, date, lon, lat, x, y)
        df_rrt <- df_rrt %>% select(id, rep, pts_rrt) %>% ungroup()
        # df_rrt <- df_rrt %>%
        #   select(id, rep, pts_fix) %>%
        #   mutate(pts_fix = list(pts_fix %>% st_transform(crs = 4326) %>%
        #                         mutate(lon = st_coordinates(.)[,1],
        #                                lat = st_coordinates(.)[,2]) %>%
        #                         st_drop_geometry() %>%
        #                         select(model, date, lon, lat, x, y)))
        # remove nesting by individual path
        df_rrt <- df_rrt %>% unnest(cols = c(pts_rrt))
        # format to aniMotum object - including nesting by animal id
        df_rrt <- df_rrt %>% nest(sims = c(rep, date, lon, lat, x, y))
        class(df_rrt) <- append("rws", class(df_rrt))
        class(df_rrt) <- append("sim_fit", class(df_rrt))
        out <- df_rrt
      if(detach.dplyr.on.end) detach(package:dplyr)
      if(detach.sf.on.end) detach(package:sf)
    } else {
      cat("\n pathroutr pkg is not installed, use remotes::install_github(\"jmlondon/pathroutr\")
          or install.packages(\"pathroutr\", repos = \"https://jmlondon.r-universe.dev\")to use this function\n")
ianjonsen/foieGras documentation built on Jan. 17, 2025, 11:15 p.m.