##' @title fit the move persistence state-space model to data after passing through \code{prefilter}
##' @description generates initial values for model parameters and unobserved states;
##' structures data and initial values for C++ \code{TMB} template;
##' fits state-space model; minimizes the joint log-likelihood via the selected
##' optimizer (\code{nlminb} or \code{optim}); structures and passes output
##' object to \code{fit_ssm}
##' @details called by \code{fit_mpssm}, not intended for general use. \code{mpfilter} can only fit to an
##' individual track, use \code{fit_mpssm} to fit to multiple tracks (see ?fit_mpssm).
##' @param x Argos data passed through prefilter()
##' @param time.step the regular time interval, in hours, to predict to.
##' Alternatively, a vector of prediction times, possibly not regular, must be
##' specified as a data.frame with id and POSIXt dates.
##' @param map a named list of parameters as factors that are to be fixed during estimation, e.g., list(psi = factor(NA))
##' @param parameters a list of initial values for all model parameters and
##' unobserved states, default is to let sfilter specify these. Only play with
##' this if you know what you are doing...
##' @param fit.to.subset fit the SSM to the data subset determined by prefilter
##' (default is TRUE)
##' @param control list of control parameters for the outer optimization (see \code{ssm_control} for details)
##' @param inner.control list of control settings for the inner optimization
##' (see ?TMB::MakeADFUN for additional details)
##' @param verbose is deprecated, use ssm_control(verbose = 1) instead, see \code{ssm_control} for details
##' @param optim is deprecated, use ssm_control(optim = "optim") instead, see \code{ssm_control} for details
##' @param optMeth is deprecated, use ssm_control(method = "L-BFGS-B") instead, see \code{ssm_control} for details
##' @param lpsi is deprecated, use ssm_control(lower = list(lpsi = -Inf)) instead, see \code{ssm_control} for details
##' @importFrom TMB MakeADFun sdreport newtonOption FreeADFun
##' @importFrom stats approx cov sd predict nlminb optim na.omit filter
##' @importFrom utils flush.console
##' @importFrom tibble as_tibble
##' @importFrom sf st_crs st_coordinates st_geometry<- st_as_sf st_set_crs
##' @keywords internal
mpfilter <-
model = model,
time.step = 6,
parameters = NULL,
map = NULL,
fit.to.subset = TRUE,
control = ssm_control(),
inner.control = NULL) {
st <- proc.time()
call <- match.call()
## check args
if(!inherits(x, c("sf","tbl_df"))) stop("x must be an sf-tibble produced by `prefilter()`")
if(!any((is.numeric(time.step) & time.step > 0) | is.na(time.step) | is.data.frame(time.step))) stop("time.step must be either: 1) a positive, non-zero value; 2) NA (to turn off predictions); or 3) a data.frame (see `?fit_ssm`)")
if(!any(is.list(parameters) || is.null(parameters))) stop("parameters must be a named list of parameter initial values or NULL")
if(!any(is.list(map) || is.null(map))) stop("map must be a named list of parameters to fix (turn off) in estimation or NULL")
if(!is.logical(fit.to.subset)) stop("fit.to.subset must be TRUE (fit to prefiltered observations) or FALSE (fit to all observations)")
if(!any(is.list(inner.control) || is.null(inner.control))) stop("inner.control must be a named list of valid newtonOptimiser control arguments or NULL")
if(length(time.step) > 1 & !is.data.frame(time.step)) {
stop("\ntime.step must be a data.frame with id's when specifying multiple prediction times")
} else if(length(time.step) > 1 & is.data.frame(time.step)) {
if(sum(!names(time.step) %in% c("id","date")) > 0) stop("\n time.step names must be `id` and `date`")
## drop any records flagged to be ignored, if fit.to.subset is TRUE
if(fit.to.subset) xx <- subset(x, keep)
else xx <- x
prj <- st_crs(xx)
loc <- as.data.frame(st_coordinates(xx))
names(loc) <- c("x","y")
st_geometry(xx) <- NULL
d <- cbind(xx, loc)
d$isd <- TRUE
if (!inherits(time.step, "data.frame") & all(!is.na(time.step))) {
## prediction times - assume on time.step-multiple of the hour
tsp <- time.step * 3600
tms <- (as.numeric(d$date) - as.numeric(d$date[1])) / tsp
index <- floor(tms)
if (time.step > 1) {
## time.step >= 1 h
## trunc so predictions start on the hour immediately prior to 1st obs
ts <-
data.frame(id = d$id[1],
date = seq(
trunc(d$date[1], "hour"),
by = tsp,
length.out = max(index) + 2
} else {
## time.step < 1 h
## trunc so predictions start on the time.step immediately prior to 1st obs
ts1 <- trunc(d$date[1] - tsp, "mins") + tsp
if(ts1 <= d$date[1]) {
ts <-
data.frame(id = d$id[1],
date = seq(ts1,
by = tsp,
length.out = max(index) + 2))
} else {
ts <-
data.frame(id = d$id[1],
date = seq(ts1 - tsp,
by = tsp,
length.out = max(index) + 2))
} else if (inherits(time.step, "data.frame") & all(!is.na(time.step))) {
ts <- subset(time.step, id %in% unique(d$id))
} else if (inherits(time.step, "data.frame") & any(is.na(time.step))) {
stop("NA's detected in user-supplied prediction times data.frame")
if (all(!is.na(time.step))) {
## add 1 s to observation time(s) that exactly match prediction time(s)
if (sum(d$date %in% ts$date) > 0) {
o.times <- which(d$date %in% ts$date)
d[o.times, "date"] <- d[o.times, "date"] + 1
## merge data and prediction times
## add is.data flag (distinguish obs from reg states)
d.all <- full_join(d, ts, by = c("id", "date"))
d.all <- d.all[order(d.all$date), ]
d.all$isd <- with(d.all, ifelse(is.na(isd), FALSE, isd))
d.all$id <- with(d.all, ifelse(is.na(id), na.omit(unique(id))[1], id))
} else {
d.all <- d
## calc delta times in hours for observations & interpolation points (states)
dt <- as.numeric(difftime(d.all$date, c(as.POSIXct(NA),d.all$date[-nrow(d.all)]),
units = "hours"))
dt[1] <- 0.000001 # - 0 causes numerical issues in CRW model
## use approx & MA filter to obtain state initial values
x.init1 <-
approx(x = select(d, date, x),
xout = d.all$date,
rule = 2)$y
x.init <-
as.numeric(stats::filter(x.init1, rep(1, 5) / 5))
x.na <- which(is.na(x.init))
x.init[x.na] <- x.init1[x.na]
y.init1 <-
approx(x = select(d, date, y),
xout = d.all$date,
rule = 2)$y
y.init <-
as.numeric(stats::filter(y.init1, rep(1, 5) / 5))
y.na <- which(is.na(y.init))
y.init[y.na] <- y.init1[y.na]
xs <- cbind(x.init, y.init)
if (is.null(parameters)) {
## Estimate stochastic innovations
es <- xs[-1,] - xs[-nrow(xs),]
## Estimate components of variance
V <- cov(es)
sigma <- sqrt(diag(V))
rho <- V[1, 2] / prod(sigma)
v <- cbind(c(0,diff(x.init)), c(0,diff(y.init))) / dt
parameters <- list(
l_sigma = log(pmax(1e-08, sigma)),
l_rho_p = log((1 + rho) / (1 - rho)),
X = t(xs),
lg = rep(0, dim(xs)[1]),
l_sigma_g = 0,
l_psi = 0,
l_tau = c(0, 0),
l_rho_o = 0
## start to work out which obs_mod to use for each observation
d <- mutate(d, obs.type = factor(obs.type,
levels = c("LS","KF","GL","GPS"),
labels = c("LS","KF","GL","GPS"))
p.obst <- table(d$obs.type) / nrow(d)
obst <- which(table(d$obs.type) > 0)
# favours KF when mix of few LS + many KF
obst <- round(which(table(d$obs.type) * p.obst > 0))
automap <- list(
l_psi = factor(NA)
l_tau = factor(c(NA, NA)),
l_rho_o = factor(NA)
l_psi = factor(NA)
l_psi = factor(NA)
mm <- unlist(automap[obst], recursive = FALSE)
mm[which(duplicated(names(mm)))] <- NULL
automap <- mm
if(!is.null(map)) {
names(map) <- paste0("l_", names(map))
map <- append(automap, map, after = 0)
} else {
## ensure psi is always turned on if KF obs present in data
## handles cases when % LS > % KF (may be rare or non-existent)
if(all(length(table(d.all$obs.type)) > 1,
"KF" %in% names(table(d.all$obs.type)))) {
map <- automap[-which(names(automap) == "l_psi")]
} else {
map <- automap
## TMB - data list
## convert from string to integer for C++
obs_mod <- ifelse(d.all$obs.type %in% c("LS","GPS"), 0,
ifelse(d.all$obs.type == "KF", 1, 2)
## where is.na(obs_mod) - prediction points - set to "LS" (obs_mod = 0) so
## NA's don't create an int overflow situation in C++ code. This won't matter
## as isd makes likelihood contribution goes to 0 in C++ code
obs_mod <- ifelse(is.na(obs_mod), 0, obs_mod)
data <- list(
model_name = model,
Y = rbind(d.all$x, d.all$y),
dt = dt,
isd = as.integer(d.all$isd),
obs_mod = as.integer(obs_mod),
m = d.all$smin,
M = d.all$smaj,
c = d.all$eor,
K = cbind(d.all$emf.x, d.all$emf.y),
GLerr = cbind(d.all$x.sd, d.all$y.sd)
## TMB - create objective function
if (is.null(inner.control) | !"smartsearch" %in% names(inner.control)) {
inner.control <- list(smartsearch = TRUE)
rnd <- c("X", "lg")
obj <-
map = map,
random = rnd,
hessian = TRUE,
method = control$method,
DLL = "aniMotum",
silent = !ifelse(control$verbose == 2, TRUE, FALSE),
inner.control = inner.control
obj$env$tracemgc <- ifelse(control$verbose == 2, TRUE, FALSE)
## add par values to trace if control$verbose = TRUE
myfn <- function(x) {
cat("\r", "pars: ", round(x, 5), " ")
## Set parameter bounds - most are -Inf, Inf
L = c(l_sigma=c(-Inf,-Inf),
l_rho_o=-7) ## using 2 / (1 + exp(-x)) - 1 transformation, this gives rho_o = -0.999, 0.999
U = c(l_sigma=c(Inf,Inf),
if(any(!is.null(control$lower))) {
L[which(names(L) %in% names(control$lower))] <- unlist(control$lower)
if(any(!is.null(control$upper))) {
U[which(names(U) %in% names(control$upper))] <- unlist(control$upper)
names(L)[c(1:2,6:7)] <- c("l_sigma", "l_sigma", "l_tau", "l_tau")
names(U)[c(1:2,6:7)] <- c("l_sigma", "l_sigma", "l_tau", "l_tau")
# Remove inactive parameters from bounds
L <- L[!names(L) %in% names(map)]
U <- U[!names(U) %in% names(map)]
## Minimize objective function
oldw <- getOption("warn")
options(warn = -1) ## turn warnings off but check if optimizer crashed & return warning at end
opt <-
nlminb = try(nlminb(obj$par,
ifelse(control$verbose == 1, myfn, obj$fn),
control = control$control,
lower = L,
upper = U
), silent = TRUE),
optim = try(do.call(
args = list(
par = obj$par,
fn = ifelse(control$verbose == 1, myfn, obj$fn),
gr = obj$gr,
method = control$method,
control = control$control,
lower = L,
upper = U
), silent = TRUE))
## if error then exit with limited output to aid debugging
## check if pdHess is FALSE at end and return warning
rep <- try(sdreport(obj), silent = TRUE) #, skip.delta.method = !control$se
options(warn = oldw) ## turn warnings back on
if (!inherits(opt, "try-error") & !inherits(rep, "try-error")) {
## Parameters, states and the fitted values
fxd <- summary(rep, "report")
if(!is.null(map)) {
fxd <- fxd[which(!rownames(fxd) %in%
sapply(strsplit(names(map), "_"), function(.)
if("sigma" %in% row.names(fxd)) {
row.names(fxd)[which(row.names(fxd) == "sigma")] <- c("sigma_x","sigma_y")
if("tau" %in% row.names(fxd)) {
row.names(fxd)[which(row.names(fxd) == "tau")] <- c("tau_x","tau_y")
tmp <- summary(rep, "random")
X <- tmp[rownames(tmp) %in% "X",]
lg <- tmp[rownames(tmp) %in% "lg",]
rdm <- data.frame(cbind(X[seq(1, nrow(X), by = 2), ],
X[seq(2, nrow(X), by = 2), ]
))[, c(1,3,2,4)]
names(rdm) <- c("x","y","x.se","y.se")
rdm <- data.frame(rdm, logit_g = lg[,1], logit_g.se = lg[,2], g = plogis(lg[,1]))
rdm$id <- unique(d.all$id)
rdm$date <- d.all$date
rdm$isd <- d.all$isd
rdm <- rdm[, c("id","date","x","y","x.se","y.se", "logit_g", "logit_g.se", "g", "isd")]
## coerce x,y back to sf object
rdm <- st_as_sf(rdm, coords = c("x","y"), remove = FALSE)
rdm <- st_set_crs(rdm, prj)
# drop x,y as we have the geom
rdm <- rdm[, c("id","date","x.se","y.se", "logit_g", "logit_g.se", "g", "isd")]
pv <- subset(rdm, !isd)[, -8]
#pv$gn <- with(pv, (g - min(g)) / (max(g) - min(g)))
fv <- subset(rdm, isd)[, -8]
#fv$gn <- with(fv, (g - min(g)) / (max(g) - min(g)))
if (control$optim == "nlminb") {
AICc <- 2 * length(opt[["par"]]) + 2 * opt[["objective"]] +
(2 * length(opt[["par"]])^2 + 2 * length(opt[["par"]])) / (nrow(fv) - length(opt[["par"]]))
} else if (control$optim == "optim") {
AICc <- 2 * length(opt[["par"]]) + 2 * opt[["value"]] +
(2 * length(opt[["par"]])^2 + 2 * length(opt[["par"]])) / (nrow(fv) - length(opt[["par"]]))
out <- list(
call = call,
predicted = pv,
fitted = fv,
par = fxd,
data = x,
isd = d.all$isd,
inits = parameters,
pm = "mp",
ts = time.step,
opt = opt,
tmb = obj,
rep = rep,
AICc = AICc,
optimiser = control$optim,
time = proc.time() - st
if(!rep$pdHess & any(!is.na(x$smaj), !is.na(x$smin), !is.na(x$eor)) & (!"l_psi" %in% names(map))) {
warning("Hessian was not positive-definite so some standard errors could not be calculated. Try simplifying the model by adding the following argument:
`map = list(psi = factor(NA))`", call. = FALSE)
} else if (!rep$pdHess) {
warning("Hessian was not positive-definite so some standard errors could not be calculated.", call. = FALSE)
} else if (rep$pdHess & all(is.na(x$smaj), is.na(x$smin), is.na(x$eor))){
warning("Hessian was not positive-definite so some standard errors could not be calculated.",
call. = FALSE)
} else {
## if optimiser fails
out <- list(
call = call,
data = x,
inits = parameters,
pm = model,
ts = time.step,
tmb = obj,
errmsg = opt
if(any(!is.na(x$smaj), !is.na(x$smin), !is.na(x$eor)) & (!"l_psi" %in% names(map))) {
warning("The optimiser failed. Try simplifying the model with the following argument:
`map = list(psi = factor(NA))`", call. = FALSE)
} else if (all(is.na(x$smaj), is.na(x$smin), is.na(x$eor)) & (!"rho_o" %in% names(map))){
warning("The optimiser failed. Try simplifying the model with the following argument:
`map = list(rho_o = factor(NA))`", call. = FALSE)
} else {
warning("The optimiser failed. You could try using a different time.step or turn off prefiltering with
`spdf = FALSE`", call. = FALSE)
class(out) <- append("mp_ssm", class(out))
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