##' @title map
##' @description map aniMotum-estimated locations and behavioural indices with
##' coastline and projection options
##' @param x a `aniMotum` ssm fit object with class `ssm_df` or (old) `fG_ssm`
##' @param y optionally, a `aniMotum` mpm fit object with class `mpm_df` or (old)
##' `fG_mpm`
##' @param what specify which location estimates to map: fitted, predicted or
##' rerouted
##' @param aes a list of map controls and aesthetics (shape, size, col, fill, alpha)
##' for each map feature (estimated locations, confidence ellipses, track lines,
##' observed locations, land masses, water bodies). Constructed by `aes_lst()` and
##' can be modified for custom maps (see examples)
##' @param by.id when mapping multiple tracks, should locations be coloured by
##' id (logical; default = TRUE if `nrow(x) > 1` else FALSE; ignored if behavioural
##' index provided)
##' @param by.date when mapping single tracks, should locations be coloured by
##' date (logical; default = FALSE; ignored if behavioural
##' index provided)
##' @param crs `proj4string` for re-projecting locations, if NULL the
##' default projection (Mercator) for the fitting the SSM will be used
##' @param ext.rng proportion (can exceed 1) to extend the plot range in x and y
##' dimensions
##' @param buffer distance (in km) to buffer locations for subsetting land
##' polygons (default = 10000). If map extents are expanded by many factors then
##' the buffer distance may need to be increased, otherwise this should not be
##' used. Ignored if `map_type != "default"`.
##' @param map_type background map type ("default" uses [rnaturalearth::ne_countries]
##' to add land polygons). If the `rnaturalearthdata` package is installed then
##' high-resolution land polygons will be used. If the `ggspatial`
##' and `rosm` packages are installed then any tile map type returned by
##' [rosm::osm.types] can be used for a potentially more detailed coastline at
##' fine spatial scales, given appropriate zoom settings
##' (see [ggspatial::annotation_map_tile] for details).
##' @param normalise logical; if output includes a move persistence estimate,
##' should g (the move persistence index) be normalised to have minimum = 0 and
##' maximum = 1 (default = TRUE).
##' @param group logical; should g be normalised among individuals as a group,
##' a 'relative g', or separately to highlight regions of lowest and highest move
##' persistence along a track (default = FALSE).
##' @param silent logical; generate maps silently (default = FALSE).
##' @param ... additional arguments passed to [ggspatial::annotation_map_tile]
##' @return a map as a ggplot2 object
##' @importFrom ggplot2 ggplot geom_sf aes ggtitle xlim ylim unit
##' @importFrom ggplot2 element_text theme scale_fill_gradientn scale_fill_manual
##' @importFrom ggplot2 element_blank scale_colour_manual scale_colour_gradientn
##' @importFrom ggplot2 coord_sf
##' @importFrom sf st_bbox st_transform st_crop st_as_sf st_as_sfc st_buffer st_make_valid
##' @importFrom sf st_crs st_coordinates st_cast st_multipolygon st_polygon st_union
##' @importFrom utils data
##' @importFrom grDevices extendrange grey
##' @importFrom dplyr group_by summarise
##' @importFrom grDevices hcl.colors
##' @examples
##' # create an ssm fit object
##' fit <- fit_ssm(ellie, model = "rw", time.step = 24, control = ssm_control(verbose = 0))
##' # render default map
##' map(fit, what = "p")
##' @export
##' @md
map <- function(x,
y = NULL,
what = c("fitted", "predicted", "rerouted"),
aes = aes_lst(),
by.id = TRUE,
by.date = FALSE,
crs = NULL,
ext.rng = c(0.05, 0.05),
buffer = 10000,
map_type = "default",
normalise = TRUE,
group = FALSE,
silent = FALSE,
...) {
what <- match.arg(what)
stopifnot("x must be a aniMotum ssm fit object with class `ssm_df`" =
any(inherits(x, "ssm_df"), inherits(x, "fG_ssm")))
stopifnot("y must either be NULL or a aniMotum mpm fit object with class `mpm_df`" =
any(inherits(y, "mpm_df"), inherits(y, "fG_mpm"), is.null(y)))
stopifnot("individual `ssm` fit objects with differing projections not currently supported" =
length(unique(sapply(x$ssm, function(.) st_crs(.$predicted)$epsg))) == 1)
if(!is.null(crs)) {
stopifnot("crs must be a proj4string with units=km,
\n eg. `+proj=stere +lat_0=-90 +lon_0=0 +datum=WGS84 +units=km +no_defs`" =
if(map_type != "default" & !(requireNamespace("rosm", quietly = TRUE) |
requireNamespace("ggspatial", quietly = TRUE))) {
cat("required packages `rosm` and/or `ggspatial` are not installed,
switching map_type to default\n")
map_type <- "default"
## estimated locations in projected form
if (all(what == "rerouted", !"rerouted" %in% names(x$ssm[[1]]))){
stop("what = 'rerouted' can not be used as model fits do not have rerouted paths")
} else {
loc_sf <- grab(x, what = what, as_sf = TRUE, normalise = normalise, group = group)
## handle mpm fits if present
if(!is.null(y)) {
loc_sf <- join(x, y, what.ssm = what, as_sf = TRUE, normalise = normalise, group = group)
if(!is.null(crs)) {
if (length(grep("+units=km", crs, fixed = TRUE)) == 0) {
cat("converting projection units from m to km to match SSM output")
crs <- paste(crs, "+units=km")
loc_sf <- st_transform(loc_sf, crs = crs)
} else {
crs <- st_crs(loc_sf)
## generate track lines & cast to MULTILINESTRING for plot efficiency
if (aes$line) {
line_sf <- group_by(loc_sf, id)
line_sf <- summarise(line_sf, do_union = FALSE)
line_sf <- st_cast(line_sf, "MULTILINESTRING")
} else {
line_sf <- NULL
## calc confidence ellipses around estimated locations & dissolve overlapping segments
if(aes$conf) {
locs <- st_coordinates(loc_sf)
locs <- data.frame(id = loc_sf$id, x = locs[,1], y = locs[,2], x.se = loc_sf$x.se, y.se = loc_sf$y.se)
## check for NA's in se estimates
if(any(is.na(locs$x.se),is.na(locs$y.se))) {
aes$conf <- FALSE
message("NA's detected in location standard errors, can not render confidence ellipses")
if(aes$conf) {
locs.lst <- split(locs, locs$id)
conf_poly <- lapply(locs.lst, function(x) {
conf <- lapply(1:nrow(x), function(j)
with(x, elps(x[j], y[j], x.se[j], y.se[j], 90)))
lapply(conf, function(x)
st_polygon(list(x))) |>
conf_sf <- st_as_sfc(conf_poly)
conf_sf <- st_as_sf(conf_sf, crs = st_crs(loc_sf))
conf_sf$id <- unique(loc_sf$id)
## dissolve individual polygons where they overlap one another
conf_sf <- st_union(conf_sf, by_feature = TRUE)
conf_sf <- st_make_valid(conf_sf)
} else {
conf_sf <- NULL
## get observations & set map extents
if (aes$obs) {
obs_sf <- st_transform(grab(x, "data", as_sf = TRUE), crs = crs)
extents <- st_bbox(obs_sf)
} else {
obs_sf <- NULL
extents <- st_bbox(loc_sf)
extents[c("xmin", "xmax")] <- extendrange(extents[c("xmin", "xmax")],
f = ext.rng[1])
extents[c("ymin", "ymax")] <- extendrange(extents[c("ymin", "ymax")],
f = ext.rng[2])
## select appropriate mapping fn based on x, y inputs
if(all(nrow(x) == 1, any(!"g" %in% names(loc_sf), !aes$mp))) {
m <- map_single_track_base(map_type,
else if(all(nrow(x) > 1, any(!"g" %in% names(loc_sf), !aes$mp))) {
m <- map_multi_track_base(map_type,
else if(all(nrow(x) == 1, "g" %in% names(loc_sf), aes$mp)) {
m <- map_single_track_mp(map_type,
else if(all(nrow(x) > 1, "g" %in% names(loc_sf), aes$mp)) {
m <- map_multi_track_mp(map_type,
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