#' internal fxn for array data preprocessing
#' this function is used to extract and prepare the data matrix which will be used to do differential expression calculation.
#' if class1 is set to NULL, the returned value will be used for one class DEG analysis.
#' @param dat.mtr an expression data matrix with one column per sample; each gene as a row.
#' @param featureName optional gene name for the expression matrix(vector with length == nrow(dat.mtr)).
#' @param sample.label sample treament(condition) labels for each sample(vector with length == ncol(dat.mtr)).
#' @param class1 class1 and class2 are strings indicating which groups are compared.
#' @param class2 class1 and class2 are strings indicating which groups are compared.
#' @return a list with 3 elements: dat for expression data matrix, cls for the coressponding sample labels, featureName is attached as also.
#' @export
datPrep <- function(dat.mtr, featureName=NULL, sample.label,
class1, class2){
##set class1 = NULL for one class DEG analysis
cl <- sample.label
if(!is.null(class1)) {
if(any(f1 == ""))
stop(class1, "is malformed\n")
for(i in 1:length(f1) ) {
if(any(f2 == ""))
stop(class2, "is malformed\n")
for(i in 1:length(f2) ) {
if(sum(cl1.index) == 0 & sum(cl2.index) == 0)
stop("both ",class1," and ",class2," are not found in cls\n")
cls <- c( rep(0,length=sum(cl1.index)),
rep(1,length=sum(cl2.index)) )
dat.mtr1<- cbind(dat.mtr[,cl1.index], dat.mtr[,cl2.index] )
res <- list(dat=dat.mtr1,
get.arg.value <- function(arg.name,named.arg.list) {
##return the arg value if found
##else return NULL
ind <- match(arg.name ,names(named.arg.list))
res <- ifelse(is.na(ind),NULL, named.arg.list[[ind]])
#' internal fxn for array data DEG calc
#' @param dat.obj this is a list returned by dat.prep function.
#' @param diff.method possible values are: RP(for rankprod) limma sam
#' @param ... further parameters passed to RP limma or sam algrithm
#' @return a list with 2 tables: up&down regulated genes expression fold change table
#' @export
diffCalc <- function(dat.obj,diff.method,... ){
##return FC p value and fdr without thresholding
##leave thresholding to diff.output
print("We assume that the data input is log2 transformed...")
additional.args <- list(...)
if(diff.method == "RP") {
##code chunck for RankProd is identical for both
##case/control design and single R/G ratio design
stop("error loading RankProd package,try \n
install.packages(RankProd) to install this package\n")
rp.out <- RP(data=dat.obj$dat, cl=dat.obj$cls, ...)
topGene(x=rp.out, cutoff=NULL,
num.gene = nrow(dat.obj$dat),
gene.names = dat.obj$featureName,
logged = T)->topgene
res <- topgene
##steps following makes the output identical among different methods...we define taht a deg result is a list that contains two elements: up regulated(class1<class2) table with FC<1; down regulated table with FC>1, each table contains 4 columns: gene.name FC p.value fdr(pfp)
res$Table1 <- data.frame(gene=rownames(topgene$Table1),topgene$Table1,check.names=F, stringsAsFactors = F, row.names=NULL)
res$Table2 <- data.frame(gene=rownames(topgene$Table2),topgene$Table2,check.names=F, stringsAsFactors = F, row.names=NULL)
res$Table1 <- res$Table1[,c(1,4,6,5)] ##check this when RankProd package updates
res$Table1 <- res$Table1[ res$Table1[ ,2 ] < 1 , ]
res$Table2 <- res$Table2[,c(1,4,6,5)] ##check this when RankProd package updates
res$Table2 <- res$Table2[ res$Table2[ ,2 ] >= 1 , ]
attributes(res) <- list(method="RP",names=names(res))
if(diff.method == "limma") {
##for case/control analysis, limma generate a
##model matrix and a contrast matrix, for R/G ratio
##analysis, just omit the design matrix in lmfit
##from lmFit funciton help we know that limma assume taht data is log transformed
stop("error loading limma package, try \n
install.packages(limma) may help\n")
if(length(unique(dat.obj$cls) ) == 1) {
##for R/G ratio data, should be tested
##this is copied from limma user guide page57
fit <- lmFit(dat.obj$dat)
fit <- eBayes(fit)
res <- topTable(fit,number = length(dat.obj$featureName),
} else { ##single channel data
cl <- factor(dat.obj$cls)
##rename cl level names for later use
levels(cl) <- c("ctrl","case")
design.mtr <- model.matrix(~0+cl)
colnames(design.mtr) <- levels(cl)
contrasts <- paste(levels(cl)[1],"-",levels(cl)[2],sep="")
contra.mtr <- makeContrasts(contrasts = contrasts , levels = design.mtr)
fit <- lmFit(dat.obj$dat,design.mtr)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, contra.mtr)
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2)
res <- topTable(fit2, number = length(dat.obj$featureName),
##column order for 1,2,8,9: gene, logFC, p, fdr
Table1 <- res[ res$logFC < 0 , c(1, 2, 5,6) ]
Table2 <- res[ res$logFC > 0 , c(1, 2, 5,6) ]
##to keep in accordance with rankprod, transform logfc to fc
Table1[ ,2 ] <- 2^Table1[ ,2 ]
colnames(Table1)[2] <- 'FC'
Table2[ ,2 ] <- 2^Table2[ ,2 ]
colnames(Table2)[2] <- 'FC'
res <- list(Table1=Table1, Table2=Table2)
attributes(res) <- list(method="limma",names=names(res))
##from limma user guide pdf we know that limma is capable of
##more complex comparison, amazing, +1 for linea regression model formulae...
if(diff.method == "sam") {
stop("error loading samr package\n")
##samr require the cls should be composed of 1 and 2...
cls <- factor(dat.obj$cls)
levels(cls) <- c(1,2)
resp.type <- ifelse(length(unique(dat.obj$cls)) == 1,
"One class","Two class unpaired")
samr.obj <- SAM(x=dat.obj$dat,
geneid = NULL,
genenames = dat.obj$featureName,
logged2 = T,
random.seed = 123,
nperms = 100,
fdr.output = 1,
resp.type = resp.type)
##samr has q-value in the table, just used it as fdr,
res <- samr.obj$siggenes.table
Table1 <- res$genes.up
Table1 <- Table1[ ,c(1,6,7) ]
Table2 <- res$genes.lo
Table2 <- Table2[ ,c(1,6,7) ]
res <- list(Table1=Table1,
##no pvalue quatity...
attributes(res) <- list(method="sam",names=names(res))
#' internal fxn for thresholding and output DE result
#' @param diff.calc.obj this is a list returned by diff.calc function.
#' @param FC fold change threshold
#' @param fdr false discovery rate threshold
#' @param prefix result file prefix string
#' @return this fxn has no return value
#' @export
diffOutput <- function(diff.calc.obj,FC=1.5,
fdr=0.05,prefix = ""){
if(attributes(diff.calc.obj)$method == "sam") {##sam output is different...
table1 <- diff.calc.obj$Table1[ diff.calc.obj$Table1[ ,2 ] >= FC , ]
table1 <- table1[ table1[ ,3 ] <= fdr, ]
table2 <- diff.calc.obj$Table2[ diff.calc.obj$Table2[ ,2 ] <= 1/FC , ]
table2 <- table2[ table2[ ,3 ] <= fdr, ]
tab1Name <- paste("table1.csv",sep="")
tab2Name <- paste("table2.csv",sep="")
if(prefix != ""){
tab1Name <- paste0(prefix, "_", tab1Name)
tab2Name <- paste0(prefix, "_", tab2Name)
} else if(attributes(diff.calc.obj)$method == "fc" ) {
table1 <- diff.calc.obj$Table1[ diff.calc.obj$Table1[ ,4 ] <= 1/FC , ]
table2 <- diff.calc.obj$Table2[ diff.calc.obj$Table2[ ,4 ] >= FC , ]
tab1Name <- paste("table1.csv",sep="")
tab2Name <- paste("table2.csv",sep="")
if(prefix != ""){
tab1Name <- paste0(prefix, "_", tab1Name)
tab2Name <- paste0(prefix, "_", tab2Name)
} else {
##here we assume that the data structure of the diff.calc.obj is : geneName FC fdr Pvalue
##fc is calculated as class1/class2
##if we assume that class1 is control grp, then table 1 is up regulated genes, table 2 is down regulated genes
##table column: gene fc p.value fdr
table1 <- diff.calc.obj$Table1[ diff.calc.obj$Table1[ ,2 ] <= 1/FC , ]
table1 <- table1[ table1[ ,4 ] <= fdr, ]
table2 <- diff.calc.obj$Table2[ diff.calc.obj$Table2[ ,2 ] >= FC , ]
table2 <- table2[ table2[ ,4 ] <= fdr, ]
tab1Name <- paste("table1.csv",sep="")
tab2Name <- paste("table2.csv",sep="")
if(prefix != ""){
tab1Name <- paste0(prefix, "_", tab1Name)
tab2Name <- paste0(prefix, "_", tab2Name)
SymbolAggregate<- function(expr, map.db, map.name,get.symbol.only=F) {
## first map probe id to symbol using annotaion packages privided by bioconductor;
##then aggregate the data matrix according to the symbol
##set get.symbol.only=T in case if you only want to convert probeID to symbol
stop("error loading ",map.db,"\n")
##remove multiple mapped& non-mapped probes...
lapply(symbol.list, length) -> tmp
multi.ind <- unlist(tmp) >= 2
sum(multi.ind) ->n.multi
cat(n.multi, " multiple mapped probes\n")
non.ind <- unlist(lapply(symbol.list, is.na))
cat(n.nonmapped, " none mapped probes\n")
probe.rm = multi.ind | non.ind
expr1 =expr[!probe.rm, ]
##aggregate probes to get gene level expression matrix
aggregate(expr1, by=list(gene=symbol), FUN=median)->aggr.tmp
SymbolAggregate1 <- function(expr, gpl, sym.col, get.symbol.only=F) {
##same as SymbolAggregate, but use annotation table provided by GEO gpl table,
##downloading gpl table may take minites...
##set get.symbol.only=T in case if you only want to convert probeID to symbol
stop("error loading GEOquery package\n")
gpl <- getGEO(gpl, destdir=".")
tab <- Table(gpl)
probeid <- rownames(expr)
pos <- match(probeid, tab$ID)
missing.ind <- is.na(pos)
cat(sum(missing.ind), "probes unmapped\n")
expr <- expr[!missing.ind, ]
pos <- pos[!missing.ind]
symbol <- as.character(tab[pos, sym.col])
aggregate(expr, by=list(gene=symbol), FUN=median)->aggr.tmp
remove100 <- function(expr) {
exp.medi <- apply(expr, 1, median)
ind <- exp.medi >= 100
print(paste(sum(!ind)," probes with median expression level < 100 to remove...\n",sep=""))
res <- expr[ ind, ]
##code from microarray_analysis.R in stem_cell dir
##Time function to get time as file name
Systim<-strsplit(Systim," ")
annot.affyProbeID <- function(affy.annot.file, probeIDs, target.col=15) {
##read file line by line in R
con <- file(affy.annot.file, open="r")
while(1) {
oneline <- readLines(con, n =1 )
skip <- skip + 1
annot.df <- read.csv(affy.annot.file, skip=skip)
match(probeIDs, annot.df[,1]) -> pos
as.character(annot.df[pos, target.col]) -> res
#' internal fxn for affymatrix IVT microarray preprocessing
#' @param phenoData a table derived from sdrf file which must have two columns called ArrayDataFile and State
#' @param Preprocessing prep method to use, possible values: mas5, dchip, rma, gcrma
#' @param PMA_cutoff percentage threshold of samples which failed the PMA calling test
#' @param auto.annot set to TURE for automatically annotation of the probes
#' @param symbol set to TURE to get gene symbol annotation instead of entrezID
#' @param ann.file if auto.annot = F, this file will be used to annote the probes
#' @param ann.col if auto.annot = F, this column of the ann.file will be used to annote the probes
#' @param multiple2one method for merge the probes corresponding to the same gene
#' @return an expressionSet object
#' @author dapeng, liang and guangchun, han
#' @export
affy.Microarray.preprocessing = function(phenoData,
Preprocessing = "mas5",
PMA_cutoff = 0.1,
multiple2one = "Variance") {
#Check the parameters
if(!any(Preprocessing == c("mas5","rma","gcrma","dchip")))
stop('Preprocessing method should be one of "mas5", "rma", "gcrma", "dchip"')
if(PMA_cutoff>1 | PMA_cutoff<=0)
stop("PMA_cutoff should be 0< value <=1")
if(!any(multiple2one == c("V", "Variance", "M", "Mean", "Aggregation" ,"A")))
stop('mutiple probsets to one gene should be handled with one of "V","Variance", "M", "Mean", "Aggregation" ,"A"')
stop("Please make sure that you have load affy or your chip specific cdf package")
#Reads in the phenoData file
cat("Reading in " ,phenoData, " file...\n");
pd = read.AnnotatedDataFrame(phenoData, header=TRUE, sep = "\t", row.names="ArrayDataFile",stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
stop( "a column named ArrayDataFile should be there as we use this column as the rownames of phenoData table")
#Reads in the raw data directly from the Affymetrix CEL files and store the sample covaribale
cat("Reading in raw CEL files and sample covaribale ...\n");
affydata = ReadAffy(filenames = rownames(pData(pd)),phenoData=pd);
#Processes the data with different methods
cat("Running", Preprocessing, "and MAS5 calls on the raw data...\n");
if(Preprocessing == "mas5")
eset = mas5(affydata);
if(Preprocessing == "rma")
eset = rma(affydata);
if(Preprocessing == "gcrma"){
if(require(Preprocessing, character.only = TRUE)){
eset = gcrma(affydata);
stop("Please make sure that you have load gcrma or corresponding chip-specific probe packages")
if(Preprocessing == "dchip")
eset = expresso(affydata, bg.correct = FALSE,normalize.method="invariantset", pmcorrect.method = "pmonly",summary.method="liwong")
#log2 transformation
if(any(Preprocessing == c("mas5", "dchip")))
expr_log_matrix = log(exprs(eset), 2)
expr_log_matrix = exprs(eset)
#PMA_calls Filtering
data.mas5calls = mas5calls(affydata);
PMA_calls = exprs(data.mas5calls)
expr_rm_absent = expr_log_matrix [rowSums(PMA_calls == "P")/ncol(PMA_calls)>=PMA_cutoff, ]
#Control Probe Filtering
expr_rm_ctrl = expr_rm_absent[-grep("AFFX", rownames(expr_rm_absent)), ]
if(auto.annot) {
##Loads the chip specific annotation libraries
db.package = paste(annotation(eset), ".db", sep = "", delim = "");
if(!require(db.package, character.only = TRUE) & !require(annaffy))
stop("Please make sure that you have load ", db.package,"and ","annaffy")
##removing unannoted probes corresponding to unidentified EST
annoted_probes = getText(aafLocusLink(rownames(expr_rm_ctrl), db.package));
if(symbol) {
annoted_probes = getText(aafSymbol(rownames(expr_rm_ctrl), db.package));
expr_rm_unannoted = expr_rm_ctrl[annoted_probes != "", ]
##probe ids map to gene identifier
geneid = annoted_probes[annoted_probes != ""]
} else {
if(is.null(ann.file) | is.null(ann.col))
stop("annotation file and target column number is required for mannally annotation mode\n")
annoted_probes = annot.affyProbeID(ann.file, rownames(expr_rm_ctrl),ann.col);
expr_rm_unannoted = expr_rm_ctrl[!is.na(annoted_probes ), ]
geneid =annot.affyProbeID(ann.file, rownames(expr_rm_unannoted),ann.col);
cat("Get representative probesets for each gene by", multiple2one, "...\n")
#Mutiple ProbSets to the same genes(highest var)
if(multiple2one == "Variance"|multiple2one == "V"){
probe_var = apply(expr_rm_unannoted ,1,var)
get_hVAR = function(duplicate_probe){
if(length(duplicate_probe) == 1)
hvar_probe = tapply(rownames(expr_rm_unannoted), geneid, get_hVAR)
pos.hvar_probe <- match(hvar_probe, rownames(expr_rm_unannoted))
expr_log_preprocessing = expr_rm_unannoted [pos.hvar_probe, ]
#probe annotation
geneid = geneid[pos.hvar_probe];
rownames(expr_log_preprocessing) = geneid
#Mutiple ProbSets to the same genes(highest mean)
if(multiple2one == "Mean"|multiple2one == "M"){
probe_mean = apply(expr_rm_unannoted , 1, mean)
get_hMEAN = function(duplicate_probe){
if(length(duplicate_probe) == 1)
hmean_probe = tapply(rownames(expr_rm_unannoted), geneid, get_hMEAN)
pos.hmean_probe <- match(hmean_probe, rownames(expr_rm_unannoted))
expr_log_preprocessing = expr_rm_unannoted [pos.hmean_probe, ]
#probe annotation
geneid = geneid[pos.hmean_probe];
rownames(expr_log_preprocessing) = geneid
#Mutiple ProbSets to the same genes(average)
if(multiple2one == "Aggregation"|multiple2one == "A"){
expr_log_preprocessing = aggregate(as.data.frame(expr_rm_unannoted), by = list(geneid), mean)
rownames(expr_log_preprocessing) = expr_log_preprocessing[,1]
expr_log_preprocessing = as.matrix(expr_log_preprocessing[,-1])
#Retains only expression information for the remaining probes after filtering
exprs(eset) = expr_log_preprocessing ;
cat("Save the results\n")
cat("Returns expression information (expressionset class)\n")
#' internal fxn for illumina microarray preprocessing
#' @param dataFile this is the expression datafile exported from genomeStudio
#' @param controlFile control probe signal file. This file is optional, it is also exported form genomestudio for background correction
#' @param arrayDesignFile this is the `sdrf file`
#' @param detection.p detection pvalue threshold
#' @param detectionRate PMA_cutoff analogue to affymatrix array
#' @param norm.method normalization method
#' @return a list of expressionMatrix, sample metaInfo, and probe annotation info
#' @author guangchun han
#' @export
ilumi.preprocess <- function(dataFile,controlFile=NULL,arrayDesignFile=NULL, detection.p=0.05, detectionRate=0.5,
norm.method = 'ssn') {
##to be accomplished
stop("error loading lumi package\n")
lumiR(dataFile) -> lumi.Ds
##add control data to lumi.Ds
lumi.Ds <- addControlData2lumi(controlFile,lumi.Ds)
if(!is.null(arrayDesignFile) ) {
tmp <- pData(lumi.Ds)
lumiExpresso(lumi.Ds, bg.correct = TRUE, bgcorrect.param = list(method='bgAdjust'), variance.stabilize = TRUE,
varianceStabilize.param = list(), normalize = TRUE, normalize.param = list(method=norm.method), QC.evaluation = TRUE,
QC.param = list(), verbose = TRUE)->lumi.N.Q
expr0 <- exprs(lumi.N.Q)
featureData0 <- fData(lumi.N.Q)
detect.count <- detectionCall(lumi.N.Q,Th=detection.p,type="probe")
detect.rate <- detect.count/ncol(expr0)
detectP<- detectionCall(lumi.N.Q,Th=detection.p,type="matrix")
mode(detectP) <- "logical"
expr0[!detectP] <- NA
##we plna to use impute.knn to impute NA values, leave those probes detection p rate >= detectionRate
featureData <- featureData0[detect.rate >= detectionRate,]
stop("error loading impute package\n")
expr.impt <- impute.knn(expr)$data
list(exp=expr.impt, fd=featureData, pd=pData(lumi.N.Q))->res
ask.column <- function(default.value,
max) {
res <- default.value
ok <- F
while(!ok) {
answer <- readline(display.info)
if(answer == "")
answer <- as.numeric(answer)
if(answer > max) {
print("illegal input, try again.")
res <- answer
ok <- T
dual.choice <- function(display.info,value1, value2) {
while(T) {
answer <- readline(paste0(display.info,"(",value1,"/",value2,")"))
if(answer == value1)
if(answer == value2)
else {
print(paste0(value1," or ",value2))
#' function used to filter expression matrix based on detection pvalue/PMA matrix
#' @export
#' @return a list with express matrix; detection pvalue and an index indicating which probes are filtered out
#' @author guangchun
rm.absent<- function(expr, PA.mtr=NULL, detectRate=0.2,DP.mtr=NULL,dp.cutoff=0.05) {
##auxilary function used to remove Absent probes defined by mas5call of affy package, used for affymetrix chip processing
if(all(c(is.null(PA.mtr),is.null(DP.mtr))) )
stop('provide at least one of PA.mtr/DP.mtr')
if(!is.null(PA.mtr)) {
apply(PA.mtr,2,function(x) {sum(x=='P')/dim(PA.mtr)[1]} )->sm.detectionP
if(sum(sm.detectionP <= 0.2) > 0)
print(paste0(paste(which(sm.detectionP <= 0.2),collapse=','),'has less than 50% probes detected, this is to inform you that there may exist bad quality samples...'))
detectFlag <- apply(PA.mtr, 1, function(x) {(sum(x=="P")/dim(PA.mtr)[2]) >= detectRate})
expr[detectFlag, ]->expr1
PA.mtr1 <- PA.mtr[detectFlag, ]
res <- list(expr=expr1, PAmtr=PA.mtr1,idx=detectFlag)
} else {
apply(DP.mtr,2,function(x) {sum(x<=dp.cutoff)/dim(DP.mtr)[1]} )->sm.detectionP
if(sum(sm.detectionP <= 0.2) > 0)
print(paste0(paste(which(sm.detectionP <= 0.2),collapse=','),'has less than 50% probes detected, this is to inform you that there may exist bad quality samples...'))
detectFlag <- apply(DP.mtr, 1, function(x) {(sum(x<=dp.cutoff)/dim(DP.mtr)[2]) >= detectRate})
expr[detectFlag, ]->expr1
DP.mtr1 <- DP.mtr[detectFlag, ]
res <- list(expr=expr1, DPmtr=DP.mtr1,idx=detectFlag)
#'agilent 4*44k microarray raw data preprocessing
#' @param array.fnames a character vector of array data file names
#' @param detect.rate PMA_cutoff analogue to affymatrix array
#' @return a list of expressionMatrix and probe annotation info
#' @author guangchun han
#' @export
agilent44k.prep <- function(array.fnames, detect.rate = .2) {
##array.fnames is a character vector of array data file names
##from limma user guide we know that read.mainage is used for data input for any microarray platform except for illumina and affymetrix
##we have to separate annotation from preprocessing, or , at least make
##annotation as a modular step in prep...
stop("error loading limma package\n")
elist <- read.maimages(array.fnames,
source="agilent", green.only = T)
##elist.p : processed elist
print("applying background corecction and normexp normalization")
elist.p <- backgroundCorrect(elist, method = "normexp")
print("between array normalzation with quantile")
elist.p <- normalizeBetweenArrays(elist.p, method = "quantile")
##low expression probe/control probe remove
neg95 <- apply(elist.p$E[ elist.p$genes$ControlType == -1, ],
2, function(x) quantile(x, p=.95) )
cutoff <- matrix(1.1*neg95, nrow(elist.p), ncol(elist.p),
byrow = T)
isexpr <- rowSums(elist.p$E > cutoff) >= detect.rate * ncol(elist.p)
print("number of probes left after applying filtration: ")
##[, has been defined for EList in limma, El[ 1:3, ]is legal...
elist.res <- elist.p[ elist.p$genes$ControlType == 0 & isexpr, ]
res <- list(exp=elist.res$E, feature=elist.res$genes$GeneName)
#' check if a package has been installed or not
#' @export
is.installed <- function(pkg.name) is.element(pkg.name, installed.packages()[,1])
#' install a package using bioconductor
#' @export
biocInst <- function(pkg.name) {
biocLite(pkg.name, suppressUpdates=T)
#' if hasn't been installed, install and load
#' @export
require0 <- function(pkg.name) {
if(is.installed(pkg.name)) {
if(!require(pkg.name, character.only = T, quietly = T))
} else {
if(!require(pkg.name, character.only=T, quietly = T))
#' affymatrix ivt microarray preprocessing 'lite' version
#' @param array.fnames a character vector of array data file names
#' @return a list of expressionMatrix and probe annotation info
#' @author guangchun han
#' @export
affy.ivt.prep <- function(array.fnames) {
##gcrma for background correction; gcrma also applies quantile normalization by default;it also applies log2 transform to the data
print('probe detectionRate 0.2, be careful with this for experiments with unbalanced case-control designs(ie. 100 controls .vs. 10 cases)')
detection.p.cutoff <- 0.05
detectionRate <- 0.2
stop("error loading affy\n")
affydata <- ReadAffy(filenames = array.fnames)
stop("error loading gcrma\n")
eset <- gcrma(affydata)
pma.calls <- exprs(mas5calls(affydata))
exp.mtr <- exprs(eset)
exp.mtr1 <- exp.mtr[ rowSums(pma.calls == "P")/ncol(pma.calls) >= detectionRate, ]
db.package <- paste(annotation(eset), ".db",sep="")
stop("error loading ",db.package,"\n")
stop("error loading annotation package\n")
symbols <- getSYMBOL(rownames(exp.mtr1),annotation(eset))
##symbols is a vector
missing <- is.na(symbols)
exp.mtr1 <- exp.mtr1[!missing, ]
symbols <- symbols[!missing]
res <- list(exp=exp.mtr1, feature=symbols)
#' affymatrix tilling microarray preprocessing
#' @param array.fnames a character vector of array data file names
#' @return a list of expressionMatrix and probe annotation info
#' @author guangchun han
#' @export
affy.st.prep <- function(array.fnames) {
##use RMA normalization method,no PMA filtration
##may need further threshold on expression value
##TODO: we should remove control probes...
if(!require(oligo,quietly=T) )
stop("oligo package is not available\n")
rawData <- read.celfiles(array.fnames)
cat("rma normalization on core(gene) level, rmaC0 is an expressionSet object\n")
rmaC0 <- rma(rawData,target="core")
featureData(rmaC0) <- getNetAffx(rmaC0, "transcript")
fd <- fData(rmaC0)
exp <- exprs(rmaC0)
res <- list(exp=exp,feature=fd$geneassignment)
#' nimblegene array preprocessing(experimentail)
#' @param array.fnames a character vector of array data file names
#' @return a list of expressionMatrix and probe annotation info as well as a sdrf file
#' @author guangchun han
#' @export
nimblegene.prep <- function(array.fnames, detect.rate = .2) {
##array.fnames is a character vector of array data file names
stop("error loading limma package\n")
stop("error loading Ringo package\n")
elist <- read.maimages(array.fnames,
source="agilent", green.only = T)
##elist.p : processed elist
print("applying background corecction and normexp normalization")
elist.p <- backgroundCorrect(elist, method = "normexp")
print("between array normalzation with quantile")
elist.p <- normalizeBetweenArrays(elist.p, method = "quantile")
##low expression probe/control probe remove
neg95 <- apply(elist.p$E[ elist.p$genes$ControlType == -1, ],
2, function(x) quantile(x, p=.95) )
cutoff <- matrix(1.1*neg95, nrow(elist.p), ncol(elist.p),
byrow = T)
isexpr <- rowSums(elist.p$E > cutoff) >= detect.rate * ncol(elist.p)
print("number of probes left after applying filtration: ")
##[, has been defined for EList in limma, El[ 1:3, ]is legal...
elist.res <- elist.p[ elist.p$genes$ControlType == 0 & isexpr, ]
res <- list(exp=elist.res$E, feature=elist.res$gene, sdrf=SDRF)
#' genepix array preprocessing(experimentail)
#' @param array.fnames a character vector of array data file names
#' @return a list of expressionMatrix and probe annotation info
#' @author guangchun han
genepix.prep <- function(array.fname) {
##prepare function for Phalanx one array
stop("error loading limma")
##limma user guide
filter.f <- function(spot) as.numeric(splot$Flag > -99)
RGlist <- read.maimages(array.fname,
source = "genepix",
wt.fun = filter.f)
##add 50 without considering the data specific condition may
##be inadvisible
print("background correction")
RGlist <- backgroundCorrect(RGlist,
method = "normexp",
offset = 50)
print("within array normalization")
MA <- normalizeWithinArray(RGlist)
gene.probe <- MA$genes$Status=="Gene"
MA <- MA[gene.probe,]
up.or.down <- function(deg, gene) {
if(gene %in% deg$up)
if(gene %in% deg$dn)
#' rearrange degs.list to degs table
#' assume that degs.list is a list of degs. each element is a list of length 2:up regulated genes&down regulated genes
#' @export
list2table <- function(degs.list) {
##assume that degs.list is a list of degs
##each element is a list of length 2,up&down regulated genes, element name should be 'up','dn'
checkoverlap <- function(deg) { ifelse(length(intersect(deg$up,deg$dn))!=0,T,F) }
overlp <- unlist(lapply(degs.list, checkoverlap))
stop('overlap found between up and down regulated genes in ',which(paste(overlap,',')),'th element of the deg list')
DEGs <- unique(unlist( ## code below for combine up and down genes
lapply(degs.list, function(x) unique(unlist(x)))) )
res <- matrix(0, ncol=length(degs.list), nrow = length(DEGs) )
rownames(res) <- DEGs
colnames(res) <- names(degs.list)
for(i in 1:length(DEGs) ) {
if(i %% 100 == 0)
print(paste0("dealing with ",i,"th gene"))
gene <- DEGs[i]
tmp <- unlist(lapply(degs.list,up.or.down,
gene = gene) )
res[ i, ] <- tmp
#' fc.calc for small sample DEG identification based on FC
#' @param dat.obj object returned by dat.prep function
#' @return list with up&down regulated genes expression tables
#' @export
fc.calc <- function(dat.obj) {
##dat.ojb: exp, cls(0,1), genesymbol
print("the experssion data should be log2 transformed")
dat <- dat.obj$dat
cls <- factor(dat.obj$cls)
levels(cls) <- c("ctrl","case")
gene <- dat.obj$featureName
dat.t <- t(dat)
print("FC calculation")
aggregate(dat.t, by = list(class=cls),
FUN = median) ->tmp
rownames(tmp) <- tmp[,1]
tmp <- tmp[ ,-1 ]
dat1 <- t(tmp);rm(tmp)
FC <- 2^(dat1[,1] - dat1[,2])
res <- data.frame(dat1, gene = gene, FC = FC,
stringsAsFactors = F)
res.up <- res[ FC < 1, ]
res.dn <- res[ FC > 1, ]
res.up <- res.up[ order(res.up$FC), ]
res.dn <- res.dn[ order(res.dn$FC, decreasing = T), ]
res <- list(Table1 = res.up, Table2 = res.dn)
attributes(res) <- list(method="fc",
names=names(res) )
#' readin arrayexpress sdrf file
#' @export
read.sdrf <- function(fname) {
res <- read.delim(fname,
stringsAsFactors = F,
check.names = F)
#' 'combine' multiple factors
#' this function will group factors of the same length into a 'combined' one
#' levels of inidividual factors will be combined together
#' @export
#' @return a new factor with levels combined from each individual factor
#' @param ... factors to be passed in
#' @param sep the separater used for combine the factor levels, with '_' as the default
grpFactor <- function(...) {
f <- list(...)
if(any(names(f) == 'sep')) {
idx <- which(names(f) == 'sep')
if(length(idx) != 1)
stop('error: multiple separators found')
sep = f$sep
f <- f[-idx]
} else
sep = '_'
nf <- length(f)
newf <- as.factor(do.call(paste,c(f,sep=sep)))
#' calculate DEGs considering additional factors, using Rankprod
#' ... for additional factors that is used to group samples into more precisable sub-groups
#' DEG will be calculated in each subgroups
#' @export
#' @return a list with class labels(useful for identify up and down regulated genes based on FC) and DEGs calcualted stored in the list
#' @param dat.preped object returned by datPrep function
#' @param pheno.mtr this is the phenotype matrix which stores all phenotypes
#' @param comp.cls.col column number of the class in the pheno.mtr. DEGS will be calculated based on this class
#' @param class1 which class will be treated as class1 in RankProd method
#' @param class2 which class will be treated as class2 in RankProd method
#' @param ... additional column numbers of factors that is used to group samples into sub-groups
batchedRP <- function(dat.preped, pheno.mtr, comp.cls.col,class1,class2,...) {
if(is.null(class1) | is.null(class2))
stop('class1 and class2 shouldn\'t be empty')
addt_cols <- list(...)
iadd <- length(addt_cols)
addlist <- list()
for(i in 1:iadd) {addlist[[i]] = pheno.mtr[,addt_cols[[i]] ]}
newcls <- as.factor(do.call(paste,c(addlist,sep='_')))
lvls <- levels(newcls)
deg.list <- list()
for(i in 1:length(lvls) ) {
ilvl <- lvls[i]
print(paste0('processing ',ilvl))
newcls == ilvl -> idx
expi <- dat.preped$dat[ , idx ]
label <- pheno.mtr[,comp.cls.col][idx]
labeluniq <- c(class1,class2)
names(labeluniq) <- c('class1','class2')
if(length(labeluniq) != 2)
stop('there should be two levels in the class')
datPrep(expi,dat.preped$feature, label, class1,class2)->dat4deg
diff.res <- diffCalc(dat4deg,diff.method='RP')
deg.list[[i]] <- list(diffRes=diff.res,class=labeluniq)
names(deg.list)[i] <- ilvl
#' filter batchedRP DEG based on fold change and fdr
#' this function is intended to be used accompany with batchedRP
#' @param deglist obj returned by batchedRP
#' @return a list with filtered DEGs and class label for each DEG calculation
#' @export
batchedRP_filter <- function(deglist,fdr=0.05,fc=1.2) {
for( i in 1:length(deglist)) {
deg <- deglist[[i]]$diffRes
table1 <- deg$Table1;table2<-deg$Table2
subset(table1, table1[ ,2] <= 1/fc & pfp <= fdr) -> table1
subset(table2, table2[ ,2] >= fc & pfp <= fdr) -> table2
res[[i]] <- list(diffRes=list(Table1=table1,Table2=table2),class=deglist[[i]]$class)
gassigSearch0 <- function(assign) { #gassig for gene assignment
if(assign == '---')
##found that gene assignment is separated by /// and then by //
fields <- strsplit(assign, split='///')[[1]]
unlist(lapply(fields, function(x) strsplit(x,split='//')[[1]][2]))->symbol
symbol<-unique(symbol);symbol <- gsub(' ','',symbol)
#' tackling with exon array gene annotation
#' this function extrac gene symbo from the affy st arrays
#' @param assignVec the gene assignment vector
#' @return NA or gene symbol
#' @export
gassigSearch <- function(assignVec) {
return(unlist(lapply(assignVec,function(x) {gassigSearch0(x)})))
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