Creating custom pathway annotations or gene sets

In this vignette, we show you how to create and use your own custom pathway annotations or gene sets with pagoda.

    warning = FALSE,
    message = FALSE, = 'hold',
    fig.path = 'figures/genesets-',
    cache.path = 'cache/genesets-',
    cache = TRUE
cd <- pollen

GO annotations

# Use the package for GO annotations
# Translate gene names to ids
ids <- unlist(lapply(mget(rownames(cd), org.Hs.egALIAS2EG, ifnotfound = NA), function(x) x[1]))
# Reverse map
rids <- names(ids)
names(rids) <- ids
# Convert ids per GO category to gene names
go.env <- eapply(org.Hs.egGO2ALLEGS, function(x) as.character(na.omit(rids[x])))
go.env <- clean.gos(go.env) # Remove GOs with too few or too many genes
go.env <- list2env(go.env)  # Convert to an environment

# Test
head(ls(go.env)) # Look at gene set names
head(get(ls(go.env)[1], go.env)) # Look at one gene set


Alternatively, we can use Ensembl's BioMart service to get the GO annotations.


# Initialize the connection to the Ensembl BioMart Service
# Available datasets can be listed with 
# listDatasets(useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", host=""))
# Use mmusculus_gene_ensembl for mouse
ensembl <- useMart("ENSEMBL_MART_ENSEMBL", dataset = "hsapiens_gene_ensembl", host="")

# Constructs a dataframe with two columns: hgnc_symbol and go_id
# If rownames are Ensembl IDs, use ensembl_gene_id as filter value
go <- getBM(attributes = c("hgnc_symbol", "go_id"), filters = "hgnc_symbol", values = rownames(cd), mart = ensembl)

# Use the GO.db library to add a column with the GO-term to the dataframe
go$term <- Term(go$go_id)

# Create a named list of character vectors out of the df
s = split(go$hgnc_symbol, paste(go$go_id,go$term))

# Saves the list as a R environment
go.env <- list2env(s)

# Test
head(ls(go.env)) # Look at gene set names
head(get(ls(go.env)[1], go.env)) # Look at one gene set

From GMT

The GMT file format is a tab delimited file format that describes gene sets. GMT files for Broad's MSigDB and other gene sets can be downloaded from the Broad Website.

## read in Broad gmt format
filename <- ''
gs <-

## number of gene sets
n <- length(gs$geneset.names)

## create environment
env <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
invisible(lapply(1:n,function(i) {
  genes <- as.character(unlist(gs$genesets[i]))
  name <- as.character(gs$geneset.names[i])
  assign(name, genes, envir = env)

go.env <- env

# Test
head(ls(go.env)) # Look at gene set names
head(get(ls(go.env)[1], go.env)) # Look at one gene set

hms-dbmi/scde documentation built on April 19, 2023, 10:21 p.m.