## Steps
## 1. Read raw data
## 2. Background correction
## 3. Retention time alignment
## 4. Density estimation
## 5. Get cutoffs for density estimation
## 6. Get blobs
## 7. Get XICs
## 8. Quantify
## 9. Differential analysis
backgroundCorrection <- function(object, verbose = FALSE) {
stopifnot(is(object, "CMSraw"))
rawDT <- .rawDT(object)
setkey(rawDT, mz, scan, sample)
mzbreaks <- unique(c(seq(.minMZ(object), .maxMZ(object), by = 10), .maxMZ(object)))
scanbreaks <- seq(1, .maxScan(object), 40)
scanbreaks[length(scanbreaks)] <- .maxScan(object)
if(verbose) {
message("[backgroundCorrection] Get marginal intensities")
getScanWindowIntensDistsAtThisMZ <- function(m) {
mzseq <- seq(as.integer(mzbreaks[m]*1e5), as.integer(mzbreaks[m+1]*1e5))
DTmz <- rawDT[.(mzseq), nomatch = 0]
getSampleSpecificIntensDistsAtThisScan <- function(rt) {
DTmzscan <- DTmz[scan %in% scanbreaks[rt]:scanbreaks[rt+1]]
lapply(.sampleNumber(object), function(s) {
logintens <- log2(DTmzscan[sample==s, intensity] + 1)
if (length(logintens) < 10)
lapply(seq_len(length(scanbreaks)-1), getSampleSpecificIntensDistsAtThisScan)
ptime1 <- proc.time()
densGrid <- lapply(seq_len(length(mzbreaks)-1), getScanWindowIntensDistsAtThisMZ)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[backgroundCorrection] Get marginal intensities .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
## Estimate retention time window-specific background levels
bgsd <- 0 # SD of normal distribution characterizing noise intensities
r <- dnorm(bgsd)/dnorm(0)
getBackgroundMeanAtThisMZScanSample <- function(m, rt, s) {
dens <- densGrid[[m]][[rt]][[s]]
if (class(dens)=="density") {
indexFirstPeak <- which.max(diff(dens$y) < 0)
densCutoff <- dens$y[indexFirstPeak]*r
bgindex <- which.max(dens$y <= densCutoff & c(rep(FALSE, indexFirstPeak), rep(TRUE, length(dens$y)-indexFirstPeak)))
bgmeans <- lapply(seq_len(length(mzbreaks)-1), function(m) {
lapply(seq_len(length(scanbreaks)-1), function(rt) {
lapply(.sampleNumber(object), function(s) {
getBackgroundMeanAtThisMZScanSample(m, rt, s)
if(verbose) {
message("[backgroundCorrection] Get region-specific background trends")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
getBackgroundMeanMatrixForSample <- function(s) {
## Loop over M/Z windowd. Then loop over scan windows.
do.call(cbind, lapply(bgmeans, function(mzList) {
sapply(mzList, function(scanList) { scanList[[s]] })
smoothBackgroundMeans <- function(bgmeanmatThisSample) {
do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_len(ncol(bgmeanmatThisSample)), function(i) {
## Weight nearby M/Z windows more in the smoothing
dists <- seq_len(ncol(bgmeanmatThisSample)) - i
wts <- dnorm(dists/4)
weightmat <- matrix(wts, nrow = nrow(bgmeanmatThisSample), ncol = ncol(bgmeanmatThisSample), byrow = TRUE)
df <- data.frame(intens = as.numeric(bgmeanmatThisSample),
scan = rep(head(scanbreaks, -1), times = ncol(bgmeanmatThisSample)),
weight = as.numeric(weightmat))
df <- df[complete.cases(df),]
lofit <- loess(intens ~ scan, data = df, weights = weight, span = 0.1)
predict(lofit, seq_len(.maxScan(object)))
## For each sample, get the background mean trend as a function of scan
## for the different M/Z windows
smooths <- lapply(.sampleNumber(object), function(s) {
## For bgmeanmatThisSample: rows = scans, cols = M/Z bins
## Each col is the background trend across scans for a particular M/Z region
bgmeanmatThisSample <- getBackgroundMeanMatrixForSample(s)
keepcols <- colSums(!is.na(bgmeanmatThisSample))!=0
bgmeanmatThisSample <- bgmeanmatThisSample[,keepcols, drop = FALSE]
## Each col is a smoothed background trend across scans for a particular M/Z region
bgmeanmatSmoothed <- smoothBackgroundMeans(bgmeanmatThisSample)
mzbounds <- cbind(head(mzbreaks, -1), tail(mzbreaks, -1))
mzbounds <- mzbounds[keepcols,,drop = FALSE]
attr(bgmeanmatSmoothed, "mzbounds") <- mzbounds
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[backgroundCorrection] Get region-specific background trends .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
## Perform background correction
setkey(rawDT, mz, sample)
if(verbose) {
message("[backgroundCorrection] Correct intensities")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
bgcorrDT <- rbindlist(lapply(.sampleNumber(object), function(s) {
bgmeanmatSmoothed <- smooths[[s]]
mzbounds <- attr(bgmeanmatSmoothed, "mzbounds")
rbindlist(lapply(seq_len(nrow(mzbounds)), function(i) {
mzseq <- seq(as.integer(mzbounds[i,1]*1e5), as.integer(mzbounds[i,2]*1e5))
bgtrend <- bgmeanmatSmoothed[,i]
bgtrend[is.na(bgtrend)] <- 0
rawDT[.(mzseq), nomatch = 0][sample==s][,bg := (2^bgtrend[scan])-1]
bgcorrDT[, intensity := intensity - bg]
bgcorrDT[, bg := NULL]
bgcorrDT <- bgcorrDT[intensity > 0]
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[backgroundCorrection] Correct intensities .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
out <- as(object, "CMSproc")
.bgcorrDT(out) <- bgcorrDT
rtAlignment <- function(object, verbose = FALSE) {
stopifnot(is(object, "CMSproc"))
rawDT <- .rawDT(object)
bgcorrDT <- .bgcorrDT(object)
if(verbose) {
message("[rtAlignment] Get rough M/Z regions to align")
## Get density of M/Z values
## This density will be thresholded to yield M/Z regions
mzdens <- density(bgcorrDT[,mz]/1e5, weights = bgcorrDT[,intensity]/sum(bgcorrDT[,intensity]), n = 2^ceiling(log2(nrow(bgcorrDT))), bw = 0.005)
## Get M/Z regions for a variety of quantile cutoffs
qdens <- quantile(mzdens$y, seq(0.5,0.99,0.01))
mzbounds <- lapply(qdens, function(cutoff) {
ir <- whichAsIRanges(mzdens$y > cutoff)
cbind(mzdens$x[start(ir)], mzdens$x[end(ir)])
## Get 90th percentile of M/Z widths for each set of M/Z bounds
p90 <- sapply(mzbounds, function(mat) {
quantile(mat[,2] - mat[,1], 0.9)
## What is the first cutoff index that for which the 90th percentile of M/Z widths
## is less than 0.05?
## i.e. We want the lowest cutoff such that the wide M/Z widths are not too wide
wh <- which.max(p90 < 0.05)
irmzr <- IRanges(start = as.integer(mzbounds[[wh]][,1]*1e5), end = as.integer(mzbounds[[wh]][,2]*1e5))
if(verbose) {
message("[rtAlignment] Get EICs for these regions")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
eics <- getEICS(object, mzranges = irmzr)
scans <- 1:.maxScan(object)
imputeEIC <- function(eicmat) {
## Loop over each sample (columns) and interpolate
do.call(cbind, lapply(seq_len(ncol(eicmat)), function(col) {
bool <- eicmat[,col] > 1e-6
if (sum(bool) < 2)
approx(scans[bool], eicmat[bool,col], xout = scans, rule = 2)$y
eicsImputed <- lapply(eics, imputeEIC)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[rtAlignment] Get EICs for these regions .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
message("[rtAlignment] Find best shifts")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
bgcorrDT[, scanorig := scan]
rawDT[, scanorig := scan]
shifts <- -20:20
getCorrsByShift <- function(eicimpmat, refsamp, sampIndex) {
sapply(shifts, function(shift) {
if (shift < 0) {
x <- tail(eicimpmat[,sampIndex], shift)
ref <- head(eicimpmat[,refsamp], shift)
} else if (shift==0) {
x <- eicimpmat[,sampIndex]
ref <- eicimpmat[,refsamp]
} else {
x <- head(eicimpmat[,sampIndex], -shift)
ref <- tail(eicimpmat[,refsamp], -shift)
cor(x, ref)
getSampleSpecificShiftsThisMZRegion <- function(i) {
eicmat <- eics[[i]]
eicimpmat <- eicsImputed[[i]]
## Set the reference sample as the one with the
## largest total intensity in the EIC
refsamp <- which.max(colSums(eicmat))
bestShiftBySample <- sapply(.sampleNumber(object), function(s) {
if (s==refsamp) {
corrShifts <- getCorrsByShift(eicimpmat, refsamp, s)
if (sum(!is.na(corrShifts))==0) {
shiftsList <- lapply(seq_along(irmzr), getSampleSpecificShiftsThisMZRegion)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[rtAlignment] Find best shifts .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
message("[rtAlignment] Remap scans")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
setkey(bgcorrDT, mz, sample)
setkey(rawDT, mz, sample)
for (i in seq_along(irmzr)) {
mzseq <- seq(start(irmzr[i]), end(irmzr[i]))
for (s in .sampleNumber(object)) {
rawDT[CJ(mzseq,s), shift := shiftsList[[i]][s]]
bgcorrDT[CJ(mzseq,s), shift := shiftsList[[i]][s]]
rawDT[, shift := ifelse(is.na(shift), 0, shift)]
bgcorrDT[, shift := ifelse(is.na(shift), 0, shift)]
rawDT[, scan := scan + shift]
bgcorrDT[, scan := scan + shift]
rawDT[, shift := NULL]
bgcorrDT[, shift := NULL]
rawDT <- rawDT[scan >= 1 & scan <= .maxScan(object)]
bgcorrDT <- bgcorrDT[scan >= 1 & scan <= .maxScan(object)]
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[rtAlignment] Remap scans .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
.rawDT(object) <- rawDT
.bgcorrDT(object) <- bgcorrDT
.rtAlign(object) <- TRUE
densityEstimation <- function(object, dgridstep = dgridstep, dbandwidth = dbandwidth,
outfileDens, verbose = FALSE) {
stopifnot(is(object, "CMSproc"))
bgcorrDT <- object@bgcorrDT
getDensityEstimateApprox <- function(bgcorrDT, bw = dbandwidth,
gridstep = dgridstep, maxbws = 4, mzParams) {
gridseqMz <- seq(mzParams$minMZ, mzParams$maxMZ, gridstep[1])
gridseqScan <- seq(1, mzParams$maxScan, gridstep[2])
## Assign each point to a grid location
bgcorrDT[, gmz := cut(mz/1e5, breaks = gridseqMz, labels = FALSE)]
bgcorrDT[, gscan := cut(scan, breaks = gridseqScan, labels = FALSE, include.lowest = TRUE)]
## Number of grid steps to meet maxbws (density beyond is approx 0)
ng <- maxbws*bw/gridstep
## Sort by M/Z grid location than scan grid location
setkey(bgcorrDT, gmz, gscan)
tabgmz <- table(factor(bgcorrDT[,gmz], levels = seq_along(gridseqMz)))
if(verbose) {
message("[getDensityEstimateApprox] Getting sparse matrix entries (M/Z)")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
spdensmz <- lapply(seq_along(gridseqMz), function(i) {
whg <- max(i - ng[1], 1):min(i + ng[1], length(gridseqMz))
if (i==1) {
start <- 1
} else {
start <- sum(tabgmz[seq_len(whg[1]-1)])+1
end <- (start+sum(tabgmz[whg])-1)
if (end < start)
at <- start:end
d <- rep(dnorm((gridseqMz[i]-gridseqMz[whg])/bw[1]), times = tabgmz[whg])
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[getDensityEstimateApprox] Getting sparse matrix entries (M/Z) .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
message("[getDensityEstimateApprox] Constructing sparse matrix (M/Z)")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
spmatmz <- sparseMatrix(
i = do.call(c, lapply(seq_along(spdensmz), function(i) {
j = rep(seq_along(spdensmz), times = sapply(spdensmz, nrow)),
x = do.call(c, lapply(seq_along(spdensmz), function(i) {
dims = c(nrow(bgcorrDT), length(spdensmz))
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[getDensityEstimateApprox] Constructing sparse matrix (M/Z) .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
if(verbose) {
message("[getDensityEstimateApprox] Getting sparse matrix entries (scan) + computing density")
gscan <- bgcorrDT[,gscan]
intens <- bgcorrDT[,intensity]
intens <- intens - min(intens)
dtgscan <- data.table(gscan = gscan, row = seq_along(gscan))
setkey(dtgscan, gscan)
denom <- nrow(bgcorrDT)*prod(bw)*sum(bgcorrDT[,intensity])
getDensityEstimateSparseList <- function(gridseqScan, dtgscan, gscan, bgcorrDT, spmatmz) {
scanChunkSize <- 20
scanChunks <- seq(1, length(gridseqScan), scanChunkSize)
scanChunks <- unique(c(scanChunks, length(gridseqScan)))
densChunkList <- vector("list", length(scanChunks)-1)
for (a in seq_len(length(scanChunks)-1)) {
ch <- scanChunks[a]
if (a==length(scanChunks)-1) {
chunkEnd <- length(gridseqScan)
} else {
chunkEnd <- min(ch+scanChunkSize-1, .maxScan(object))
chunkSeq <- ch:chunkEnd
spdensscan <- lapply(chunkSeq, function(i) {
whg <- max(i - ng[2], 1):min(i + ng[2], length(gridseqScan))
at <- dtgscan[.(whg), row, nomatch = 0]
## Do intensity weighting here
d <- dnorm((gridseqScan[i]-gscan[at])/bw[2])*bgcorrDT[at,intensity]
cbind(at, d)
## rep(1) instead of rep(i) because we're forming one column matrices
## otherwise dims won't be correct
spmatscan <- sparseMatrix(
i = do.call(c, lapply(seq_along(spdensscan), function(i) {
j = rep(seq_along(spdensscan), times = sapply(spdensscan, nrow)),
x = do.call(c, lapply(seq_along(spdensscan), function(i) {
dims = c(nrow(bgcorrDT), length(spdensscan))
dens <- crossprod(spmatmz, spmatscan)/denom
densChunkList[[a]] <- dens
ptime1 <- proc.time()
dens <- getDensityEstimateSparseList(gridseqScan, dtgscan, gscan, bgcorrDT, spmatmz)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[getDensityEstimateApprox] Getting sparse matrix entries (scan) + computing density .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
if(verbose) {
message("[densityEstimation] Get density estimate")
## First check to see if the density has been pre-computed
if (!is.null(outfileDens)) {
if (file.exists(outfileDens)) {
if(verbose) {
message("[getDensityEstimateApprox] Get density estimate .. loading")
} else {
ptime1 <- proc.time()
densList <- getDensityEstimateApprox(bgcorrDT = bgcorrDT, bw = dbandwidth,
gridstep = dgridstep, maxbws = 4, mzParams = object@mzParams)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[densityEstimation] Get density estimate .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
message("[densityEstimation] Saving density estimate")
save(densList, file = outfileDens)
} else {
ptime1 <- proc.time()
densList <- getDensityEstimateApprox(bgcorrDT = bgcorrDT, bw = dbandwidth,
gridstep = dgridstep, maxbws = 4, mzParams = object@mzParams)
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[densityEstimation] Get density estimate .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
if(verbose) {
message("[densityEstimation] Make density matrix")
ptime1 <- proc.time()
dmat <- do.call(cbind, lapply(densList, as.matrix))
ptime2 <- proc.time()
stime <- (ptime2 - ptime1)[3]
if(verbose) {
message(sprintf("[densityEstimation] Make density matrix .. done in %.1f secs.", stime))
rownames(dmat) <- seq(.minMZ(object), .maxMZ(object), length.out = nrow(dmat))
colnames(dmat) <- seq(1, .maxScan(object), dgridstep[2])
return(list(dmat = dmat))
bakedpi <- function(cmsRaw, dbandwidth = c(0.005, 10),
dgridstep = c(0.005, 1), outfileDens = NULL,
dortalign = FALSE, mzsubset = NULL, verbose = TRUE) {
## Check that bandwidth is >= gridstep for binning purposes
stopifnot(sum(dbandwidth >= dgridstep)==2)
## Set verbosity options
subverbose <- max(as.integer(verbose) - 1L, 0)
## Subset if specified
cmsRaw <- .subsetByMZ(cmsRaw, mzsubset)
if(verbose) {
message("[bakedpi] Background correction")
object <- backgroundCorrection(object = cmsRaw, verbose = subverbose)
if (dortalign) {
if(verbose) {
message("[bakedpi] Retention time alignment")
object <- rtAlignment(object = object, verbose = subverbose)
if(verbose) {
message("[bakedpi] Density estimation")
dmat <- densityEstimation(object = object, dbandwidth = dbandwidth,
dgridstep = dgridstep, outfileDens = outfileDens,
verbose = subverbose)$dmat
.densityEstimate(object) <- dmat
## Compute and store density quantiles
qs <- seq(0,1,0.001)
.densityQuantiles(object) <- quantile(dmat[dmat!=0], qs)
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