.get_grps <- function(cor_mat, ngrp=20, size_grp=400){
ngene <- nrow(cor_mat)
idx <- seq_len(ngene-size_grp+1)
grp_label <- cut(idx, ngrp-1)
grp_loc0 <- split(idx, grp_label)
idx <- seq_len(ngene)
grp_label <- cut(idx, ngrp)
grp_loc <- split(idx, grp_label)
grp_loc <- vector(mode = "list", length = ngrp)
idx <- seq_len(ngene-size_grp+1)
grp_label <- cut(idx, ngrp-1)
grp_loc0 <- split(idx, grp_label)
for(i in seq_len(ngrp-1)){
id1 <- grp_loc0[[i]][1]
id2 <- grp_loc0[[i]][1]+size_grp-1
grp_loc[[i]] <- c(id1:id2)
id1 <- ngene-size_grp+1
grp_loc[[ngrp]] <- c(id1:ngene)
##### Asssign inner bins
## In each running group, get a inner group
.get_grps_inner <- function(grp_loc){
grp_loc_inner <- list()
ngrp <- length(grp_loc)
size_bin <- length(grp_loc[[1]])
ngene <- max(grp_loc[[ngrp]])
width_tmp <- grp_loc[[2]][1] - grp_loc[[1]][1]
length_inner_1 <- round(size_bin/2 + width_tmp/2)
grp_loc_inner[[1]] <- seq_len(length_inner_1)
for(i in 2:(ngrp-1)){
id1 <- grp_loc[[i+1]][1]
id2 <- grp_loc[[i]][1]
width_tmp <- id1 - id2
tail <- tail(grp_loc_inner[[i-1]], 1)
grp_loc_inner[[i]] <- (tail + 1):(tail + width_tmp)
tail <- tail(grp_loc_inner[[ngrp-1]],1)
grp_loc_inner[[ngrp]] <- c((tail+1) : ngene)
##### Get rank for each running bin
.get_bin_rank <- function(cor_obs, grp_loc, grp_loc_inner, cor_ref){
rank_bin <- rank_bin_pre <- array(dim=dim(cor_obs))
ngrp <- length(grp_loc)
size_bin <- length(grp_loc[[1]])
l_cor_tmp_ref <- length(cor_ref[upper.tri(cor_ref)])
for(i in seq_len(ngrp)){
for(j in i:ngrp){
cor_bin_tmp <- cor_obs[grp_loc[[i]],grp_loc[[j]]]
rank_bin_tmp <- array(dim=dim(cor_bin_tmp))
l_cor_tmp <- length(cor_bin_tmp)
idx <- seq_len(l_cor_tmp)
rank_bin_tmp[idx] <- rank(cor_bin_tmp[idx])
## Number of diagonals(of full correlation matrix) contained in the bin
n_diag <- sum(grp_loc[[i]] %in% grp_loc[[j]])
## Scale the rank of each bin to same scale as rank(cor_ref),
## After scaling, rank_bin could contain non-integars
rank_bin_pre[grp_loc[[i]], grp_loc[[j]]] <- rank_bin_tmp
rank_replace <- rank_bin_pre[grp_loc_inner[[i]], grp_loc_inner[[j]]]
# scale the rank to range [0,1]
nreplace <- l_cor_tmp-n_diag-1
rank_replace <- (rank_replace-1)/ nreplace
# scale the rank to the same scale as the referent bin
rank_replace <- 1 + (rank_replace * (l_cor_tmp_ref-1))
# change the ranks that larger than the size of referent bin, to be the size of referent bin
rank_replace[which(rank_replace>l_cor_tmp_ref)] <- l_cor_tmp_ref
# rank_bin_pre[grp_loc_inner[[i]],grp_loc_inner[[j]]] <- rank_replace
# rank_bin_pre[grp_loc_inner[[i]],grp_loc_inner[[j]]][which(rank_replace>l_cor_tmp_ref)] <- l_cor_tmp_ref
rank_bin[grp_loc_inner[[i]],grp_loc_inner[[j]]] <- rank_replace
# rank_bin[grp_loc_inner[[i]],grp_loc_inner[[j]]] <- rank_bin_pre[grp_loc_inner[[i]],grp_loc_inner[[j]]]
##### Transform rank to cor_est
.est_cor <- function(rank_bin, cor_ref){
cor_adj <- array(dim=dim(rank_bin))
cor_ref_upper_tri <- cor_ref[upper.tri(cor_ref)]
cor_ref_sorted <- sort(cor_ref_upper_tri)
up_tri <- upper.tri(cor_adj)
## Find to nearest integars to rank_bin, since rank_bin could contain non-integars
rank_bin <- rank_bin[up_tri]
rank_bin1 <- rank_bin %/% 1
## Assign weights to each rank according to the distance to rank_bin
rank_bin_w2 <- (rank_bin - rank_bin1)
rank_bin2 <- rank_bin1+1
rank_bin_w1 <- 1-rank_bin_w2
## Find the correlations in the cor_ref corresponding to the two nearest ranks to rank_bin
## Estimate the correlation using weighted average based on the distance to rank_bin
length_cor_ref <- length(cor_ref_sorted)
rank_bin2[which(rank_bin2>length_cor_ref)] <- length_cor_ref
cor_adj[up_tri] <- rank_bin_w1*cor_ref_sorted[rank_bin1]+ rank_bin_w2*cor_ref_sorted[rank_bin2]
low_tri <- lower.tri(cor_adj)
cor_adj[low_tri] <- t(cor_adj)[low_tri]
diag(cor_adj) <- 1
normalize_correlation <- function(cor_mat, ave_exp, ngrp, size_grp, ref_grp){
## stopifnot(is.integer(ngrp), is.integer(size_grp), is.integer(ref_grp))
stopifnot(length(ngrp) == 1, length(size_grp) == 1, length(ref_grp) == 1)
stopifnot(ref_grp <= ngrp)
stopifnot(0 < ngrp, 0 < size_grp, 0 < ref_grp)
stopifnot(nrow(cor_mat) == ncol(cor_mat), nrow(cor_mat) == length(ave_exp))
idx <- order(ave_exp)
ngene <- length(ave_exp)
ref_vec <- seq_len(ngene)
cor_mat <- cor_mat[idx, idx]
ref_vec_rearranged <- ref_vec[idx]
group_loc <- .get_grps(cor_mat, ngrp, size_grp)
## Asssign inner bins
group_loc_adj <- .get_grps_inner(group_loc)
## Get rank for each running bin
cor_ref <- cor_mat[group_loc[[ref_grp]], group_loc[[ref_grp]]]
rank_bin <- .get_bin_rank(cor_mat, group_loc, group_loc_adj, cor_ref)
## Transform rank to cor_adj
cor_est <- .est_cor(rank_bin, cor_ref)
idx <- order(ref_vec_rearranged)
cor_est <- cor_est[idx, idx]
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