# Global variables -------------------------------------------------------------
# Other hardcoded variables ----------------------------------------------------
.default.27k.annotation <- "ilmn12.hg19"
.default.450k.annotation <- "ilmn12.hg19"
.default.epic.annotation <- "ilm10b4.hg19"
.default.allergy.annotation <- "ilm12.hg19"
.default.epicv2.annotation <- "20a1.hg38"
.metharray.types <- c("IlluminaHumanMethylation450k",
.seqnames.order.all <- c(paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y")), "multi", "unmapped")
.seqnames.order <- paste0("chr", c(1:22, "X", "Y"))
# Internal functions -----------------------------------------------------------
logit2 <- function(x) log2(x) - log2(1 - x)
ilogit2 <- function(x) 2^x / (1 + 2^x)
.show.annotation <- function(annotation, indent = " ") {
if (length(annotation) == 1) {
cat(sprintf("%sarray: %s\n", indent, annotation))
} else {
sapply(seq(along = annotation), function(ii) {
cat(sprintf("%s%s: %s\n",
.show.preprocessMethod <- function(preprocessMethod) {
if (length(preprocessMethod) == 3 && is.null(names(preprocessMethod))) {
names(preprocessMethod) <- c("rg.norm", "minfi", "manifest")
if (length(preprocessMethod) == 0) {
preprocessMethod <- c(
rg.norm = "unknown",
minfi = "unknown",
manifest = "unknown")
cat(sprintf(" Method: %s\n minfi version: %s\n Manifest version: %s\n",
.getManifestString <- function(annotation) {
if (length(annotation) == 1) {
if (annotation == "Unknown") {
stop("Cannot get Manifest object for an 'Unknown' array")
return(paste0(annotation, "manifest"))
if ("array" %in% names(annotation)) {
if (annotation["array"] == "Unknown") {
stop("Cannot get Manifest object for an 'Unknown' array")
return(paste0(annotation["array"], "manifest"))
stop("unable to get the manifest string for this object")
.getAnnotationString <- function(annotation) {
if (length(annotation) == 1) {
if (annotation == "Unknown") {
stop("Cannot get Annotation object for an 'Unknown' array")
return(sprintf("%sanno", annotation))
if (all(c("array", "annotation") %in% names(annotation))) {
if (annotation["array"] == "Unknown") {
stop("Cannot get Annotation object for an 'Unknown' array")
sprintf("%sanno.%s", annotation["array"], annotation["annotation"]))
stop("unable to get the annotation string for this object")
.betaFromMethUnmeth <- function(Meth, Unmeth, object, offset = 0,
betaThreshold = 0, minZero = TRUE) {
stopifnot(offset >= 0)
stopifnot(betaThreshold >= 0 & betaThreshold <= 0.5)
if (minZero) {
Meth <- pmax2(Meth, 0)
Unmeth <- pmax2(Unmeth, 0)
beta <- Meth / (Meth + Unmeth + offset)
if (betaThreshold > 0) {
beta <- pmin2(pmax2(beta, betaThreshold), 1 - betaThreshold)
.checkAssayNames <- function(object, names) {
nms <- names(assays(object, withDimnames = FALSE))
if (!all(names %in% nms)) {
"object of class '%s' needs to have assay slots with names '%s'",
paste0(names, collapse = ", ")))
} else {
.digestMatrix <- function(mat, digits = 6) {
content <- sprintf(paste0("%.", digits, "f"), mat)
# NOTE: Handling signed zero as per IEEE specs
zero <- paste(c("0.", rep("0", digits)), collapse = "")
content[content == paste0("-", zero)] <- zero
digest::digest(c(content, rownames(mat), colnames(mat)))
.digestVector <- function(vec, digits = 6) {
content <- sprintf(paste0("%.", digits, "f"), vec)
# NOTE: Handling signed zero as per IEEE specs
zero <- paste(c("0.", rep("0", digits)), collapse = "")
content[content == paste0("-", zero)] <- zero
.isGenomicOrStop <- function(object) {
if (!is(object, "GenomicMethylSet") && !is(object, "GenomicRatioSet")) {
stop("object is of class '", class(object), "', but needs to be of ",
"class 'GenomicMethylSet' or 'GenomicRatioSet'")
.isMethylOrStop <- function(object) {
if (!is(object, "MethylSet") && !is(object, "GenomicMethylSet")) {
stop("object is of class '", class(object), "', but needs to be of ",
"class 'MethylSet' or 'GenomicMethylSet'")
.isMethylOrRatio <- function(object) {
is(object, "MethylSet") ||
is(object, "GenomicMethylSet") ||
is(object, "RatioSet") ||
is(object, "GenomicRatioSet")
.isRGOrStop <- function(object) {
if (!is(object, "RGChannelSet")) {
stop("object is of class '", class(object), "', but needs to be of ",
"class 'RGChannelSet' or 'RGChannelSetExtended'")
.isMatrixBacked <- function(object) {
stopifnot(is(object, "SummarizedExperiment"))
all(vapply(assays(object), is.matrix, logical(1L)))
.isDelayedArrayBacked <- function(object) {
stopifnot(is(object, "SummarizedExperiment"))
all(vapply(assays(object), is, logical(1L), "DelayedArray"))
.isMatrixBackedOrWarning <- function(object, FUN) {
if (.isDelayedArrayBacked(object)) {
warning("Memory usage may be high because '", FUN, "()' is not yet ",
"optimized for use with DelayedArray-backed minfi objects.",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE)
} else if (!.isMatrixBacked(object)) {
warning("Memory usage may be high because '", FUN, "()' is not yet ",
"optimized for use with non-matrix-backed minfi objects.",
call. = FALSE,
immediate. = TRUE)
.isMatrixBackedOrStop <- function(object, FUN) {
if (!.isMatrixBacked(object)) {
stop("'", FUN, "()' only supports matrix-backed minfi objects.",
call. = FALSE)
.is27k <- function(object) {
annotation(object)["array"] == "IlluminaHumanMethylation27k"
.is450k <- function(object) {
annotation(object)["array"] == "IlluminaHumanMethylation450k"
.isEPIC <- function(object) {
annotation(object)["array"] == "IlluminaHumanMethylationEPIC"
.isAllergy <- function(object) {
annotation(object)["array"] == "IlluminaHumanMethylationAllergy"
.harmonizeSex <- function(vector) {
# TODO: This function is not yet implemented
stop("function not done")
validMale <- c("M", "MALE")
validFemale <- c("F", "FEMALE")
# validUnknown <- c("U", "Unknown")
if (is.factor(vector)) vector <- as.character(vector)
if (!is.character(vector)) {
stop("[.harmonizeSet] argument 'vector' needs to be either a ",
"character or a factor")
vector <- toupper(vector)
vector[vector %in% validMale] <- "M"
vector[vector %in% validFemale] <- "F"
if (any(!vector %in% c("M", "F"))) {
stop("[.harmonizeSet] could not harmonize the vector argument to be ",
"either 'M' or 'F'")
.harmonizeDataFrames <- function(x, y) {
stopifnot(is(x, "DataFrame"))
stopifnot(is(y, "DataFrame"))
x.only <- setdiff(names(x), names(y))
y.only <- setdiff(names(y), names(x))
if (length(x.only) > 0) {
df.add <- x[1, x.only, drop = FALSE]
is.na(df.add[1, ]) <- TRUE
y <- cbind(y, df.add)
if (length(y.only) > 0) {
df.add <- y[1, y.only, drop = FALSE]
is.na(df.add[1, ]) <- TRUE
x <- cbind(x, df.add)
list(x = x, y = y[, names(x)])
.pDataAdd <- function(object, df) {
stopifnot(is(df, "data.frame") || is(df, "DataFrame"))
pD <- colData(object)
if (any(names(df) %in% names(pD))) {
alreadyPresent <- intersect(names(df), names(pD))
"replacing the following columns in colData(object): %s",
paste(alreadyPresent, collapse = ", ")))
pD[, alreadyPresent] <- df[, alreadyPresent]
df <- df[, !names(df) %in% alreadyPresent]
if (ncol(df) > 0) {
# NOTE: Work around for bug in cbind(DataFrame, DataFrame)
rownam <- rownames(pD)
pD <- cbind(pD, df)
rownames(pD) <- rownam
colData(object) <- pD
.pDataFix <- function(df) {
characterColumns <- c(
"Slide", "Array", "Sample_Name", "Basename", "SampleID")
for (col in characterColumns) {
if (col %in% names(df))
df[[col]] <- as.character(df[[col]])
.NA_type <- function(type) {
c(vector(type), NA)
# Exported functions -----------------------------------------------------------
getMethSignal <- function(object, what = c("Beta", "M"), ...) {
what <- match.arg(what)
"Beta" = getBeta(object, ...),
"M" = getM(object, ...)
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