#' A Function to Extract the Sample/Columns Names from an Expression Object
#' This function extracts the sample/column names
#' from an expression object
#' @param ex The GEO expression object which
#' can be obtained from the extractExpressionData() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Extract experimental condition/sample names
#' columnNames <- extractSampleNames(expressionData)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractExpressionData()]
#' for expression object
extractSampleNames <- function(ex) {
columnNames <- colnames(ex)
#' A Function to Calculate the Samples Selected in Each Group
#' This function calculates the GSMS object
#' for differential expression from the sample
#' names and samples in each group
#' @param columnNames All the sample names in the
#' expression object which can be obtained from the extractSampleNames()
#' function
#' @param group1 The sample names in group 1.
#' This must not contain any sample names that are in group2
#' @param group2 The sample names in group 2.
#' This must not contain any sample names that are in group1
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Extract experimental condition/sample names
#' columnNames <- extractSampleNames(expressionData)
#' # Define Groups
#' numberOfColumns <- length(columnNames)
#' numberOfColumns <- numberOfColumns + 1
#' halfNumberOfColumns <- ceiling(numberOfColumns/2)
#' i <- 0
#' group1 <- c()
#' group2 <- c()
#' for (name in columnNames) {
#' if (i < halfNumberOfColumns) {
#' group1 <- c(group1, name)
#' i <- i +1
#' } else {
#' group2 <- c(group2, name)
#' i <- i +1
#' }
#' }
#' # Select columns in group2
#' column2 <- calculateExclusiveColumns(columnNames, group1)
#' # Calculate gsms
#' gsms <- calculateEachGroupsSamples(columnNames,group1, group2)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractSampleNames()]
#' for all the sample names
calculateEachGroupsSamples <-
function(columnNames, group1, group2) {
lengthOfColumns <- sum(unlist(lapply(columnNames, length)))
gsmsList <- vector(mode = "list", length = lengthOfColumns)
i <- 1
for (column in columnNames) {
if (column %in% group1) {
gsmsList[[i]] <- 0
i <- i + 1
} else if (column %in% group2) {
gsmsList[[i]] <- 1
i <- i + 1
} else {
gsmsList[[i]] <- "X"
i <- i + 1
gsms <- paste(gsmsList, collapse = '')
#' A Function to Calculate the Differential Gene
#' EXpression between two groups
#' This function calculates the differential
#' expression for two groups
#' @param gsms A string of integers indicating
#' which group a sample belongs to, which can be calculated form the
#' calculateEachGroupsSamples() function
#' @param limmaPrecisionWeights Whether to apply
#' limma precision weights (vooma)
#' @param forceNormalization Whether to force normalization
#' @param gset The GEO object which can be
#' obtained from the extractPlatformGset() function
#' @param ex The GEO expression object which
#' can be obtained from the extractExpressionData() function
#' @keywords GEO
#' @import limma
#' @importFrom edgeR DGEList as.matrix.DGEList calcNormFactors
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Apply log transformation to expression data if necessary
#' logTransformation <- "Auto-Detect"
#' dataInput <- calculateLogTransformation(expressionData,
#' logTransformation)
#' # Perform KNN transformation on log expression data
#' # if necessary
#' knnDataInput <- calculateKnnImpute(dataInput, "Yes")
#' # Extract experimental condition/sample names
#' columnNames <- extractSampleNames(expressionData)
#' # Define Groups
#' numberOfColumns <- length(columnNames)
#' numberOfColumns <- numberOfColumns + 1
#' halfNumberOfColumns <- ceiling(numberOfColumns/2)
#' i <- 0
#' group1 <- c()
#' group2 <- c()
#' for (name in columnNames) {
#' if (i < halfNumberOfColumns) {
#' group1 <- c(group1, name)
#' i <- i +1
#' } else {
#' group2 <- c(group2, name)
#' i <- i +1
#' }
#' }
#' # Select columns in group2
#' column2 <- calculateExclusiveColumns(columnNames, group1)
#' # Calculate gsms
#' gsms <- calculateEachGroupsSamples(columnNames,group1,
#' group2)
#' # Convert P value adjustment
#' pValueAdjustment <- "Benjamini & Hochberg (False discovery rate)"
#' adjustment <- convertAdjustment(pValueAdjustment)
#' # Get fit 2
#' limmaPrecisionWeights <- "Yes"
#' forceNormalization <- "Yes"
#' fit2 <- calculateDifferentialGeneExpression(gsms,
#' limmaPrecisionWeights, forceNormalization, gsetData,
#' knnDataInput)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [extractExpressionData()]
#' for expression object, [extractPlatformGset()]
#' for GEO object, [calculateEachGroupsSamples()]
#' for the string of integers indicating which group a
#' sample belongs to
calculateDifferentialGeneExpression <-
all) {
# Define results variable
results <- NULL
gsetData <- all$gsetData
knnDataInput <- all$knnDataInput
expressionData <- all$expressionData
dataSource <- input$dataSource
# Define flags
microarrayData <- all$typeOfData == "Microarray"
geoMicroarrayData <- dataSource == "GEO" & microarrayData
rnaSeqData <- all$typeOfData == "RNA Sequencing"
dataSource <- input$dataSource
if (is.null(gsetData)){
dataSource <- "Upload"
if (input$dataSetType == "Single") {
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
# make proper column names to match toptable
fvarLabels(gsetData) <- make.names(fvarLabels(gsetData))
# Reduce the dimensionality of gsetData to that of ex
gsetData <- gsetData[row.names(gsetData) %in% row.names(knnDataInput),]
gsetData <- gsetData[, colnames(gsetData) %in% colnames(knnDataInput)]
# group membership for all samples
sml <- strsplit(gsms, split = "")[[1]]
sel <- which(sml != "X")
sml <- sml[sel]
if (microarrayData) {
knnDataInput <- knnDataInput[, sel]
} else {
keep.exprs <- filterByExpr(expressionData, group=gsms)
expressionData <- expressionData[keep.exprs,]
expressionData <- expressionData[, sel]
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
# Update gset data
gsetData <- gsetData[, sel]
exprs(gsetData) <- knnDataInput
else if (rnaSeqData) {
expressionData <- DGEList(expressionData, group = sml)
if (input$forceNormalization == "Yes") {
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
# normalize data
exprs(gsetData) <- normalizeBetweenArrays(knnDataInput)
else if (rnaSeqData) {
expressionData = calcNormFactors(expressionData,
method = "TMM")
} else if (microarrayData) {
knnDataInput <- normalizeBetweenArrays(knnDataInput)
# assign samples to groups and set up design matrix
gs <- factor(sml)
groups <- make.names(c("Group1", "Group2"))
levels(gs) <- groups
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
# Update gset data
gsetData$group <- gs
# Create design
design <- model.matrix(~ group + 0, gsetData)
else if (microarrayData) {
# Convert knnDataInput to expression dataset
knnDataInput <- ExpressionSet(knnDataInput)
knnDataInput$group <- gs
# Create design
design <- model.matrix(~ group + 0, knnDataInput)
} else if (rnaSeqData) {
expressionData$samples$group <- gs
# Create design
design <- model.matrix(~ group + 0, expressionData$samples)
colnames(design) <- levels(gs)
if (input$limmaPrecisionWeights == "Yes") {
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
gsetData <- gsetData[complete.cases(exprs(gsetData)), ]
# calculate precision weights and show plot of
# mean-variance trend
v <- vooma(gsetData, design, plot = FALSE)
# attach gene annotations
v$genes <- fData(gsetData)
else if (microarrayData) {
# Convert knnDataInput to matrix
knnDataInput <- as.matrix(knnDataInput)
knnDataInput <- knnDataInput[complete.cases(knnDataInput), ]
# calculate precision weights
v <- vooma(knnDataInput, design, plot = FALSE)
# Add gene information
v$genes <- as.matrix(row.names(knnDataInput))
colnames(v$genes) <- list("ID")
else if (rnaSeqData) {
# calculate precision weights
v <- voom(expressionData, design, plot = FALSE)
# fit linear model
fit <- lmFit(v)
# Update results
results$ex <- v
} else if (input$limmaPrecisionWeights == "No") {
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
# fit linear model
fit <- lmFit(gsetData, design)
# Update results
results$ex <- exprs(gsetData)
} else if (microarrayData) {
# fit linear model
fit <- lmFit(knnDataInput, design)
# attach gene annotations
fit$genes <- as.matrix(row.names(knnDataInput))
# Update column name
colnames(fit$genes) <- list("ID")
# Update results as a matrix
results$ex <- as.matrix(knnDataInput)
} else if (rnaSeqData) {
# fit linear model
fit <- lmFit(as.matrix.DGEList(expressionData), design)
# Update results
results$ex <- expressionData$counts
# set up contrasts of interest and recalculate
# model coefficients
cts <- paste(groups[1], groups[2], sep = "-")
cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(contrasts = cts,
levels = design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.matrix)
# compute statistics and table of top significant genes
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2, 0.01)
# Update results
results$fit2 <- fit2
} else if (input$dataSetType == "Combine")
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
# make proper column names to match toptable
fvarLabels(gsetData) <- make.names(fvarLabels(gsetData))
# Reduce the dimensionality of gsetData to that of knnDataInput
gsetData <- gsetData[row.names(gsetData) %in% row.names(knnDataInput),]
gsetData <- gsetData[, colnames(gsetData) %in% colnames(knnDataInput)]
# group membership for all samples
sml <- strsplit(gsms, split = "")[[1]]
sel <- which(sml != "X")
sml <- sml[sel]
if (microarrayData) {
knnDataInput <- knnDataInput[, sel]
} else {
keep.exprs <- filterByExpr(expressionData, group=gsms)
expressionData <- expressionData[keep.exprs,]
expressionData <- expressionData[, sel]
if (rnaSeqData) {
expressionData = DGEList(expressionData, group = sml)
if (input$forceNormalization == "Yes") {
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
# normalize data
knnDataInput <- normalizeBetweenArrays(knnDataInput)
} else if (rnaSeqData) {
expressionData = calcNormFactors(expressionData,
method = "TMM")
} else if (microarrayData) {
knnDataInput <- normalizeBetweenArrays(knnDataInput)
# assign samples to groups and set up design matrix
gs <- factor(sml)
groups <- make.names(c("Group1", "Group2"))
levels(gs) <- groups
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
# Update gsetData data
knnDataInput <- ExpressionSet(knnDataInput)
knnDataInput$group <- gs
# Create design
design <- model.matrix(~ group + 0, knnDataInput)
} else if (microarrayData ) {
# Convert knnDataInput to expression dataset
knnDataInput <- ExpressionSet(knnDataInput)
knnDataInput$group <- gs
# Create design
design <- model.matrix(~ group + 0, knnDataInput)
} else if (rnaSeqData) {
expressionData$samples$group <- gs
# Create design
design <- model.matrix(~ group + 0, expressionData$samples)
colnames(design) <- levels(gs)
if (input$limmaPrecisionWeights == "Yes") {
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
# Convert to matrix
knnDataInput <- as.matrix(knnDataInput)
knnDataInput <- knnDataInput[complete.cases(knnDataInput), ]
# calculate precision weights and show plot of
# mean-variance trend
v <- vooma(knnDataInput, design, plot = FALSE)
# attach gene annotations
geneInfo <- as.data.frame(fData(gsetData))
geneInfo <- geneInfo[row.names(geneInfo) %in% row.names(v$E),]
geneInfo <- geneInfo[row.names(v$E), ]
v$genes <- geneInfo
} else if (microarrayData) {
# Convert knnDataInput to matrix
knnDataInput <- as.matrix(knnDataInput)
knnDataInput <- knnDataInput[complete.cases(knnDataInput), ]
# calculate precision weights
v <- vooma(knnDataInput, design, plot = FALSE)
v$genes <- as.matrix(row.names(knnDataInput))
colnames(v$genes) <- list("ID")
else if (rnaSeqData) {
# calculate precision weights
v <- voom(expressionData, design, plot = FALSE)
# fit linear model
fit <- lmFit(v)
# Update results
results$ex <- v
} else if (input$limmaPrecisionWeights == "No") {
if (geoMicroarrayData) {
# fit linear model
fit <- lmFit(knnDataInput, design)
# Update gene information
fit$genes <- fData(gsetData)
# Update results
results$ex <- as.matrix(knnDataInput)
} else if (microarrayData) {
# fit linear model
fit <- lmFit(knnDataInput, design)
# attach gene annotations
fit$genes <- as.matrix(row.names(knnDataInput))
# Update column name
colnames(fit$genes) <- list("ID")
# Update results as a matrix
results$ex <- as.matrix(knnDataInput)
} else if (rnaSeqData) {
# fit linear model
fit <- lmFit(as.matrix.DGEList(expressionData), design)
# Update results
results$ex <- expressionData$counts
# set up contrasts of interest and recalculate
# model coefficients
cts <- paste(groups[1], groups[2], sep = "-")
cont.matrix <- makeContrasts(contrasts = cts,
levels = design)
fit2 <- contrasts.fit(fit, cont.matrix)
# compute statistics and table of top significant genes
fit2 <- eBayes(fit2, 0.01)
# Update results
results$fit2 <- fit2
#' A Function to Convert the UI P-Value Adjustment
#' into the Backend P-Value Adjustment
#' This function converts the P-value adjustment
#' value from the UI into the value required by the backend
#' @param adjustment A string character containing the
#' adjustment to the P-value.
#' The values can be: "Benjamini & Hochberg (False discovery rate)",
#' "Benjamini & Yekutieli", "Bonferroni", "Hochberg",
#' "Holm", "Hommel"or "None"
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Convert P value adjustment
#' pValueAdjustment <- "Benjamini & Hochberg (False discovery rate)"
#' adjustment <- convertAdjustment(pValueAdjustment)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
convertAdjustment <- function(adjustment) {
# List of UI P value adjustments
uiAdjustment <-
'Benjamini & Hochberg (False discovery rate)',
'Benjamini & Yekutieli',
# List of Backend P value adjustments
backendAdjustment <-
c("fdr", "BY", "bonferroni", 'hochberg', 'holm', 'none')
# Lookup table of UI and Backend P value adjustments
adjustments <- backendAdjustment
names(adjustments) <- uiAdjustment
# Adjustment value
adjustmentResult <- unname(adjustments[adjustment])
#' A Function to Create a Table of the Top
#' Differentially Expressed Genes
#' This function creates a table of the top
#' differentially expressed genes
#' @param fit2 An object containing the differentially
#' expressed genes analysis that can be obtained from
#' the calculateDifferentialGeneExpression() function
#' @param adjustment A string character containing
#' the adjustment to the P-value. The values can be:
#' "fdr", "BY", "bonferroni", "hochberg", "holm", "hommel"
#' or "none"
#' @keywords GEO
#' @import limma
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Apply log transformation to expression data if necessary
#' logTransformation <- "Auto-Detect"
#' dataInput <- calculateLogTransformation(expressionData,
#' logTransformation)
#' # Perform KNN transformation on log expression data if
#' # necessary
#' knnDataInput <- calculateKnnImpute(dataInput, "Yes")
#' # Extract experimental condition/sample names
#' columnNames <- extractSampleNames(expressionData)
#' # Define Groups
#' numberOfColumns <- length(columnNames)
#' numberOfColumns <- numberOfColumns + 1
#' halfNumberOfColumns <- ceiling(numberOfColumns/2)
#' i <- 0
#' group1 <- c()
#' group2 <- c()
#' for (name in columnNames) {
#' if (i < halfNumberOfColumns) {
#' group1 <- c(group1, name)
#' i <- i +1
#' } else {
#' group2 <- c(group2, name)
#' i <- i +1
#' }
#' }
#' # Select columns in group2
#' column2 <- calculateExclusiveColumns(columnNames, group1)
#' # Calculate gsms
#' gsms <- calculateEachGroupsSamples(columnNames,group1, group2)
#' # Convert P value adjustment
#' pValueAdjustment <- "Benjamini & Hochberg (False discovery rate)"
#' adjustment <- convertAdjustment(pValueAdjustment)
#' # Get fit 2
#' limmaPrecisionWeights <- "Yes"
#' forceNormalization <- "Yes"
#' fit2 <- calculateDifferentialGeneExpression(gsms,
#' limmaPrecisionWeights, forceNormalization, gsetData,
#' knnDataInput)
#' # Print Top deferentially expressed genes
#' tT <- calculateTopDifferentiallyExpressedGenes(fit2, adjustment)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @seealso [calculateDifferentialGeneExpression()]
#' for differential gene expression object
calculateTopDifferentiallyExpressedGenes <-
function(fit2, adjustment, numberOfGenes = 250) {
tT <- topTable(fit2,
adjust.method = adjustment,
sort.by = "B",
number = numberOfGenes)
columnNamesList <- c()
optionalColumnNamesList <-
tTColumnNames <- colnames(tT)
for (columnName in optionalColumnNamesList)
if (columnName %in% tTColumnNames)
columnNamesList <- c(columnNamesList, columnName)
tT["ID"] <- rownames(tT)
tT <- subset(tT, select = columnNamesList)
#' A Function to Create a List of Columns that
#' Have Not Been Selected
#' This function creates a list of columns that have not
#' been selected in the UI
#' @param columns A list of all columns within the expression object
#' @param inputColumns A list of the columns that have been selected
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Apply log transformation to expression data if necessary
#' logTransformation <- "Auto-Detect"
#' dataInput <- calculateLogTransformation(expressionData,
#' logTransformation)
#' # Perform KNN transformation on log expression data if
#' # necessary
#' knnDataInput <- calculateKnnImpute(dataInput, "Yes")
#' # Extract experimental condition/sample names
#' columnNames <- extractSampleNames(expressionData)
#' # Define Groups
#' numberOfColumns <- length(columnNames)
#' numberOfColumns <- numberOfColumns + 1
#' halfNumberOfColumns <- ceiling(numberOfColumns/2)
#' i <- 0
#' group1 <- c()
#' group2 <- c()
#' for (name in columnNames) {
#' if (i < halfNumberOfColumns) {
#' group1 <- c(group1, name)
#' i <- i +1
#' } else {
#' group2 <- c(group2, name)
#' i <- i +1
#' }
#' }
#' # Select columns in group2
#' column2 <- calculateExclusiveColumns(columnNames, group1)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
calculateExclusiveColumns <- function(columns, inputColumns) {
columns1Input <- c()
for (value in columns) {
if (value %in% inputColumns) {
} else {
columns1Input = c(columns1Input, value)
#' A Function to Create an Object Containing if Each Gene
#' is Unregulated, Down Regulated or has a Similar Level of
#' Expression between the Groups
#' This function creates an object containing if each gene
#' is unreguate, downregulated or not
#' @param fit2 An object containing the differentially
#' expressed genes analysis that can be obtained from the
#' calculateDifferentialGeneExpression() function
#' @param adjustment A string character containing the
#' adjustment to the P-value. The values can be:
#' "fdr", "BY", "bonferroni", "hochberg", "holm", "hommel"
#' or "none"
#' @param significanceLevelCutOff A float indicating the
#' P-value cutoff. The values can be between 0 and 1
#' @keywords GEO
#' @examples
#' # Get the GEO data for all platforms
#' geoAccessionCode <- "GSE18388"
#' allGset <- getGeoObject(geoAccessionCode)
#' # Extract platforms
#' platforms <- extractPlatforms(allGset)
#' platform <- platforms[1]
#' # Extract the GEO2R data from the specified platform
#' gsetData <- extractPlatformGset(allGset, platform)
#' # Extract expression data
#' expressionData <- extractExpressionData(gsetData)
#' # Apply log transformation to expression data if necessary
#' logTransformation <- "Auto-Detect"
#' dataInput <- calculateLogTransformation(expressionData,
#' logTransformation)
#' # Perform KNN transformation on log expression data if
#' # necessary
#' knnDataInput <- calculateKnnImpute(dataInput, "Yes")
#' # Extract experimental condition/sample names
#' columnNames <- extractSampleNames(expressionData)
#' # Define Groups
#' numberOfColumns <- length(columnNames)
#' numberOfColumns <- numberOfColumns + 1
#' halfNumberOfColumns <- ceiling(numberOfColumns/2)
#' i <- 0
#' group1 <- c()
#' group2 <- c()
#' for (name in columnNames) {
#' if (i < halfNumberOfColumns) {
#' group1 <- c(group1, name)
#' i <- i +1
#' } else {
#' group2 <- c(group2, name)
#' i <- i +1
#' }
#' }
#' # Select columns in group2
#' column2 <- calculateExclusiveColumns(columnNames, group1)
#' # Calculate gsms
#' gsms <- calculateEachGroupsSamples(columnNames,group1, group2)
#' # Convert P value adjustment
#' pValueAdjustment <- "Benjamini & Hochberg (False discovery rate)"
#' adjustment <- convertAdjustment(pValueAdjustment)
#' # Get fit 2
#' limmaPrecisionWeights <- "Yes"
#' forceNormalization <- "Yes"
#' fit2 <- calculateDifferentialGeneExpression(gsms,
#' limmaPrecisionWeights, forceNormalization, gsetData,
#' knnDataInput)
#' # Summarize test results as "up", "down" or "not expressed"
#' significanceLevelCutOff <- 0.05
#' dT <- calculateDifferentialGeneExpressionSummary(fit2,
#' adjustment, significanceLevelCutOff)
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
#' @import limma
#' @seealso [calculateDifferentialGeneExpression()]
#' for differential gene expression object
calculateDifferentialGeneExpressionSummary <-
significanceLevelCutOff) {
dT <-
decideTests(fit2, adjust.method = adjustment,
p.value = significanceLevelCutOff)
#' A Function to Calculate the Samples Selected in Each Group
#' This function calculates the GSMS object for
#' differential expression from a dataframe of the groups
#' @param groupDataFrame A dataframe containing
#' the row number and group selection
#' @keywords GEO
#' @importFrom stringr str_remove_all
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
calculateEachGroupsSamplesFromDataFrame <-
function(groupDataFrame) {
# Convert the input to a dataframe
groupDataFrame <- as.matrix(groupDataFrame)
# For each row convert the UI codes to backend codes
for (val in seq_len(nrow(groupDataFrame))) {
if (groupDataFrame[val, 1] == "N/A")
groupDataFrame[val, 1] <- "X"
} else if (groupDataFrame[val, 1] == "Group 1") {
groupDataFrame[val, 1] <- 0
} else if (groupDataFrame[val, 1] == "Group 2") {
groupDataFrame[val, 1] <- 1
# Convert the outputs to a string
stringGroup <- toString(groupDataFrame[, 1])
# Remove all commas and spaces in the string
stringGroup <-
str_remove_all(str_remove_all(stringGroup, ","), " ")
#' A Function to Calculate the Samples Selected in Each Group
#' This function calculates the GSMS object
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
calculateEachGroupsSamplesGsms <-
function(columnInfo, groupOne, groupTwo) {
# Update all rows to X
columnInfo$group <- "X"
# Add group 1 columns
columnInfo[groupOne,]$group <- "0"
# Add group 2 columns
columnInfo[groupTwo,]$group <- "1"
# colapse columns to character
gsms <- paste(columnInfo$group, collapse = '')
#' A Function to remove lowly expressed genes
#' @importFrom edgeR filterByExpr
#' @author Guy Hunt
#' @noRd
removeLowlyExpressedGenes <- function(expressionData, gsms) {
keep.exprs <- filterByExpr(expressionData, group=gsms)
expressionData <- expressionData[keep.exprs,]
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