## Performs CS CEL processing
SNP6.Process <- function(CEL = NULL, samplename = NULL, l2r.level = "normal", gc.renorm = TRUE, gc.rda = NULL, wave.renorm = TRUE, wave.rda = NULL, mingap = 1E+06, out.dir = getwd(), oschp.keep = FALSE, force.OS = NULL, apt.version = "1.20.0", apt.build = "na35.r1", genome.pkg = "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19", return.data = FALSE, write.data = TRUE, plot = TRUE, force = FALSE) {
# setwd("/home/job/WORKSPACE/EaCoN_tests/SNP6")
# CEL <- "GSM820994.CEL.bz2"
# samplename <- "BITES_TEST"
# l2r.level <- "normal"
# wave.renorm <- TRUE
# wave.rda <- NULL
# gc.renorm <- TRUE
# gc.rda <- NULL
# mingap <- 1E+06
# out.dir <- getwd()
# oschp.keep <- TRUE
# force.OS <- NULL
# apt.version <- "1.20.0"
# apt.build <- "na35.r1"
# genome.pkg <- "BSgenome.Hsapiens.UCSC.hg19"
# return.data <- FALSE
# write.data <- TRUE
# plot <- TRUE
# force <- FALSE
# require(foreach)
# source("~/git_gustaveroussy/EaCoN/R/mini_functions.R")
# source("~/git_gustaveroussy/EaCoN/R/renorm_functions.R")
## Early checks
if (is.null(CEL)) stop(tmsg("A CEL file is required !"), call. = FALSE)
if (is.null(samplename)) stop(tmsg("A samplename is required !"), call. = FALSE)
if (!file.exists(CEL)) stop(tmsg(paste0("Could not find CEL file ", CEL, " !")), call. = FALSE)
if (gc.renorm) { if (!is.null(gc.rda)) { if (!file.exists(gc.rda)) stop(tmsg(paste0("Could not find gc.rda file ", gc.rda)), call. = FALSE) } }
if (wave.renorm) { if (!is.null(wave.rda)) { if (!file.exists(wave.rda)) stop(tmsg(paste0("Could not find wave.rda file ", wave.rda)), call. = FALSE) } }
if (is.null(genome.pkg)) stop(tmsg("A BSgenome package name is required !"), call. = FALSE)
if (!genome.pkg %in% BSgenome::installed.genomes()) {
if (genome.pkg %in% BSgenome::available.genomes()) {
stop(tmsg(paste0("BSgenome ", genome.pkg, " available but not installed. Please install it !")), call. = FALSE)
} else {
stop(tmsg(paste0("BSgenome ", genome.pkg, " not available in valid BSgenomes and not installed ... Please check your genome name or install your custom BSgenome !")), call. = FALSE)
if (dir.exists(samplename)) { if (!force) stop(tmsg(paste0("A [", samplename, '] dir already exists !')), call. = FALSE) else unlink(samplename, recursive = TRUE, force = FALSE) }
l2r.lev.conv <- list("normal" = "Log2Ratio", "weighted" = "SmoothSignal")
if (!(l2r.level %in% names(l2r.lev.conv))) stop(tmsg("Option 'l2r.level' should be 'normal' or 'weighted' !"), call. = FALSE)
## Handling compressed files
CEL <- compressed_handler(CEL)
## Secondary checks
sup.array <- c("GenomeWideSNP_6")
arraytype.cel = affxparser::readCelHeader(filename = CEL)$chiptype
if (!arraytype.cel %in% sup.array) stop(tmsg(paste0("Identified array type '", arraytype.cel, "' is not supported by this function !")), call. = FALSE)
## Checking APT version compatibility
valid.apt.versions <- c("1.20.0")
if (!(apt.version %in% valid.apt.versions)) warning(tmsg(paste0("APT version ", apt.version, " is not supported. Program may fail !")))
## Checking build compatibility
valid.builds <- c("na35.r1")
if (!(tolower(apt.build) %in% valid.builds)) warning(tmsg(paste0("Build ", apt.build, " is not supported. Program may fail !")))
## Checking apt-copynumber-cyto-ssa package loc
apt.snp6.pkg.name <- paste0("apt.snp6.", apt.version)
if (!(apt.snp6.pkg.name %in% installed.packages())) stop(tmsg(paste0("Package ", apt.snp6.pkg.name, " not found !")), call. = FALSE)
suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(package = apt.snp6.pkg.name, character.only = TRUE))
## Processing CEL to an OSCHP file
oscf <- apt.snp6.process(CEL = CEL, samplename = samplename, out.dir = out.dir, temp.files.keep = FALSE, force.OS = force.OS, apt.build = apt.build)
## Reading OSCHP
my.oschp <- oschp.load(file = oscf)
sex.chr <- c("chrX", "chrY")
## Processing : meta (and checks)
if (!("affymetrix-chipsummary-snp-qc" %in% names(my.oschp$Meta$analysis))) my.oschp$Meta$analysis[["affymetrix-chipsummary-snp-qc"]] <- NA
### Loading genome info
tmsg(paste0("Loading ", genome.pkg, " ..."))
suppressPackageStartupMessages(require(genome.pkg, character.only = TRUE))
BSg.obj <- getExportedValue(genome.pkg, genome.pkg)
# genome2 <- BSgenome::providerVersion(BSg.obj)
genome2 <- metadata(BSg.obj)$genome
cs <- chromobjector(BSg.obj)
### Getting basic meta
genome <- getmeta("affymetrix-algorithm-param-genome-version", my.oschp$Meta$analysis)
if (genome != genome2) stop(tmsg(paste0("Genome build name given with BSgenome package '", genome.pkg, "', (", genome2, ") is different from the genome build specified by provided APT build version '", apt.build, "' (", genome, ") !")), call. = FALSE)
arraytype <- getmeta("affymetrix-array-type", my.oschp$Meta$analysis)
manufacturer <- getmeta("program-company", my.oschp$Meta$analysis)
species <- getmeta("affymetrix-algorithm-param-genome-species", my.oschp$Meta$analysis)
snp6.conv <- list("1" = "male", "2" = "female", "NA" = "NA", "0" = "NA")
gender.conv <- list("female" = "XX", "male" = "XY", "NA" = "NA")
pgender <- gender.conv[[snp6.conv[[as.character(as.numeric(getmeta("affymetrix-chipsummary-Gender", my.oschp$Meta$analysis)))]]]]
if (!(arraytype %in% sup.array)) stop(paste0("Unsupported array : '", arraytype, "' !"), call. = FALSE)
## Reconstructing missing meta
if (!"CEL1" %in% names(my.oschp$Meta)) {
datheader.split <- unlist(strsplit(x = affxparser::readCelHeader(filename = CEL)$datheader, split = "\\s+"))
my.oschp$Meta$CEL1$acquisition <- list("affymetrix-scanner-id" = datheader.split[8], "affymetrix-scan-date" = paste0(datheader.split[6:7], collapse = " "))
my.oschp$Meta$CEL1$array <- list("affymetrix-array-id" = NA, "affymetrix-array-barcode" = NA)
# meta.a2 <- list("affymetrix-scanner-id" = scanner.id, "affymetrix-scan-date" = scan.date)
# meta.a2 <- list("affymetrix-scanner-id" = scanner.id, "affymetrix-scan-date" = scan.date)
# meta.a3 <- list("affymetrix-array-id" = NA, "affymetrix-array-barcode" = NA)
# meta.a3 <- list("affymetrix-array-id" = NA, "affymetrix-array-barcode" = NA)
meta.b <- list(
samplename = samplename,
source = "microarray",
source.file = CEL,
type = arraytype,
manufacturer = manufacturer,
species = species,
genome = genome,
genome.pkg = genome.pkg,
predicted.gender = pgender
## Extracting data : L2R
ao.df <- dplyr::as.tbl(data.frame(my.oschp$MultiData$CopyNumber[,c(2:4)], L2R.ori = as.vector(my.oschp$MultiData$CopyNumber[[l2r.lev.conv[[l2r.level]]]])))
ao.df$Chromosome <- as.integer(ao.df$Chromosome) ### Patching the Chromosome column : on R4+, it is read as 'raw', we need ints
affy.meta <- my.oschp$Meta
affy.chrom <- my.oschp$MultiData[["CopyNumber_&keyvals"]][seq.int(3, nrow(my.oschp$MultiData[["CopyNumber_&keyvals"]]), 3),1:2]
ao.df$L2R <- ao.df$L2R.ori
ak <- affy.chrom$val
names(ak) <- as.numeric(sub(":display", "", affy.chrom$key))
ao.df$chrA <- as.vector(ak[as.character(ao.df$Chromosome)])
ao.df$chr <- paste0("chr", ao.df$chrA)
ao.df$chrN <- unlist(cs$chrom2chr[ao.df$chr])
## Normalizing SNPs
tmsg("Normalizing SNP data (using rcnorm) ...")
baf.df <- rcnorm::rcnorm.snp(myCEL = CEL, genome.pkg = genome.pkg, allSNPs = FALSE)
baf.df$chr <- paste0("chr", baf.df$chrs)
baf.df$chrN <- unlist(cs$chrom2chr[baf.df$chr])
baf.df <- baf.df[order(baf.df$chrN, baf.df$pos),]
baf.df <- baf.df[!is.na(baf.df$BAF),]
ao.df <- suppressWarnings(Reduce(function(t1, t2) dplyr::left_join(t1, t2, by = "ProbeSetName"), list(ao.df, dplyr::as.tbl(data.frame(ProbeSetName = rownames(baf.df), BAF.ori = baf.df$BAF, BAF = baf.df$BAF)), dplyr::as.tbl(my.oschp$MultiData$CopyNumber[,c(2,9)]))))
rm(my.oschp, baf.df)
## Hacking Type of the 'Allele Difference' column (from array to vector)
ao.df[['Allele Difference']] <- as.vector(ao.df[['Allele Difference']])
ao.df <- dplyr::arrange(ao.df, chrN, Position, ProbeSetName)
colnames(ao.df)[3] <- "pos"
## Merging L2R and BAF data
ao.df <- ao.df[!(is.na(ao.df$L2R) & is.na(ao.df$BAF)),]
##### WAR ZONE ! #####
## Segmentation-based ##
minseglen <- 50
# nna <- !is.na(ao.df$BAF)
nna <- !is.na(ao.df$BAF) & !is.na(ao.df[["Allele Difference"]])
ao.df$mBAF <- BAF2mBAF(ao.df$BAF)
# str(peltres <- changepoint::cpt.meanvar(ao.df$mBAF[nna], penalty = "MBIC", method = "PELT", minseglen = minseglen)@cpts)
peltres <- changepoint::cpt.var(ao.df[["Allele Difference"]][nna], penalty = "BIC", method = "PELT", minseglen = minseglen)@cpts
## Refining with chr ends
kends <- vapply(unique(ao.df$chrN[nna]), function(k) { max(which(ao.df$chrN[nna] == k))}, 1L)
peltres <- sort(unique(c(peltres, kends)))
prdiff <- diff(peltres)
toremove <- vector()
if (any(prdiff < 50)) {
for (b in which(prdiff < 50)) {
if (peltres[b+1] %in% kends) toremove <- c(toremove, b) else toremove <- c(toremove, b+1)
peltres <- peltres[-toremove]
## Clustering BAF segments
bs.end <- peltres
bs.start <- c(1, peltres[-length(peltres)]+1)
ao.df$cluster <- NA
ao.df$uni <- FALSE
mc.G <- 4
mc.mN <- "E"
smeds <- hrates <- vector()
for(i in seq_along(bs.start)) {
mcresBIC <- mclust::mclustBIC(data = ao.df$BAF[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]], G = mc.G, modelNames = mc.mN, verbose = FALSE)
mcres <- mclust::Mclust(data = ao.df$BAF[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]], G = mc.G, modelNames = mc.mN, verbose = FALSE, x = mcresBIC)$classification
ao.df$cluster[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]] <- mcres
if (length(unique(mcres)) == 2) ao.df$uni[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]] <- TRUE
smeds <- c(smeds, median(ao.df$mBAF[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]][!mcres %in% c(1,4)], na.rm = TRUE))
hrates <- c(hrates, length(which(!mcres %in% c(1,4))) / length(mcres))
## Rescaling
tmsg("Rescaling BAF ...")
ao.df$BAF.unscaled <- ao.df$BAF
for(i in seq_along(bs.start)) {
lmed <- median(ao.df$BAF.unscaled[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]][ao.df$cluster[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]] == 1], na.rm = TRUE)
umed <- median(ao.df$BAF.unscaled[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]][ao.df$cluster[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]] == 4], na.rm = TRUE)
ao.df$BAF[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]] <- (lmed - ao.df$BAF[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]]) / (lmed - umed)
ao.df$mBAF <- BAF2mBAF(ao.df$BAF)
## Rescue
ao.df$cluster2 <- ao.df$cluster
ao.df$cluster2[ao.df$cluster2 == 4] <- 1
ao.df$cluster2[ao.df$cluster2 > 1] <- 2
target.hrate <- .3
for(i in seq_along(hrates)) {
if (hrates[i] < .2 & smeds[i] < .45) {
ao.df$cluster2[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]] <- 2
ao.df$uni[nna][bs.start[i]:bs.end[i]] <- TRUE
## L2R renormalizations
tmsg("Normalizing L2R data ...")
smo <- round(nrow(ao.df) / 550)
if(smo%%2 == 0) smo <- smo+1
### Wave
if (wave.renorm) {
tmsg("Wave re-normalization ...")
ren.res <- renorm.go(input.data = ao.df, renorm.rda = wave.rda, track.type = "Wave", smo = smo, arraytype = arraytype, genome = genome)
ao.df <- ren.res$data
fitted.l2r <- ren.res$renorm$l2r$l2r
if(is.null(ren.res$renorm$pos)) {
meta.b <- setmeta("wave.renorm", "None", meta.b)
tmsg(" No positive fit.")
} else {
## Tweaking sex chromosomes
sex.idx <- ao.df$chr %in% sex.chr
auto.ori.med <- median(ao.df$L2R[!sex.idx], na.rm = TRUE)
auto.rn.med <- median(fitted.l2r[!sex.idx], na.rm = TRUE)
if (any(sex.idx)) {
for (k in sex.chr) {
k.idx <- ao.df$chr == k
if (any(k.idx)) {
k.ori.diffmed <- median(ao.df$L2R.ori[k.idx], na.rm = TRUE) - auto.ori.med
k.rn.diffmed <- median(fitted.l2r[k.idx], na.rm = TRUE) - auto.rn.med
fitted.l2r[k.idx] <- fitted.l2r[k.idx] - k.rn.diffmed + k.ori.diffmed
meta.b <- setmeta("wave.renorm", paste0(ren.res$mrenorm$pos, collapse = ","), meta.b)
ao.df[["L2R.Wave"]] <- fitted.l2r - median(fitted.l2r, na.rm = TRUE)
ao.df$L2R <- ao.df[["L2R.Wave"]]
} else {
meta.b <- setmeta("wave.renorm", "FALSE", meta.b)
### GC
if (gc.renorm) {
tmsg("GC renormalization ...")
ren.res <- renorm.go(input.data = ao.df, renorm.rda = gc.rda, track.type = "GC", smo = smo, arraytype = arraytype, genome = genome)
ao.df <- ren.res$data
fitted.l2r <- ren.res$renorm$l2r$l2r
if(is.null(ren.res$renorm$pos)) {
meta.b <- setmeta("gc.renorm", "None", meta.b)
tmsg(" No positive fit.")
} else {
## Tweaking sex chromosomes
sex.idx <- ao.df$chr %in% sex.chr
auto.ori.med <- median(ao.df$L2R[!sex.idx], na.rm = TRUE)
auto.rn.med <- median(fitted.l2r[!sex.idx], na.rm = TRUE)
if (any(sex.idx)) {
for (k in sex.chr) {
k.idx <- ao.df$chr == k
if (any(k.idx)) {
k.ori.diffmed <- median(ao.df$L2R.ori[k.idx], na.rm = TRUE) - auto.ori.med
k.rn.diffmed <- median(fitted.l2r[k.idx], na.rm = TRUE) - auto.rn.med
fitted.l2r[k.idx] <- fitted.l2r[k.idx] - k.rn.diffmed + k.ori.diffmed
meta.b <- setmeta("gc.renorm", paste0(ren.res$renorm$pos, collapse = ","), meta.b)
ao.df[["L2R.GC"]] <- fitted.l2r - median(fitted.l2r, na.rm = TRUE)
ao.df$L2R <- ao.df[["L2R.GC"]]
} else {
meta.b <- setmeta("gc.renorm", "FALSE", meta.b)
## Rough median-centering of L2R
ao.df$L2R <- ao.df$L2R - median(ao.df$L2R, na.rm = TRUE)
## Identifying gaps and clustering chromosomal portions
gaps <- which(diff(ao.df$pos) >= mingap)
kends <- vapply(unique(ao.df$Chromosome), function(k) { max(which(ao.df$Chromosome == k)) }, 1L)
kbreaks <- sort(unique(c(gaps, kends)))
ao.df$chrgap <- rep(seq_along(kbreaks), times = c(kbreaks[1], diff(kbreaks)))
## Building ASCAT-like object
tmsg("Building normalized object ...")
my.ascat.obj <- list(
data = list(
Tumor_LogR.ori = data.frame(sample = ao.df$L2R.ori, row.names = ao.df$ProbeSetName),
Tumor_LogR = data.frame(sample = ao.df$L2R, row.names = ao.df$ProbeSetName),
Tumor_BAF = data.frame(sample = ao.df$BAF, row.names = ao.df$ProbeSetName),
Tumor_AD = data.frame(sample = ao.df[["Allele Difference"]], row.names = ao.df$ProbeSetName),
Tumor_LogR_segmented = NULL,
Tumor_BAF_segmented = NULL,
Germline_LogR = NULL,
Germline_BAF = NULL,
SNPpos = data.frame(chrs = ao.df$chr, pos = ao.df$pos, row.names = ao.df$ProbeSetName),
ch = sapply(unique(ao.df$chr), function(x) { which(ao.df$chr == x) }),
chr = sapply(unique(ao.df$chrgap), function(x) { which(ao.df$chrgap == x) }),
chrs = unique(ao.df$chr),
samples = samplename,
gender = as.vector(meta.b$predicted.gender),
sexchromosomes = sex.chr,
failedarrays = NULL
germline = list(
germlinegenotypes = matrix(as.logical(abs(ao.df$cluster2 - 2L)), ncol = 1),
failedarrays = NULL
colnames(my.ascat.obj$germline$germlinegenotypes) <- colnames(my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_LogR) <- colnames(my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_LogR.ori) <- colnames(my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_BAF) <- samplename
my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_BAF.unscaled = data.frame(sample = ao.df$BAF.unscaled, row.names = ao.df$ProbeSetName)
colnames(my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_BAF.unscaled) <- samplename
my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_BAF.unisomy = data.frame(sample = ao.df$uni, row.names = ao.df$ProbeSetName)
colnames(my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_BAF.unisomy) <- samplename
rownames(my.ascat.obj$germline$germlinegenotypes) <- ao.df$ProbeSetName
genopos <- ao.df$pos + cs$chromosomes$chr.length.toadd[ao.df$chrN]
## Adding meta
my.ascat.obj$meta = list(
basic = meta.b,
affy = affy.meta
## Adding CEL intensities
my.ascat.obj$CEL = list(
CEL1 = affxparser::readCel(filename = CEL)
my.ascat.obj$CEL$CEL1$intensities <- as.integer(my.ascat.obj$CEL$CEL1$intensities)
if(write.data) saveRDS(my.ascat.obj, paste0(out.dir, "/", samplename, "/", samplename, "_", arraytype, "_", genome, "_processed.RDS"), compress = "bzip2")
if (plot) {
tmsg("Plotting ...")
kend <- genopos[vapply(my.ascat.obj$data$ch, max, 1L)]
l2r.notna <- which(!is.na(my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_LogR[,1]))
l2r.rm <- runmed(my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_LogR[,1][l2r.notna], smo)
l2r.ori.rm <- runmed(my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_LogR.ori[,1][l2r.notna], smo)
png(paste0(out.dir, "/", samplename, "/", samplename, "_", arraytype, "_", genome, "_rawplot.png"), 1600, 1050)
par(mfrow = c(3,1))
plot(genopos, my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_LogR.ori[,1], pch = ".", cex = 3, col = "grey75", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(-2,2), main = paste0(samplename, " ", arraytype, " raw L2R profile (median-centered) / ", round(sum(abs(diff(l2r.ori.rm))), digits = 3)), xlab = "Genomic position", ylab = "L2R")
lines(genopos[l2r.notna], l2r.ori.rm, col = 1)
abline(v = kend, col = 4, lty = 3, lwd = 2)
abline(h = 0, col = 2, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
plot(genopos, my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_LogR[,1], pch = ".", cex = 3, col = "grey75", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(-2,2), main = paste0(samplename, " ", arraytype, " L2R profile (", l2r.level, ", median-centered)) / ", round(sum(abs(diff(l2r.rm))), digits = 3)), xlab = "Genomic position", ylab = "L2R")
lines(genopos[l2r.notna], l2r.rm, col = 1)
abline(v = kend, col = 4, lty = 3, lwd = 2)
abline(h = 0, col = 2, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
plot(genopos, my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_BAF[,1], pch = ".", cex = 3, col = "grey80", xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0,1), main = paste0(samplename, " ", arraytype, " BAF profile"), xlab = "Genomic position", ylab = "BAF")
points(genopos[my.ascat.obj$germline$germlinegenotypes[,1] == 0], my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_BAF[my.ascat.obj$germline$germlinegenotypes[,1] == 0,1], pch = ".", cex = 3, col = "grey25")
# plot(ao.df$genopos, my.ascat.obj$data$Tumor_BAF[,1], pch = ".", cex = 3, col = ao.df$ForcedCall-5, xaxs = "i", yaxs = "i", ylim = c(0,1), main = paste0(samplename, " ", arraytype, " BAF profile"), xlab = "Genomic position", ylab = "BAF")
abline(v = kend, col = 4, lty = 3, lwd = 2)
abline(h = .5, col = 2, lty = 2, lwd = 2)
## Cleaning
if(!oschp.keep) {
tmsg("Removing temporary OSCHP file ...")
if(return.data) return(my.ascat.obj)
SNP6.Process.Batch <- function(CEL.list.file = NULL, nthread = 1, cluster.type = "PSOCK", ...) {
## Checking the CEL.list.file
if (is.null(CEL.list.file)) stop("A CEL.list.file is required !", call. = FALSE)
if (!file.exists(CEL.list.file)) stop("Could not find CEL.list.file !", call. = FALSE)
message("Reading and checking CEL.list.file ...")
myCELs <- read.table(file = CEL.list.file, header = TRUE, sep="\t", check.names = FALSE, as.is = TRUE)
head.ok <- c("cel_files", "SampleName")
head.chk <- all(colnames(CEL.list.file) == head.ok)
if (!head.chk) {
message("Invalid header in CEL.list.file !")
message(paste0("EXPECTED : ", head.ok))
message(paste0("FOUND : ", colnames(myCELs)))
stop("Invalid header.", call. = FALSE)
sn.chk <- duplicated(myCELs$SampleName)
if (any(sn.chk)) {
message("CEL.list.file contains duplicated SampleNames !")
stop("Duplicated SampleNames.", call. = FALSE)
fecheck <- !vapply(myCELs$cel_files, file.exists, TRUE)
fecheck.pos <- which(fecheck)
if (length(fecheck.pos) > 0) stop(paste0("\n", "CEL file could not be found : ", myCELs$cel_files[fecheck.pos], collapse = ""), call. = FALSE)
message(paste0("Found ", nrow(myCELs), " samples to process."))
## Adjusting cores/threads
message("Adjusting number of threads if needed ...")
avail.cores <- parallel::detectCores(logical = TRUE)
if (is.null(nthread)) { nthread <- avail.cores -1; message(paste0("Reset nthread to ", nthread)) }
if (nrow(myCELs) < nthread) { nthread <- nrow(myCELs); message(paste0("Reset nthread to ", nthread)) }
if (avail.cores <= nthread) message(paste0(" WARNING : nthread set to ", nthread, " while available logical threads number is ", avail.cores, " !"))
## Building cluster
current.bitmapType <- getOption("bitmapType")
`%dopar%` <- foreach::"%dopar%"
`%do%` <- foreach::"%do%"
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(spec = nthread, type = cluster.type, outfile = "")
p <- 0
s6res <- foreach::foreach(p = seq_len(nrow(myCELs)), .inorder = FALSE, .errorhandling = "stop") %dopar% {
EaCoN.set.bitmapType(type = current.bitmapType)
SNP6.Process(CEL = myCELs$cel_files[p], samplename = myCELs$SampleName[p], return.data = FALSE, ...)
## Stopping cluster
message("Stopping cluster ...")
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