.saturationPlotter <- function(mydata_melt
, grouping
, adding
, y_measure
, main=""
, legend
, labelling
, annotation=FALSE
, mylabel = NULL
, CI.show=FALSE) {
labels <- c( levels(mydata_melt$grouping) )
# Full global assignment of variable for R CMD check complainings
if(y_measure[1]=="mean") {
plotTitle <- main
p <- ggplot(mydata_melt, aes(x=Space, y=Mean
, colour=grouping, group=grouping))
p <- p + geom_errorbar(aes(ymin=Mean-CI, ymax=Mean+CI)
, colour="black", width=.1)
} else {
plotTitle <- main
p <- ggplot(mydata_melt, aes(x=Space, y=Coverage
, colour=grouping, group=grouping)) +
# Thanks to MrFlick at stackoverflow for this function
# We are now able to combine different aestethics: aes + aes_string
'+.uneval' <- function(a,b) {
'class<-'(modifyList(a,b), "uneval")
p <- p +
geom_line() +
geom_point(size=3 ) +
xlab("Genomic Space in kBase") +
theme_bw() +
l=40) +
p <- p + annotate("text", x = Inf, y = -Inf
, label = paste(mylabel , collapse="\n")
, hjust=1.1
, vjust=-.2
, col="black", cex=2.5,fontface = "bold")
p <- p + theme(legend.justification=c(0,1), legend.position=c(0,1))
p <- p + geom_text_repel(aes_string(label=adding)
, box.padding = unit(0.6, "lines"))
# scatter plot of panel size by mean coverage or by absolute coverage
setGeneric('saturationPlot', function(object
, alterationType=c("copynumber" , "expression" , "mutations", "fusions")
, grouping=c(NA , "drug" , "group" , "alteration_id" , "tumor_type")
, adding=c("alteration_id" , "gene_symbol" , "drug" , "group")
, tumor_type=NULL
, y_measure=c("mean" , "absolute")
, adding.order=c("absolute" , "rate")
, sum.all.feature=FALSE
, collapseMutationByGene=TRUE
, collapseByGene=FALSE
, labelling=TRUE
, tumor.weights=NULL
, main=""
, legend=c("in" , "out")
, noPlot=FALSE) {
setMethod('saturationPlot', 'CancerPanel', function(object
, alterationType=c("copynumber" , "expression"
, "mutations", "fusions")
, grouping=c(NA , "drug" , "group" , "alteration_id" , "tumor_type")
, adding=c("alteration_id" , "gene_symbol" , "drug" , "group")
, tumor_type=NULL
, y_measure=c("mean" , "absolute")
, adding.order=c("absolute" , "rate")
, sum.all.feature=FALSE
, collapseMutationByGene=TRUE
, collapseByGene=FALSE
, labelling=TRUE
, tumor.weights=NULL
, main=""
, legend=c("in" , "out")
, noPlot=FALSE)
## Check of parameters
possibleAddingOrder <- c("absolute" , "rate")
possibleAlterations <- c("copynumber" , "expression"
, "mutations" , "fusions")
possibleGrouping <- c(NA , "drug" , "group"
, "alteration_id" , "tumor_type")
possibleAdding <- c("alteration_id" , "gene_symbol" , "drug" , "group")
possibley_measure <- c("mean" , "absolute")
grouping <- NA
grouping <- grouping[1]
adding <- adding[1]
adding.order <- adding.order[1]
if(any(adding.order %notin% possibleAddingOrder)){
stop(paste("adding.order can only be one or more of the following"
, paste(possibleAddingOrder , collapse=", ")))
if(any(alterationType %notin% possibleAlterations)){
stop(paste("alterationType can only be one or more of the following"
, paste(possibleAlterations , collapse=", ")))
if(any(grouping %notin% possibleGrouping)){
stop(paste("grouping can only be one of the following"
,paste(possibleGrouping , collapse=", ")))
if(any(adding %notin% possibleAdding)){
stop(paste("adding can only be one of the following"
, paste(possibleAdding , collapse=", ")))
if(any(y_measure %notin% possibley_measure)){
stop(paste("y_measure can only be one of the following"
, paste(possibley_measure , collapse=", ")))
if(("alteration_id" %in% grouping) & length(alterationType)<2){
stop(paste("If you select 'alteration_id' as grouping variable,"
,"you must select more than one alterationType"))
stop("sum.all.feature must be TRUE or FALSE")
# if(!is.logical(sum.by.grouping)){
# stop("sum.by.grouping must be TRUE or FALSE")
# }
legend <- legend[1]
if(legend %notin% c("in" , "out")){
stop("legend can only be 'in' or 'out' of the plotting area")
if(!all(tumor_type %in% cpArguments(object)$tumor_type)){
stop(paste("You selected a tumor_type that has"
,"no data in this CancerPanel object"))
# Check tumor.weights consistency
if( any(is.na(tumor.weights)) || any(!is.numeric(tumor.weights)) ){
stop("tumor.weights must be an integer vector")
if( any(names(tumor.weights) %notin% cpArguments(object)$tumor_type) ){
stop(paste("tumor.weights names do not correspond to the"
, "tumor types present in this CancerPanel object"))
if(grouping %in% "tumor_type"){
warning("If you group by tumor type, tumor.weights are ignored.")
tumor.weights <- NULL
} else {
if( any(names(tumor.weights) %notin% tumor_type) ){
stop("Weights and tumor_type selected do not match")
de <- dataExtractor(object=object , alterationType=alterationType
, tumor_type=tumor_type
, collapseMutationByGene=collapseMutationByGene
, collapseByGene=collapseByGene
, tumor.weights=tumor.weights)
mydata <- de$data
mysamples <- de$Samples
tum_type_diff <- de$tumor_not_present
# First, split by grouping variable
mydata_split <- list("NA"=mydata)
} else {
mydata_split <- split(mydata , mydata[[grouping]])
mydata_split <- lapply(mydata_split , function(x) {
# browser()
tums <- unique(x$tumor_type)
x$case_id <- factor(x$case_id
, levels=unlist(mysamples[tums]))
# Aggregate the panel according to the adding variable
panel_transition <- cpArguments(object)$panel
# panel_transition <- panel
panel_transition$alteration_id <-
.mapvalues(from=c("SNV" , "CNA" , "fusion" , "expression")
,to=c("mut" , "cna" , "fus" , "expr")
panel_transition_split <- list("NA"=panel_transition)
} else if(grouping=="tumor_type"){
panel_transition_split <- lapply(names(mysamples) , function(x) {
names(panel_transition_split) <- names(mysamples)
} else {
panel_transition_split <- split(panel_transition
, panel_transition[[grouping]])
# Here we calculate space.
# We developed 4 possible scenarios of space calculation:
# sum.all.feature=TRUE. In case of a panel of cna and snv,a gene count twice
# sum.all.feature=FALSE same gene counts 1
.spacing <- function(df , sum.all.feature){
out <- aggregate(as.formula(paste("variation_len~" , adding))
, df , sum)
} else {
df$full <- ifelse(df$alteration %in%
c("CNA" , "fusion" , "expression") , "yes" ,
ifelse(df$exact_alteration=="" , "yes" , "no"))
genefull <- unique(df$gene_symbol[df$full=="yes"])
df_small <- df[ , unique(c(adding , "gene_symbol"
, "variation_len" , "full"))]
# If I ask for a full gene in CNA and some mutations,
# remove the mutations when counting length
df_small2 <- df_small[ !(df_small$gene_symbol %in% genefull &
df_small$full=="no") , ]
df_small2 <- unique(df_small2)
out <- aggregate(as.formula(paste("variation_len~" , adding))
, df_small2 , sum)
panel_agg <- lapply( panel_transition_split , function(x) {
.spacing(x , sum.all.feature)
names(panel_agg) <- names(panel_transition_split)
# Cast the splitted data by the adding variable
caster <- lapply(seq_len(length(mydata_split)) , function(i) {
z <- names(mydata_split)[i]
x <- mydata_split[[i]]
x_cast <- reshape2::dcast(formula=as.formula(paste("case_id~" , adding))
, data=x
, fun.aggregate=length
, drop=FALSE
, value.var="case_id")
rownames(x_cast) <- as.character(x_cast$case_id)
x_cast$case_id <- NULL
x_cast[ is.na(x_cast) ] <- 0
x_cast[ x_cast>1 ] <- 1
# assign length to the adding variable (columns)
x_cast_colnames <- colnames(x_cast)
# Problem. The space can be NA if we consider translocation
# in every gene of a panel
# The panel doesn't know what translocation could appear
# In the example, RET was included for every translocation,
# but ERC1__RET is not in the panel
if(adding=="gene_symbol" &
any(panel_transition[ , "exact_alteration"]=="gene_fusion")){
gene_fusions <- unique(panel_transition[
panel_transition$exact_alteration=="gene_fusion", "gene_symbol"])
subVec <- paste0(gene_fusions , "__")
subVec2 <- paste0("__",gene_fusions)
searchPattern <- paste( c(subVec2 , subVec) , collapse="|")
x_cast_colnames2 <- stringr::str_extract(x_cast_colnames
, searchPattern) %>% sub("__" , "" , .)
x_cast_colnames2[is.na(x_cast_colnames2)] <-
space <- panel_agg[[z]][ match(x_cast_colnames2
, panel_agg[[z]][,adding]), 'variation_len']
space <- ifelse(is.na(space) , min(space , na.rm=TRUE) , space)
space <- space/1000
len_df <- data.frame(gene_symbol2=x_cast_colnames2
, gene_symbol=x_cast_colnames
, Space=space
, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
if(!grouping %in% colnames(panel_transition)){
total <- unique(panel_transition[ , adding])
missing <- setdiff( total , len_df[ , "gene_symbol2"] )
total <- unique(panel_transition[
panel_transition[ , grouping]==z , adding])
missing <- setdiff( total , len_df[ , "gene_symbol2"] )
} else {
space <- panel_agg[[z]][ match(x_cast_colnames
, panel_agg[[z]][,adding]), 'variation_len']
space <- ifelse(is.na(space) , min(space , na.rm=TRUE) , space)
space <- space/1000
len_df <- data.frame(addingVar=x_cast_colnames
, Space=space , stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
colnames(len_df) <- c(adding , "Space")
if(!grouping %in% colnames(panel_transition)){
total <- unique(panel_transition[ , adding])
missing <- setdiff( total , len_df[ , adding] )
total <- unique(panel_transition[
panel_transition[ , grouping]==z , adding])
missing <- setdiff( total , len_df[ , adding] )
# calculate number of variations per adding variable
adding_sum <- colSums(x_cast) %>% sort %>% rev
# If the order is based just on number of variants:
x_cast <- x_cast[ , names(adding_sum) , drop=FALSE]
df <- data.frame(adding_var=names(adding_sum)
, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
} else {
# If the order is based on rate of variants per length
# things are a little more complicated
# create a rate dafarame first and order it by rate
adding_sum_df <- data.frame(addingVar=names(adding_sum)
, var_num=unname(adding_sum)
, stringsAsFactors=TRUE)
colnames(adding_sum_df) <- c(adding , "var_num")
len_df <- merge(len_df , adding_sum_df , all.y=TRUE)
len_df$num_of_variants_per_KB <- (len_df$var_num/len_df$Space)
len_df$var_num <- NULL
len_df <- len_df[ order(len_df$num_of_variants_per_KB
, decreasing=TRUE) , ]
x_cast <- x_cast[ , len_df[ , adding] , drop=FALSE]
df <- data.frame(adding_var=len_df[ , adding]
, stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
x_cast2 <- lapply(seq_len(ncol(x_cast)), function(i) {
}) %>% do.call("cbind" , .)
# create the dataset to plot
df <- rename(df, c("adding_var" = adding))
df$grouping <- z
df$Mean <- matrixStats::colMeans2(x_cast2)
df$Coverage <- apply(x_cast2 , 2 , function(x) {
df$SD <- matrixStats::colSds(x_cast2)
# Calculate standard error of the mean
df$SE <- df$SD / sqrt(nrow(x_cast2))
confInt <- .95
ciMult <- qt(confInt/2 + .5, nrow(x_cast2)-1)
df$CI <- df$SE * ciMult
df <- .mergeOrder(df , len_df , by=adding , all.x=TRUE)
df$Space <- cumsum(df$Space)
return(list(df , c(length(missing) , length(total) )))
mydata_melt <- as.data.frame(data.table::rbindlist(
lapply(caster , '[[' , 1)) , stringsAsFactors=FALSE)
mydata_melt$grouping <- factor(mydata_melt$grouping
, levels=unique(mydata_melt$grouping))
labels <- c( levels(mydata_melt$grouping) )
mylabel <- vapply(seq_len(length(caster)) , function(x) {
paste0("Missing " , adding , " in ' " ,
names(mydata_split)[x] , "' : " ,
caster[[x]][[2]][1] , "/" , caster[[x]][[2]][2])
} , character(1))
} else {
, grouping
, adding
, y_measure
, main
, legend
, labelling
, annotation=TRUE
, mylabel = mylabel
, CI.show=TRUE)
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