#' Sensitivity analysis using scale simulation
#' Performs scale simulation over a range of values for gamma.
#' Dirichlet samples are reused for computational convenience.
#' @param aldex_clr An `aldex.clr` object
#' @param gamma A vector of positive numeric components. Used as the standard deviation of the scale simulation model.
#' @inheritParams aldex
#' @return A list of results. Each element corresponds to a single result for a given value of gamma
#' @export
aldex.senAnalysis <- function(aldex_clr, gamma, test="t", effect=TRUE,
include.sample.summary=FALSE, verbose=FALSE,
iterate=FALSE, ...){
gamma <- sort(gamma)
sen_results <- list()
##extracting results from the aldex object
p <- getDirichletInstances(aldex_clr)
conds <- aldex_clr@conds
mc.samples <- aldex_clr@mc.samples
## repeating over gamma
for(j in 1:length(gamma)){
l2p <- list()
##adding scale
scale_samples <- default.scale.model(gamma[j], conds, p, mc.samples)
for(i in 1:length(p)){
l2p[[i]] <- sweep(log2(p[[i]]), 2, scale_samples[i,], "-")
names(l2p) <- names(aldex_clr@dirichletData)
x <- new("aldex.clr",reads=aldex_clr@reads,mc.samples=aldex_clr@mc.samples,conds=aldex_clr@conds,
denom=getDenom(aldex_clr),verbose=verbose,useMC=FALSE,dirichletData=getDirichletInstances(aldex_clr),analysisData=l2p, scaleSamps = scale_samples)
if(test == "t") {
message("aldex.ttest: doing t-test")
x.tt <- aldex.ttest(x, paired.test=FALSE, hist.plot=FALSE, verbose=verbose)
}else if(test == "kw"){
message("aldex.glm: doing Kruskal-Wallace and glm test (ANOVA-like)")
x.tt <- aldex.kw(x)
}else if(test == "glm"){
message("aldex.glm: doing glm test based on a model matrix")
x.tt <- aldex.glm(x, ...)
}else if(test == "cor" | test == "corr"){
message("aldex.corr: doing correlation with a continuous variable")
x.tt <- aldex.corr(x, ...)
stop("argument 'test' not recognized")
if(test == "t" && effect && !iterate){
message("aldex.effect: calculating effect sizes")
x.effect <- aldex.effect(x, include.sample.summary=include.sample.summary, verbose=verbose)
z <- data.frame(x.effect, x.tt, check.names=F)
z <- data.frame(x.tt)
sen_results[[j]] <- z
names(sen_results) = paste0("gamma_", gamma)
#' Create gamma diagram for scale simulation sensitivity result
#' @param sen_results A list return by aldex.senAnalysis()
#' @param test A character string. What test was used to calculate the results
#' @param thresh A numeric between 0 and 1. What threshold should be used for significance?
#' @param taxa_to_label A positive integer. How many taxa should be labeled in the plot?
#' @param glmVar If `test = "glm"`, what variable do you want plotted?
#' @param blackWhite boolean. If TRUE, returns the plot in black and white.
#' @param cex Default == 1. Controls the size of the axis and text labels in the plots.
#' @return A plot object
#' @export
plotGamma <- function(sen_results, test = "t", thresh = 0.05, taxa_to_label = 10, glmVar = NULL, blackWhite = FALSE, cex = 1){
Sequence <- NULL ##Fixing an R CMD check note
if(thresh < 0 | thresh > 1){
stop("Please return a valid value for threshold between zero and 1.")
gamma <- as.numeric(sub("gamma_", "", names(sen_results)))
B <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(sen_results), ncol = dim(sen_results[[1]])[1])
pvals <- matrix(NA, nrow = length(sen_results), ncol = dim(sen_results[[1]])[1])
if(test == "t"){
for(i in 1:length(sen_results)){
pvals[i,] <- sen_results[[i]]$we.eBH
B[i,] <- sen_results[[i]]$effect
} else if(test == "glm"){
stop("Please supply what variable you want to plot!")
nameEffect = names(sen_results[[1]])[base::grepl(paste0(glmVar, ".Est"), names(sen_results[[1]]))]
namePval = names(sen_results[[1]])[base::grepl(paste0(glmVar, ".pval.holm"), names(sen_results[[1]]))]
for(i in 1:length(sen_results)){
B[i,] <- sen_results[[i]][,nameEffect]
pvals[i,] <- sen_results[[i]][,namePval]
} else{
stop("Test not supported by plot_alpha!")
if(taxa_to_label > dim(sen_results[[1]])[1]){
message("Cannot label more taxa than exist. Reverting to all taxa in the data set.")
taxa_to_label <- dim(sen_results[[1]])
P <- as.data.frame(pvals)
P$gamma <- gamma
P <- P[,c(ncol(P), 1:(ncol(P)-1))]
P <- reshape(P, idvar = "gamma",
varying = list(2:ncol(P)),
timevar = "Sequence",
v.names = "pval", direction = "long")
P$Sequence = paste0("V", P$Sequence)
P.toLabel <- P[(P$pval < 0.1),]
P.toLabel <- P.toLabel[order(-P.toLabel$gamma),]
seq_to_label <- as.numeric(sub("V", "", unique(P.toLabel$Sequence)))
taxa_to_label = as.vector(na.omit(seq_to_label[1:taxa_to_label]))
B.graph <- as.data.frame(B)
B.graph$gamma <- gamma
B.graph <- B.graph[,c(ncol(B.graph), 1:(ncol(B.graph)-1))]
B.graph <- reshape(B.graph, idvar = "gamma",
varying = list(2:ncol(B.graph)),
timevar = "Sequence",
v.names = "Effect", direction = "long")
B.graph$Sequence <- paste0("V", B.graph$Sequence)
B.graph <- base::merge(B.graph, P, by = c("gamma", "Sequence"))
B.graph$Sequence <- sub("V", "", B.graph$Sequence)
B.graph$labl = ifelse(B.graph$Sequence %in% taxa_to_label, B.graph$Sequence, NA)
B.graphFilt <- B.graph[B.graph$pval <= thresh,]
B.graphFilt$Sequence <- as.factor(B.graphFilt$Sequence)
base.plot <- xyplot(Effect~ gamma,
groups = Sequence,
data = B.graph,
col = "grey",
type = "l",
ylab=list(label = "Effect Size", cex = cex),
xlab=list(label = "Gamma", cex = cex),
abline = c(h=0),
par.settings = standard.theme(color = FALSE))
overlay.plot <- xyplot(Effect~gamma,
groups = Sequence,
data = B.graphFilt,
color = "black",
type = "l",
par.settings = standard.theme(color = FALSE))
B.graphLabl <- B.graph[!is.na(B.graph$labl), ]
B.graphLabl <- B.graphLabl[B.graphLabl$pval <= thresh,]
overlay.labels <- direct.label(xyplot(Effect~gamma,
groups = Sequence,
data = B.graphLabl,
color = "black",
type = "l",
par.settings = standard.theme(color = FALSE)), list("last.bumpup", cex = cex))
p2 <- base.plot + as.layer(overlay.plot) + as.layer(overlay.labels)
} else{
base.plot <- xyplot(Effect~ gamma,
groups = Sequence,
data = B.graph,
col = "grey",
type = "l",
ylab=list(label = "Effect Size", cex = cex),
xlab=list(label = "Gamma", cex = cex),
abline = c(h=0))
overlay.plot <- xyplot(Effect~gamma,
groups = Sequence,
data = B.graphFilt,
color = "black",
type = "l")
B.graphLabl <- B.graph[!is.na(B.graph$labl), ]
B.graphLabl <- B.graphLabl[B.graphLabl$pval <= thresh,]
overlay.labels <- direct.label(xyplot(Effect~gamma,
groups = Sequence,
data = B.graphLabl,
color = "black",
type = "l"), list("last.bumpup", cex = cex))
p2 <- base.plot + as.layer(overlay.plot) + as.layer(overlay.labels)
## Percent significant taxa
percSig <- 100*(rowSums(pvals <= thresh)/ncol(pvals))
graph_df <- data.frame("gamma" = gamma, "percSig" = percSig)
p1 <- xyplot(percSig ~ gamma,
data = graph_df,
color = "black",
type = "l",
ylim = c(0,100),
xlab = list(label = "Gamma", cex = 1.5),
ylab = list(label = "Percent of Significant Entities", cex = cex),
lwd = 2,
par.settings = standard.theme(color = FALSE))
} else{
p1 <- xyplot(percSig ~ gamma,
data = graph_df,
color = "black",
type = "l",
ylim = c(0,100),
xlab = list(label = "Gamma", cex = 1.5),
ylab = list(label = "Percent of Significant Entities", cex = cex),
lwd = 2)
gm <- function(x, na.rm = TRUE){
exp(mean(log(x[x > 0]), na.rm=na.rm))
default.scale.model <- function(gamma, conds, p, mc.samples){
##adding a check to remove the intercept
##also identifying binary variables
conds_used <- conds
inds <- unname(which(colSums(conds == 1) == nrow(conds))) ##Find if any columns are the intercept
if(length(inds) > 0){
conds_used <- conds[,-inds]
binary <- unname(which(apply(conds_used,2, FUN = function(vec) length(unique(vec))) == 2))
} else{
## testing if the one condition has more than two levels
if(length(unique(conds_used)) == 2){
##Re-code to zero one
binary <- TRUE
conds_used <- as.numeric(as.factor(conds_used)) - 1
conds_used <- ifelse(conds_used == 0, -1, conds_used)
} else{
binary <- FALSE
##centering and scaling the conditions
conds_mat <- as.matrix(conds_used)
conds_mat <- apply(conds_mat, 2, FUN = function(vec){
if(length(unique(vec)) == 2){
vec <- as.numeric(as.factor(vec)) - 1
} else{
conds_mat <- apply(conds_mat, 2, FUN = function(vec){
if(length(unique(vec)) > 2){
} else{
}) ##Centering
## scaling gamma to the scale of the conditions
col_var <- rep(gamma^2, ncol(conds_mat))
scale_samples <- matrix(NA, length(p), mc.samples) ## empty container
noise <- matrix(NA, nrow = mc.samples, ncol = length(col_var))
for(i in 1:length(col_var)){
noise[,i] <- stats::rnorm(mc.samples, 0, sqrt(col_var[i]))
for(i in 1:length(p)){
geo_means <- log(apply(p[[i]],2,gm))
noise.adj <- sweep(noise, 2, conds_mat[i,], "*")
noise_mean <- rowSums(noise.adj)
scale_samples[i,] <- geo_means + noise_mean
scale_samples <- log2(exp(scale_samples))
#' Interpret the scale model implied by a certain level of gamma or scale model
#' @param clr A aldex.clr object
#' @return A table. For each variable, an estimate of theta^perp that is implied by the scale model is returned. The average and 95% credible interval are returned.
#' @export
interpretGamma <- function(clr){
## This assumes clr@scaleSamps is on the scale of log2 W (not W).
## Checking the scale samples were actual
stop("No scale samples passed in aldex.clr object. This function is for interpreting gamma if scale noise is added.")
## checking conds to see if a t-test or glm type test
log.scale <- clr@scaleSamps
vals <- unique(clr@conds)
group1 <- which(clr@conds == vals[1])
group2 <- which(clr@conds == vals[2])
theta.perp <- apply(log.scale, 2, FUN = function(vec, group1, group2){mean(vec[group1]) - mean(vec[group2])}, group1 = group1, group2 = group2)
print("2.5th and 97.5th quantile of the scale samples...")
return(data.frame("mean" = mean(theta.perp), "p2.5" = quantile(theta.perp, c(0.025)), "p97.5" = quantile(theta.perp, c(0.975)), row.names = NULL))
} else if(is.matrix(clr@conds)){
##glm model
log.scale <- clr@scaleSamps
X <- clr@conds
X.matrix <- solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X)
theta.perp <- apply(log.scale, 2, FUN = function(vec, X.mat){X.mat %*% vec}, X.mat = X.matrix)
##Extracting statistics
avg.est <- rowMeans(theta.perp)
lower.est <- apply(theta.perp,1,quantile,probs = 0.025)
upper.est <- apply(theta.perp,1,quantile,probs=.975)
return(data.frame("Variable" = colnames(X), "mean" = avg.est, "p2.5" = lower.est, "p97.5" = upper.est,row.names = NULL))
} else{
stop("clr@conds not supported.")
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