## Copyright (C) 2021-2024 Robersy Sanchez <https://genomaths.com/>
## Author: Robersy Sanchez This file is part of the R package
## 'GenomAutomorphism'. 'GenomAutomorphism' is a free
## software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
## terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version. This program is distributed in
## the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
## without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
## more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU
## General Public License along with this program; if not, see
## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
#' Weighted Manhattan Distance Between Codons
#' @rdname codon_dist
#' @aliases codon_dist
#' @description This function computes the weighted Manhattan distance between
#' codons from two sequences as given in reference (1). That is, given two
#' codons \eqn{x} and \eqn{y} with coordinates on the set of integers modulo 5
#' ("Z5"): \eqn{x = (x_1, x_2, x_3)} and \eqn{x = (y_1, y_2, y_3)} (see (1)),
#' the Weighted Manhattan distance between this two codons is defined as:
#' \deqn{d_w(x,y) = |x_1 - y_1|/5 + |x_2 - y_2| + |x_3 -y_3|/25}
#' If the codon coordinates are given on "Z4", then the Weighted Manhattan
#' distance is define as:
#' \deqn{d_w(x,y) = |x_1 - y_1|/4 + |x_2 - y_2| + |x_3 -y_3|/16}
#' Herein, we move to the generalized version given in reference (3), for
#' which:
#' \deqn{d_w(x,y) = |x_1 - y_1| w_1 + |x_2 - y_2| w_2 + |x_3 -y_3| w_3}
#' where we use the vector of \eqn{weight = (w_1, w_2, w_3)}.
#' @param x,y A character string of codon sequences, i.e., sequences of DNA
#' base-triplets. If only 'x' argument is given, then it must be a
#' \code{\link[Biostrings]{DNAStringSet-class}} object.
#' @param weight A numerical vector of weights to compute weighted Manhattan
#' distance between codons. If \eqn{weight = NULL}, then
#' \eqn{weight = (1/4,1,1/16)} for \eqn{group = "Z4"} and
#' \eqn{weight = (1/5,1,1/25)} for \eqn{group = "Z5"}.
#' @param group A character string denoting the group representation for the
#' given codon sequence as shown in reference (2-3).
#' @param cube A character string denoting one of the 24 Genetic-code cubes,
#' as given in references (2-3).
#' @param num.cores,tasks Parameters for parallel computation using package
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallel-package}}: the number of cores to
#' use, i.e. at most how many child processes will be run simultaneously (see
#' \code{\link[BiocParallel]{bplapply}} and the number of tasks per job (only
#' for Linux OS).
#' @param verbose If TRUE, prints the progress bar.
#' @param ... Not in use yet.
#' @return A numerical vector with the pairwise distances between codons in
#' sequences 'x' and 'y'.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{codon_dist_matrix}}, \code{\link{automorphisms}},
#' \code{\link{codon_coord}}, and \code{\link{aminoacid_dist}}.
#' @references
#' \enumerate{
#' \item Sanchez R. Evolutionary Analysis of DNA-Protein-Coding Regions Based
#' on a Genetic Code Cube Metric. Curr Top Med Chem. 2014;14: 407–417.
#' \url{https://doi.org/10.2174/1568026613666131204110022}.
#' \item M. V Jose, E.R. Morgado, R. Sanchez, T. Govezensky, The 24 possible
#' algebraic representations of the standard genetic code in six or in three
#' dimensions, Adv. Stud. Biol. 4 (2012) 119-152.[PDF](https://is.gd/na9eap).
#' \item R. Sanchez. Symmetric Group of the Genetic-Code Cubes. Effect of the
#' Genetic-Code Architecture on the Evolutionary Process MATCH Commun. Math.
#' Comput. Chem. 79 (2018) 527-560. [PDF](https://is.gd/ZY1Gx8).
#' }
#' @examples
#' ## Let's write two small DNA sequences
#' codon_dist(x, y, group = "Z5")
#' ## Alternatively, data can be vectors of codons, i.e., vectors of DNA
#' ## base-triplets (including gaps simbol "-").
#' x = c("ACG","CGT","GTA","CCG","TGA","CTG","ACG")
#' y = c("TGC","GCC","CGT","GAC","---","TGA","A-G")
#' ## Gaps are not defined on "Z4"
#' codon_dist(x, y, group = "Z4")
#' ## Gaps are considered on "Z5"
#' codon_dist(x, y, group = "Z5")
#' ## Load an Automorphism-class object
#' data("autm", package = "GenomAutomorphism")
#' codon_dist(x = head(autm,20), group = "Z4")
#' ## Load a pairwise alignment
#' data("aln", package = "GenomAutomorphism")
#' aln
#' codon_dist(x = aln, group = "Z5")
...) {
#' @rdname codon_dist
#' @aliases codon_dist
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam bplapply SnowParam
"codon_dist", signature(x = "DNAStringSet"),
weight = NULL,
group = c("Z4", "Z5"),
cube = c("ACGT", "AGCT", "TCGA", "TGCA", "CATG",
"GACT", "GCAT", "TACG", "TCAG"),
num.cores = 1L,
tasks = 0L,
verbose = FALSE) {
group <- match.arg(group)
cube <- match.arg(cube)
ls <- unique(width(x))
if (length(ls) > 1)
stop("*** Codon sequences 'x' and 'y' must be aligned.")
if ((ls %% 3) != 0)
stop("*** Arguments 'x' and 'y' are not codon sequences.")
if (is.null(weight)) {
if (group == "Z4")
weight <- c(1/4, 1, 1/16)
weight <- c(1/5, 1, 1/25)
x <- base_coord(base = x, cube = cube, group = group )
x <- mcols(x)
idx_coord <- grep("coord", colnames(x))
x <- data.frame(x[, idx_coord])
f <- factor(as.vector(slapply(seq_len(nrow(x) / 3), rep, times = 3)))
x <- split(x, f)
if (ls > 1 && num.cores == 1) {
x <- slapply(seq(x),
function(k) {
cds <- x[[k]]
weighted_manhattan(x = cds[, 1], y = cds[, 2],
w = weight, group = group)
if (ls > 1 && num.cores > 1) {
# ## -------------- Setting parallel computation ------------- #
progressbar <- FALSE
if (verbose) {
progressbar <- TRUE
if (Sys.info()["sysname"] == "Linux") {
bpparam <- MulticoreParam(
workers = num.cores, tasks = tasks,
progressbar = progressbar
} else {
bpparam <- SnowParam(
workers = num.cores, type = "SOCK",
progressbar = progressbar
# ## -------------------------------------------------------- #
x <- bplapply(seq(x),
function(k) {
cds <- x[[k]]
weighted_manhattan(x = cds[, 1], y = cds[, 2],
w = weight, group = group)
}, BPPARAM = bpparam)
x <- unlist(x)
#' @rdname codon_dist
#' @aliases codon_dist
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam bplapply SnowParam
"codon_dist", signature(x = "character"),
weight = NULL,
group = c("Z4", "Z5"),
cube = c("ACGT", "AGCT", "TCGA", "TGCA", "CATG",
"GACT", "GCAT", "TACG", "TCAG"),
num.cores = 1L,
tasks = 0L,
verbose = FALSE) {
group <- match.arg(group)
cube <- match.arg(cube)
if (length(x) > 1) {
x <- c(paste0(x, collapse = ""))
y <- c(paste0(y, collapse = ""))
x <- DNAStringSet(c(x, y))
x <- codon_dist(x = x, weight = weight, group = group, cube = cube,
num.cores = num.cores, tasks = tasks, verbose = verbose)
c("CodonGroup", "Automorphism", "AutomorphismByCoef"))
#' @rdname codon_dist
#' @aliases codon_dist
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @importFrom BiocParallel MulticoreParam bplapply SnowParam
"codon_dist", signature(x = "CodonGroup_OR_Automorphisms"),
weight = NULL,
group = c("Z4", "Z5"),
cube = c("ACGT", "AGCT", "TCGA", "TGCA", "CATG",
"GACT", "GCAT", "TACG", "TCAG"),
num.cores = 1L,
tasks = 0L,
verbose = FALSE) {
group <- match.arg(group)
cube <- match.arg(cube)
x <- DNAStringSet(c(paste0(x$seq1, collapse = ""),
paste0(x$seq2, collapse = "")))
x <- codon_dist(x = x, weight = weight, group = group, cube = cube,
num.cores = num.cores, tasks = tasks,
verbose = verbose)
## ------------------------- Auxiliary functions --------------------------
weighted_manhattan <- function(x, y, w, group) {
if (group == "Z4") {
dst <- abs(x[1] - y[1]) * w[1] + abs(x[2] - y[2]) * w[3] +
abs(x[3] - y[3]) * w[3]
}else {
dst <- abs(x[1] - y[1]) * w[1] + abs(x[2] - y[2]) * w[2] +
abs(x[3] - y[3]) * w[3]
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