reexports: Reexport useful functions to be available to users

reexportsR Documentation

Reexport useful functions to be available to users


These objects are imported from other packages. Follow the links below to see their documentation.


end, end<-, start, start<-, strand, strand<-, width


AAMultipleAlignment, AAStringSet, DNAMultipleAlignment, DNAStringSet, GENETIC_CODE_TABLE, getGeneticCode, readDNAMultipleAlignment, translate, unmasked


GRangesList, makeGRangesFromDataFrame


colMeans2, colSds, colSums2, colVars, rowMeans2, rowSds, rowSums2, rowVars


modlin, modq


mcols, mcols<-, setValidity2




The same as in mcols.

The same as in mcols.

The same as in setValidity2.

The same as in DNAStringSet.

The same as in AAStringSet.

The same as in readDNAMultipleAlignment.

The same as in DNAMultipleAlignment.

The same as in AAMultipleAlignment.

The same as in subseq.

The same as in translate.

The same as in GENETIC_CODE_TABLE.

The same as in getGeneticCode.

The same as in unmasked.

The same as in width.

The same as in start.

The same as in start.

The same as in end.

The same as in end.

The same as in strand.

The same as in strand.

The same as in GRangesList.

The same as in makeGRangesFromDataFrame.

The same as in modq.

The same as in modlin.

The same as in rowSums2.

The same as in colSums2.

The same as in colMeans2.

The same as in rowMeans2.

The same as in rowVars.

The same as in colVars.

The same as in colSds.

The same as in rowSds.


## Load an Automorphism object and take its metacolumns
data("autm", package = "GenomAutomorphism")
## See \code{\link[BiocGenerics]{start}}.

## Load an Automorphism object and get some 'end' coordinates
data("autm", package = "GenomAutomorphism")

genomaths/GenomAutomorphism documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 12:25 a.m.