
Defines functions valid.ConservedRegionList as_list_of_ConservedRegion valid.ConservedRegion as_list_of_AutomorphismByCoef valid.AutomorphismByCoefList valid.AutomorphismByCoef valid.AutomorphismList valid.Automorphism valid.Automorphism.mcols valid.MatrixList GRangesMatrixSeq MatrixSeq valid.ListCodonMatrix ListCodonMatrix CodonMatrix valid.CodonGroup valid.CodonGroup.mcols valid.BaseGroup valid.GRanges valid.BaseGroup.elem

Documented in CodonMatrix GRangesMatrixSeq ListCodonMatrix MatrixSeq valid.Automorphism valid.AutomorphismByCoef valid.AutomorphismByCoefList valid.AutomorphismList valid.Automorphism.mcols valid.BaseGroup valid.BaseGroup.elem valid.CodonGroup valid.CodonGroup.mcols valid.ConservedRegion valid.ConservedRegionList valid.GRanges valid.ListCodonMatrix valid.MatrixList

## Copyright (C) 2021 Robersy Sanchez <https://genomaths.com/>
## Author: Robersy Sanchez This file is part of the R package
## 'GenomAutomorphism'.  'GenomAutomorphism' is a free
## software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the
## terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free
## Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at
## your option) any later version.  This program is distributed in
## the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY;
## without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
## FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for
## more details.  You should have received a copy of the GNU
## General Public License along with this program; if not, see
## <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.

## ========================== GRanges_OR_NULL =====================

#' @rdname GRanges_OR_NULL
#' @title A definition for the union of 'GRanges' and 'NULL' class.
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
setClassUnion("GRanges_OR_NULL", c("GRanges", "NULL", "missing"))

## ========================== BaseSeq =============================

setClassUnion("character_OR_NULL", c("character", "NULL", "missing"))

#' @aliases BaseSeq
#' @rdname BaseSeq
#' @title A class definition to store DNA base sequence.
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @seealso \code{\link{automorphisms}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return Given the slot values define a BaseSeq-class.
    slots = c(
        seqnames = "Rle",
        ranges = "IRanges_OR_IPos",
        strand = "Rle",
        elementMetadata = "DataFrame",
        seqinfo = "Seqinfo",
        seq_alias = "character_OR_NULL"
    contains = "GRanges"

## ========================== BaseSeqMatrix =========================

#' @aliases BaseSeqMatrix
#' @rdname BaseSeqMatrix
#' @title A class definition to Store DNA base sequence coordinates in a given
#' Genetic Code Cube.
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @seealso \code{\link{automorphisms}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return Given the slot values define a BaseSeq-class.
    slots = c(
        seqnames = "Rle",
        ranges = "IRanges_OR_IPos",
        strand = "Rle",
        elementMetadata = "DataFrame",
        seqinfo = "Seqinfo",
        seq_alias = "character_OR_NULL",
        group = "character",
        cube = "character"
    contains = "GRanges"

## ========================== BaseGroup =============================

#' @aliases BaseGroup
#' @rdname BaseGroup
#' @title A class definition to store codon automorphisms in given in the
#' Abelian group representation.
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @seealso \code{\link{automorphisms}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return Given the slot values define a BaseGroup-class.
    slots = c(
        seqnames = "Rle",
        ranges = "IRanges_OR_IPos",
        strand = "Rle",
        elementMetadata = "DataFrame",
        seqinfo = "Seqinfo",
        colnames = "character",
        group = "character",
        cube = "character"
    contains = "GRanges"

# ====================  Validity BaseGroup ======================== #

#' @rdname valid.BaseGroup
#' @aliases valid.BaseGroup.elem
#' @title Valid BaseGroup mcols
#' @param x A 'BaseGroup' object
#' @keywords internal
#' @return If valid return NULL
valid.BaseGroup.elem <- function(x) {
    m1 <- paste0(
        "*** This is not a valid  BaseGroup-class object.",
        " Columns from the matacolumn have the wrong names"
    m2 <- paste0(
        "*** This is not a valid  BaseGroup-class object.",
        " seq1 or seq2 columns is not a base sequence"
    m3 <- paste0(
        "*** Argument 'x' is not a BaseGroup-class object.",
        " The slot 'group' is not present or wrong naming."
    m4 <- paste0(
        "*** Argument 'x' is not a BaseGroup-class object.",
        " The slot 'cube' is not present or wrong naming."
    r1 <- r2 <- r3 <- r4 <- FALSE
    if (length(x) > 0) {
        coln <- x@colnames
        if (any(!is.element(
            c("seq1", "seq2", "coord1", "coord2")
        ))) {
            r1 <- TRUE
        if (unique(nchar(x$seq1)) != 1 || unique(nchar(x$seq2)) != 1) {
            r2 <- TRUE

        group <- try(x@group, silent = TRUE)
        elem <- is.element(group, c("Z4", "Z5", "Z4^3", "Z5^3"))
        if (inherits(group, "try-error") || !elem) {
            r3 <- TRUE

        cube <- try(x@cube, silent = TRUE)
        celem <- is.element(cube, c(
            "ACGT", "AGCT", "TCGA", "TGCA", "CATG",
            "GTAC", "CTAG", "GATC", "ACTG", "ATCG",
            "GTCA", "GCTA", "CAGT", "TAGC", "TGAC",
            "CGAT", "AGTC", "ATGC", "CGTA", "CTGA",
            "GACT", "GCAT", "TACG", "TCAG"
        if (inherits(celem, "try-error") || !celem) {
            r4 <- TRUE
    if (any(c(r1, r2, r3, r4))) {
        res <- c(m1, m2, m3, m4)[c(r1, r2, r3, r4)]

#' @rdname valid.BaseGroup
#' @aliases valid.GRanges
#' @title Valid 'BaseGroup' inheritance from 'GRanges' class
#' @param x A 'BaseGroup object'
#' @keywords internal
#' @return If valid return NULL
valid.GRanges <- function(x) {
    if (length(x) > 0) {
        if (!inherits(x, "GRanges")) {
            return("*** This is not a valid  BaseGroup-class object.")

#' @rdname valid.BaseGroup
#' @aliases valid.BaseGroup
#' @title Valid BaseGroup
#' @param x A 'BaseGroup object'
#' @keywords internal
#' @return If valid return NULL
valid.BaseGroup <- function(x) {
    c(valid.GRanges(x), valid.BaseGroup.elem(x))

setValidity2("BaseGroup", valid.BaseGroup)

## ========================== CodonGroup =============================

#' @aliases CodonGroup
#' @rdname CodonGroup
#' @title A class definition to store codon automorphisms in given in the
#' Abelian group representation.
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @seealso \code{\link{automorphisms}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return Given the slot values define a CodonGroup-class.
    slots = c(
        seqnames = "Rle",
        ranges = "IRanges_OR_IPos",
        strand = "Rle",
        elementMetadata = "DataFrame",
        seqinfo = "Seqinfo",
        colnames = "character",
        group = "character",
        cube = "character"
    contains = "GRanges"

#' @rdname BaseGroup_OR_CodonGroup
#' @aliases BaseGroup_OR_CodonGroup
#' @title A definition for the union of classes 'BaseGroup' and  'CodonGroup'
#' @keywords internal
#' @seealso \code{\link{BaseGroup}} and \code{\link{CodonGroup}}.
#' @export
setClassUnion("BaseGroup_OR_CodonGroup", c("BaseGroup", "CodonGroup"))

# ====================  Validity CodonGroup ======================== #

#' @rdname valid.CodonGroup
#' @aliases valid.CodonGroup.mcols
#' @title Valid CodonGroup mcols
#' @param x A 'CodonGroup' object
#' @keywords internal
#' @return If valid return NULL
valid.CodonGroup.mcols <- function(x) {
    if (length(x) > 0) {
        coln <- x@colnames
        m1 <- paste0(
            "*** This is not a valid  CodonGroup-class object.",
            "Columns from the matacolumn have the wrong names"
        m2 <- paste0(
            "*** This is not a valid  BaseGroup-class object.",
            "seq1 or seq2 columns is not a base-triplet sequence"
        m3 <- paste0(
            "*** This is not a CodonGroup-class object.",
            " The slot 'cube' is not present or wrong naming."
        m4 <- paste0(
            "*** Argument 'x' is not a CodonGroup-class object.",
            "The slot 'group' is not present or wrong naming."
        r1 <- r2 <- r3 <- r4 <- FALSE

        if (any(!is.element(
            c("seq1", "seq2", "coord1", "coord2")
        ))) {
            r1 <- TRUE
        if (unique(nchar(x$seq1)) != 3 || unique(nchar(x$seq2)) != 3) {
            r2 <- TRUE

        cube <- try(x@cube, silent = TRUE)
        celem <- is.element(cube, c(
            "ACGT", "AGCT", "TCGA", "TGCA", "CATG",
            "GTAC", "CTAG", "GATC", "ACTG", "ATCG",
            "GTCA", "GCTA", "CAGT", "TAGC", "TGAC",
            "CGAT", "AGTC", "ATGC", "CGTA", "CTGA",
            "GACT", "GCAT", "TACG", "TCAG"
        if (inherits(celem, "try-error") || !celem) {
            r3 <- TRUE

        group <- try(x@group, silent = TRUE)
        elem <- is.element(group, c("Z4", "Z5", "Z4^3", "
                                    Z5^3", "Z64", "Z125"))
        if (inherits(group, "try-error") || !elem) {
            r4 <- TRUE
    if (any(c(r1, r2, r3, r4))) {
        res <- c(m1, m2, m3, m4)[c(r1, r2, r3, r4)]

#' @rdname valid.CodonGroup
#' @aliases valid.CodonGroup
#' @title Valid CodonGroup
#' @param x A 'CodonGroup object'
#' @keywords internal
#' @return If valid return NULL
valid.CodonGroup <- function(x) {
    c(valid.GRanges(x), valid.CodonGroup.mcols(x))

setValidity2("CodonGroup", valid.CodonGroup)

## ========================== CodonSeq =============================

#' @rdname CodonSeq
#' @aliases CodonSeq
#' @title A class definition to store codon coordinates given in the Abelian
#' group and the codon sequence.
#' @description An objects from 'CodonSeq' or 'MatrixList' class is returned 
#' by function \code{\link{get_coord}}. This object will store the coordinate
#' of each sequence in a list of 3D-vectors or a list of vectors located in 
#' the slot named 'CoordList'. The original codon sequence (if provided) will
#' be stored in the slot named 'SeqRanges'.
#' @importFrom methods validObject
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return Given the slot values define a CodonSeq-class.
    slots = c(
        CoordList = "list",
        SeqRanges = "GenomicRanges_OR_missing"

#' @aliases coordList
#' @rdname CodonSeq
#' @title Method to extract 'CoordList' slot from a
#' \code{\link{CodonSeq-class}}
#' @param x An object from \code{\link{CodonSeq-class}}.
    function(x) standardGeneric("coordList")

#' @aliases coordList
#' @rdname CodonSeq
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Load a DNA sequence alignment 
#' data("aln", package = "GenomAutomorphism")
#' ## Get base coordinates on 'Z5'
#' coord <- get_coord(
#'     x = aln,
#'     cube = "ACGT",
#'     group = "Z5"
#' )
#' coordList(coord)
    "coordList", signature(x = "CodonSeq"),
    function(x) x@CoordList

#' @aliases seqRanges
#' @rdname CodonSeq
#' @title Method to extract 'SeqRanges' slot from a
#' \code{\link{CodonSeq-class}}
#' @param x An object from \code{\link{CodonSeq-class}}.
    function(x) standardGeneric("seqRanges")

#' @aliases seqRanges
#' @rdname CodonSeq
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Load a DNA sequence alignment
#' data("aln", package = "GenomAutomorphism")
#' ## Get base coordinates on 'Z5'
#' coord <- get_coord(
#'     x = aln,
#'     cube = "ACGT",
#'     group = "Z5"
#' )
#' seqRanges(coord)
    "seqRanges", signature(x = "CodonSeq"),
    function(x) x@SeqRanges

## ======================= CodonMatrix class =========================

#' @aliases CodonMatrix
#' @rdname CodonMatrix
#' @title A Convenient Class to Store a Codon Coordinate in given 
#' Genetic Code cube.
#' @description
#' A CodonMatrix is the object created by function [codon_matrix]
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## CodonMatrix is generated by function 'codon_matrix' (inside a
#' ## ListCodonMatrix-class object)
#' ## Let's create DNAStringSet-class object
#' base <- DNAStringSet(x = c(S1 = 'ACGTGATCAAGT'))
#' x1 <- codon_matrix(base)
#' x1
#' ## Extract the first element
#' x1[1]
#' x1$codon.1
#' x1[[1]]
    slots = c(
        seqnames = "Rle",
        ranges = "IRanges_OR_IPos",
        strand = "Rle",
        elementMetadata = "DataFrame",
        seqinfo = "Seqinfo",
        group = "character",
        cube = "character",
        seq_alias = "character_OR_NULL"
    contains = "GRanges"

#' Constructor of CodonMatrix-class
#' @aliases CodonMatrix
#' @rdname CodonMatrix
#' @param object A \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} object.
#' @param group The name of the base group, 'Z4' or 'Z5'.
#' @param cube The name of the genetic-code cube applied to get the 
#' codon coordinates.
#' @param seq_alias The 'alias' given to the codon sequence.
#' @seealso [base_coord] and [codon_coord].
#' @returns A 'CodonMatrix' class object
#' @export
CodonMatrix <- function(object, group, cube, seq_alias = NULL) {
        seqnames = object@seqnames,
        ranges = object@ranges,
        strand = object@strand,
        elementMetadata = object@elementMetadata,
        seqinfo = object@seqinfo,
        group = group,
        cube = cube,
        seq_alias = seq_alias)

## ======================= ListCodonMatrix class =========================

#' @aliases ListCodonMatrix
#' @rdname ListCodonMatrix
#' @title A Convenient Class to Store Codon Coordinates in given 
#' Genetic Code cube.
#' @description
#'  ListCodonMatrix-class objects are generated by function [codon_matrix].
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @examples
#' ## ListCodonMatrix-class objects are generated by function 'codon_matrix'.
#' ## Let's create DNAStringSet-class object
#' base <- DNAStringSet(x = c( seq1 ='ACGTGATCAAGT',
#'                             seq2 = 'GTGTGATCCAGT',
#'                             seq3 = 'TCCTGATCAGGT'))
#' x1 <- codon_matrix(base)
#' x1
#' ## Extract the first element
#' x1[1]
#' x1$codon.1
#' x1[[1]]
    slots = c(
        DataList = "list",
        group = "character",
        cube = "character",
        seq_alias = "character_OR_NULL",
        names = "character_OR_NULL"

#' Constructor of ListCodonMatrix-class
#' @aliases ListCodonMatrix
#' @rdname ListCodonMatrix
#' @param object A list of CodonMatrix-class objects
#' @export
ListCodonMatrix <- function(
    object, cube, group, seq_alias = NULL, names = NULL) {
    if (is.null(names))
        names <- paste0("codon.", seq_along(object))
    if (is.null(seq_alias))
        names <- paste0("seq", seq_along(object))
        DataList = object, 
        cube = cube, 
        group = group, 
        seq_alias = seq_alias,
        names = names)

## ==================== Validity ListCodonMatrix ==================== #
#' @aliases valid.ListCodonMatrix
#' @rdname ListCodonMatrix
#' @title Valid ListCodonMatrix-class object 
#' @param x A 'ListCodonMatrix-class' object
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @keywords internal

valid.ListCodonMatrix <- function(x) {
    group <- x@group
    cube <- x@cube
    alias <- x@seq_alias
    r1 <- c("*** This is not a valid ListCodonMatrix class object.\n",
            "Every element from the list must be a CodonMatrix object.")
    r2 <- "*** The provided base-group must be 'Z4' or 'Z5'."
    r3 <- "*** The provided genetic-code cube name is not valid."
    t1 <- t2 <- t3 <- t4 <- FALSE
    t1 <- !all(slapply(x@DataList, inherits, what = "CodonMatrix"))
    t2 <- !is.element(group, c("Z5", "Z4"))
    t3 <- !is.element(cube, c(
        "ACGT", "AGCT", "TCGA", "TGCA", "CATG",
        "GTAC", "CTAG", "GATC", "ACTG", "ATCG",
        "GTCA", "GCTA", "CAGT", "TAGC", "TGAC",
        "CGAT", "AGTC", "ATGC", "CGTA", "CTGA",
        "GACT", "GCAT", "TACG", "TCAG"))
    t4 <- (!is.null(alias)) && (ncol(mcols(x[[1]])) != length(alias))
    if (any(c(t1, t2, t3, t4))) {
        if (t1)
        if (t2 || t3)
            return(c(r2, r3)[c(t2, t3)])
        if (t4)
            return(message("*** The number of codon sequences must be equal",
                        " to the number of provided sequence's 'alias'."))

setValidity2("ListCodonMatrix", valid.ListCodonMatrix)

## ========================== MatrixSeq class =============================

setClassUnion("matrix_OR_vector", c("matrix", "vector", "numeric"))

#' @aliases MatrixSeq
#' @rdname MatrixSeq
#' @title Definition of MatrixSeq-class
#' @description This is a very simple flexible class to store DNA and 
#' aminoacid aligned sequences together with their physicochemical properties.
#' That is, a place where each aminoacid or codon from the sequence is
#' represented by numerical value from a physicochemical index.
#' @details
#' \describe{
#'  \item{\strong{seqs}: }{A string character vector of DNA or aminoacid 
#'  sequences.}
#'  \item{\strong{matrix}: }{A numerical matrix or a numerical vector
#'  (in the constructor) carrying the specified aminoacid physicochemical
#'  indices for aminoacid in the DNA or aminoacid sequence(s).}
#'  \item{\strong{names}: }{Alias/names/IDs DNA or aminoacid sequences.}
#'  \item{\strong{aaindex}: }{Aminoacid index database where the 
#'  physicochemical index can be found.}
#'  \item{\strong{phychem}: }{Description of the physicochemical index applied 
#'  to represent the DNA or aminoacid sequences.}
#'  \item{\strong{accession}: }{Accession number or ID of the applied
#'  physicochemical index in the database.}
#' }
#' @keywords internal
#' @author Robersy Sanchez <https://genomaths.com>
#' @export
#' @return Given the slot values, it defines a MatrixSeq-class.
    slots = c(
        seqs = "character",
        matrix = "matrix",
        names = "character",
        aaindex = "character",
        phychem = "character",
        accession = "character"

#' MatrixSeq Constructor
#' @rdname MatrixSeq
#' @param seqs,matrix,names,aaindex,phychem,accession See detail section 
#' @export
#' @returns A MatrixSeq-class object
#' @examples 
#' cd <- DNAMultipleAlignment(aln)
#' r1 <- peptide_phychem_index(unmasked(cd), acc = "EISD840101")
#' r1
#' ## Extract the second aminoacid sequence
#' r1[2]
#' ## Using the sequence given name 
#' r1$S1
#' ## Extract the second aminoacid value from the first sequence
#' r1[1,2]
#' ## Change the name the second sequence
#' names(r1) <- c('S1', 'Seq1', 'S1')
#' r1
#' ## Extract the amino acid sequences
#' slot(r1, 'seqs')
MatrixSeq <- function(seqs, matrix, names, aaindex, phychem, accession) {
    vtr <- is.vector(matrix)
    if (vtr)
        matrix <- as.matrix(matrix)
    if (!vtr && nrow(matrix) != length(seqs))
        stop("*** The number sequences must be equal to the matrix ",
        seqs = seqs,
        matrix = matrix,
        names = names,
        aaindex = aaindex,
        phychem = phychem,
        accession = accession)

## ======================= GRangesMatrixSeq class =======================

#' @aliases GRangesMatrixSeq
#' @rdname GRangesMatrixSeq
#' @title Definition of GRangesMatrixSeq-class
#' @description This is a very simple flexible class to store DNA and 
#' aminoacid aligned sequences together with their physicochemical properties.
#' That is, a place where each aminoacid or codon from the sequence is
#' represented by numerical value from a physicochemical index.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return Given the slot values, it defines a MatrixList-class.
    slots = c(
        seqnames = "Rle",
        ranges = "IRanges_OR_IPos",
        strand = "Rle",
        elementMetadata = "DataFrame",
        seqinfo = "Seqinfo",
        seqs = "character",
        names = "character",
        aaindex = "character",
        phychem = "character",
        accession = "character"
    contains = "GRanges"

#' @importFrom methods new setAs
setAs("MatrixSeq", "GRangesMatrixSeq",
    function(from, to) {

        seqs <- from@seqs
        names <- from@names
        aaindex <- from@aaindex
        phychem <- from@phychem
        accession <- from@accession
        pos <- colnames(from@matrix)
        pos <- as.numeric(gsub("A", "", pos))
        seqinfo <- Seqinfo(seqnames = "1", seqlengths = range(pos)[2], 
                        isCircular = NA, genome = NA)
        from <- data.frame(
                    seqnames = rep("1", length(pos)), 
                    start = pos, 
                    end = pos, 
                    strand = rep("+", length(pos)),
        from <- makeGRangesFromDataFrame(from, keep.extra.columns = TRUE)
            seqnames = seqnames(from),
            ranges = ranges(from),
            strand = strand(from),
            elementMetadata = from@elementMetadata,
            seqinfo = seqinfo,
            seqs = seqs,
            names = names,
            aaindex = aaindex,
            phychem = phychem,
            accession = accession)

#' GRangesMatrixSeq-class constructor
#' @rdname GRangesMatrixSeq
#' @aliases GRangesMatrixSeq
#' @description
#' Constructor for 'GRangesMatrixSeq-class' object.
#' @details
#' This is a convenient function to transform a [MatrixSeq]-class object 
#' returned by function [aa_phychem_index] into a 'GRangesMatrixSeq-class' 
#' object. Since a 'GRangesMatrixSeq-class' inherits from 
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}}, this transformation permits the 
#' application of several methods from GenomicRanges package in the downstream
#' analysis.
#' @param object If provided, it must be a GRangesMatrixSeq-class object and
#' in this case
#' @param seqnames,start,end,ranges,strand,elementMetadata,seqinfo The same as
#' in \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges}}
#' @param seqs,names,aaindex,phychem,accession The same as in 
#' [MatrixSeq].
#' @export
#' @examples
#' aln <- c(S1 = "ATGCGGATTAGA", S2 = "ATGACGATCACA", 
#'         S3 = "ATGAGATCACAG")
#' cd <- DNAMultipleAlignment(aln)
#' r1 <- peptide_phychem_index(unmasked(cd), acc = "EISD840101")
#' r2 <- GRangesMatrixSeq(r1)
#' r2
#' slot(r2, "phychem")
GRangesMatrixSeq <- function(
    object = NULL,
    seqnames = Rle(factor()), 
    start = integer(0), 
    end = integer(0),
    ranges = IRanges(),
    strands = Rle(strand()), 
    elementMetadata = DataFrame(),
    seqinfo = NULL,
    seqs = character(),
    names = character(),
    aaindex = character(),
    phychem = character(),
    accession = character()) {
    if (!is.null(object)) {
        return(as(object, "GRangesMatrixSeq"))
    else {
        if (is.null(seqinfo))
            seqinfo <- seqinfo(ranges)

            seqnames = seqnames,
            ranges = IRanges(start = start, end = end),
            strand = strands,
            elementMetadata = elementMetadata,
            seqinfo = seqinfo,
            names = names,
            aaindex = aaindex,
            phychem = phychem,
            accession = accession)

#' @rdname GRangesMatrixSeq
#' @keywords internal
#' @import Biostrings
#' @export
#' @return Only used to specify signature in the S4 setMethod.
    c("DNAStringSet", "DNAMultipleAlignment")

## ======================== MatrixList class ==========================

#' @aliases MatrixList
#' @rdname MatrixList
#' @title Definition of MatrixList-class
#' @description  A class denoting a list of matrices.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return Given the slot values, it defines a MatrixList-class.
    slots = c(
        matrices = "list",
        names = "character"

## ======================== Validity MatrixList ======================= #
#' @rdname valid.MatrixList
#' @title Valid MatrixList
#' @param x A 'MatrixList object'
#' @keywords internal
#' @return If valid return NULL
valid.MatrixList <- function(x) {
    if (!all(slapply(x, function(y) inherits(y, "matrix")))) {
            "*** Not all the elements of the MatrixList object",
            " are from 'matrix' class."

#' @rdname valid.MatrixList
#' @keywords internal
#' @import Biostrings
#' @export
#' @return Only used to specify signature in the S4 setMethod.
    c("DNAStringSet", "DNAMultipleAlignment", "NULL", "missing")

## ========================== Automorphism =============================

#' @rdname Automorphism
#' @aliases Automorphism
#' @title A class definition to store codon automorphisms in a given Abelian
#' group representation.
#' @description Two classes are involved in to storing codon automorphisms:
#' \emph{\strong{Automorphism-class}} and
#' \emph{\strong{AutomorphismList-class}}.
#' @details An \emph{\strong{Automorphism-class}} object has six 
#' columns: "seq1", "seq2","coord1", "coord2", "autm", and "cube". See the
#' examples for function \code{\link{automorphisms}}. Observe that as the
#' \emph{\strong{Automorphism-class}} inherits from
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} the transformation starting 
#' from a \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} object into an
#' \emph{\strong{Automorphism-class}} is straightforward. 
#' However, the transformation starting from a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}}
#' or a \code{\link[S4Vectors]{DataFrame-class}} object \eqn{"x"} requires for
#' the creation of an additional \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}}
#' object, which by default will have the argument seqnames = "1", strand =
#' "+", start/end = seq(row(x)), length = nrow(x). These details must be keep
#' in mind to prevent fundamental errors in the downstream analyses.
#' @section Automorphism-class methods:
#' ## as(from, "Automorphism"):
#' Permits the transformation of a \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a
#' \code{\link[S4Vectors]{DataFrame-class}} object into
#' \emph{\strong{Automorphism-class}} object if the proper columns are 
#' provided. 
#' Methods from \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}} can also be 
#' applied.
#' @keywords internal
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @seealso \code{\link{AutomorphismByCoef-class}} and
#' \code{\link{AutomorphismList-class}}
#' @export
#' @return Given the slot values, it defines an Automorphism-class object.
    slots = c(
        seqnames = "Rle",
        ranges = "IRanges_OR_IPos",
        strand = "Rle",
        elementMetadata = "DataFrame",
        seqinfo = "Seqinfo",
        colnames = "character",
        autm_info = "list"
    contains = "GRanges"

#' @rdname Automorphism
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
    c("DataFrame", "data.frame")

#' @importFrom GenomeInfoDb Seqinfo seqnames
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @import Biostrings
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics strand
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges ranges
#' @importFrom methods new setAs
    "DataFrame_OR_data.frame", "Automorphism",
    function(from) {
        nr <- nrow(from)
        pos <- seq(1, nr, 1)
        gr <- GRanges(
            seqnames = 1,
            ranges = IRanges(start = pos, end = pos),
            strand = "+"
        mcols(gr) <- from

            seqnames = seqnames(gr),
            ranges = ranges(gr),
            strand = strand(gr),
            elementMetadata = from,
            seqinfo = seqinfo(gr),
            colnames = colnames(from)

# ======================== Validity Automorphism ======================= #
#' @rdname valid.Automorphism
#' @title Valid Automorphism mcols
#' @param x A 'Automorphism object'
#' @keywords internal
#' @return An Error if the metacolumn does not have a valid format
valid.Automorphism.mcols <- function(x) {
    alf <- c("A", "C", "G", "T", "-")
    if (length(x) > 0) {
        m1 <- m2 <- FALSE
        if (inherits(x, "GRanges")) {
            coln <- colnames(x@elementMetadata)
        } else {
            coln <- x@colnames
        if (any(!is.element(
                "seq1", "seq2", "coord1",
                "coord2", "autm", "cube"
        ))) {
            m1 <- TRUE
        if (unique(nchar(x$seq1)) != 3 || unique(nchar(x$seq2)) != 3) {
            m2 <- TRUE
        if (m2) {
            if (all(is.element(x$seq1, alf)) &&
                all(is.element(x$seq1, alf))) {
                m2 <- FALSE

        if (m1 || m2) {
            return("*** This is not a valid Automorphism-class object.")

#' @rdname valid.Automorphism
#' @title Valid Automorphism
#' @param x A 'Automorphism object'
#' @keywords internal
#' @return An Error if the Automorphism-class object is not valid.
valid.Automorphism <- function(x) {
    c(valid.GRanges(x), valid.Automorphism.mcols(x))

setValidity2("Automorphism", valid.Automorphism)

## ======================= AutomorphismList-class =========================

#' @rdname AutomorphismList
#' @title A class definition to store list of Automorphism class objects.
#' @description A class definition to store list of Automorphism class objects
#' derived from the pairwise automorphism estimation from pairwise
#' alignments. Objects from this class are created by function 
#' \code{\link{automorphisms}} and \code{\link{as.AutomorphismList}}.
#' @importFrom methods validObject setClass
#' @keywords internal
#' @return An object from AutomorphismList-class 
#' @export
#' @aliases AutomorphismList
#' @section AutomorphismList-class methods:
#' ## as.AutomorphismList(x):
#' \emph{\strong{as.AutomorphismList}} function transform a list of
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRanges-class}}, a
#' \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRangesList-class}}, a list of
#' \code{\link[base]{data.frame}} or a
#' \code{\link[S4Vectors]{DataFrame-class}}
#' objects into a \emph{\strong{AutomorphismList-class}} object.
#' ## unlist(x)
#' It transforms a AutomorphismList-class object into an Automorphism-class
#' object. 
#' ## as.list(x)
#' It transforms a list of Automorphism-class objects into an 
#' AutomorphismList-class object.
#' ## as(x, "GRangesList")
#' It transforms a \code{\link[GenomicRanges]{GRangesList}} of 
#' \code{\link{Automorphism-class}} objects into an 
#' 'AutomorphismList-class' object.
#' ## names(x)
#' To get the element's names from an 'AutomorphismList-class' object.
#' ## names(x) <- value
#' To assign names to the element from an 'AutomorphismList-class' 
#' object.
#' @examples
#' ## Load datasets
#' data("autm", "brca1_autm")
#' ## Transforming a list of Automorphisms into an AutomorphismList object
#' lista <- list(human = brca1_autm[[1]], gorilla = brca1_autm[[2]])
#' as.AutomorphismList(lista)
#' ## Alternatively we can set
#' aut <- as.list(brca1_autm[seq(2)])
#' class(aut)
#' ## And reverse it
#' aut <- as.AutomorphismList(aut)
#' aut
#' ## Let's get the element names from object 'aut'
#' names(aut)
#' ## Let's assign new names
#' names(aut) <- c("human_1", "gorilla_1")
#' names(aut)
#' ## Transforming a GRangesList of Automorphisms into an AutomorphismList
#' ## object
#' lista <- as(lista, "GRangesList")
#' as.AutomorphismList(lista)
#' ## Transform a AutomorphismList-class object into an Automorphism-class
#' ## object 
#' unlist(brca1_autm[seq(2)])
#' @seealso \code{\link{Automorphism-class}} and 
#' \code{\link{AutomorphismByCoefList-class}}.
    slots = c(
        DataList = "list",
        SeqRanges = "GenomicRanges_OR_missing"

## ====================== Validity AutomorphismList ================== #

#' @rdname valid.AutomorphismList
#' @title Valid AutomorphismList mcols
#' @param x A 'AutomorphismList object'
#' @return An error if 'x' is not a valid AutomorphismList class object.
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @keywords internal

valid.AutomorphismList <- function(x) {
    m1 <- FALSE
    if (!(inherits(x@DataList[[1]], "Automorphism") ||
        inherits(x@DataList[[1]], "DataFrame"))) {
        m1 <- TRUE

    if (inherits(x@DataList[[1]], "Automorphism")) {
        if (any(!slapply(
            function(y) {
                return(inherits(y, "Automorphism") && validObject(y))
        ))) {
            m1 <- TRUE

    if (inherits(x@DataList[[1]], "DataFrame")) {
        if (any(!slapply(
            function(y) {
                return(inherits(y, "DataFrame") && validObject(y))
        ))) {
            m1 <- TRUE
        if (!inherits(x@SeqRanges, "GRanges")) {
            m1 <- TRUE
    if (m1) {
        return("*** This is not a valid AutomorphismList class object.")

setValidity2("AutomorphismList", valid.AutomorphismList)

#' @rdname AutomorphismList
#' @param x An \code{\link{AutomorphismList}} object.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Load a DNA sequence alignment
#' data("brca1_autm", package = "GenomAutomorphism")
#' names(brca1_autm)
        signature = "AutomorphismList",
    function(x) names(x@DataList)

## ================= AutomorphismList-methods ========================

#' @rdname AutomorphismList
#' @aliases 'names<-'
#' @param x An \code{\link{AutomorphismList-class}} object.
#' @param value A character vector naming the elements of the 
#' \code{\link{AutomorphismList-class}} object 'x'.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Load a DNA sequence alignment
#' data("brca1_autm", package = "GenomAutomorphism")
#' x1 <- brca1_autm[seq(2)]
#' names(x1)
#' ## Let's assign a new names
#' names(x1) <- c("human_1.human_2.0", "human_1.gorilla_0")
#' names(x1) 
    "names", "AutomorphismList",
    function(x, value) {
        names(x@DataList) <- value

#' @rdname AutomorphismList
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Load a DNA sequence alignment
#' data("brca1_autm", package = "GenomAutomorphism")
#' ## The list of the first three elements
#' autm_list <- as.list(brca1_autm[seq(3)])
#' autm_list
    signature = "AutomorphismList",
    function(x) {
        x <- getAutomorphisms(x)

#' @importFrom methods setAs coerce
setAs(from = "AutomorphismList", to = "list", function(from) {
    from <- getAutomorphisms(from)

#' @importFrom methods setAs
setAs("AutomorphismList", "GRangesList", function(from) {
    from <- getAutomorphisms(from)
    from <- as.list(from)
    return(as(from, "GRangesList"))

#' @import GenomicRanges
    signature = "AutomorphismList",
    function(x) {
        x <- as(x, "GRangesList")

## ========================== AutomorphismByCoef ===========================

#' @aliases AutomorphismByCoef
#' @rdname AutomorphismByCoef
#' @title A class definition to store conserved gene/genomic regions found
#' in a MSA. 
#' @description Objects from this class are generated by function 
#' \code{\link{automorphism_bycoef}}.
#' @seealso \code{\link{automorphism_bycoef}}
#' @keywords internal
#' @import GenomicRanges
#' @section AutomorphismByCoefList-class methods:
#' ## unlist(x):
#' It transforms a AutomorphismByCoefList-class object into an 
#' AutomorphismByCoef-class object. 
#' ## as(x, "AutomorphismByCoefList")
#' It transforms a 'list' of AutomorphismByCoef-class object into an 
#' AutomorphismByCoefList-class object.
#' @export
#' @examples 
#' ## Let's transform a AutomorphismByCoefList-class object into an 
#' ## AutomorphismByCoef-class object
#' data("autby_coef")
#' unlist(autby_coef[1:2])
#' ## Herein a 'list' object of AutomorphismByCoef-class objects
#' lista <- list(human = autby_coef[[1]], gorilla = autby_coef[[2]])
#' ## Let's transform the the last list 'lista' into an
#' ## AutomorphismByCoefList-class object
#' aut <- as(lista, "AutomorphismByCoefList")
#' aut
#' ## Let's get the element names from object 'aut'
#' names(aut)
#' ## Let's assign new names
#' names(aut) <- c("human_1", "gorilla_1")
#' names(aut)
#' @seealso \code{\link{AutomorphismByCoefList-class}} and 
#' \code{\link{Automorphism-class}}
#' @return AutomorphismByCoef-class definition.
    slots = c(
        seqnames = "Rle",
        ranges = "IRanges_OR_IPos",
        strand = "Rle",
        elementMetadata = "DataFrame",
        seqinfo = "Seqinfo",
        colnames = "character",
        autm_info = "list"),
    contains = "GRanges"

# ======================== Validity AutomorphismByCoef ================== #
#' @rdname valid.AutomorphismByCoef
#' @aliases valid.AutomorphismByCoef
#' @title Valid AutomorphismByCoef mcols
#' @param x A 'AutomorphismByCoef object'
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @return An error if 'x' is not a valid AutomorphismByCoef.
#' @keywords internal
valid.AutomorphismByCoef <- function(x) {
    coln <- colnames(mcols(x))
    if (!inherits(x, "GRanges") ||
        any(!is.element(c("autm", "cube"), coln))) {
        return("*** This is not a valid AutomorphismByCoef
                class object.")
    } else {

setValidity2("AutomorphismByCoef", valid.AutomorphismByCoef)

## ========================= AutomorphismByCoefList ======================

#' @aliases AutomorphismByCoefList
#' @rdname AutomorphismByCoefList
#' @title A class definition for a list of AutomorphismByCoef class objects.
#' @keywords internal
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @importFrom methods as
#' @details \strong{AutomorphismByCoefList-class} has the following methods:
#' ## as('from', "AutomorphismByCoefList")
#' Where 'from' is a list of \strong{AutomorphismByCoef-class}.
#' ## unlist(x)
#' Where 'x' is a an \strong{AutomorphismByCoefList-class} object.
#' @export
#' @seealso \code{\link{AutomorphismByCoef-class}} and 
#' \code{\link{AutomorphismList-class}}
#' @return AutomorphismByCoefList-class definition.
    slots = c(
        elementMetadata = "DataFrame",
        elementType = "character",
        metadata = "list",
        listData = "list"
    contains = "SimpleGRangesList"

# ===================== Validity AutomorphismByCoefList ================== #
#' @rdname valid.AutomorphismByCoefList
#' @aliases valid.AutomorphismByCoefList
#' @title Valid AutomorphismByCoefList mcols
#' @param x A 'AutomorphismByCoefList object'
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @keywords internal
#' @return An error if 'x' is not a valid AutomorphismByCoefList.
valid.AutomorphismByCoefList <- function(x) {
    if (any(!slapply(x, validObject)) || any(slapply(x, function(y) {
        coln <- colnames(mcols(y))
        !is.element(c("autm", "cube"), coln)
    }))) {
        return("*** This is not a valid AutomorphismByCoefList
                class object.")
    } else {


as_list_of_AutomorphismByCoef <- function(from) {
    lapply(from, as, Class = "AutomorphismByCoef")

#' @importFrom methods setAs
setAs("list", "AutomorphismByCoefList", function(from) {
    from <- as_list_of_AutomorphismByCoef(from)
    from <- new_SimpleList_from_list(
        Class = "SimpleGRangesList",
        x = from
    new("AutomorphismByCoefList", from)

    signature = "AutomorphismByCoefList",
    function(x) {
        x <- as(x, "GRangesList")

## ========================== ConservedRegion ===========================

#' @aliases ConservedRegion
#' @rdname ConservedRegion
#' @title A class definition to store conserved gene/genomic regions found
#' in a MSA.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
#' @return Definition of the \strong{ConservedRegion-class}.
    contains = "GRanges"

# ======================== Validity ConservedRegion ================== #
#' @aliases valid.ConservedRegion
#' @rdname ConservedRegion
#' @title Valid ConservedRegion mcols
#' @param x A 'ConservedRegion object'
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @keywords internal

valid.ConservedRegion <- function(x) {
    coln <- colnames(mcols(x))
    if (!inherits(x, "GRanges") ||
        any(!is.element(coln, c("autm", "cube")))) {
        return("*** This is not a valid ConservedRegion
                class object.")
    } else {

setValidity2("ConservedRegion", valid.ConservedRegion)

## ========================= ConservedRegionList ======================

#' @aliases ConservedRegionList
#' @rdname ConservedRegion
#' @title A class definition for a list of ConservedRegion class objects.
#' @details \strong{ConservedRegionList-class} has the following method:
#' ## as('from', "ConservedRegionList")
#' Where 'from' is a list of \strong{ConservedRegion-class}.
#' @keywords internal
#' @export
    slots = c(
        elementMetadata = "DataFrame",
        elementType = "character",
        metadata = "list",
        listData = "list"
    contains = "SimpleGRangesList"

as_list_of_ConservedRegion <- function(from) {
    lapply(from, as, Class = "ConservedRegion")

setAs("list", "ConservedRegionList", function(from) {
    from <- as_list_of_ConservedRegion(from)
    from <- new_SimpleList_from_list(
        Class = "SimpleGRangesList",
        x = from
    new("ConservedRegionList", from)

# ===================== Validity ConservedRegionList ================== #
#' @rdname ConservedRegion
#' @aliases valid.ConservedRegion
#' @title Valid ConservedRegionList mcols
#' @param x A 'ConservedRegionList object'
#' @import S4Vectors
#' @keywords internal

valid.ConservedRegionList <- function(x) {
    coln <- colnames(mcols(x))
    if (any(!slapply(x, validObject)) || any(slapply(x, function(y) {
        coln != "autm"
    }))) {
        return("*** This is not a valid ConservedRegionList
                class object.")
    } else {

setValidity2("ConservedRegionList", valid.ConservedRegionList)

## ========================== Class union ============================ 

            c("CodonGroup", "Automorphism", "AutomorphismByCoef"))
genomaths/GenomAutomorphism documentation built on Jan. 2, 2025, 12:25 a.m.