## Authors:
## Florian Auer [florian.auer@informatik.uni-augsburg.de]
## Description:
## MetaData
# property |options |description
# -------------------|-----------------------------------|-------------------------------------------------------
# "name" |Required in pre- and post-metadata |The name of the aspect
# "version" |Required in pre-metadata |version of this aspect schema ("1.1.0", "2.0.0", etc.)
# "idCounter" |Required if the aspect exports IDs |Integer (All Element IDs are integers; see [node id](#nodeid), [edge id](#edgeid), [cytoscape group id](#cygroupid))
# "elementCount" |Optional |number (integer) of elements in this aspect
# "consistencyGroup" |Optional |An integer identifier shared by aspects to indicate that they are mutually consistent
# "properties" |Optional |An aspect-defined property list
# "checksum" |Optional (Deprecated) |(NDEx CX implementation doesn't support this attribute. This attribute is ignored in NDEx)
#' Update RCX meta-data
#' The meta-data aspect contains meta-data about the aspects in the [RCX][RCX-object] object.
#' It can be generated automatically based on the aspects present in a [RCX][RCX-object] object:
#' - for *version* and *consistencyGroup* default values are used
#' - *idCounter* is inferred with \code{\link{hasIds}} and \code{\link{maxId}} of an aspect
#' - *elementCount* is inferred from \code{\link{countElements}}
#' - *properties* is left out by default
#' If *version*, *consistencyGroup* or *properties* should have a different value, they can be set using a named vector
#' (or named list for *properties*), where the name must be an accession name of that aspect in the \code{\link{RCX-object}}
#' (e.g. `nodes` or `cyVisualProperties`).
#' Besides being a named list by aspect accession name, *properties* must also contain the single key-value pairs as a further named list.
#' To remove all key-value pairs for one aspect, an empty list can be provided instead of a list with key-value pairs.
#' To simplify adding of properties to a single aspect, there is the \code{\link{updateMetaDataProperties}} function available.
#' @note The meta-data will always be updated automatically, when an aspect is added to or changed in the [RCX][RCX-object] object.
#' @param x [RCX][RCX-object] object or an aspect of a RCX; its class must be one of the standard RCX aspect classes
#' @param version named character (optional); version of the aspect (default:"1.0")
#' @param consistencyGroup named numerical (optional); consistency group of the aspect (default:1)
#' @param properties named list (optional); properties that need to be fetched or updated independently of aspect data
#' @param aspectClasses named character; accession names and aspect classes [aspectClasses]
#' @return `r .CLS$metaData` object or [RCX][RCX-object] object
#' @name Meta-data
#' @seealso \code{\link{updateMetaDataProperties}}
#' @export
#' @example man-roxygen-examples/meta-data-update.R
updateMetaData = function(x, version = NULL, consistencyGroup = NULL, properties=NULL, aspectClasses=getAspectClasses()){
UseMethod("updateMetaData", x)
#' @rdname Meta-data
#' @export
updateMetaData.RCX = function(x, version = NULL, consistencyGroup = NULL, properties=NULL, aspectClasses=getAspectClasses()){
rcx = x
fname = "updateMetaData"
if(missing(rcx)) .stop("paramMissingRCX")
.checkClass(rcx, .CLS$rcx, "rcx", fname)
existingMetaData = rcx$metaData
if(!is.null(existingMetaData)) .checkClass(existingMetaData, .CLS$metaData, .formatO("metaData",fname))
if(!is.null(version)) .checkNamedCharacter(version, "version", fname)
if(!is.null(consistencyGroup)) .checkNamedNumeric(consistencyGroup, "consistencyGroup", fname)
if(!is.null(properties)) .checkNamedList(properties, "properties", fname)
metaData = data.frame(name=c(),
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)
for (aspect in rcx) {
if(!.paramClass(aspect, .CLS$metaData)){
versionTmp = NULL
consistencyGroupTmp = NULL
propertiesTmp = NULL
cls = NA
cls = getAspectClasses()
name = aspectClass2Name(cls)
if(any(class(aspect) %in% aspectClasses)){
cls = class(aspect)[class(aspect) %in% aspectClasses]
name = names(aspectClasses)[aspectClasses==cls]
if(! is.na(cls)){
if(name %in% existingMetaData$name){
versionTmp = existingMetaData[existingMetaData$name==name, "version"]
consistencyGroupTmp = existingMetaData[existingMetaData$name==name, "consistencyGroup"]
propertiesTmp = existingMetaData[existingMetaData$name==name, "properties"][[1]]
if((!is.null(version)) && (name %in% names(version))) versionTmp = version[name]
if((!is.null(consistencyGroup)) && (name %in% names(consistencyGroup))) consistencyGroupTmp = consistencyGroup[name]
if((!is.null(properties)) && (name %in% names(properties))) propertiesTmp = properties[[name]]
metaData = plyr::rbind.fill(metaData,
.addClass(metaData) = .CLS$metaData
rcx$metaData = metaData
#' @rdname Meta-data
#' @export
updateMetaData.default = function(x, version = NULL, consistencyGroup = NULL, properties=NULL, aspectClasses=getAspectClasses()){
aspect = x
fname = "updateMetaData"
# .checkClassOneOf(aspect, .CLS, "aspect", fname)
if(!is.null(version)) .checkCharacter(version, "version", fname)
if(!is.null(consistencyGroup)) .checkNumeric(consistencyGroup, "consistencyGroup", fname)
if(!is.null(properties)) {
.checkList(properties, "properties", fname)
if(length(properties)!=0) .checkNamedList(properties, "properties", fname)
cls = NA
cls = .aspectClass(aspect)
name = aspectClass2Name(cls)
if(any(class(aspect) %in% aspectClasses)){
cls = class(aspect)[class(aspect) %in% aspectClasses]
name = names(aspectClasses)[aspectClasses==cls]
if(! is.na(cls)){
version = ifelse(is.null(version),"1.0",version)
idCounter = ifelse(hasIds(aspect), maxId(aspect), NA)
elementCount = countElements(aspect)
consistencyGroup = ifelse(is.null(consistencyGroup),1,consistencyGroup)
metaData = data.frame(name=name,
stringsAsFactors=FALSE, check.names=FALSE)
if(!is.null(properties)) metaData$properties[[1]] = properties
metaData = NULL
#' Update meta-data properties
#' The \code{\link{Meta-data}} aspect contains meta-data about the aspects in the \code{\link{RCX-object}}.
#' Properties that need to be fetched or updated independently of aspect data are added with this function.
#' @param rcx [RCX][RCX-object] object;
#' @param aspectName character; name of the aspect as displayed in \code{\link{Meta-data}} (e.g. "nodes")
#' @param property named list; property as key-value pairs (empty list to remove all)
#' @return [RCX][RCX-object] object with updated \code{\link{Meta-data}} aspect
#' @export
#' @example man-roxygen-examples/meta-data-properties-update.R
updateMetaDataProperties = function(rcx, aspectName, property){
if(missing(rcx)) .stop("paramMissingRCX")
if(missing(aspectName)) .stop("paramMissing", "aspectName")
if(missing(property)) .stop("paramMissing", "property")
.checkClass(rcx, .CLS$rcx, "rcx", fname)
.checkCharacter(aspectName, "aspectName", fname)
.checkList(property, "property", fname)
if(length(property)!=0) .checkNamedList(property, "property", fname)
if(! "metaData" %in% names(rcx)) rcx = updateMetaData(rcx)
metaData = rcx$metaData
if("properties" %in% colnames(metaData)){
mp = metaData$properties
mp = vector(mode = "list", length = nrow(metaData))
i = which(metaData$name==aspectName)
mp[[i]] = property
metaData$properties = mp
rcx$metaData = metaData
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