#' @importFrom Biostrings matchPWM DNA_BASES DNAStringSet fasta.seqlengths
#' reverseComplement
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges start width
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges
#' @importFrom TFBSTools Matrix PWMatrix PWMatrixList ID name
#' @importFrom methods .valueClassTest
#' @importFrom utils strcapture
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle queryHits subjectHits mcols
#' @importFrom BSgenome getSeq
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply SerialParam bpnworkers
# internal function: dump PWMatrixList to file in homer2 format
# - homer2 needs the matrix as base probabilities
# --> convert pwm from log2-odds scores to base probabilities
# --> convert cutoff scores to natural log
.dumpPWMsToHomer2File <- function(pwmL, fname, relscore=0.8, absscore=NULL) {
stopifnot(inherits(pwmL, "PWMatrixList"))
stopifnot(is.null(absscore) || is.numeric(absscore))
if (is.numeric(absscore)) {
absscore <- absscore / log2(exp(1))
if (length(absscore) == 1L)
absscore <- rep(absscore, length(pwmL))
fh <- file(fname, "wb")
for (i in seq_along(pwmL)) {
x <- pwmL[[i]]
pwm <- (2^TFBSTools::Matrix(x) / TFBSTools::bg(x))
pwm <- sweep(pwm, 2, colSums(pwm), "/")
scorecut <- NA
if (is.null(absscore)) {
# same definition of relative score as in TFBSTools::searchSeq
tmp <- TFBSTools::Matrix(x) / log2(exp(1)) # convert to natural log
tmprng <- c(Biostrings::minScore(tmp), Biostrings::maxScore(tmp))
scorecut <- tmprng[1] + relscore * diff(tmprng)
} else {
scorecut <- absscore[i]
paste(apply(pwm, 2, function(x) rownames(pwm)[which.max(x)]),
collapse = ""),
paste0(ID(pwmL[[i]]), ":::", name(pwmL[[i]])), scorecut),
file = fh, append = TRUE)
write.table(file = fh, t(pwm), row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE, append = TRUE)
# internal function: read motifs from file in homer2 format into PWMatrixList
# - homer2 needs the matrix as base probabilities
# --> convert from base probabilities to log2-odds scores
.readPWMsFromHomer2File <- function(fname) {
stopifnot(is.character(fname) && length(fname) == 1L && file.exists(fname))
lns <- readLines(fname)
i <- grep("^>", lns)
df <- strcapture(pattern = "^>([^\t]+)\t([^\t]+):::([^\t]+)\t([0-9.]+).*$",
x = lns[i], proto = data.frame(consensus = character(),
id = character(),
name = character(),
cutoffScore = numeric()))
w <- diff(c(i, length(lns) + 1L)) - 1L
mL <- split(lns[-i], rep(seq_along(i), w))
names(mL) <- df$name
mL <- lapply(mL, function(x) {
m <- do.call(
cbind, lapply(x, function(xx) as.numeric(
unlist(strsplit(xx, "\t", fixed = TRUE)))))
rownames(m) <- c("A", "C", "G", "T")
log2((m + 1e-9) / (0.25 + 1e-9))
pwmL <- lapply(seq_along(mL), function(j) PWMatrix(ID = df[j, "id"],
name = df[j, "name"],
profileMatrix = mL[[j]]))
pwmL <- do.call(PWMatrixList, pwmL)
names(pwmL) <- df$name
# internal function: run matchPWM on concatenated queries
# - interface similar to matchPWM,DNAString-method, but:
# * without arguments "with.score" and "..."
# * "pwm" of class PWMatrixList (as opposed to matrix)
# * "subject" of class DNAStringSet (as opposed to DNAString)
# * new "BPPARAM" argument (parallelize over motifs in "pwm")
# * returns a GRanges object with hits
# - concatenates the subject sequences for efficiency
# - intended to be used via findMotifHits
#' @importFrom TFBSTools ID name
#' @importFrom Biostrings matchPWM DNAStringSet reverseComplement
#' @importFrom GenomicRanges GRanges findOverlaps
#' @importFrom IRanges IRanges
#' @importFrom S4Vectors Rle queryHits subjectHits mcols
#' @importFrom BiocGenerics sort strand
#' @importFrom BiocParallel bplapply SerialParam
.matchPWM.concat <- function(pwm, subject, min.score = "80%",
BPPARAM = SerialParam()) {
# concatenate subject
snames <- if (is.null(names(subject))) {
paste0("s", seq_along(subject))
} else {
pwmids <- TFBSTools::ID(pwm)
pwmnames <- TFBSTools::name(pwm)
pwmnames <- if (is.null(pwmnames)) paste0("m", seq_along(pwm)) else pwmnames
concatsubject <- unlist(subject)
# search pwm on both strands
gr <- do.call(c, bplapply(seq_along(pwm), function(pi) {
pwm1 <- Matrix(pwm[[pi]])
pos <- matchPWM(pwm1, concatsubject,
min.score = min.score, with.score = TRUE)
neg <- matchPWM(reverseComplement(pwm1), concatsubject,
min.score = min.score, with.score = TRUE)
matches <- GRanges(
rep("arbitrary_seqname", length(pos) + length(neg)),
IRanges(start = c(start(pos), start(neg)),
width = c(width(pos), width(neg))),
strand = Rle(factor(c("+", "-"),
levels = c("+", "-", "*")),
c(length(pos), length(neg))),
matchedSeq = c(DNAStringSet(pos),
pwmid = Rle(pwmids[pi], length(pos) + length(neg)),
pwmname = Rle(pwmnames[pi], length(pos) + length(neg)),
score = c(mcols(pos)$score, mcols(neg)$score)
# exclude overlap with boundaries and convert to original coordinates
combgr <- GRanges(
IRanges(start = cumsum(c(1, width(subject)[-length(subject)])),
width = width(subject))
ov <- findOverlaps(matches, combgr, type = "within")
GRanges(seqnames = snames[subjectHits(ov)],
ranges = IRanges(
start = start(matches)[queryHits(ov)] -
start(combgr)[subjectHits(ov)] + 1,
width = width(matches)[queryHits(ov)]
strand = strand(matches)[queryHits(ov)],
mcols(matches)[queryHits(ov), , drop = FALSE],
seqlengths = structure(width(subject), names = snames))
# order by subject
#' @title Find motif matches in sequences.
#' @description \code{findMotifHits} scans sequences (either provided
#' as a file, an R object or genomic coordinates) for matches to
#' positional weight matrices (provided as a file or as R objects)
#' @param query The motifs to search for, either a
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{character(1)}}{ with the path and file name of a motif
#' file with PWM in HOMER format (currently only
#' supported for \code{method="homer2"})}
#' \item{\code{PWMatrix}}{ with a single PWM}
#' \item{\code{PWMatrixList}}{ with several PWMs to search for.}
#' }
#' @param subject The sequences to be searched, either a
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{character}}{ with the path and file name of a sequence
#' file with DNA sequences in FASTA format}
#' \item{\code{DNAString}}{ with a single sequence}
#' \item{\code{DNAStringSet}}{ with several sequences}
#' \item{\code{GRanges}}{ object with the genomic coordinates
#' of the sequences to be searched.}
#' }
#' @param min.score The minimum score for counting a match. Can be given as
#' a character string containing a percentage (e.g. "85%") of of the
#' highest possible score or as a single number.
#' @param method The internal method to use for motif searching. One of
#' \describe{
#' \item{\code{"matchPWM"}}{ using Biostrings::matchPWM (optimized)}
#' \item{\code{"homer2"}}{ call to the homer2 binary}
#' }
#' Please note that the two methods might give slightly different results
#' (see details).
#' @param homerfile Path and file name of the \code{homer2} binary.
#' @param BPPARAM An optional \code{\link[BiocParallel]{BiocParallelParam}}
#' instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation.
#' @param genome \code{BSgenome} object that is the reference genome of the
#' subject. This argument is set to NULL by default and only used by the
#' function when the subject is a \code{GRanges} object. It is then
#' necessary to specify the genome so that the function can internally
#' convert the genomic regions into a \code{DNAStringSet} object.
#' @return A \code{GRanges} object with the matches to \code{query} in
#' \code{subject}.
#' @details The implemented methods (\code{matchPWM} and \code{homer2}) are
#' there for convenience (\code{method="matchPWM"} calls
#' \code{Biostrings::matchPWM} internally in an optimized fashion, and
#' \code{method = "homer2"} calls the command line tool from Homer and
#' therefore requires an installation of Homer).
#' In general, running \code{findMotifHits} with the same parameters using
#' any of the methods generates identical results. Some minor differences
#' could occur that result from rounding errors during the necessary
#' conversion of PWMs (log2-odd scores) to the probability matrices needed
#' by Homer, and the conversion of scores from and to the natural log scale
#' used by Homer. These conversions are implemented transparently for the
#' user, so that the arguments of \code{findMotifHits} do not have to be
#' adjusted (e.g. the PWMs should always contain log2-odd scores, and
#' \code{min.score} is always on the log2 scale).
#' If there are bases with frequencies of less than 0.001 in a motif, Homer
#' will set them to 0.001 and adjust the other frequencies at that motif
#' position accordingly so that they sum to 1.0. This may differ from the
#' adjustment used when scanning a PWM with \code{matchPWM} (e.g. the
#' \code{pseudocounts} argument in the \code{\link[TFBSTools]{toPWM}}
#' function), and thus can give rise to differences in reported motif hits
#' and hit scores (typically only low-scoring hits).
#' @examples
#' seqs <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(c(s1 = "GTCAGTCGATC", s2 = "CAGTCTAGCTG",
#' m <- rbind(A = c(2, 0, 0),
#' C = c(1, 1, 0),
#' G = c(0, 2, 0),
#' T = c(0, 0, 3))
#' pwms <- TFBSTools::PWMatrixList(
#' TFBSTools::PWMatrix(ID = "m1", profileMatrix = m),
#' TFBSTools::PWMatrix(ID = "m2", profileMatrix = m[, 3:1])
#' )
#' findMotifHits(pwms, seqs, min.score = 7)
#' @export
#' @docType methods
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
setGeneric(name = "findMotifHits",
def = function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
valueClass = "GRanges")
# method hierarchy:
# 1. findMotifHits,character,character
# --> if method=="homer2", use homer2; else --> 9.
# 2. findMotifHits,character,DNAString
# --> 3.
# 3. findMotifHits,character,DNAStringSet
# --> if method=="homer2" --> 1. ; else --> 9.
# 4. findMotifHits,PWMatrix,character
# --> 7.
# 5. findMotifHits,PWMatrix,DNAString
# --> 9.
# 6. findMotifHits,PWMatrix,DNAStringSet
# --> 9.
# 7. findMotifHits,PWMatrixList,character
# --> if method=="homer2" --> 1. ; else --> 9.
# 8. findMotifHits,PWMatrixList,DNAString
# --> 9.
# 9. findMotifHits,PWMatrixList,DNAStringSet
# --> if method=="homer2" --> 1. ; else --> use matchPWM
# 10. findMotifHits,PWMatrix,GRanges
# --> 11.
# 11. findMotifHits,PWMatrixList,GRanges
# --> 9.
# 1.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,character,character-method
c("character", "character"),
function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
method <- match.arg(method)
stopifnot(method == "matchPWM" ||
(method == "homer2" && is.character(homerfile) &&
length(homerfile) == 1L && file.exists(homerfile)))
if (method == "matchPWM") {
pwmL <- .readPWMsFromHomer2File(query)
seqs <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(filepath = subject)
findMotifHits(query = pwmL, subject = seqs,
min.score = min.score, method = method,
BPPARAM = BPPARAM, genome = genome)
} else if (method == "homer2") {
if (!length(query) == 1L || !file.exists(query)) {
stop("'query' must be either a character(1), a PWMatrix ",
" or a PWMatrixList object")
if (length(subject) != 1L || !file.exists(subject)) {
stop("'subject' must be a character(1) with the name of ",
"FASTA sequence file, or a DNAString, DNAStringSet ",
"or GRanges object")
# make sure sequences are not too long
# currently, homer2 only support sequences shorter than 1e6
# bases (see cpp/Motif2.h:#define MOTIF2_BUFFER 10000100
# and also char* curSeq = new char[1000000];)
if (any(
tooLong <- ((sl <- fasta.seqlengths(subject)) >= 1e6))) {
stop("For method = 'homer2', 'subject' must only contain",
" sequences shorter than 1 Mb, the following",
" sequences are too long: ",
paste(names(sl)[tooLong], collapse = ", "))
# run homer2
args <-
sprintf("find -i %s -m %s -offset 1 -strand both -p %d",
subject, query, bpnworkers(BPPARAM))
res <- system2(command = homerfile, args = args,
stdout = TRUE, stderr = FALSE, wait = TRUE)
# check homer2 output
ok <- grepl("^.+\\t[0-9]+\\t[ACGT]+\\t.+\\t[+-]\\t[0-9.]+$",
res, perl = TRUE)
if (any(!ok))
warning(sum(!ok), " of ", length(ok), " hits reported by",
" Homer are malformed and will be ignored.",
" To ensure complete and correct results,",
" re-run Homer using 'BPPARAM = SerialParam()'.")
# parse output
con <- textConnection(res[ok])
resparsed <- scan(file = con,
what = list(seqnames = "", start = 1L,
matchedSeq = "", pwmidname = "",
strand = "", score = 1.0),
sep = "\t", quiet = TRUE)
tmp <- strsplit(resparsed$pwmidname, ":::", fixed = TRUE)
pwmid <- unlist(lapply(tmp, "[", 1L))
pwmname <- unlist(lapply(tmp, "[", 2L))
hitstart <- ifelse(resparsed$strand == "+",
resparsed$start -
nchar(resparsed$matchedSeq) + 1)
seqtemp <- DNAStringSet(resparsed$matchedSeq)
seqtemp[resparsed$strand != "+"] <-
reverseComplement(seqtemp[resparsed$strand != "+"])
gr <- GRanges(seqnames = resparsed$seqnames,
ranges = IRanges(
start = hitstart,
width = nchar(resparsed$matchedSeq)
strand = resparsed$strand,
matchedSeq = seqtemp,
pwmid = Rle(pwmid),
pwmname = Rle(pwmname),
score = resparsed$score / log(2),
seqlengths = fasta.seqlengths(subject))
# 2.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,character,DNAString-method
c("character", "DNAString"),
function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
subjectSet <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(subject)
names(subjectSet) <-
if (is.null(names(subject))) "DNAString" else names(subject)
findMotifHits(query, subjectSet, min.score,
method, homerfile, BPPARAM, genome)
# 3.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,character,DNAStringSet-method
c("character", "DNAStringSet"),
function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "matchPWM") {
pwmL <- .readPWMsFromHomer2File(query)
findMotifHits(query = pwmL, subject = subject,
min.score = min.score,
method = method, homerfile = homerfile,
BPPARAM = BPPARAM, genome = genome)
} else if (method == "homer2") {
# write sequences to file
tmpf <- tempfile(fileext = ".fa")
Biostrings::writeXStringSet(x = subject, filepath = tmpf,
append = FALSE, compress = FALSE,
format = "fasta")
res <- findMotifHits(query = query, subject = tmpf,
min.score = min.score,
method = method, homerfile = homerfile,
BPPARAM = BPPARAM, genome = genome)
# 4.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,PWMatrix,character-method
c("PWMatrix", "character"),
function(query, subject,
min.score, method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
queryList <- TFBSTools::PWMatrixList(query)
names(queryList) <- name(query)
findMotifHits(queryList, subject, min.score,
method, homerfile, BPPARAM, genome)
# 5.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,PWMatrix,DNAString-method
c("PWMatrix", "DNAString"),
function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
queryList <- TFBSTools::PWMatrixList(query)
names(queryList) <- name(query)
subjectSet <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(subject)
names(subjectSet) <-
if (is.null(names(subject))) "DNAString" else names(subject)
findMotifHits(queryList, subjectSet,
min.score, method, homerfile, BPPARAM, genome)
# 6.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,PWMatrix,DNAStringSet-method
c("PWMatrix", "DNAStringSet"),
function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
queryList <- TFBSTools::PWMatrixList(query)
names(queryList) <- name(query)
findMotifHits(queryList, subject, min.score,
method, homerfile, BPPARAM, genome)
# 7.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,PWMatrixList,character-method
c("PWMatrixList", "character"),
function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "matchPWM") {
seqs <- Biostrings::readDNAStringSet(filepath = subject)
findMotifHits(query = query, subject = seqs,
min.score = min.score,
method = method, homerfile = homerfile,
BPPARAM = BPPARAM, genome = genome)
} else if (method == "homer2") {
# write motifs to file
tmpf <- tempfile(fileext = ".motif")
if (is.character(min.score) &&
grepl(pattern = "^[0-9.]+[%]$", x = min.score)) {
pwmL = query, fname = tmpf,
relscore = as.numeric(sub("[%]$", "", min.score))/100
} else if (is.numeric(min.score)) {
.dumpPWMsToHomer2File(pwmL = query, fname = tmpf,
absscore = min.score)
} else {
stop("wrong type of 'min.score': ", min.score)
res <- findMotifHits(query = tmpf, subject = subject,
min.score = min.score,
method = method, homerfile = homerfile,
BPPARAM = BPPARAM, genome = genome)
# 8.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,PWMatrixList,DNAString-method
c("PWMatrixList", "DNAString"),
function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
subjectSet <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(subject)
names(subjectSet) <-
if (is.null(names(subject))) "DNAString" else names(subject)
findMotifHits(query, subjectSet, min.score,
method, homerfile, BPPARAM, genome)
# 9.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,PWMatrixList,DNAStringSet-method
c("PWMatrixList", "DNAStringSet"),
function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
method <- match.arg(method)
if (method == "matchPWM") {
gr <- .matchPWM.concat(pwm = query, subject = subject,
min.score = min.score,
} else if (method == "homer2") {
# write motifs to file
tmpf1 <- tempfile(fileext = ".motif")
if (is.character(min.score) &&
grepl(pattern = "^[0-9.]+[%]$", x = min.score)) {
pwmL = query, fname = tmpf1,
relscore = as.numeric(sub("[%]$", "", min.score))/100
} else if (is.numeric(min.score)) {
.dumpPWMsToHomer2File(pwmL = query, fname = tmpf1,
absscore = min.score)
} else {
stop("wrong type of 'min.score': ", min.score)
# write sequences to file
tmpf2 <- tempfile(fileext = ".fa")
Biostrings::writeXStringSet(x = subject, filepath = tmpf2,
append = FALSE, compress = FALSE,
format = "fasta")
# call next method
res <- findMotifHits(query = tmpf1, subject = tmpf2,
min.score = min.score, method = method,
homerfile = homerfile, BPPARAM = BPPARAM,
genome = genome)
unlink(c(tmpf1, tmpf2))
# 10.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,PWMatrix,GRanges-method
c("PWMatrix", "GRanges"),
function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
queryList <- TFBSTools::PWMatrixList(query)
names(queryList) <- name(query)
findMotifHits(queryList, subject, min.score,
method, homerfile, BPPARAM, genome)
# 11.
#' @rdname findMotifHits-methods
#' @aliases findMotifHits,PWMatrixList,GRanges-method
c("PWMatrixList", "GRanges"),
function(query, subject, min.score,
method = c("matchPWM", "homer2"),
homerfile = findHomer("homer2"),
BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
genome = NULL) {
if (is.null(genome)) {
stop("'genome' must be provided for a GRanges 'subject'.")
if (!is(genome, "BSgenome")) {
stop("'genome' must be of class 'BSgenome'.")
seqs <- BSgenome::getSeq(genome, subject)
names(seqs) <- if (is.null(names(subject))) {
paste0("r", seq_along(subject))
} else {
findMotifHits(query, seqs, min.score,
method, homerfile, BPPARAM, genome = NULL)
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