calcBinnedKmerEnr: Calculate k-mer enrichment in bins of sequences.

View source: R/motif_enrichment_kmers.R

calcBinnedKmerEnrR Documentation

Calculate k-mer enrichment in bins of sequences.


Given a set of sequences and corresponding bins, identify enriched k-mers (n-grams) in each bin. The sequences can be given either directly or as genomic coordinates.


  bins = NULL,
  kmerLen = 5,
  background = c("otherBins", "allBins", "zeroBin", "genome", "model"),
  MMorder = 1,
  test = c("fisher", "binomial"),
  includeRevComp = TRUE,
  maxFracN = 0.7,
  maxKmerSize = 3L,
  GCbreaks = c(0.2, 0.25, 0.3, 0.35, 0.4, 0.45, 0.5, 0.6, 0.7, 0.8),
  pseudocount.kmers = 1,
  pseudocount.log2enr = 8,
  p.adjust.method = "BH",
  genome = NULL,
  genome.regions = NULL,
  genome.oversample = 2,
  BPPARAM = SerialParam(),
  verbose = FALSE



DNAStringSet object with sequences to test


factor of the same length and order as seqs, indicating the bin for each sequence. Typically the return value of bin. For background = "genome" or background = "model", bins can be omitted.


A numeric scalar giving the k-mer length.


A character scalar specifying the background sequences to use. One of "otherBins" (default), "allBins", "zeroBin", "genome" or "model" (see "Details").


A numeric scalar giving the order of the Markov model used to calculate the expected frequencies for background = "model".


A character scalar specifying the type of enrichment test to perform. One of "fisher" (default) or "binomial". The enrichment test is one-sided (enriched in foreground).


A logical scalar. If TRUE (default), count k-mer occurrences in both seqs and their reverse-complement, by concatenating seqs and their reverse-complemented versions before the counting. This is useful if motifs can be expected to occur on any strand (e.g. DNA sequences of ChIP-seq peaks). If motifs are only expected on the forward strand (e.g. RNA sequences of CLIP-seq peaks), includeRevComp = FALSE should be used. Note that bins will be recycled for the reverse complemented sequences, which means that each reverse-complemented sequence will be assigned to the same bib as the corresponding forward sequence.


A numeric scalar with the maximal fraction of N bases allowed in a sequence (defaults to 0.7). Sequences with higher fractions are excluded from the analysis.


the maximum k-mer size to consider, when adjusting background sequence weights for k-mer composition compared to the foreground sequences. The default value (3) will correct for mono-, di- and tri-mer composition.


The breaks between GC bins. The default value is based on the hard-coded bins used in Homer.


A numeric scalar - will be added to the observed and expected counts for each k-mer to avoid zero values.


A numerical scalar with the pseudocount to add to foreground and background counts when calculating log2 motif enrichments


A character scalar selecting the p value adjustment method (used in p.adjust).


A BSgenome or DNAStringSet object with the genome sequence. Only used for background = "genome" for extracting background sequences.


An optional GRanges object defining the intervals in genome from which background sequences are sampled for background = "genome". If NULL, background sequences are sampled randomly from genome.


A numeric scalar of at least 1.0 defining how many background sequences will be sampled per foreground sequence for background = "genome". Larger values will take longer but improve the sequence composition similarity between foreground and background (see "Details").


An optional BiocParallelParam instance determining the parallel back-end to be used during evaluation.


A logical scalar. If TRUE, report on progress.


This function implements a binned k-mer enrichment analysis. In each enrichment analysis, the sequences in a specific bin are used as foreground sequences to test for k-mer enrichments comparing to background sequences (defined by background, see below), similarly as in done for motifs in calcBinnedMotifEnrR. Sequences are weighted to correct for GC and shorter k-mer composition differences between fore- and background sets.

The background sequences are defined according to the value of the background argument:


: sequences from all other bins (excluding the current bin)


: sequences from all bins (including the current bin)


: sequences from the "zero bin", defined by the maxAbsX argument of bin. If bins does not define a "zero bin", for example because it was created by bin(..., maxAbsX = NULL), selecting this background definition will abort with an error.


: sequences randomly sampled from the genome (or the intervals defined in genome.regions if given). For each foreground sequence, genome.oversample background sequences of the same size are sampled (on average). From these, one per foreground sequence is selected trying to match the G+C composition. In order to make the sampling deterministic, a seed number needs to be provided to the RNGseed parameter in SerialParam or MulticoreParam when creating the BiocParallelParam instance in BPPARAM.


: a Markov model of the order MMorder is estimated from the foreground sequences and used to estimate expected k-mer frequencies. K-mer enrichments are then calculated comparing observed to these expected frequencies. In order to make the process deterministic, a seed number needs to be provided to the RNGseed parameter in SerialParam or MulticoreParam when creating the BiocParallelParam instance in BPPARAM.

For each k-mer, the weights of sequences is multiplied with the number of k-mer occurrences in each sequence and summed, separately for foreground (sumForegroundWgtWithHits) and background (sumBackgroundWgtWithHits) sequences. The function works in ZOOPS (Zero-Or-One-Per-Sequence) mode, so at most one occurrence per sequence is counted, which helps reduce the impact of sequence repeats. The total foreground (totalWgtForeground) and background (totalWgtBackground) sum of sequence weights is also calculated. If a k-mer has zero sumForegroundWgtWithHits and sumBackgroundWgtWithHits, then any values (p-values and enrichment) that are calculated using these two numbers are set to NA.

Two statistical tests for the calculation of enrichment log p-value are available: test = "fisher" (default) to perform Fisher's exact tests, or test = "binomial" to perform binomial tests, using:


: fisher.test(x = tab, alternative = "greater"), where tab is the contingency table with the summed weights of sequences in foreground or background sets (rows), and with or without a occurrences of a particular k-mer (columns).


: pbinom(q = sumForegroundWgtWithHits - 1, size = totalWgtForeground, prob = sumBackgroundWgtWithHits / totalWgtBackground, lower.tail = FALSE, log.p = TRUE)


A SummarizedExperiment object with motifs in rows and bins in columns, containing seven assays:


: -log10 P values


: -log10 adjusted P values


: k-mer enrichments as Pearson residuals


: expected number of foreground sequences with motif hits


: k-mer enrichments as log2 ratios


: Sum of foreground sequence weights in a bin that have k-mer occurrences


: Sum of background sequence weights in a bin that have k-mer occurrences

#' The rowData of the object contains annotations (name, PFMs, PWMs and GC fraction) for the k-mers, while the colData slot contains summary information about the bins.

See Also

getKmerFreq used to calculate k-mer enrichments; getSeq,BSgenome-method which is used to extract sequences from genomepkg if x is a GRanges object; bplapply that is used for parallelization; bin for binning of regions


seqs <- Biostrings::DNAStringSet(c("GCATGCATGC", "CATGCGCATG"))
bins <- factor(1:2)
calcBinnedKmerEnr(seqs = seqs, bins = bins, kmerLen = 3)

fmicompbio/monaLisa documentation built on Jan. 27, 2025, 5:57 p.m.