plotHeatmapH <- function(deco,
info.sample = NA, info.feature = NA,
print.annot = FALSE,
cex.legend = 1, cex.names = 1) {
pos <- FALSE
m <- 0.05
n <- -0.03
## Errors
if (all(!is.na(info.sample))) {
if (!is(info.sample, "data.frame") & !is(info.sample, "matrix")) {
stop("ERROR: 'info.sample' must be a matrix or data.frame object.")
infoS <- lapply(list(sample = info.sample, feature = info.feature), function(x) {
if (all(!is.na(x) & !is.null(x) & x != "")) {
suppressWarnings(infoS <- jColor(x))
pos <- TRUE
else if (length(x) > 1 & !pos) {
stop(paste("ERROR:", names(x), "must avoid NA, NULL or empty information."))
} else {
infoS <- NA
# Setting initial variables
symbol <- FALSE
if (print.annot & "SYMBOL" %in% colnames(featureTable(deco))) {
msg1 <- "NOTE: IDs have been mapped to HGNC symbol."
symbol <- TRUE
} else {
msg1 <- "NOTE: Original feature IDs will be used."
## Type of analysis run
analysis <- deco:::.analysisType(deco)
if (analysis == "Binary") {
msg2 <- "Binary analysis, two h-statistic matrices include control or case samples."
} else {
msg2 <- paste(analysis, "analysis, h-statistic matrix includes all samples.")
## Prompt messages
message(paste(msg1, msg2, sep = "\n"))
if (analysis == "Binary") {
user <- as.numeric(readline(
prompt = message("\n Plot control (0) or case (1) matrix?:\n")
## Intern objects depending on "analysis"
if (analysis == "Binary") {
hMatrix <- NSCAcluster(deco)[[user + 1]]$NSCA$h
samplesSubclass <- NSCAcluster(deco)[user]$samplesSubclass[colnames(hMatrix), ]
col <- list(c("navyblue", "lightblue"), c("orange", "darkred"))[[user + 1]]
y1 <- max(deco@NSCAcluster[[user + 1]]$hclustSamp$cluster)[1]
y2 <- max(deco@NSCAcluster[[user + 1]]$hclustSamp$cluster)[2]
main <- paste(c("CONTROL (0)", "CASE (1)")[user + 1], "samples")
info.dend <- deco@NSCAcluster[[user + 1]]$hclustSamp
info.dendF <- deco@NSCAcluster[[user + 1]]$hclustFeat
p.val <- deco@NSCAcluster[[user + 1]]$NSCA$P.Value
feature.label <- as.vector(deco@featureTable[rownames(hMatrix), c("UpDw")])
feature.label[feature.label == c("UP", "DOWN")[user + 1]] <- "chartreuse4"
feature.label[feature.label == c("DOWN", "UP")[user + 1]] <- "firebrick2"
feature.label[feature.label == "MIXED"] <- "black"
} else {
hMatrix <- NSCAcluster(deco)$All$NSCA$h
samplesSubclass <- NSCAcluster(deco)$All$samplesSubclass[colnames(hMatrix), ]
col <- c("greenyellow", "lightblue", "darkgreen", "darkred")
y1 <- range(deco@NSCAcluster$All$hclustSamp$cluster)[1]
y2 <- range(deco@NSCAcluster$All$hclustSamp$cluster)[2]
main <- "ALL samples"
info.dend <- deco@NSCAcluster$All$hclustSamp
info.dendF <- deco@NSCAcluster$All$hclustFeat
p.val <- deco@NSCAcluster$All$NSCA$P.Value
feature.label <- rep(NA, dim(hMatrix)[1])
# Assignment of colors to all subclasses.
color.cluster <- colorRampPalette(col)(length(table(samplesSubclass)))
names(color.cluster) <- unique(samplesSubclass)
# Labels to plot (original IDs or annotated ones).
if (symbol) {
labels <- as.character(featureTable(deco)[rownames(hMatrix), "SYMBOL"])
names(labels) <- as.character(featureTable(deco)[rownames(hMatrix), "ID"])
labels[is.na(labels)] <- names(labels)[is.na(labels)]
} else {
labels <- rownames(hMatrix)
names(labels) <- rownames(hMatrix)
if (all(!is.na(infoS$sample))) {
info.sample.color <- infoS$sample$col[colnames(hMatrix), ]
cc <- color.cluster[samplesSubclass[colnames(hMatrix)]]
# Final label matrix to place under samples dendrogram.
info.sample.color <- cbind(info.sample.color, c(rep(NA, dim(hMatrix)[2])),
DECO.Subclass = cc
colnames(info.sample.color)[seq_len(dim(info.sample)[2])] <- colnames(infoS$sample$col)
m <- 0.15
n <- -0.05
} else {
info.sample.color <- c(rep(NA, dim(hMatrix)[2]))
info.sample.color <- color.cluster
info.sample.color <- cbind(
DECO.Subclass = info.sample.color,
rep(NA, dim(hMatrix)[2])
# Same procedure should be done for feature information.
if (all(is.na(info.feature))) {
infoFpat <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "black"))(max(info.dendF$cluster))[info.dendF$cluster]
if (analysis == "Binary") {
feature.color <- cbind(Feature.pattern = infoFpat, rep(
), Exprs = feature.label)
} else {
feature.color <- cbind(Feature.pattern = infoFpat, rep(
} else {
info.feature <- cbind(info.feature)
info.feature.color <- info.feature
infoFpat <- colorRampPalette(c("grey", "black"))(max(info.dendF$cluster))[info.dendF$cluster]
for (z in seq_len(length(unlist(apply(info.feature, 2, unique))))) {
info.feature.color[info.feature == unlist(apply(
2, unique
))[z]] <- as.character(rep(
name = "Paired",
n = 10
))(length(unlist(apply(info.feature, 2, unique))))[z],
length(info.feature.color[info.feature == unlist(apply(
2, unique
# Final label matrix to place under samples dendrogram.
feature.color <- cbind(
Feature.pattern = infoFpat, Exprs = feature.label,
rep("white", length(feature.label)), Info.gene = info.feature.color
rownames(feature.color) <- rownames(hMatrix)
names(infoFpat) <- rownames(hMatrix)
# h-statistic heatmap including sample and feature information.
dataset = as.matrix(hMatrix), Colv = as.dendrogram(info.dend$dend),
Rowv = as.dendrogram(info.dendF$dend), margins = c(10, 8), cexRow = cex.names,
cexCol = cex.names + m, lmat = rbind(c(6, 0, 5, 0), c(
0, 0, 5,
), c(0, 0, 2, 0), c(4, 1, 3, 0)), lhei = c(
0.25, 0.1, m,
), lwid = c(0.5, 0.08, 1.5, 0.15), method = info.dend$dend$method,
labRow = unname(labels), labRowCol = rep("black", dim(hMatrix)[1]),
ColSideColorsSize = dim(info.sample.color)[2], RowSideColorsSize = dim(feature.color)[2],
main = "", dualScale = FALSE, KeyValueName = "h-statistic", notecex = cex.names,
ColSideColors = info.sample.color, RowSideColors = t(feature.color),
col.breaks = 256, rm.out = TRUE
# Adding more information to plot.
title(main = list(paste("h-statistic.", main), font = 2), line = 4.5)
text = "Higher (absolute) values of h-statistic indicates more\nfeature-relevance for these samples.",
side = 3, outer = TRUE, line = -3, las = 1
text = paste("f =", dim(hMatrix)[1], "features for heatmap"), side = 4,
las = 3, font = 2, cex = 1.3
# Legends including feature and sample information.
if (all(!is.na(infoS$sample))) {
legend = infoS$sample$ty, col = names(infoS$sample$ty), pch = 15,
cex = cex.legend - 0.3, title = "Sample info provided by user",
bty = "n", xpd = TRUE, inset = c(0, 0.15)
title = "DECO sample subclasses", "topright", legend = paste(
), col = color.cluster, pch = 15, cex = cex.legend - 0.1, bty = "n", xpd = TRUE,
inset = c(0, 0)
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