########################################################################################################### Intern functions ##########
# Printing messages
.timestamp <- function() format(Sys.time(), " %H:%M:%S")
# Temporary directory
.createTempFile <- function() {
uniqueName <- unlist(strsplit(tempfile(pattern = "DECO_temp"), split = "//"))[2]
uniqueName <- paste(unlist(strsplit(uniqueName, split = "/")), collapse = "_")
temp.path <- paste(getwd(), "/", uniqueName, sep = "")
################################################ localMinima and localMaxima
localMinima <- function(x) {
y <- diff(c(.Machine$integer.max, x)) > 0L
y <- cumsum(rle(y)$lengths)
y <- y[seq.int(1L, length(y), 2L)]
if (x[[1]] == x[[2]]) {
y <- y[-1]
localMaxima <- function(x) {
y <- diff(c(-.Machine$integer.max, x)) > 0L
y <- cumsum(rle(y)$lengths)
y <- y[seq.int(1L, length(y), 2L)]
if (x[[1]] == x[[2]]) {
y <- y[-1]
################################################ Calculate quantile threshold per standard deviation
quantSD <- function(sdx, p = NULL) {
if (is.null(p)) {
p <- 0.75
if (quantile(sdx, probs = p) <= median(range(sdx))) {
thr <- quantile(sdx, probs = p)
} else {
thr <- median(sdx)
################################################ AnnotateDECO
AnnotateDECO <- function(ids, id.type, attributes = NA, pack.db = "Homo.sapiens",
rm.redundant = TRUE, verbose = FALSE) {
if (!exists(pack.db)) {
stop("ERROR: Annotation package '", pack.db, "' is not in library.")
} else {
requireNamespace(pack.db, quietly = TRUE)
if (verbose) {
message(.timestamp(), "-- Annotating IDs with Bioconductor...")
if (all(is.na(attributes))) {
attributes <- c("SYMBOL", "ENSEMBL", "ENTREZID", "TXCHROM",
if (id.type == "PROBEID") {
xx <- as.list(get(paste(unlist(strsplit(pack.db, split = ".db")),
"ENSEMBL", sep = "")))
infogenes <- suppressMessages(AnnotationDbi::select(x = get(pack.db),
obj = names(xx), columns = c(attributes, id.type), keys = keys(get(pack.db),
keytype = "ENSEMBL"), keytype = "ENSEMBL"))
} else {
infogenes <- suppressMessages(AnnotationDbi::select(x = get(pack.db),
obj = ids, columns = attributes, keys = keys(get(pack.db), keytype = id.type),
keytype = id.type))
infogenes <- infogenes[apply(infogenes[, attributes], 1, function(x) all(!is.na(x))),
if (all(is.na(infogenes))) {
stop("Annotation library does not found input IDs.")
infogenes <- infogenes[order(infogenes[, id.type]), ]
infogenes <- infogenes[infogenes[, id.type] %in% ids, ]
if (rm.redundant) {
infogenes <- infogenes[!(duplicated(infogenes[, id.type])), ]
rownames(infogenes) <- infogenes[, id.type]
if (verbose) {
message(.timestamp(), "-- Removed duplicated info from IDs.")
############################## innerProductAssign
innerProductAssign <- function(inner, samples = NA, control = NA, analysis) {
samples <- samples[names(inner)]
if (analysis == "Binary") {
res <- 0
inner0 <- inner
for (j in seq_len(length(table(samples)))) {
if (j == 1) {
inner <- inner0[names(samples[samples == control])]
} else {
inner <- inner0[names(samples[samples != control])]
error <- try(expr = {
d <- density.lf(x = as.matrix(inner))
}, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(error, "try-error")) {
d <- density(x = inner)
x <- d$x[localMaxima(d$y)]
error <- try(expr = {
p <- kmeans(inner, centers = x)
}, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(error, "try-error")) {
error <- try(expr = {
p <- kmeans(inner, centers = length(x) - 1, nstart = 10)
}, silent = TRUE)
res <- c(res, p$cluster + max(res))
res <- res[2:length(res)]
res <- res[order(res, inner0)]
} else {
error <- try(expr = {
d <- density.lf(x = as.matrix(inner))
}, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(error, "try-error")) {
d <- density(x = inner)
x <- d$x[localMaxima(d$y)]
error <- try(expr = {
p <- kmeans(inner, centers = x)
}, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(error, "try-error")) {
error <- try(expr = {
p <- kmeans(inner, centers = length(x), nstart = 10)
}, silent = TRUE)
res <- p$cluster[order(p$cluster, inner)]
return(list(cl = res, centroid = x))
############################## Distance function with correlation
distFunc <- function(x, use = "pairwise.complete.obs", cor.method = "pearson") {
co.x <- cor(x, use = use, method = cor.method)
dist.co.x <- 1 - co.x
############################## Cophenetic correlation and clustering dendogram
cophDECO <- function(data, method.heatmap = "ward.D", k = NULL, scale = FALSE,
verbose = TRUE, coph = TRUE) {
if (is.null(method.heatmap)) {
method.heatmap <- c("ward.D", "ward.D2", "single", "complete", "average",
"mcquitty", "median", "centroid")
if (scale) {
data <- scale(data)
d <- distFunc(x = as.matrix(data), cor.method = "pearson")
d[is.na(d)] <- 0
if (coph) {
hmet <- vapply(method.heatmap, function(x) {
sampleTree <- as.dendrogram(hclust(d, method = x))
coph <- cor(c(d), c(cophenetic(sampleTree)), method = "pearson")
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
} else {
hmet <- rep(1, length(method.heatmap))
names(hmet) <- method.heatmap
sampleTree <- hclust(d, method = names(hmet[order(hmet, decreasing = TRUE)])[1])
sampleTree$height <- sampleTree$height[order(sampleTree$height)]
if (is.null(k)) {
p <- c()
for (i in 2:(dim(data)[2] - 1)) {
cutt <- cutree(sampleTree, k = i)
p[i - 1] <- .cluster.stat(d = d, clustering = cutt)$pearsongamma
p <- unlist(na.omit(p))
cutt <- cutree(sampleTree, k = which(p == max(p)) + 1)
} else {
cutt <- cutree(sampleTree, k = k)
p <- .cluster.stat(d = d, clustering = cutt)$pearsongamma
if (verbose) {
message(.timestamp(), "-- NOTE: Number of 'k' subclasses defined
by user have been settle down.")
return(list(dend = sampleTree, coph = hmet, cluster = cutt, huber = max(p)))
############################## probability subsampling
subsamplingProb <- function(x, iter, n1, n2 = 0) {
if (n2 > 0) {
p1o <- x/n1
p2o <- x/n2
m <- p1o * p2o
r1 <- choose(n1, x)
r2 <- choose(n2, x)
m1 <- m * p2o * iter
m2 <- m * p1o * iter
m12 <- m * (p2o * p1o)^(x - 1)
all <- r1 * r2
} else {
p1o <- x/n1
r1 <- choose(n1, x)
m <- 0
all <- r1
return(list(prob.s = m, prob.comb = iter/all, n.all = all))
############################## Overlapping omic signal
overlapFeature <- function(id, data, classes, control, analysis, infoS = NA,
plot = FALSE) {
if (analysis == "Binary") {
da <- density.lf(as.matrix(data[id, names(classes[classes == control])]),
from = range(data)[1], to = range(data)[2], n = 1000, width = 1)
db <- density.lf(as.matrix(data[id, names(classes[classes != control])]),
from = range(data)[1], to = range(data)[2], n = 1000, width = 1)
d <- data.frame(x = da$x, a = da$y, b = db$y)
# calculate intersection densities
d$w <- pmin(d$a, d$b)
# integrate areas under curves
total <- integrate.xy(d$x, d$a) + integrate.xy(d$x, d$b)
intersection <- integrate.xy(d$x, d$w)
col <- adjustcolor(c("navyblue", "darkred"), alpha.f = 0.3)
pos <- 2:dim(d)[2]
txt <- c("Control", "Case")
if (analysis == "Multiclass") {
d <- vapply(levels(classes), function(x) {
error <- try(expr = {
d <- density.lf(as.matrix(data[id, names(classes[classes ==
x])]), from = range(data)[1], to = range(data)[2], n = 1000,
width = 1)$y
}, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(error, "try-error")) {
d <- density(as.numeric(data[id, names(classes[classes ==
x])]), n = 1000)$y
}, FUN.VALUE = numeric(1000))
error <- try(expr = {
x <- density.lf(as.matrix(data[id, names(classes[classes == levels(classes)[1]])]),
from = range(data)[1], to = range(data)[2], n = 1000, width = 1)$x
}, silent = TRUE)
if (inherits(error, "try-error")) {
x <- density(as.numeric(data[id, names(classes[classes == levels(classes)[1]])]),
n = 1000)$x
w <- apply(apply(expand.grid(levels(classes), levels(classes)), 1,
function(y) pmin(d[, y[1]], d[, y[2]])), 1, max)
d <- data.frame(d, x = x, w = w)
total <- sum(vapply(seq_len(length(levels(classes))), function(y) integrate.xy(d$x,
d[, y]), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1)))^2
intersection <- integrate.xy(d$x, d$w)
pos <- seq_len(length(levels(classes)))
col <- adjustcolor(colorRampPalette(c("navyblue", "darkorange", "darkred",
"darkgreen"))(length(levels(classes))), alpha.f = 0.3)
txt <- levels(classes)
# compute overlap coefficient
overlap <- length(levels(classes)) * intersection/total
if (plot) {
par(mar = c(10, 6, 10, 8))
stackpoly.2(x = d[, pos], col = col, border = "grey", axis1 = TRUE,
stack = FALSE, lwd = 1, lty = 3, xaxlab = round(d[seq(1, dim(d)[1],
dim(d)[1] * 0.05), "x"], 1), xat = seq(1, dim(d)[1], dim(d)[1] *
0.05), xlab = "Raw Data Signal", ylab = "Density", main = paste("Overlap:",
round(overlap, 3), "\nLikelihood density estimation, bandwidth = 1"))
legend("topright", legend = txt, pch = 15, cex = 1.5, pt.cex = 1.5,
col = col, bty = "n")
.analysisType <- function(deco){
## Type of analysis run
if(length(NSCAcluster(deco)) == 1 & all(is.na(deco@classes)))
analysis <- "Unsupervised"
if(length(NSCAcluster(deco)) == 1 & any(!is.na(deco@classes)))
analysis <- "Multiclass"
if(length(NSCAcluster(deco)) > 1)
analysis <- "Binary"
############################## Colors assignment
jColor <- function(info) {
info <- as.matrix(info)
nam <- rownames(info)
double <- c("black", "gold", "ivory3", "cornflowerblue", "chocolate",
colnames(info) <- paste(rev(LETTERS[seq_len(dim(info)[2])]), ": ", colnames(info),
sep = "")
for (j in seq_len(dim(info)[2])) info[, j] <- paste(rev(LETTERS[seq_len(dim(info)[2])])[j],
": ", as.character(info[, j]), sep = "")
rownames(info) <- nam
info.sample.color <- info
info.sample.color <- apply(info.sample.color, 2, as.character)
if (dim(info)[2] > 1) {
pos <- apply(info, 2, unique)
if (is.matrix(pos)) {
pos <- rep(dim(pos)[1] == 2, dim(pos)[2])
} else {
pos <- lapply(pos, length) == 2
} else {
pos <- dim(apply(info, 2, unique))[1] <= 2
ty <- sort(unlist(apply(info[, !pos, drop = FALSE], 2, unique)))
tyy <- sort(unlist(apply(info[, pos, drop = FALSE], 2, unique)))
myPalette <- c(RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "Set1", n = 9)[seq_len(6)], "white",
RColorBrewer::brewer.pal(name = "Set1", n = 9)[8:9], "black")
if (length(ty) > 10) {
myPalette <- colorRampPalette(myPalette)(length(unlist(apply(info,
2, unique))))
if (length(which(pos)) < dim(info)[2]) {
for (z in seq_len(length(ty))) {
info.sample.color[info %in% ty[z]] <- as.character(rep(myPalette[z],
length(info.sample.color[info == unlist(apply(info, 2, unique))[z]])))
names(ty)[z] <- unique(as.character(rep(myPalette[z], length(info.sample.color[info ==
unlist(apply(info, 2, unique))[z]]))))
rownames(info.sample.color) <- nam
ty <- c(tyy, ty)
if (any(pos)) {
for (j in seq_len((length(which(pos)) * 2))) info.sample.color[info ==
ty[j]] <- rep(double, 10)[j]
names(ty)[seq_len(j)] <- rep(double, 10)[seq_len(j)]
return(list(orig = info, col = info.sample.color, ty = ty))
################################# Combinatorial calculation considering multiclass experimental design
.combCalcM <- function(data, classes, control, iterations, multi, r, results) {
if (!(all(names(classes) %in% colnames(data))) | is.null(names(classes))) {
stop("ERROR: Names of samples in classes
vector not match with data.")
classes <- sort(as.factor(classes))
# Calculating maximal resampling size per class
if (is.null(r) || r <= 0) {
r <- round(sqrt(min(table(classes))), digits = 0)
if(r < 3)
r <- 3
# If multiclass vector has been proposed:
if (length(levels(classes)) > 2) {
control <- NA
combMulti <- t(combn(levels(classes), 2))
# Removing auto-combination
combMulti <- combMulti[combMulti[, 1] != combMulti[, 2], ]
maxSub <- subsamplingProb(x = r, n1 = min(table(classes)), iter = 0)$n.all
if (iterations == 0) {
iterations <- maxSub
if (is.na(maxSub)) {
stop("ERROR: Resampling size is higher than minimum class size.")
multIter <- round(iterations/dim(combMulti)[1], 0)
if (multIter > maxSub) {
multIter <- maxSub
message(" NOTE: More than two classes of samples.\n
Multiclass analysis must run ",
dim(combMulti)[1], " (or multiple) iterations at least:\n ", multIter *
dim(combMulti)[1], " random iterations (", multIter, " rounds) will be calculated.\n")
c1 <- apply(combMulti, 1, function(y) names(classes[classes == y[1]]))
c2 <- apply(combMulti, 1, function(y) names(classes[classes == y[2]]))
combi <- matrix(data = 0, ncol = 2 * r, nrow = 1)
# Calculating combinations of samples without mixing classes.
for (i in seq_len(multIter)) {
if (is.list(c1)) {
combi1 <- matrix(unlist(lapply(c1, function(x) which(colnames(data) %in%
sample(x, size = r, replace = FALSE)))), ncol = r, byrow = TRUE)
combi2 <- matrix(unlist(lapply(c2, function(x) which(colnames(data) %in%
sample(x, size = r, replace = FALSE)))), ncol = r, byrow = TRUE)
} else {
combi1 <- t(apply(c1, 2, function(x) which(colnames(data) %in%
sample(x, size = r, replace = FALSE))))
combi2 <- t(apply(c2, 2, function(x) which(colnames(data) %in%
sample(x, size = r, replace = FALSE))))
combi <- rbind(combi, cbind(combi1, combi2))
results <- cbind(combi[2:dim(combi)[1], ],
nFeatures = c(rep(0, multIter * dim(combMulti)[1])))
colnames(results) <- c(seq_len(2 * r), "nFeatures")
n1 <- dim(data)[2]
n2 <- min(table(classes))
cl1 <- NA
cl2 <- NA
categories.control <- seq_len(dim(data)[2])
categories.case <- seq_len(dim(data)[2])
multi <- TRUE
} else {
# Binary contrast. 'Control' label defines '0' class for eBayes algorithm.
if (is.na(control)) {
cl1 <- levels(classes)[1]
cl2 <- levels(classes)[2]
control <- cl1
} else {
if (!(control %in% levels(classes))) {
stop("Control label not found in vector classes provided.")
cl1 <- control
cl2 <- levels(classes)[which(levels(classes) != control)]
n1 <- length(which(classes == cl1))
n2 <- length(which(classes == cl2))
classes <- classes[c(which(classes == cl1), which(classes == cl2))]
# Maximum number of iterations
maxSub <- prod(factorial(c(n1, n2))/(factorial(r) * factorial(c(n1,
n2) - r)))
if(is.nan(maxSub)) {
maxSub <- 1e9
message(.timestamp(), " -- Maximum number of iterations is defined as ",
maxSub, ".")
if (iterations > maxSub) {
iterations <- maxSub
message(.timestamp(), " -- 'iterations' is higher than
maximum number of combinations of samples.
Number of 'iterations' will be changed to ",
maxSub, ".")
data <- data[, names(classes)]
categories.control <- seq_len(n1)
categories.case <- (n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)
message("\n Classes vector defined as input.
SUPERVISED analysis will be carry out.\n")
return(list(categories.control = categories.control, data = data, categories.case = categories.case,
results = results, multi = multi, classes = classes, cl1 = cl1, cl2 = cl2, iterations = iterations,
n1 = n1, n2 = n2))
################################# Combinatorial calculation
.combCalc <- function(iterations, multi, classes, r, results, categories.control,
categories.case, n1, n2) {
cont <- 0
user <- "n"
# Asking for number of iterations if it was not defined.
if (iterations == 0 || is.null(iterations) & !multi) {
n.all <- subsamplingProb(x = r, iter = 1000, n1 = n1, n2 = n2)$n.all
user <- readline(prompt = message("\n All possible combinations:",
n.all, "\n Run ALL combinations? (y/n):"))
if (user == "n") {
iterations <- as.integer(readline(prompt = message("\n Define number of random combinations to calculate:")))
if (!(is.integer(iterations))) {
stop("Non-integer argument passed as number of combinations.")
# Calculate random or all possible combinations between samples if
# 'binary', 'multiclass' or 'unsupervised' has been proposed.
if (user == "y" & !multi) {
allCombControl <- combn(n1, r)
allCombCase <- combn(n2, r)
nSamples <- nrow(allCombControl) + nrow(allCombCase)
ncomb <- ncol(allCombControl) * ncol(allCombCase)
results <- matrix(nrow = ncomb, ncol = nSamples)
colnames(results) <- seq_len(nSamples)
cont <- 1
# Building combination matrix.
for (iCombCONTROL in seq_len(ncol(allCombControl))) {
for (iCombCASE in seq_len(ncol(allCombCase))) {
samples <- c(categories.control[allCombControl[, iCombCONTROL]],
categories.case[allCombCase[, iCombCASE]])
if (length(which(duplicated(samples))) > 0) {
samples[duplicated(samples)] <- sample(which(!(seq_len(n1 +
n2) %in% samples)), 1)
results[cont, seq_len(nSamples)] <- samples
cont <- cont + 1
results <- cbind(results, nFeatures = c(rep(0, ncomb)))
msg <- paste(.timestamp(), "-- Number of total iterations:", ncomb)
} else if (!multi) {
results <- matrix(nrow = iterations, ncol = 2 * r + 1)
colnames(results) <- c(seq(from = 1, to = 2 * r), "nFeatures")
# Building combination matrix.
for (i in seq_len(iterations)) {
if (all(!(is.na(classes)))) {
results[i, seq_len(r)] <- sample(categories.control, r, replace = FALSE)
results[i, (r + 1):(2 * r)] <- sample(categories.case, r,
replace = FALSE)
} else {
results[i, seq_len(r * 2)] <- sample(categories.control, 2 *
r, replace = FALSE)
results[, c("nFeatures")] <- 0
msg <- paste(.timestamp(), "-- Randomly selected", iterations, "iterations.")
} else {
msg <- paste(.timestamp(), "-- Number of total iterations:", dim(results)[1])
################################# Internal LIMMA calculations
.LIMMAcalc <- function(data, results, classes, control,
q.val, call, r, temp.path,
bpparam, multi, n1, n2) {
# Creating final variable containing all subsampling results.
res <- list(data = as.matrix(data), results = results, subStatFeature = NULL,
incidenceMatrix = NULL, classes = classes, resampleSize = r, control = control,
pos.iter = 0, q.val = q.val, call = call)
# Some variables definition to parallel subsampling.
top_eje <- matrix(ncol = 7)
colnames(top_eje) <- c("logFC", "AveExpr", "t", "P.Value", "adj.P.Val",
"B", "ID")
top_eje[, 2:7] <- 0
UP <- as.data.frame(data)
if (all(is.na(classes)) | multi) {
UP[, seq_len(n1)] <- 0
} else {
UP[, seq_len(n1 + n2)] <- 0
mx <- UP
results <- cbind(results, counter = seq(seq_len(dim(results)[1])))
suppressWarnings(limma1 <- bplapply(seq_len(dim(results)[1]), FUN = .limmaSubsamp,
BPPARAM = bpparam, results = results[, seq_len(2 * r)], r = r, data = data,
q.val = q.val, temp.path = temp.path))
pos <- unlist(lapply(limma1, function(x) x$pos))
limma1 <- unlist(lapply(limma1, function(x) x$p))
limma1 <- limma1[!(is.na(limma1))]
results[, "nFeatures"] <- pos
results <- results[, seq_len(dim(results)[2] - 1)]
# Stop subsampling for non-differential signal.
if (length(limma1) <= 1) {
stop("NO-RESULT: Any combination shows DE features with these
resampling size and p-value threshold.
Try again with another parameters.")
return(list(res = res, limma1 = limma1, top_eje = top_eje, mx = mx, UP = UP,
DOWN = DOWN, results = results))
.statCalc <- function(counter, tab, top_eje, ncomb, j) {
res_ <- vector(length = 12)
names(res_) <- colnames(tab)
lines <- top_eje[as.character(top_eje[, c("ID")]) %in% as.character(tab[counter,
c("ID")]), ]
# Statistics from this RDA step.
if (length(lines[, c("ID")]) > 0) {
res_[c("Avrg.logFC")] <- .colMeans(lines[, c("logFC")], m = length(lines[,
c("ID")]), n = 1)
res_[c("Best.adj.P.Val")] <- lines[1, c("adj.P.Val")]
res_[c("Repeats")] <- length(lines[, 1])
res_[c("FR.Repeats")] <- res_[c("Repeats")]/ncomb
res_[c("RF.Positive.Repeats")] <- res_[c("Repeats")]/j
res_[c("Chi.Square")] <- (-2) * sum(log(lines[, c("P.Value")]))
res_[c("P.Val.ChiSq")] <- 1 - pchisq(as.numeric(res_[c("Chi.Square")]),
df = 2 * length(lines[, 1]))
res_[c("ID")] <- as.character(tab[counter, c("ID")])
.limmaSubsamp <- function(counter, results, r, data, q.val,
temp.path) {
# Taking different combinations from previous matrix and running LIMMA.
samples <- results[counter, seq_len(r * 2)]
design <- cbind(
CONTROL = rep(c(1, 0), each = r),
CASE = rep(c(0, 1), each = r)
fit <- limma::lmFit(data[, samples], design)
cont.mat <- limma::makeContrasts(CASEvsCONTROL = CASE - CONTROL,
levels = design)
fit2 <- limma::contrasts.fit(fit, cont.mat)
fit3 <- limma::eBayes(fit2)
top <- limma::topTable(fit3, adjust.method = "fdr",
number = nrow(data),
p.value = q.val)
pos <- dim(top)[1]
# Generating intermediate files in temporary dir. If any DE feature is
# found for any combination, no file would be created.
resultfile <- paste(temp.path, "/", c("diff", "incid"), counter, ".dta",
sep = "")
if (pos > 0) {
top <- data.frame(top, ID = rownames(top))
top <- top[seq_len(pos), ]
# Differential features and incidence matrix files are separated.
foreign::write.dta(top, file = resultfile[1])
foreign::write.dta(as.data.frame(samples), file = resultfile[2])
} else {
resultfile <- c(NA, NA)
return(list(p = resultfile, pos = pos))
################################# Frequency matrix and intermediate results
.freqMatrix <- function(limmaRes, data, n1, n2, r, multi, unsup) {
mx0 <- limmaRes$mx
mx20 <- limmaRes$mx
pb <- txtProgressBar(style = 3, min = 0, max = length(limmaRes$limma1) -
UP <- limmaRes$UP
DOWN <- limmaRes$DOWN
top_eje <- limmaRes$top_eje
# Reading and summarizing intermediate results.
for (i in seq(from = 1, to = length(limmaRes$limma1) - 1, by = 2)) {
mx <- mx0
mx2 <- mx20
resultfile1 <- limmaRes$limma1[i]
resultfile2 <- limmaRes$limma1[i + 1]
if (is.matrix(limmaRes$limma1)) {
resultfile1 <- limmaRes$limma1[1, i]
resultfile2 <- limmaRes$limma1[2, i]
# Joining all differential event statistics.
top_eje1 <- foreign::read.dta(file = resultfile1)
colnames(top_eje1) <- colnames(top_eje)
rownames(top_eje1) <- make.names(rep(LETTERS, dim(data)[1])[seq_len(dim(top_eje1)[1])],
unique = TRUE)
samples <- as.vector(t(foreign::read.dta(file = resultfile2)))
counter <- as.numeric(unlist(strsplit(unlist(strsplit(resultfile1,
split = "diff"))[2], split = ".", fixed = TRUE))[1])
# Generating global incidence matrix with UP and DOWN events.
mx[rownames(mx) %in% top_eje1[top_eje1[, c("logFC")] < 0, c("ID")],
samples[seq_len(r)]] <- mx[rownames(mx) %in% top_eje1[top_eje1[,
c("logFC")] < 0, c("ID")], samples[seq_len(r)]] + 1
mx[rownames(mx) %in% top_eje1[top_eje1[, c("logFC")] > 0, c("ID")],
samples[(r + 1):(r * 2)]] <- mx[rownames(mx) %in% top_eje1[top_eje1[,
c("logFC")] > 0, c("ID")], samples[(r + 1):(r * 2)]] + 1
mx2[rownames(mx2) %in% top_eje1[top_eje1[, c("logFC")] < 0, c("ID")],
samples[(r + 1):(r * 2)]] <- mx2[rownames(mx2) %in% top_eje1[top_eje1[,
c("logFC")] < 0, c("ID")], samples[(r + 1):(r * 2)]] + 1
mx2[rownames(mx2) %in% top_eje1[top_eje1[, c("logFC")] > 0, c("ID")],
samples[seq_len(r)]] <- mx2[rownames(mx2) %in% top_eje1[top_eje1[,
c("logFC")] > 0, c("ID")], samples[seq_len(r)]] + 1
UP <- UP + mx
DOWN <- DOWN + mx2
top_eje <- rbind(top_eje, top_eje1)
rownames(top_eje1) <- NULL
setTxtProgressBar(pb, i)
UP <- UP[rowSums(UP) > 0, ]
DOWN <- DOWN[rowSums(DOWN) > 0, ]
# Making up incidence matrix with separated UP, DOWN and MIXED events.
if (!unsup & !multi) {
both.feat <- names(which(rowSums(UP[, seq_len(n1)]) > 0 & rowSums(UP[,
(n1 + 1):(n1 + n2)]) > 0))
if (length(both.feat) > 0) {
both.feat.mx <- UP[rowSums(UP) > 0, ][rownames(UP) %in% both.feat,
rownames(both.feat.mx) <- paste(rownames(both.feat.mx), sep = "deco",
UP <- UP[!(rownames(UP) %in% both.feat), ]
DOWN <- DOWN[!(rownames(DOWN) %in% both.feat), ]
} else {
both.feat.mx <- matrix(0, nrow = 1, ncol = ncol(UP))
} else {
both.feat <- NA
both.feat.mx <- NA
# Vector containing direction of differential event if 'binary'
UpDw <- c(rep("UP", length(rownames(UP)[rowSums(UP[, seq_len(n1)]) ==
0])), rep("DOWN", length(rownames(UP)[rowSums(UP[, seq_len(n1)]) >
0])), rep("MIXED", length(both.feat)))
names(UpDw) <- c(rownames(UP)[rowSums(UP[, seq_len(n1)]) == 0], rownames(UP)[rowSums(UP[,
seq_len(n1)]) > 0], both.feat)
rownames(UP) <- paste(rownames(UP), sep = "deco", "UP")
rownames(MULTI) <- paste(rownames(MULTI), sep = "deco", "UP")
rownames(DOWN) <- paste(rownames(DOWN), sep = "deco", "DOWN")
return(list(top_eje = top_eje, UP = UP, DOWN = DOWN, MULTI = MULTI, UpDw = UpDw,
both.feat = both.feat, both.feat.mx = both.feat.mx))
################################# Function for filtering features by Repeats
.repThr <- function(sub, rep.thr, samp.perc) {
g.names <- vapply(rownames(sub$incidenceMatrix), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,
split = "deco", fixed = TRUE))[1], FUN.VALUE = character(1))
if (all(is.na(sub$classes)) || length(levels(sub$classes)) > 2) {
f <- apply(sub$incidenceMatrix, 1, function(x) length(which(x >= rep.thr)))
names(f) <- g.names[names(g.names) %in% names(f)]
} else {
f <- vapply(unique(g.names), function(x) sum(apply(sub$incidenceMatrix[grepl(rownames(sub$incidenceMatrix),
pattern = x, fixed = TRUE), ], 1, function(x) length(which(x >=
rep.thr)))), numeric(1))
# 'Repeats' threshold. All features under those thresholds will be
# removed.
if (length(which(f > samp.perc * dim(sub$incidenceMatrix)[2])) > 0) {
message(paste(" NOTE: Repeats index threshold have been applied:\n",
length(which(f <= samp.perc * dim(sub$incidenceMatrix)[2])), "features removed from",
dim(sub$subStatFeature)[1], "total."))
sub$subStatFeature <- sub$subStatFeature[names(f[which(f > samp.perc *
dim(sub$incidenceMatrix)[2])]), ]
sub$subStatFeature <- cbind(sub$subStatFeature, Repeats.index = f[names(f) %in%
rownames(sub$subStatFeature)]/dim(sub$incidenceMatrix)[2] * 100)
sub$subStatFeature <- sub$subStatFeature[order(rownames(sub$subStatFeature),
decreasing = TRUE), ]
# Removing features from incidenceMatrix with lower 'Repeats' than
# threshold.
sub$incidenceMatrix <- sub$incidenceMatrix[rownames(sub$incidenceMatrix) %in%
names(g.names[g.names %in% as.character(sub$subStatFeature$ID)]),
if (length(which(f > samp.perc * dim(sub$incidenceMatrix)[2])) < 10) {
stop("After applying 'Repeats' filter, there are not enough features
(10 features minimum) to input NSCA.")
return(list(sub = sub, g.names = g.names))
################################# Function to call overlapFeature
overlapC <- function(sub, cl1, bpparam) {
message(.timestamp(), " -- Calculating overlapping signal per feature...")
## Calculating overlap...
suppressWarnings(overlap <- bplapply(X = rownames(sub$subStatFeature),
FUN = overlapFeature, BPPARAM = bpparam, data = sub$data, classes = sub$classes,
control = cl1, analysis = "Binary"))
overlap <- unlist(overlap)
names(overlap) <- rownames(sub$subStatFeature)
## Type of profile...
prof <- vapply(overlap, function(x) max(which(c(0, 0.2, 0.4, 0.75) <=
x)), FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))
profile <- prof
profile[sub$subStatFeature[names(profile), c("UpDw")] == "MIXED" | prof == 4] <- "Mixed"
profile[prof == 3] <- "Minority"
profile[prof == 2] <- "Majority"
profile[prof == 1] <- "Complete"
names(profile) <- names(overlap)
profile <- profile[order(names(profile))]
return(list(overlap = overlap, profile = profile))
################################# Intern R function of decoReport
.formattingObj <- function(deco, deco0, analysis, sub, info.size) {
## Formatting R objects to print.
if (analysis == "Binary") {
# p.value from NSCA analysis.
p.val <- c(deco@NSCAcluster$Control$NSCA$P.Value, deco@NSCAcluster$Case$NSCA$P.Value)
# General information about subclasses found.
infoSubclass <- rbind(deco@NSCAcluster$Control$infoSubclass, deco@NSCAcluster$Case$infoSubclass)
rel <- c(rep(p.val[1] <= 0.05, dim(deco@NSCAcluster$Control$infoSubclass)[1]),
rep(p.val[2] <= 0.05, dim(deco@NSCAcluster$Case$infoSubclass)[1]))
infoSubclass <- data.frame(infoSubclass, Binary = rep(0, dim(infoSubclass)[1]),
isRelevant = as.character(rel))
infoSubclass[vapply(rownames(infoSubclass), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,
split = " Subclass"))[1], character(1)) != deco@control, "Binary"] <- 1
# Sample membership to subclasses.
samplesSubclass <- rbind(cbind(deco@NSCAcluster$Control$samplesSubclass[order(deco@NSCAcluster$Control$samplesSubclass[,
1]), ]), cbind(deco@NSCAcluster$Case$samplesSubclass[order(deco@NSCAcluster$Case$samplesSubclass[,
1]), ]))
samplesSubclass <- cbind(Samples = rownames(samplesSubclass), Subclass = samplesSubclass[,
rownames(samplesSubclass) <- seq_len(length(rownames(samplesSubclass)))
# NSCA and hierarchical clustering information.
nsc <- matrix(round(c(deco@NSCAcluster$Control$var, deco@NSCAcluster$Case$var,
p.val, deco@NSCAcluster$Control$hclustSamp$huber, deco@NSCAcluster$Case$hclustSamp$huber),
digits = 3), nrow = 3, byrow = TRUE)
colnames(nsc) <- c("Control samples", "Case samples")
rownames(nsc) <- c("Variability explained by NSCA", "NSCA C-statistic p.value",
"Huber's gamma")
# Assignment of colors to all subclasses. It will be conserved along all
# the report.
count <- table(vapply(rownames(infoSubclass), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,
split = " Subclass"))[1], character(1)) != deco@control)
color.cluster <- c(colorRampPalette(c("navyblue", "lightblue"))(count[1]),
colorRampPalette(c("orange", "darkred"))(count[2]))
names(color.cluster) <- rownames(infoSubclass)
# Columns of 'featureTable' to be printed.
names.col <- c("ID", "SYMBOL", "UpDw", "Profile", "overlap.Ctrl.Case",
"Standard.Chi.Square", "Repeats", "Repeats.index", "delta.signal",
"sd.Ctrl", "Dendrogram.group.Ctrl", "h.Range.Ctrl", "sd.Case",
"Dendrogram.group.Case", "h.Range.Case")
deco@featureTable[, names.col[!names.col %in% c("ID", "SYMBOL", "UpDw",
"Profile")]] <- apply(deco@featureTable[, names.col[!names.col %in%
c("ID", "SYMBOL", "UpDw", "Profile")]], 2, as.numeric)
textF <- deco@featureTable[, colnames(deco@featureTable) %in% names.col]
deco0@featureTable <- deco@featureTable
textF <- textF[, na.omit(match(names.col, colnames(textF)))]
# Chi, Delta , Repeats & SD(inverse)
ordG <- order(rowMedians(apply(cbind(textF$Standard.Chi.Square, -textF$overlap.Ctrl.Case,
-textF$overlap.Ctrl.Case, textF$Repeats, abs(textF$delta.signal),
abs(textF$delta.signal), -textF$sd.Ctrl, -textF$sd.Case), 2, function(x) rank(-x,
ties.method = "max"))))
# Chi, Delta & SD
ordS <- rank(-rowMedians(apply(cbind(textF$Standard.Chi.Square, textF$Standard.Chi.Square,
abs(textF$delta.signal), textF$Repeats, abs(textF$delta.signal),
textF$h.Range.Ctrl, textF$h.Range.Case), 2, function(x) rank(-x,
ties.method = "max"))))
# Saving initial modified 'featureTable' as R data.frame called 'textF0'.
deco@featureTable <- deco@featureTable[ordG, ]
textF0 <- textF
textF <- textF[ordG, ]
# Object defining samples membership to classes previously compared.
classes <- unlist(lapply(deco@NSCAcluster, function(x) unlist(strsplit(x$samplesSubclass[1],
split = " Subclass"))[1]))
} else {
# p.value from NSCA analysis.
p.val <- deco@NSCAcluster$All$NSCA$P.Value
# General information about subclasses found.
infoSubclass <- deco@NSCAcluster$All$infoSubclass
rel <- rep(p.val[1] <= 0.05, dim(deco@NSCAcluster$All$infoSubclass)[1])
infoSubclass <- data.frame(infoSubclass, isRelevant = as.character(rel))
# Sample membership to subclasses.
samplesSubclass <- cbind(deco@NSCAcluster$All$samplesSubclass[order(deco@NSCAcluster$All$samplesSubclass[,
1]), ])
samplesSubclass <- cbind(Samples = rownames(samplesSubclass), Subclass = samplesSubclass[,
rownames(samplesSubclass) <- seq_len(length(rownames(samplesSubclass)))
# NSCA and hierarchical clustering information.
nsc <- round(rbind(deco@NSCAcluster$All$var, p.val, deco@NSCAcluster$All$hclustSamp$huber),
colnames(nsc) <- c("All samples")
rownames(nsc) <- c("Variability explained by NSCA", "p.value", "Huber's gamma")
# Assignment of colors to all subclasses. It will be conserved along all
# the report.
color.cluster <- colorRampPalette(c("greenyellow", "lightblue", "darkgreen",
names(color.cluster) <- rownames(infoSubclass)
# Columns of 'featureTable' to be printed.
names.col <- c("ID", "SYMBOL", "Standard.Chi.Square", "Repeats", "Repeats.index",
"Avrg.logFC", "Dendrogram.group", "h", "sd", "h.Range")
ind <- colnames(deco@featureTable) %in% names.col[!names.col %in%
c("ID", "SYMBOL")]
deco@featureTable[, ind] <- apply(deco@featureTable[, ind], 2, as.numeric)
textF <- deco@featureTable[, colnames(deco@featureTable) %in% names.col]
textF <- textF[, na.omit(match(names.col, colnames(textF)))]
ordG <- order(rowMedians(apply(cbind(textF$Standard.Chi.Square, textF$Standard.Chi.Square,
textF$Repeats, textF$Repeats, textF$h.Range), 2, function(x) rank(-x,
ties.method = "max"))))
ord <- ordS <- ordG
# No sense to make two different ranking for 'Unsupervised' analysis.
deco@featureTable <- deco@featureTable[ord, ]
textF0 <- textF
textF <- textF[ord, ][seq_len(info.size), ]
classes <- sub$classes
return(list(deco = deco, p.val = p.val, color.cluster = color.cluster,
infoSubclass = infoSubclass, ordG = ordG, ordS = ordS, rel = rel,
classes = classes, nsc = nsc, textF = textF, textF0 = textF0, names.col = names.col,
samplesSubclass = samplesSubclass))
NSCACluster <- function(mx, data = NULL, id.names = NULL, k = NULL, label = NA,
v = 80, method.dend = NULL, raw = NULL, UpDw = NULL, dir = NA) {
if (is.null(id.names))
id.names <- rownames(mx)
## Considering only UP for "mixed" profiles
if(all(!is.null(UpDw))) {
mixed <- names(which(table(unname(vapply(rownames(mx), function(x)
unlist(strsplit(x, split = "deco"))[1], "character"))) > 1))
if(length(mixed) > 0)
mx <- mx[!rownames(mx) %in% paste(mixed, "decoDOWN", sep = ""),]
## Calculating NSCA...
ca_res <- NSCA(as.matrix(mx[rowSums(mx) > 0, colSums(mx) > 0]), v = v)
nd <- min(which(ca_res$Inertia[, 3] >= v))
if (nd == 1) {
nd <- 2
message(.timestamp(), "-- 1D is enough to reach explained variability from input.
2D will be considered")
ca_ev <- rbind(ca_res$fbip[, seq_len(nd)], ca_res$g[, seq_len(nd)])
# Renaming feature IDs
if (all(!is.null(id.names))) {
rownames(ca_ev)[rownames(ca_ev) %in% names(id.names)] <- as.character(id.names[rownames(ca_ev)[rownames(ca_ev) %in%
# Calculating h-statistic
if (all(!is.null(raw)) & all(!is.null(data))) {
dispersion <- data[id.names[rownames(ca_res$inner.prod)], colnames(ca_res$inner.prod)] -
# Dispersion inversion for DOWN regulated within a category of samples
if (all(!is.null(UpDw))) {
dispersion[rownames(dispersion) %in% id.names[id.names %in% names(UpDw[UpDw ==
dir])], ] <- -dispersion[rownames(dispersion) %in% id.names[id.names %in%
names(UpDw[UpDw == dir])], ]
inner <- as.matrix(ca_res$inner.prod)
inner[] <- scale(as.vector(inner))
dispersion[] <- scale(as.vector(dispersion))
# Make positive ranges
inner <- inner + abs(min(inner)) + 1
rownames(dispersion) <- rownames(inner)
ca_res$inner.prod <- as.matrix(inner * dispersion - mean(as.matrix(inner *
# 'h' inversion for DOWN regulated within a category of samples
if (all(!is.null(UpDw))) {
ca_res$inner.prod[rownames(ca_res$inner.prod) %in% names(id.names)[id.names %in%
names(UpDw[UpDw == dir])], ] <- -ca_res$inner.prod[rownames(ca_res$inner.prod) %in%
names(id.names)[id.names %in% names(UpDw[UpDw == dir])], ]
} else if (all(!is.null(data))) {
inner <- as.matrix(ca_res$inner.prod)
inner[] <- scale(as.vector(inner))
dispersion <- data[id.names[rownames(ca_res$inner.prod)], colnames(ca_res$inner.prod)] -
rowMeans(data[id.names[rownames(ca_res$inner.prod)], colnames(ca_res$inner.prod)])
dispersion[] <- scale(as.vector(dispersion))
# Make positive ranges
inner <- inner + abs(min(inner)) + 1
# dispersion <- dispersion + abs(min(dispersion)) + 1
ca_res$inner.prod <- as.matrix(inner * dispersion - mean(as.matrix(inner *
} else {
message("Data has not been provided, then 'h statistic' will be not computed.
Inner product from NSCA\n
would be used in biclustering of features and samples.")
# Make sure assignment
rownames(ca_res$inner.prod) <- rownames(inner)
# Biclustering
info.dend.samp <- cophDECO(data = as.matrix(ca_res$inner.prod), method.heatmap = method.dend,
k = k, scale = FALSE, coph = TRUE)
info.dend.feat <- cophDECO(data = as.matrix(t(ca_res$inner.prod)), method.heatmap = "ward.D",
k = 10, scale = FALSE, verbose = FALSE, coph = FALSE)
k <- max(info.dend.samp$cluster)
# Calculating some statistics...
kk <- gg1 <- gg2 <- ss <- vector(length = k)
message(.timestamp(), "-- Optimized for ", k, " subclasses.")
info <- vapply(seq_len(k), function(y) rowMeans(cbind(as.matrix(ca_res$inner.prod)[,
info.dend.samp$cluster == y])), FUN.VALUE = numeric(dim(ca_res$inner.prod)[1]))
info <- cbind(info, ca_res$di[rownames(info)])
if (k > 1)
info <- as.data.frame(cbind(info, matrix(nrow = dim(info)[1], ncol = 3)))
info <- as.data.frame(t(rbind(info, matrix(nrow = dim(info)[1], ncol = 3))))
colnames(info) <- c(paste("Scl", seq_len(k), sep = ""), "Tau.feature",
"Closer.subclass", "h.Best", "ID")
info <- info[order(rownames(info), decreasing = TRUE), ]
if (k > 1) {
info[, c("Closer.subclass")] <- apply(info[, seq_len(k)], 1, function(x) which(abs(x) ==
} else {
info[, c("Closer.subclass")] <- rep(1, dim(info)[1])
for (i in seq_len(k)) {
kk[i] <- length(which(colnames(mx) %in% names(info.dend.samp$cluster[info.dend.samp$cluster ==
gg1[i] <- length(which(info[which(vapply(rownames(info), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,
split = "deco", fixed = TRUE))[2], character(1)) == "UP"), "Closer.subclass"] ==
gg2[i] <- length(which(info[which(vapply(rownames(info), function(x) unlist(strsplit(x,
split = "deco", fixed = TRUE))[2], character(1)) == "DOWN"), "Closer.subclass"] ==
p <- abs(info[info[, "Closer.subclass"] == i, i])
ss[i] <- mean(p[order(p, decreasing = TRUE)][seq_len((length(p) *
if (all(!is.na(label))) {
infoSubclass <- data.frame(Samples = kk, FeaturesUP = gg1, FeaturesDOWN = gg2,
average.hStat.perc95 = ss, row.names = paste(label, "Subclass", seq(from = 1,
to = k), sep = " "))
} else {
infoSubclass <- data.frame(Samples = kk, FeaturesUP = gg1, FeaturesDOWN = gg2,
average.hStat.perc95 = ss, row.names = paste("Subclass", seq(from = 1, to = k),
sep = " "))
if (k > 1) {
info[, "h.Best"] <- apply(info[, c(paste("Scl", seq_len(k), sep = ""),
"Closer.subclass")], 1, function(x) x[x[k + 1]])
} else {
info[, "h.Best"] <- info[, 1]
# Renaming some feature IDs and removing duplicated features.
info[, c("ID")] <- as.character(id.names[rownames(info)])
rownames(ca_ev)[rownames(ca_ev) %in% rownames(mx)][!(duplicated(id.names[rownames(ca_ev[rownames(ca_ev) %in%
rownames(mx), ])]) | duplicated(id.names[rownames(ca_ev[rownames(ca_ev) %in%
rownames(mx), ])], fromLast = TRUE))] <- id.names[rownames(ca_ev[rownames(ca_ev) %in%
rownames(mx), ])][!(duplicated(id.names[rownames(ca_ev[rownames(ca_ev) %in%
rownames(mx), ])]) | duplicated(id.names[rownames(ca_ev[rownames(ca_ev) %in%
rownames(mx), ])], fromLast = TRUE))]
info <- info[!rownames(info) %in% rownames(info[info[, c("ID")] %in% info[duplicated(info[,
c("ID")]), c("ID")], ])[which(unlist(strsplit(rownames(info[info[,
c("ID")] %in% info[duplicated(info[, c("ID")]), c("ID")], ]), split = "deco",
fixed = TRUE)) == "DOWN")/2], ]
rownames(ca_res$inner.prod)[!(duplicated(id.names[rownames(ca_res$inner.prod)]) |
duplicated(id.names[rownames(ca_res$inner.prod)], fromLast = TRUE))] <- id.names[rownames(ca_res$inner.prod)][!(duplicated(id.names[rownames(ca_res$inner.prod)]) |
duplicated(id.names[rownames(ca_res$inner.prod)], fromLast = TRUE))]
# Calculating h statistic per feature per subclass of samples.
ord <- seq_len(length(info.dend.feat$cluster))
names(ord) <- rownames(ca_res$inner.prod)[rev(info.dend.feat$dend$order)]
patt <- info.dend.feat$cluster
for (i in seq_len(max(info.dend.feat$cluster))) patt[info.dend.feat$cluster ==
i] <- which(order(vapply(seq_len(max(info.dend.feat$cluster)), function(x) mean(which(info.dend.feat$cluster[rev(info.dend.feat$dend$order)] ==
x)), numeric(1))) == i)
info.dend.feat$cluster <- patt
info <- data.frame(info, h.Range = apply(info[, seq_len(k)], 1, function(x) diff(range(x))),
Dendrogram.group = info.dend.feat$cluster[rownames(info)], Dendrogram.order = ord[rownames(info)])
rownames(info) <- as.character(info[, c("ID")])
rankingH <- cbind(t(gdata::interleave(t(apply(info[, seq_len(k)], 2, function(x) rank(-abs(x),
ties.method = "max"))), t(info[, seq_len(k)]))), info[, "h.Range"],
info[, "Dendrogram.group"], ord[rownames(info)])
colnames(rankingH) <- c(paste(rep(c("Ranking", "h"), k), rep(paste("Scl",
seq_len(k), sep = ""), each = 2), sep = "."), "h.Range", "Dendrogram.group",
# Find out sample membership to any subclass.
samplesSubclass <- cbind(info.dend.samp$cluster)
colnames(samplesSubclass) <- "Subclass"
for (i in seq_len(dim(samplesSubclass)[1])) samplesSubclass[i, 1] <- rownames(infoSubclass)[as.numeric(samplesSubclass[i,
# Returning results.
if (all(!is.null(data))) {
names(ca_res)[names(ca_res) == "inner.prod"] <- "h"
results <- list(ca_res, info, rankingH, infoSubclass, mx, ca_ev, samplesSubclass,
ca_res$Inertia[nd, 3], method.dend, info.dend.samp, info.dend.feat,
inner, dispersion)
names(results) <- c("NSCA", "infoFeature", "rankingFeature.h", "infoSubclass",
"incidenceMatrix", "Biplot.coordinates", "samplesSubclass", "var",
"clus.method", "hclustSamp", "hclustFeat", "inner", "dispersion")
} else {
results <- list(ca_res, info, rankingH, infoSubclass, mx, ca_ev, samplesSubclass,
ca_res$Inertia[nd, 3], method.dend, info.dend.samp, info.dend.feat)
names(results) <- c("NSCA", "infoFeature", "rankingFeature.h", "infoSubclass",
"incidenceMatrix", "Biplot.coordinates", "samplesSubclass", "var",
"clus.method", "hclustSamp", "hclustFeat")
names(results$var) <- "Variability explained by NSCA"
message(.timestamp(), "-- Summary of clustering analysis:")
.cluster.stat <- function(d = NULL, clustering, alt.clustering = NULL, noisecluster = FALSE,
silhouette = TRUE, G2 = FALSE, G3 = FALSE, wgap = TRUE, sepindex = TRUE,
sepprob = 0.1, sepwithnoise = TRUE, compareonly = FALSE, aggregateonly = FALSE) {
if (!is.null(d)) {
d <- as.dist(d)
cn <- max(clustering)
clusteringf <- as.factor(clustering)
clusteringl <- levels(clusteringf)
cnn <- length(clusteringl)
if (cn != cnn) {
warning("clustering renumbered because maximum != number of clusters")
for (i in seq_len(cnn)) clustering[clusteringf == clusteringl[i]] <- i
cn <- cnn
n <- length(clustering)
noisen <- 0
cwn <- cn
if (noisecluster) {
noisen <- sum(clustering == cn)
cwn <- cn - 1
diameter <- average.distance <- median.distance <- separation <- average.toother <- cluster.size <- within.dist <- between.dist <- numeric(0)
for (i in seq_len(cn)) cluster.size[i] <- sum(clustering == i)
pk1 <- cluster.size/n
pk10 <- pk1[pk1 > 0]
h1 <- -sum(pk10 * log(pk10))
corrected.rand <- vi <- NULL
if (!is.null(alt.clustering)) {
choose2 <- function(v) {
out <- numeric(0)
for (i in seq_len(length(v))) out[i] <- ifelse(v[i] >= 2, choose(v[i],
2), 0)
cn2 <- max(alt.clustering)
clusteringf <- as.factor(alt.clustering)
clusteringl <- levels(clusteringf)
cnn2 <- length(clusteringl)
if (cn2 != cnn2) {
warning("alt.clustering renumbered because maximum != number of clusters")
for (i in seq_len(cnn2)) alt.clustering[clusteringf == clusteringl[i]] <- i
cn2 <- cnn2
nij <- table(clustering, alt.clustering)
dsum <- sum(choose2(nij))
cs2 <- numeric(0)
for (i in seq_len(cn2)) cs2[i] <- sum(alt.clustering == i)
sum1 <- sum(choose2(cluster.size))
sum2 <- sum(choose2(cs2))
pk2 <- cs2/n
pk12 <- nij/n
corrected.rand <- (dsum - sum1 * sum2/choose2(n))/((sum1 + sum2)/2 -
sum1 * sum2/choose2(n))
pk20 <- pk2[pk2 > 0]
h2 <- -sum(pk20 * log(pk20))
icc <- 0
for (i in seq_len(cn)) for (j in seq_len(cn2)) if (pk12[i, j] > 0) {
icc <- icc + pk12[i, j] * log(pk12[i, j]/(pk1[i] * pk2[j]))
vi <- h1 + h2 - 2 * icc
if (compareonly) {
out <- list(corrected.rand = corrected.rand, vi = vi)
} else {
dmat <- as.matrix(d)
within.cluster.ss <- 0
overall.ss <- nonnoise.ss <- sum(d^2)/n
if (noisecluster) {
nonnoise.ss <- sum(as.dist(dmat[clustering <= cwn, clustering <=
cwn])^2)/sum(clustering <= cwn)
ave.between.matrix <- separation.matrix <- matrix(0, ncol = cn, nrow = cn)
di <- list()
for (i in seq_len(cn)) {
cluster.size[i] <- sum(clustering == i)
di <- as.dist(dmat[clustering == i, clustering == i])
if (i <= cwn) {
within.cluster.ss <- within.cluster.ss + sum(di^2)/cluster.size[i]
within.dist <- c(within.dist, di)
if (length(di) > 0) {
diameter[i] <- max(di)
} else {
diameter[i] <- NA
average.distance[i] <- mean(di)
median.distance[i] <- median(di)
bv <- numeric(0)
for (j in seq_len(cn)) {
if (j != i) {
sij <- dmat[clustering == i, clustering == j]
bv <- c(bv, sij)
if (i < j) {
separation.matrix[i, j] <- separation.matrix[j, i] <- min(sij)
ave.between.matrix[i, j] <- ave.between.matrix[j, i] <- mean(sij)
if (i <= cwn & j <= cwn) {
between.dist <- c(between.dist, sij)
separation[i] <- min(bv)
average.toother[i] <- mean(bv)
average.between <- mean(between.dist)
average.within <- mean(within.dist)
nwithin <- length(within.dist)
nbetween <- length(between.dist)
between.cluster.ss <- nonnoise.ss - within.cluster.ss
ch <- between.cluster.ss * (n - noisen - cwn)/(within.cluster.ss *
(cwn - 1))
clus.avg.widths <- avg.width <- NULL
if (silhouette) {
sii <- cluster::silhouette(clustering, dmatrix = dmat)
sc <- summary(sii)
clus.avg.widths <- sc$clus.avg.widths
if (noisecluster) {
avg.width <- mean(sii[clustering <= cwn, 3])
} else {
avg.width <- sc$avg.width
g2 <- g3 <- cn2 <- cwidegap <- widestgap <- sindex <- NULL
if (G2) {
splus <- sminus <- 0
for (i in seq_len(nwithin)) {
splus <- splus + sum(within.dist[i] < between.dist)
sminus <- sminus + sum(within.dist[i] > between.dist)
g2 <- (splus - sminus)/(splus + sminus)
if (G3) {
sdist <- sort(c(within.dist, between.dist))
sr <- nwithin + nbetween
dmin <- sum(sdist[seq_len(nwithin)])
dmax <- sum(sdist[(sr - nwithin + 1):sr])
g3 <- (sum(within.dist) - dmin)/(dmax - dmin)
pearsongamma <- cor(c(within.dist, between.dist), c(rep(0, nwithin),
rep(1, nbetween)))
dunn <- min(separation[seq_len(cwn)])/max(diameter[seq_len(cwn)],
na.rm = TRUE)
acwn <- ave.between.matrix[seq_len(cwn), seq_len(cwn)]
dunn2 <- min(acwn[upper.tri(acwn)])/max(average.distance[seq_len(cwn)],
na.rm = TRUE)
if (wgap) {
cwidegap <- rep(0, cwn)
for (i in seq_len(cwn)) if (sum(clustering == i) > 1) {
cwidegap[i] <- max(hclust(as.dist(dmat[clustering == i, clustering ==
i]), method = "single")$height)
widestgap <- max(cwidegap)
if (sepindex) {
psep <- rep(NA, n)
if (sepwithnoise | !noisecluster) {
for (i in seq_len(n)) psep[i] <- min(dmat[i, clustering !=
minsep <- floor(n * sepprob)
} else {
dmatnn <- dmat[clustering <= cwn, clustering <= cwn]
clusteringnn <- clustering[clustering <= cwn]
for (i in seq_len((n - noisen))) psep[i] <- min(dmatnn[i,
clusteringnn != clusteringnn[i]])
minsep <- floor((n - noisen) * sepprob)
sindex <- mean(sort(psep)[seq_len(minsep)])
if (!aggregateonly) {
out <- list(n = n, cluster.number = cn, cluster.size = cluster.size,
min.cluster.size = min(cluster.size[seq_len(cwn)]), noisen = noisen,
diameter = diameter, average.distance = average.distance,
median.distance = median.distance, separation = separation,
average.toother = average.toother, separation.matrix = separation.matrix,
ave.between.matrix = ave.between.matrix, average.between = average.between,
average.within = average.within, n.between = nbetween, n.within = nwithin,
max.diameter = max(diameter[seq_len(cwn)], na.rm = TRUE),
min.separation = sepwithnoise * min(separation) + (!sepwithnoise) *
min(separation[seq_len(cwn)]), within.cluster.ss = within.cluster.ss,
clus.avg.silwidths = clus.avg.widths, avg.silwidth = avg.width,
g2 = g2, g3 = g3, pearsongamma = pearsongamma, dunn = dunn,
dunn2 = dunn2, entropy = h1, wb.ratio = average.within/average.between,
ch = ch, cwidegap = cwidegap, widestgap = widestgap, sindex = sindex,
corrected.rand = corrected.rand, vi = vi)
} else {
out <- list(n = n, cluster.number = cn, min.cluster.size = min(cluster.size[seq_len(cwn)]),
noisen = noisen, average.between = average.between, average.within = average.within,
max.diameter = max(diameter[seq_len(cwn)], na.rm = TRUE),
min.separation = sepwithnoise * min(separation) + (!sepwithnoise) *
min(separation[seq_len(cwn)]), ave.within.cluster.ss = within.cluster.ss/(n -
noisen), avg.silwidth = avg.width, g2 = g2, g3 = g3, pearsongamma = pearsongamma,
dunn = dunn, dunn2 = dunn2, entropy = h1, wb.ratio = average.within/average.between,
ch = ch, widestgap = widestgap, sindex = sindex, corrected.rand = corrected.rand,
vi = vi)
NSCA <- function(N, v = 80) {
I <- nrow(N) # Number of rows of table
J <- ncol(N) # Number of columns of table
Inames <- dimnames(N)[1] # Row category names
Jnames <- dimnames(N)[2] # Column category names
n <- sum(N) # Total number of classifications in the table
p <- N * (1/n) # Matrix of joint relative proportions
Imass <- as.matrix(rowSums(p))
Jmass <- as.matrix(colSums(p))
ItJ <- Imass %*% t(Jmass)
y <- p - ItJ
dI <- diag(c(Imass), nrow = I, ncol = I)
dJ <- diag(c(Jmass), nrow = J, ncol = J)
Ih <- Imass^-0.5
Jh <- Jmass^-0.5
dIh <- diag(c(Ih), nrow = I, ncol = I)
dJh <- diag(c(Jh), nrow = J, ncol = J)
uni <- rep(1, times = J) # A unitary vector of length J
x <- (p %*% solve(dJ) - Imass %*% t(uni)) %*% sqrt(dJ)
# Column Weighted Matrix of Pi
sva <- svd(x) # SVD of Pi
dmu <- diag(sva$d)
fbip <- sva$u
dimnames(fbip) <- list(paste(Inames[[1]]), paste(seq_len(min(I, J))))
f <- sva$u %*% dmu # Row Principal Coordinates
g <- dJh %*% sva$v %*% dmu # Column Principal Coordinates
dimnames(f) <- list(paste(Inames[[1]]), paste(seq_len(min(I, J))))
dimnames(g) <- list(paste(Jnames[[1]]), paste(seq_len(min(I, J))))
Principal.Inertia <- diag(t(f[, seq_len(min(I - 1, J - 1))]) %*% f[, seq_len(min(I -
1, J - 1))])
Total.Inertia <- sum(Principal.Inertia)
tau.num <- Total.Inertia # Numerator of Goodman-Kruskal tau
tau.denom <- 1 - sum(Imass^2) # Denominator of Goodman-Kruskal tau
tau <- tau.num/tau.denom # Goodman-Kruskal tau index
Ctau <- (n - 1) * (I - 1) * tau # Light & Margolin's C-statistic
Percentage.Inertia <- 100 * (Principal.Inertia/tau.num)
Cumm.Inertia <- cumsum(Percentage.Inertia)
Inertia <- cbind(Principal.Inertia, Percentage.Inertia, Cumm.Inertia)
dimnames(Inertia)[1] <- list(paste("Axis", seq_len(min(I - 1, J - 1)),
sep = " "))
q.value <- 1 - pchisq(Ctau, df = (I - 1) * (J - 1))
inner.prod <- fbip[, seq_len(which(Cumm.Inertia >= v)[1])] %*% t(g[, seq_len(which(Cumm.Inertia >=
rownames(inner.prod) <- rownames(fbip)
tau.num.j <- rowSums(apply(g^2, 2, function(x) Jmass * (x)/tau.num))
names(tau.num.j) <- rownames(Jmass)
list(N = N, f = f, fbip = fbip, g = g, tau = tau, tau.num.j = tau.num.j,
di = apply(f, 1, function(x) sum(x^2)), dj = apply(g, 1, function(x) sum(x^2)),
Cstat = Ctau, Total.Inertia = Total.Inertia, P.Value = q.value, Inertia = Inertia,
inner.prod = inner.prod)
###################################################### Short functions
range01 <- function(x) {
(x - min(x))/(max(x) - min(x))
is.even <- function(x) {
x%%2 == 0
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