#' Add object contours to a \code{Frames} object
#' Creates a \code{Frames} object containing raw information, combined with the segmented images and the relative trajectory under analysis
#' If a \code{TrajectorySet} is provided and mode is set to \code{trajectories}, returns a \code{Frames} with all trajectories included in the IDs
#' vector painted accordingly.
#' If the mode is set to \code{particles}, it will just plot the particles (all) on all frames.
#' If no \code{TrajectorySet} is provided, it will be computed with default parameters.
#' If no \code{binary.frames} is provided, it will be computed also with default parameters
#' @param raw.frames A \code{Frames} object with raw images
#' @param binary.frames A \code{Frames} object with preprocessed frames
#' @param trajectoryset A \code{TrajectorySet} object
#' @param trajIDs Numeric vector, the ID(s) of the trajectory.
#' @param mode A character string, can assume the values \code{particles} or \code{trajectories}. Defaults to \code{particles}
#' @param col A vector of color strings
#' @param channel A character string, to select which channel to process
#' @return A new \code{Frames} object with contours of the objects added
#' @examples
#' data("MesenteriumSubset")
#' \dontrun{
#' paintedTrajectories <- add.contours(raw.frames = MesenteriumSubset, mode = "trajectories",channel="red")
#' paintedParticles <- add.contours(raw.frames = MesenteriumSubset, mode = "particles",channel="red")
#' inspect.Frames(paintedTrajectories)
#' inspect.Frames(paintedParticles)
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
add.contours <- function(raw.frames,
mode="particles", # could assume also "trajectories" as a value
# store for combining steps
# input.frames <- raw.frames # and leave untouched
channel <- binary.frames@channel
if(raw.frames@channel == "all" && is.null(channel))
stop("Please provide a channel to work on for preprocessing and tracking")
# if no preprocessed is provided
binary.frames <- preprocess.Frames(channel.Frames(raw.frames,channel))
# check also whether trajectories are there already, if so throw an error # or a warning?
stop("You are providing a TrajectorySet object, but no binary.frames Frames object!
Please check whether you might have it in your workspace")
if(mode=="trajectories") # additional checks on the trajectoryset object provided
# if no trajectoryset is provided, compute it
trajectoryset <- trajectories(particles(raw.frames,binary.frames,channel=channel))
availableIDs <- unlist(lapply(trajectoryset,function(arg){arg$ID}))
# if no single ids are provided, do it for all
# will do it on all, so update it to all the available ones
trajIDs <- availableIDs
} else {
# will do it by looping on the length of the provided trajectory IDs vector
# check that the trajectories are indeed "plottable"!
if(!all(trajIDs %in% availableIDs))
stop("You are providing IDs of trajectories that are not available.
Please run unlist(lapply(trajectoryset,function(arg){arg$ID})) on the trajectory object!")
out <- addTrajectories(raw.frames,binary.frames,trajectoryset,trajIDs,col)
} else if(mode=="particles") # there is actually no need for the trajectoryset/trajId, and the col can be just one value ;)
out <- addParticles(raw.frames,binary.frames,col)
} else {
stop("The mode parameter must assume one value of the following: 'particles' or 'trajectories'!")
# addTrajectories <- function(raw.frames,binary.frames,trajectoryset,trajIDs,col){
# nrFrames <- length.Frames(raw.frames)
# if(colorMode(raw.frames)==0)
# raw.frames <- Frames(rgbImage(red=raw.frames),channel = "all")
# tmpFL <- lapply(1:nrFrames,function(i) Image(getFrame(raw.frames,i,"render")))
# if(is.null(col)) {
# colcols <- rep(colorRamps::primary.colors(40,steps=10,FALSE),6)
# # force to yellow if just one
# if(length(trajIDs)==1)
# colcols <- "yellow"
# } else {
# colcols <- rep(col,240)
# }
# for(i in trajIDs)
# {
# currentTraj <- trajectoryset[[i]]$trajectory
# counter <- 1
# for(j in currentTraj$frame)
# {
# rawimg <- tmpFL[[j]]
# # # if black and white, helps enhancing detection/tracking results
# # if(colorMode(rawimg)==0)
# # rawimg <- rgbImage(red=rawimg)
# segmimg <- Image(getFrame(binary.frames,j,"render"))
# singleObjectSegm <- segmimg
# singleObjectSegm[segmimg!=currentTraj$frameobjectID[counter]] <- 0
# rawWithPaintedObj <- paintObjects(singleObjectSegm,rawimg,col=colcols[i])
# tmpFL[[j]] <- rawWithPaintedObj
# counter <- counter +1
# }
# }
# out <- Frames(combine(tmpFL),channel="all")
# return(out)
# }
addTrajectories <- function(raw.frames,binary.frames,trajectoryset,trajIDs,col){
nrFrames <- length(raw.frames)
raw.frames <- Frames(rgbImage(red=raw.frames),channel = "all")
tmpFL <- lapply(1:nrFrames,function(i) Image(getFrame(raw.frames,i,"render")))
if(is.null(col)) {
colcols <- rep(colorRamps::primary.colors(40,steps=10,FALSE),6)
# force to yellow if just one
colcols <- "yellow"
} else {
colcols <- rep(col,240)
for (i in 1:nrFrames)
rawimg <- tmpFL[[i]]
counter <- 1
segmimg <- Image(getFrame(binary.frames,i,"render"))
for(j in trajIDs)
# only if the trajectory j is involved in the frame i, do the real painting
if(i %in% trajectoryset[[j]]$trajectory$frame) {
singleObjectSegm <- segmimg # reset
# put to zero everything not the object under analysis
currTraj <- trajectoryset[[j]]$trajectory
singleObjectSegm[segmimg!=currTraj$frameobjectID[which(currTraj$frame==i)]] <- 0
# paint
rawWithPaintedObj <- paintObjects(singleObjectSegm,tmpFL[[i]],col=colcols[j])
# update the img for the next round of the loop
tmpFL[[i]] <- rawWithPaintedObj
} # else { # # if the trajectory j is not involved in the frame i, do nothing
# }
out <- Frames(combine(tmpFL),channel="all")
#' Combines the information from a raw \code{Frames} object and the corresponding preprocessed one
#' All objects are painted with a unique colour - for sake of speed
#' @param raw.frames A \code{Frames} object containing the raw images
#' @param binary.frames A \code{Frames} object with the preprocessed versions of the images (e.g. segmented)
#' @param col A color character string, to select which color will be used for drawing the contours of the particles. If not specified, it will default according to the objects provided
#' @return A \code{Frames} object, whose images are the combination of the raw images with the segmented objects drawn on them
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2014
addParticles <- function(raw.frames,binary.frames,col=NULL) {
if(is.null(col)) col <- "yellow"
# if raw images are in black and white, use false colors to enhance the marking of detected cells
out <- paintObjects(binary.frames, rgbImage(red = raw.frames), col=col)
} else {
out <- paintObjects(binary.frames, raw.frames, col=col)
#' Match trajectories to related particles.
#' Match trajectories to the related particles in the \code{TrajectorySet} and
#' \code{ParticleSet} objects. This function returns a new \code{ParticleSet}
#' object that contains as additional column the trajectory ID that the particular
#' particle was assigned to. Used also by other routines, such as \code{\link{snap}}
#' @param particleset A \code{ParticleSet} object
#' @param trajectoryset A \code{TrajectorySet} object coupled to the \code{particleset}
#' @return A \code{ParticleSet} object with an additional column with the trajectory
#' IDs
#' @examples
#' data(candidate.platelets)
#' trajs <- trajectories(candidate.platelets)
#' matchTrajToParticles(candidate.platelets, trajs)
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2015
matchTrajToParticles <- function(particleset,trajectoryset)
myTrajParts <- particleset
for(i in 1:length(myTrajParts)) {
tmpdf <- myTrajParts[[i]]
tmpdf$correspTrajId <- rep(NA,nrow(tmpdf))
myTrajParts[[i]] <- tmpdf
for (j in 1:length(trajectoryset))
# cat("\nnewtraj---",j)
framesInvolved <- trajectoryset[[j]]$trajectory$frame
for(k in 1:trajectoryset[[j]]$npoints)
# cat("point",k)
partIDinTraj <- trajectoryset[[j]]$trajectory$frameobjectID[k]
myTrajParts[[ framesInvolved[k] ]]$correspTrajId[partIDinTraj] <- j
#' Snap the features of the closest particle identified
#' This function combines all classes related to a single experiment in order to deliver
#' a clickable feedback on one of the frames.
#' @param raw.frames A \code{Frames} object with the raw frames data
#' @param binary.frames A \code{Frames} object with the preprocessed frames data
#' @param particleset A \code{ParticleSet} object with the particles data
#' @param trajectoryset A \code{TrajectorySet} object with the trajectories data
#' @param frameID The ID of the frame to inspect
#' @param infocol The color to use for plotting the contours and the information on the
#' clicked particle
#' @param infocex The numeric character expansion value as in \code{cex} to be used
#' for printing the text on the image
#' @param showVelocity Logical, whether to display additional information on the
#' instantaneous velocity of the particle
#' @return An image of the selected frame, rendered in R native graphics, and additionally
#' a list with the coordinates as well as the trajectory ID of the particle closest to the
#' clicked location
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{data(MesenteriumSubset)
#' binary.frames <- preprocess.Frames(channel.Frames(MesenteriumSubset,"red"))
#' particleset <- particles(MesenteriumSubset,binary.frames,"red")
#' trajectoryset <- trajectories(particleset)
#' snap(MesenteriumSubset,binary.frames,particleset,trajectoryset,frameID=1)
#' }
#' @export
#' @author Federico Marini, \email{marinif@@uni-mainz.de}, 2015
snap <- function(raw.frames,
frameID = 1,
infocol = "yellow",
infocex = 1,
showVelocity = FALSE)
imageToPaintOn <- getFrame(raw.frames,frameID,type = "render")
correspondingBinary <- getFrame(binary.frames,frameID,type = "render")
# TODO: maybe display already somehow additional info with the borders of the detected ones? - e.g. in some dark orange, so that
# the yellow one still pops up?
coordsClick <- locator(1)
particlesLocations <- particleset[[frameID]][,1:2] # on the frame corresponding to the selected one
# compute euclidean distance to each from the location of the mouse click
distances <- data.frame(particles=row.names(particleset[[frameID]]),
myX <- coordsClick$x
myY <- coordsClick$y
# to decide where to place the info label
imgSizeX <- dim(imageToPaintOn)[1]
# imgSizeY <- dim(imageToPaintOn)[2]
leftSide <- (myX < imgSizeX/2)
# upSide <- (myY < imgSizeY/2)
distToClick <- unlist(lapply(1:nrow(particlesLocations),
myDist <- sqrt( (myX - particlesLocations$cell.0.m.cx[arg])^2 + (myY - particlesLocations$cell.0.m.cy[arg])^2 )
distances$distToThis <- distToClick
partToDraw <- which.min(distances$distToThis)
# put to zero everything but
binaryObj <- correspondingBinary
binaryObj[correspondingBinary!=partToDraw] <- 0
imgWithParticlePainted <- paintObjects(binaryObj,imageToPaintOn,col=infocol)
matchedParticles <- matchTrajToParticles(particleset,trajectoryset)
trajCorrespID <- matchedParticles[[frameID]]$correspTrajId[[partToDraw]]
particleInfo <- list(x = particleset[[frameID]]$cell.0.m.cx[[partToDraw]],
y = particleset[[frameID]]$cell.0.m.cy[[partToDraw]],
trajectoryID = trajCorrespID)
allKinematics <- kinematics(trajectoryset)
if(frameID != trajectoryset[[trajCorrespID]]$npoints) # must be less than the last point of the traj
instantVel <- allKinematics[[trajCorrespID]][["delta.v"]][[frameID]]
textToDisplay <- paste0(round(particleInfo$x,3),";",round(particleInfo$y,3)," - traj ",particleInfo$trajectoryID)
textToDisplay <- paste0(textToDisplay," - vel_i ",round(instantVel,3))
whereToPutTheText <- 4
} else {
whereToPutTheText <- 2
text(labels = textToDisplay,
x = (particleInfo$x + 2 * ifelse(leftSide,1,-1)),
y = (particleInfo$y + 2 ),
col = infocol,
cex = infocex,
pos = whereToPutTheText
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