#' Runs a principal components analysis, the facile way.
#' Performs a principal components analysis over a specified assay from the
#' (subset of) samples in a FacileDataStore.
#' The `FacilePcaAnalysisResult` produced here can be used in "the usual" ways,
#' ie. can be `viz`-ualized. `shine()` is 1/4th-implemented, and `report()`
#' has not been worked on yet.
#' Importantly / interestingly, you can shoot this result into [ffsea()] to
#' perform gene set enrichment analysis over a specified dimension to identify
#' functional categories loaded onto differend PCs.
#' @section Batch Correction:
#' Because we assume that PCA is performed on normalized data, we leverage the
#' batch correction facilities provided by the `batch` and `main` parameters
#' in the [FacileData::fetch_assay_data()] pipeline. If your samples have a
#' `"sex"` covariate defined, for example, you can perform a PCA with
#' sex-corrected expression values like so: `fpca(samples, batch = "sex")`
#' @section Features Used for PCA:
#' By default, `fpca()` will assess the variance of all the features (genes) to
#' perform PCA over, and will keep the top `ntop` ones. This behavior is
#' determined by the following three parameters:
#' 1. `filter` determines the method by which features are selected for
#' analysis. Currently you can only choose `"variance"` (the default) or
#' `"none"`.
#' 2. `features` determines the universe of features that are available for the
#' analysis. When `NULL` (default), all features for the given assay will
#' be loaded and filtered using the specification of the `filter` parameter.
#' If a feature descriptor is provided and `filter` is not specified, then
#' we assume that these are the exact features to run the analysis on, and
#' `filter` defaults to `"none"`. You may, however, intend for `features` to
#' define the universe of features to use prior to filtering, perhaps to
#' perform a PCA on only a certain set of genes (protein coding), but then
#' filter those further by variance. In this case, you will need to pass in
#' the feature descriptor for the universe of features you want to consider,
#' then *explicity set `filter = "variance"`*.
#' 3. `ntop` the default "top" number of features to take when filtering by
#' variance.
#' @section Development Notes:
#' Follow progress on implementation of `shine()` and `report()` below:
#' 1. [Implement `report()`](https://github.com/facilebio/FacileAnalysis/issues/12)
#' Note that there are methods defined for other assay containers, like an
#' `edgeR::DGEList`, `limma::EList`, and `SummarizedExperiment`. If these are
#' called directly, their downstream use within the facile ecosystem isn't
#' yet fully supported. Development of the
#' [FacileBioc package](https://github.com/facilebio/FacileBioc)
#' will address this.
#' @section Random Things to elaborate on:
#' The code here is largely inspired by DESeq2's plotPCA.
#' You should look at factominer:
#' * http://factominer.free.fr/factomethods/index.html
#' * http://factominer.free.fr/graphs/factoshiny.html
#' @section Teaching and Tutorials:
#' This looks like a useful tutorial to use when explaining the utility of
#' PCA analysis:
#' http://alexhwilliams.info/itsneuronalblog/2016/03/27/pca/
#' High-Dimensional Data Analysis course by Rafa Irizarry and Michael Love
#' https://online-learning.harvard.edu/course/data-analysis-life-sciences-4-high-dimensional-data-analysis?category[]=84&sort_by=date_added&cost[]=free
#' @export
#' @rdname fpca
#' @param x a facile data container (FacileDataSet), or a `facile_frame`
#' (refer to the FacileDataStore (facile_frame) section.
#' @param assay_name the name of the assay to extract data from to perform the
#' PCA. If not specified, default assays are taken for each type of assay
#' container (ie. `default_assay(facile container)`, `"counts"` for a
#' `DGEList`, `assayNames(SummarizedExperiment)[1L]`, etc.)
#' @param dims the number of PC's to calculate (minimum is 3).
#' @param features A feature descriptor of the features to use for the analysis.
#' If `NULL` (default), then the specified `filter` strategy is used.
#' @param filter A strategy used to identify which features to use for the
#' dimensionality reduction. The current (and only choice) is `"default"`,
#' which takes the `ntop` features, sorted be decreasing variance.
#' @param ntop the number of features (genes) to include in the PCA. Genes are
#' ranked by decreasing variance across the samples in `x`.
#' @param row_covariates,col_covariates data.frames that provie meta information
#' for the features (rows) and samples (columns). The default is to get
#' these values from "the obvious places" given `x` (`$genes` and `$samples`
#' for a DGEList, or the sample and feature-level covariate database tables
#' from a FacileDataSet, for example).
#' @param batch,main specify the covariates to use for batch effect removal.
#' Refer to the [FacileData::remove_batch_effect()] help for more information.
#' @return an fpca result
#' @examples
#' efds <- FacileData::exampleFacileDataSet()
#' # A subset of samples ------------------------------------------------------
#' pca.crc <- efds |>
#' FacileData::filter_samples(indication == "CRC") |>
#' fpca()
#' if (interactive()) {
#' # report(pca.crc, color_aes = "sample_type")
#' shine(pca.crc)
#' viz(pca.crc, color_aes = "sex")
#' }
#' # Regress "sex" out from expression data
#' pca.crcs <- FacileData::samples(pca.crc) |>
#' fpca(batch = "sex")
#' if (interactive()) {
#' viz(pca.crcs, color_aes = "sex")
#' }
#' # Perform PCA on only the protein coding genes
#' genes.pc <- features(efds) |> subset(meta == "protein_coding")
#' pca.crc.pc <- samples(pca.crc) |>
#' fpca(features = genes.pc, filter = "variance")
#' pca.gdb <- pca.crc |>
#' signature(dims = 1:3) |>
#' result() |>
#' sparrow::GeneSetDb()
#' # All samples --------------------------------------------------------------
#' pca.all <- fpca(efds)
#' if (interactive()) {
#' viz(pca.all, color_aes = "indication", shape_aes = "sample_type")
#' # report(pca.all, color_aes = "indication", shape_aes = "sample_type")
#' }
fpca <- function(x, assay_name = NULL, dims = 5, features = NULL,
filter = "variance", ntop = 1000, row_covariates = NULL,
col_covariates = NULL,
batch = NULL, main = NULL, ...) {
UseMethod("fpca", x)
#' @noRd
#' @export
fpca.FacileDataStore <- function(x, assay_name = NULL, dims = 5,
features = NULL,
filter = "variance", ntop = 1000,
row_covariates = NULL,
col_covariates = NULL, batch = NULL,
main = NULL, custom_key = Sys.getenv("USER"),
..., samples = NULL) {
assert_int(dims, lower = 3L) # TODO: max = min(dim(x, assay_name = ??))
if (is.null(samples)) samples <- samples(x)
samples <- collect(samples, n = Inf)
if (!is.null(features) && missing(filter)) {
filter <- "none"
fpca(samples, assay_name, dims, features, filter, ntop,
row_covariates, col_covariates, batch, main, custom_key, ...)
#' @section FacileDataStore (facile_frame):
#' We enable the user to supply extra sample covariates that are not found
#' in the FacileDataStore associated with these samples `x` by adding them as
#' extra columns to `x`.
#' If manually provioded col_covariates have the same name as internal sample
#' covariates, then the manually provided ones will supersede the internals.
#' @rdname fpca
#' @export
fpca.facile_frame <- function(x, assay_name = NULL,
dims = min(5, nrow(collect(x, n = Inf)) - 1L),
features = NULL, filter = "variance", ntop = 1000,
row_covariates = NULL,
col_covariates = NULL, batch = NULL, main = NULL,
custom_key = Sys.getenv("USER"), ...) {
assert_int(dims, lower = 3L) # TODO: max = min(dim(x, assay_name = ??))
.fds <- assert_class(fds(x), "FacileDataStore")
x <- collect(x, n = Inf)
messages <- character()
warnings <- character()
errors <- character()
if (!is.null(row_covariates)) {
warning("Custom row_covariates not yet supported for facile_frame ",
"(it's not hard, I'm just lazy right now)", immediate. = TRUE)
if (is.null(assay_name)) {
assay_name <- default_assay(.fds)
# This should do the batch effect removal
if (unselected(batch)) batch <- NULL
if (unselected(main)) main <- NULL
# Subset the samples from `x` that have values for the given assay under test.
xs <- filter_by_assay_support(x, assay_name)
dropped <- samples(xs, dropped = TRUE)
ndropped <- nrow(dropped)
if (ndropped > 0) {
msg <- paste(
ndropped, "samples have no", assay_name, "data. These samples will ",
"be removed for downstream analysis.")
warnings <- c(warnings, msg)
x <- xs
if (nrow(x) == 0L) {
stop("No samples left after filtering against assay availability")
dat <- biocbox(x, class = "list", assay_name = assay_name,
features = features, sample_covariates = col_covariates,
feature_covariates = row_covariates,
normalized = TRUE, log = TRUE,
# batch = batch, main = main,
if (!is.null(features) && missing(filter)) {
filter <- if (!missing(ntop)) "variance" else "none"
out <- fpca(dat[["assay_data"]], dims, features, filter, ntop,
row_covariates = dat[["features"]],
col_covariates = dat[["samples"]],
batch = batch, main = main, ...)
out[["params"]][["assay_name"]] <- assay_name
if (!is.null(batch)) out[["params"]][["batch"]] <- batch
if (!is.null(main)) out[["params"]][["main"]] <- main
if ("dataset" %in% colnames(col_covariates)) {
out[["samples"]][["dataset"]] <- col_covariates[["dataset"]]
if ("sample_id" %in% colnames(col_covariates)) {
out[["samples"]][["sample_id"]] <- col_covariates[["sample_id"]]
out[["result"]] <- out[["result"]] |>
as_tibble() |>
select(dataset, sample_id, everything()) |>
class(out[["result"]]) <- c("facile_frame_pca", class(out[["result"]]))
out[["feature_stats"]] <- out[["feature_stats"]] |>
as_tibble() |>
out[["samples"]] <- x
# add facile stuff
out[["fds"]] <- .fds
out[["messages"]] <- c(messages, out[["fds"]][["messages"]])
out[["warnings"]] <- c(warnings, out[["fds"]][["warnings"]])
out[["erros"]] <- c(errors, out[["fds"]][["errors"]])
#' @noRd
#' @importFrom irlba prcomp_irlba
#' @importFrom matrixStats rowVars
fpca.matrix <- function(x, dims = min(5, ncol(x) - 1L), features = NULL,
filter = "default", ntop = 1000,
row_covariates = NULL, col_covariates = NULL,
batch = NULL, main = NULL, use_irlba = dims < 7,
center = TRUE, scale. = FALSE, ...) {
messages <- character()
warnings <- character()
errors <- character()
if (!is.null(features)) {
features <- extract_feature_id(features)
features <- unique(features)
if (!is.null(features) && missing(filter)) {
filter <- "none"
assert_choice(filter, c("variance", "none"))
if (min(dim(x)) < 2L) stop("Can't run PCA on a one-dimensional matrix")
# When using irlba, n has to be strictly less than min(dim(xx))
max.dim <- min(dim(x)) - 1L
if (dims > max.dim) {
warning("Number of dimensions requested is more than can be calculated, ",
"setting value to: ", max.dim)
dims <- max.dim
assert_int(dims, lower = 1L, upper = max.dim)
if (is.null(rownames(x))) rownames(x) <- as.character(seq(nrow(x)))
if (is.null(row_covariates)) {
row_covariates <- data.frame(feature_id = rownames(x),
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
rownames(row_covariates) <- rownames(x)
assert_data_frame(row_covariates, nrows = nrow(x))
assert_true(all(rownames(x) == rownames(row_covariates)))
if (is.null(row_covariates[["feature_id"]])) {
row_covariates[["feature_id"]] <- rownames(x)
if (is.factor(row_covariates[["feature_id"]])) {
row_covariates[["feature_id"]] <-
if (is(col_covariates, "data.frame")) {
assert_true(ncol(x) == nrow(col_covariates))
assert_true(all(colnames(x) == rownames(col_covariates)))
if (unselected(batch)) batch <- NULL
if (unselected(main)) main <- NULL
# Some assays let NA's sneak in, if we observe any here let's just drop
# the analyte and "pray for the best". We will introduce an NA fill policy
# soon.
isna <- which(is.na(x), arr.ind = TRUE)
if (nrow(isna) > 0L) {
rm.na <- unique(isna[, 1L])
warning("Removing ", length(rm.na), " / ", nrow(x),
" features due to NA values", immediate. = TRUE)
if (is.character(features)) {
features <- setdiff(features, rownames(x)[rm.na])
x <- x[-rm.na,,drop = FALSE]
row_covariates <- row_covariates[-rm.na,,drop = FALSE]
if (!is.null(batch)) {
x <- remove_batch_effect(x, col_covariates, batch = batch, main = main, ...)
if (!is.null(features)) {
take <- match(features, rownames(x))
if (any(is.na(take))) {
stop("The pca filtering strategy only allows you to specify rownames ",
"(features) to use for PCA, and the ones you specified do not ",
"exactly match rownames(x), see:\n ",
if (filter == "none") {
take <- seq(nrow(x))
ntop <- nrow(x)
} else if (filter == "variance") {
rv <- matrixStats::rowVars(x, na.rm = TRUE)
take <- head(order(rv, decreasing = TRUE), ntop)
ntop <- length(take)
xx <- x[take,,drop = FALSE]
row_covariates <- row_covariates[take,,drop = FALSE]
if (use_irlba) {
pca <- prcomp_irlba(t(xx), n = dims, center = center, scale. = scale.)
rownames(pca$rotation) <- rownames(xx)
rownames(pca$x) <- colnames(xx)
} else {
pca <- prcomp(t(xx), center = center, scale. = scale.)
pca$sdev <- head(pca$sdev, dims)
pca$rotation <- pca$rotation[, 1:dims, drop = FALSE]
pca$x <- pca$x[, 1:dims, drop = FALSE]
pca$sdev <- setNames(pca$sdev, paste0("PC", seq(pca$sdev)))
percentVar <- pca$sdev^2 / sum(pca$sdev^2)
dat <- as.data.frame(pca$x)
if (is(col_covariates, "data.frame")) {
dat <- cbind(dat, col_covariates[rownames(dat),,drop = FALSE])
if (!"sample_id" %in% colnames(dat)) {
dat[["sample_id"]] <- rownames(dat)
samples. <- tibble(dataset = "dataset", sample_id = colnames(x))
result <- list(
result = dat,
dims = seq(dims),
rotation = pca$rotation,
percent_var = percentVar,
row_covariates = as_tibble(row_covariates),
taken = take,
samples = samples.,
# Standard FacileAnalysisResult things
# fds = .fds,
params = list(dims = dims, filter = filter, ntop = ntop,
use_irlba = use_irlba,
batch = batch, main = main,
center = center, scale. = scale.),
messages = messages,
warnings = warnings,
errors = errors)
class(result) <- c("FacilePcaAnalysisResult",
result[["feature_stats"]] <- .fpca.feature_statistics(result)
# Methods and Accessors ========================================================
#' @noRd
#' @export
features.FacilePcaAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
# out <- assert_class(x[["feature_stats"]], "data.frame")
# out
out <- assert_class(x[["row_covariates"]], "data.frame")
# Ranks and Signatures =========================================================
#' Reports the contribution of each gene to the principal components
#' NOTE: type = "ranked" shouldn't be here. It is used by the viz
#' display the genes loaded on the PCs in a wide format for visual
#' function. We need to think of a universal function name that will do
#' this in the "general" sense.
#' @export
#' @noRd
#' @param x A `FacilePcaAnalysisResult`
#' @param type `"rankings"` (default) or `"ranked"` -- note that the idea
#' of the output for `"ranked"` should be generalized. See `NOTE` in the
#' function details section.
#' @param report_feature_as The column used to display in the returned
#' table for each feature when `type == "rankded"`
#' @return A FacilePCAFeature(Rankings|Ranked) object
ranks.FacilePcaAnalysisResult <- function(x, type = c("features", "samples"),
signed = TRUE, dims = x[["dims"]][1L],
...) {
type <- match.arg(type)
if (type == "samples") stop("What does sample-ranking even mean?")
if (!is.null(dims)) {
if (is.character(dims)) { # We can accept "PC1" or 1
dims <- as.integer(sub("^PC", "", dims))
dims <- assert_integerish(dims, lower = 1, any.missing = FALSE)
dims <- unique(dims)
if (type == "features") {
fstats <- x[["feature_stats"]]
rcol <- if (signed) "rank_rotation" else "rank_weight"
ranks. <- select(fstats, feature_id, feature_type,
dimension = PC, score = rotation,
weight, rank = {{rcol}})
# FacilePcaFeatureRanksSigned
clazz <- "FacilePcaFeatureRanks%s"
s <- if (signed) "Signed" else "Unsigned"
classes <- sprintf(clazz, c(s, ""))
classes <- c(classes,
sub("Pca", "MultiDimensional", classes),
if (!is.null(dims)) {
ranks. <- filter(ranks., dimension %in% sprintf("PC%d", dims))
if (nrow(ranks.) == 0L) {
stop("All PC dimensions have been filtered out.")
# Order by PC and rank
ranks. <- ranks. |>
mutate(PC. = as.integer(sub("PC", "", ranks.$dimension))) |>
arrange(PC., rank) |>
mutate(PC. = NULL)
# Add metadata to ranks, if there.
rcovs <- x[["row_covariates"]]
add.meta <- c("feature_id", setdiff(colnames(rcovs), colnames(ranks.)))
if (length(add.meta)) {
ranks. <- left_join(ranks., rcovs[, add.meta, drop = FALSE],
by = "feature_id")
pvar <- x[["percent_var"]]
ranks.[["percent_var_dim"]] <- pvar[ranks.[["dimension"]]]
# Put informative columns up front
upfront <- c("feature_id", "name", "symbol", "dimension", "rank", "score",
upfront <- intersect(upfront, colnames(ranks.))
ranks. <- select(ranks., {{upfront}}, everything())
out <- list(
result = ranks.,
signed = signed,
params = list(type = type, signed = signed),
ranking_columns = rcol,
ranking_order = "descending",
fds = fds(x))
class(out) <- classes
#' @noRd
#' @export
signature.FacilePcaFeatureRanks <- function(x, dims = NULL, ntop = 20,
collection_name = class(x)[1L],
ranking_columns = x[["ranking_columns"]],
...) {
res. <- tidy(x)
if (!is.null(dims)) {
dims <- assert_integerish(dims, lower = 1)
dims <- unique(dims)
res. <- filter(res., dimension %in% sprintf("PC%d", dims))
if (nrow(ranks.) == 0L) {
stop("All PC dimensions have been filtered out.")
if (isTRUE(x$params$signed)) {
sig.up <- res. |>
group_by(dimension) |>
slice(1:ntop) |>
mutate(name = paste(dimension, "pos")) |>
sig.down <- res. |>
group_by(dimension) |>
slice(max(1, n() - ntop + 1L):n()) |>
mutate(name = paste(dimension, "neg")) |>
sig <- sig.up |>
bind_rows(sig.down) |>
arrange(dimension, desc(score))
} else {
sig <- res. |>
group_by(dimension) |>
# head(ntop) |>
slice(1:ntop) |>
mutate(name = paste(dimension, "unsigned")) |>
sig <- mutate(sig, collection = collection_name)
sig <- select(sig, collection, name, feature_id, everything())
# sig <- as_facile_frame(sig, fds(x))
out <- list(
result = sig,
params = list(pcs = dims, ntop = ntop))
class(out) <- sub("Ranks$", "Signature", class(x))
#' @noRd
#' @export
signature.FacilePcaAnalysisResult <- function(x, type = "features",
signed = TRUE,
dims = NULL, ntop = 20, ...) {
signature(ranks(x, type = type, signed = signed, dims = dims, ...),
ntop = ntop, ...)
# Facile API ===================================================================
#' @noRd
#' @export
samples.FacilePcaAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
# Utility Functions ============================================================
#' Helper function that creates a long/tidy table of statistics over the
#' features of a PCA (loadings, weights, ranks)
#' @noRd
.fpca.feature_statistics <- function(x, ...) {
assert_class(x, "FacilePcaAnalysisResult")
pvar <- assert_numeric(x$percent_var, names = "unique")
pc.names <- names(pvar)
rotation <- assert_matrix(x[["rotation"]], mode = "numeric",
ncols = length(pvar), col.names = "unique")
assert_subset(pc.names, colnames(rotation))
rotation <- bind_cols(tibble(feature_id = rownames(rotation)),
rdata <- x[["row_covariates"]]
if (!"feature_id" %in% colnames(rdata)) {
rdata[["feature_id"]] <- rownames(rdata)
assert_character(rdata[["feature_id"]], unique = TRUE)
assert_true(all(rdata[["feature_id"]] == rotation[["feature_id"]]))
meta.cols <- c("feature_id", "feature_type")
meta.cols <- intersect(meta.cols, colnames(rdata))
assert_character(meta.cols, min.len = 1L)
meta <- rdata[, meta.cols, drop = FALSE]
if (!is.character(meta[["feature_type"]])) {
ftype <- FacileData::infer_feature_type(
with_organism = FALSE,
summarize = TRUE)
meta[["feature_type"]] <- ftype[["feature_type"]]
rlong <- rotation |>
gather("PC", "rotation", -feature_id) |>
mutate(weight = abs(rotation)) |>
group_by(PC) |>
mutate(rank_rotation = rank(-rotation, ties.method = "random"),
rank_weight = rank(-weight, ties.method = "random")) |>
stats <- inner_join(meta, rlong, by = "feature_id")
# Printing =====================================================================
#' @noRd
#' @export
print.FacilePcaAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
cat(format(x, ...), "\n")
#' @noRd
#' @export
format.FacilePcaAnalysisResult <- function(x, ...) {
n.features <- nrow(features(x))
pcv <- x$percent_var * 100
pcvs <- paste(names(pcv), sprintf("%.2f%%", pcv), sep = ": ")
pcvu <- paste(head(pcvs, 5), collapse = "\n ")
out <- paste(
"Assay used: ", param(x, "assay_name"), "\n",
"Number of features used: ", n.features, "\n",
"Number of PCs: ", length(pcv), "\n",
"Variance explained:\n ", pcvu, "\n",
sep = "")
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