.createGRangesGenes <-
function(genome, md)
exons <- exonsBy(genome, by="gen") #extract exons by gene
exons.by.gene.disjoint <- disjoin(exons)
geneChr <- sapply(seqnames(exons.by.gene.disjoint),unique)
geneChr <- as.character(geneChr)
geneStarts <- sapply(start(exons.by.gene.disjoint),min)
geneEnds <- sapply(end(exons.by.gene.disjoint),max)
browser <- paste(geneChr,geneStarts, sep=":")
#coordinates for genome browser
gene_coordinates <- paste(browser,geneEnds, sep="-")
#agrego el shareLocus
if (packageVersion("IRanges")<2.6)
locus <- findOverlaps(exons.by.gene.disjoint, ignoreSelf=TRUE)
#locus by locus
else {
locus <- findOverlaps(exons.by.gene.disjoint, drop.self=TRUE)
#locus by locus
locus.df <- as.data.frame(locus)
locus_overlap <- rep("-", length(exons.by.gene.disjoint))
#add a conditional
if (nrow(locus.df)>0) {
locus.df$names <- names(exons.by.gene.disjoint[locus.df$subjectHits])
tt1 <- data.frame(aggregate(names ~ queryHits,
data = locus.df,
paste, collapse = ';'))
locus_overlap[tt1$queryHits] <- tt1$names
mcols(exons.by.gene.disjoint) <- append(
DataFrame(gene_coordinates = gene_coordinates))
mcols(exons.by.gene.disjoint) <- append(
symbol <- md[names(exons.by.gene.disjoint),]
mcols(exons.by.gene.disjoint) <- append(mcols(exons.by.gene.disjoint),
.createGRangesExons <-
function(genome, md) {
exons <- exonsBy(genome, by="gen") #extract exons by gen
exons.partitioning <- as.data.frame(exons@partitioning)
genes.multiexon.index <- exons.partitioning$width>1
names(genes.multiexon.index) <- exons.partitioning$names
exonsM <- exons[genes.multiexon.index] #this exons are extracted by gen
exon.by.gene.disjoint <- disjoin(exonsM)# gene name is kept
exon.by.gene.disjoint.unlist <- unlist(exon.by.gene.disjoint )
exon.bins <- exon.by.gene.disjoint.unlist[!duplicated(exon.by.gene.disjoint.unlist)]
#exon.gene.names <- table(exon.bins@ranges@NAMES)
exon.bins.num <- lapply(exon.gene.names,function(x){seq(1:x)})
exon.bins.num <- unlist(exon.bins.num)
exon.bins.id <- sprintf('E%03d', exon.bins.num)
feature.exon <- rep("E", length(exon.bins.id))
exon.gene.names.repeated <- rep(names(exon.gene.names), exon.gene.names)
exon.gene.names.repeated <- rep(names(exon.gene.names), exon.gene.names)
exon.gene.names.repeated <- as.character(exon.gene.names.repeated)
#add metadata
#add locus
mcols(exon.bins) <- append(mcols(exon.bins),
DataFrame(locus=exon.gene.names.repeated) )
#add gene coord
mcols(exon.bins) <- append(mcols(exon.bins), DataFrame(bin=exon.bins.id))
mcols(exon.bins) <- append(mcols(exon.bins), DataFrame(feature=feature.exon))
exon.bins.names <- paste(exon.gene.names.repeated, exon.bins.id ,sep=":")
exon.bins@ranges@NAMES <- exon.bins.names
###add symbol ####
tt <- match(exon.gene.names.repeated, rownames(md))
symbol <- md[tt, ]
mcols(exon.bins) <- append(mcols(exon.bins),
return (exon.bins)
.createGRangesIntrons <-
function(genome, md)
introns <- intronsByTranscript(genome, use.names=TRUE)
#extract introns by transcript, from genome
introns.ulst <- unlist(introns) #unlist element
introns.no.dups <- introns.ulst[!duplicated(introns.ulst)] #remove dulicates
introns.tx.names <- names(introns.no.dups)
#extract names from transcripts keep number of transcript
introns.map <- select(genome, keys=introns.tx.names, keytype='TXNAME', columns='GENEID')
#select genes names. It is a data.frame with introns.map$TXNAME and introns.map$GENEID cols
introns.idx <- introns.map$GENEID[!is.na(introns.map$GENEID)] #character vector
introns.by.gene <- split(introns.no.dups[!is.na(introns.map$GENEID)], introns.idx)
#split original granges in introns by gene and not by tx as original
#-> it should be the same number as multiexonic genes.
introns.by.gene@unlistData@ranges@NAMES <- NULL #delete old names
intron.o <- unlist(introns.by.gene) #disjoint in bins
#intron.o.gene.names <- table(intron.o@ranges@NAMES) #get vector with gene names
intron.o.gene.names.repeated <- rep(names(intron.o.gene.names), intron.o.gene.names)
#repeat character vector by numeric vector
intron.o.gene.names.repeated <- as.character(intron.o.gene.names.repeated) #as character
mcols(intron.o) <- append(mcols(intron.o), DataFrame(locus=intron.o.gene.names.repeated))
#add metadata
intron.o.num <- lapply(intron.o.gene.names,function(x){seq(1:x)})
intron.o.num <- unlist(intron.o.num)
intron.o.num <- sprintf('Io%03d', intron.o.num)
feature.o.intron <- rep("Io", length(intron.o.num))
mcols(intron.o) <- append(mcols(intron.o), DataFrame(bin=intron.o.num))
#add metadata
mcols(intron.o) <- append(mcols(intron.o), DataFrame(feature=feature.o.intron))
#add metadata
intron.o.names<-paste(intron.o.gene.names.repeated, intron.o.num,sep=":")
#combine gene names and bin number
intron.o@ranges@NAMES <- intron.o.names
introns.by.gene.disjoint <- disjoin(introns.by.gene)
#disjoin an get INTRONS BINS
introns.by.gene@unlistData@ranges@NAMES <- NULL
#delete old names
intron.bins <- unlist(introns.by.gene.disjoint)
#disjoint in bins
intron.gene.names <- table(intron.bins@ranges@NAMES)
#get vector with gene names
intron.gene.names.repeated <- rep(names(intron.gene.names), intron.gene.names)
#repeat character vector by numeric vector
intron.gene.names.repeated <- as.character(intron.gene.names.repeated) #as character
mcols(intron.bins) <- append(mcols(intron.bins),
#add metadata
intron.bins.num <- lapply(intron.gene.names,function(x){seq(1:x)})
intron.bins.num <- unlist(intron.bins.num)
intron.bins.num <- sprintf('I%03d', intron.bins.num)
feature.intron <- rep("I", length(intron.bins.num) )
mcols(intron.bins) <- append(mcols(intron.bins), DataFrame(bin=intron.bins.num)) #add metadata
mcols(intron.bins) <- append(mcols(intron.bins), DataFrame(feature=feature.intron)) #add metadata
intron.bin.names <- paste(intron.gene.names.repeated, intron.bins.num,sep=":") #combine gene names and bin number
intron.bins@ranges@NAMES <- intron.bin.names
intrones.totales <- c(intron.bins, intron.o)
intron.tot.u <- sort(unique(intrones.totales))
###add symbol ####
tt <- match(intron.tot.u@elementMetadata$locus, rownames(md))#sort
symbol <- md[tt, ]
mcols(intron.tot.u) <-append(mcols(intron.tot.u), DataFrame(symbol=symbol))
return (intron.tot.u)
.createGRangesTranscripts <-
transcripts <- transcriptsBy(genome) #extract transcripts coordinates
.createGRangesJunctions <-
function(genome) {
introns <- intronsByTranscript(genome, use.names=TRUE)
introns.ulst <- unlist(introns)
introns.no.dups <- introns.ulst[!duplicated(introns.ulst)]
introns.tx.names <- names(introns.no.dups)
introns.map <- select(genome, keys=introns.tx.names, keytype='TXNAME', columns='GENEID')
introns.idx <- introns.map$GENEID[!is.na(introns.map$GENEID)] #character vector
introns.by.gene <- split(introns.no.dups[!is.na(introns.map$GENEID)], introns.idx)
introns.by.gene@unlistData@ranges@NAMES <- NULL #delete old names
introns.ul <- unlist(introns.by.gene)
introns.gene.names <- table(introns.ul@ranges@NAMES) #get vector with gene names
introns.gene.names.repeated <- rep(names(introns.gene.names), introns.gene.names) #repeat char
introns.gene.names.repeated <- as.character(introns.gene.names.repeated) #as character
mcols(introns.ul) <- append(mcols(introns.ul),
DataFrame(locus=introns.gene.names.repeated)) #add metadata
introns.num <- lapply(introns.gene.names,function(x){seq(1:x)})
introns.num <- unlist(introns.num)
introns.num <- sprintf('J%03d', introns.num)
junction.names <- paste(introns.gene.names.repeated, introns.num,sep=":")
#combine gene names and bin number
junctions <- introns.ul
start(junctions) <- start(introns.ul)-1
end(junctions) <- end(introns.ul)+1
junctions@ranges@NAMES <- junction.names
junctions <- sort(junctions)
return (junctions)
.findASBin <-
function(exon.bins, intron.bins, transcripts, junctions)
as.bins <- findOverlaps(exon.bins, intron.bins, type=c("equal"))
exon.as <- rep("-", as.bins@nLnode) #vector for exons metadata
intron.as <- rep("-", as.bins@nRnode) #vector for introns metadata
#Asign AS first
exon.as[as.bins@from] <- "as" #introns exons as;
intron.as[as.bins@to] <- "as" #identify introns as
transcripts.unlist <- unlist(transcripts) #41671
find.external.start <- findOverlaps(exon.bins, transcripts.unlist, type=c("start")) #
find.external.end <- findOverlaps(exon.bins, transcripts.unlist, type=c("end"))
exon.as[find.external.start@from] <- "external" #identify start exons bins
exon.as[find.external.end@from] <- "external" #identify end exons bins
#Asign external second
#add metadata
#if a bin is AS and external, AS tag will be replaced by external.
mcols(intron.bins) <- append(mcols(intron.bins), DataFrame(class=intron.as))
###add introns.bins metadata
mcols(exon.bins) <- append(mcols(exon.bins), DataFrame(class=exon.as))
###add introns.bins metadata
exons.introns <- append(exon.bins, intron.bins)
exons.introns.sort <- sort(exons.introns) ##sort and merge
#deberiamos no dejar los unique sino todos!
exons.introns.unique <- unique(exons.introns.sort) ##delete duplicates
#build dataframe for the loop
auxdf <- data.frame(feature=as.character(exons.introns.unique@elementMetadata$feature),
###########classifying AS bins ################################
#events <- rep("-",nrow(auxdf))
#eventsJ <- rep("-",nrow(auxdf))
#counters, just for check
IR <- 0
ES <- 0
Alt5ss <- 0
Alt3ss <- 0
totAS <- 0
mult <- 0
multPos <- c()
multIR <- 0
multES <- 0
multAlt5ss <- 0
multAlt3ss <- 0
AsNotExternal <- sum(intron.as=="as")
for (i in 1:nrow(auxdf)){
if (auxdf$class[i] =="as") {
totAS = totAS +1 #OK
if ( auxdf$class[i+1] == "as"| auxdf$class[i-1] == "as")
mult=mult + 1; multPos=append(multPos, c(i, i+1))
#primero confirmo si no existe una juntura igual,
# todos los as bins son exones por default
ji <- junctions
start(ji) <- start(junctions)+1
end(ji) <- end(junctions)-1
if (length(findOverlaps(exons.introns.unique[i,], ji, type="equal"))!= 0 ){
events[i] <- "IR*"
eventsJ[i] <- "IR"
multIR = multIR+1
} else {
jranges.start <- junctions
start(jranges.start) <- end(jranges.start)
st <- length(findOverlaps(type = "start", exons.introns.unique[i,], jranges.start))
jranges.end <- junctions
end(jranges.end) <- start(jranges.end)
end <- length(findOverlaps(type="end", exons.introns.unique[i,], jranges.end))
if ( (st > 0) && (end > 0) ) { multES = multES+1;
events[i] <- "ES*";
eventsJ[i] <- "ES"}
else if ((st > 0) && (auxdf$strand[i] =="+")) { multAlt3ss = multAlt3ss +1;
events[i] <- "Alt3ss*";
eventsJ[i]<-"Alt3ss" }
else if ((st > 0) && (auxdf$strand[i]=="-" )) { multAlt3ss = multAlt3ss +1;
events[i] <- "Alt3ss*";
else if ((end > 0) & (auxdf$strand[i]=="+" )) { multAlt5ss = multAlt5ss + 1;
events[i] <- "Alt5ss*";
else if ((end > 0) && (auxdf$strand[i]=="-")) { multAlt5ss = multAlt5ss + 1;
events[i] <- "Alt5ss*";
eventsJ[i] <- "Alt5ss"}
#not undef
if ( (auxdf$feature[i-1] == "E") && (auxdf$feature[i+1] == "E") ) {
IR <- IR + 1;
events[i] <- "IR";
eventsJ[i] <- "IR" }
else if ((auxdf$feature[i-1] == "I") && (auxdf$feature[i+1] == "I") ) {
ES <- ES + 1;
events[i] <- "ES";
eventsJ[i] <- "ES"}
else if ((auxdf$feature[i-1] == "E") && (auxdf$feature[i+1] == "I")
&& (auxdf$strand[i] == "+")) {
Alt5ss <- Alt5ss + 1;
events[i] <- "Alt5ss";
eventsJ[i] <- "Alt5ss"}
else if ((auxdf$feature[i-1] == "E") && (auxdf$feature[i+1] == "I")
&& (auxdf$strand[i] == "-")) {
Alt3ss <- Alt3ss + 1;
events[i] <- "Alt3ss";
eventsJ[i] <- "Alt3ss"}
else if ((auxdf$feature[i-1] == "I") && (auxdf$feature[i+1] == "E")
&& (auxdf$strand[i] == "+")) {
Alt3ss <- Alt3ss + 1;
events[i] <- "Alt3ss";
eventsJ[i] <- "Alt3ss"}
else if ((auxdf$feature[i-1] == "I") && (auxdf$feature[i+1] == "E")
&& (auxdf$strand[i] == "-")) {
Alt5ss <- Alt5ss + 1;
events[i] <- "Alt5ss";
eventsJ[i] <- "Alt5ss"}
message("* Number of AS bins (not include external) =", totAS)
message("* Number of AS bins (include external) =", AsNotExternal)
message("* Classified as:", "\n",
"\t", "ES bins = ", ES, "\t","(",round(ES/totAS*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t","IR bins = " , IR,"\t","(",round(IR/totAS*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t","Alt5'ss bins = ", Alt5ss, "\t","(",round(Alt5ss/totAS*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t","Alt3'ss bins = ", Alt3ss,"\t","(",round(Alt3ss/totAS*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t", "multiple AS bins = ", mult, "\t","(",round(mult/totAS*100), "%)" , "\n",
"classified as:", "\n",
"\t\t\t", "ES bins = ", multES, "\t","(",round(multES/mult*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t\t\t","IR bins = " , multIR,"\t","(",round(multIR/mult*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t\t\t","Alt5'ss bins = ", multAlt5ss, "\t","(",round(multAlt5ss/mult*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t\t\t","Alt3'ss bins = ", multAlt3ss,"\t","(",round(multAlt3ss/mult*100), "%)" , "\n")
mcols(exons.introns.unique) <- append(mcols(exons.introns.unique), DataFrame(event=events))
mcols(exons.introns.unique) <- append(mcols(exons.introns.unique), DataFrame(eventJ=eventsJ))
cat("* Number of AS bins (not include external) =", totAS, "\n" )
cat("* Number of AS bins (include external) =", AsNotExternal, "\n")
cat("* Classified as:", "\n",
"\t", "ES bins = ", ES, "\t","(",round(ES/totAS*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t","IR bins = " , IR,"\t","(",round(IR/totAS*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t","Alt5'ss bins = ", Alt5ss, "\t","(",round(Alt5ss/totAS*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t","Alt3'ss bins = ", Alt3ss,"\t","(",round(Alt3ss/totAS*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t", "multiple AS bins = ", mult, "\t","(",round(mult/totAS*100), "%)" , "\n",
"classified as:", "\n",
"\t\t\t", "ES bins = ", multES, "\t","(",round(multES/mult*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t\t\t","IR bins = " , multIR,"\t","(",round(multIR/mult*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t\t\t","Alt5'ss bins = ", multAlt5ss, "\t","(",round(multAlt5ss/mult*100), "%)" , "\n",
"\t\t\t","Alt3'ss bins = ", multAlt3ss,"\t","(",round(multAlt3ss/mult*100), "%)" , "\n")
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