#' Heatmap for significant contrast genes
#' Create a ComplexHeatmap of the processed expression data for
#' the genes that were significantly expressed in the selected
#' comparison. The data for this heatmap comes from the
#' deg_heat_data function.
#' @param df Submatrix of the processed data matrix from the
#' deg_heta_data function
#' @param bar Vector to signify a positive (1) expression fold
#' change or a negative (-1) change
#' @param heatmap_color_select Color vector to use for the
#' heatmap expression scale
#' @param cluster_row Boolean to indicate whether or not to cluster rows
#' @export
#' @return A drawn heatmap from the filtered data.
deg_heatmap <- function(df,
cluster_rows) {
if(is.null(df)) {
# Number of genes to show
n_genes <- as.character(table(bar))
df <- as.matrix(df) - apply(df, 1, mean)
cutoff <- median(unlist(df)) + 3 * sd(unlist(df))
df[df > cutoff] <- cutoff
cutoff <- median(unlist(df)) - 3 * sd(unlist(df))
df[df < cutoff] <- cutoff
# sometimes one row is all zeroes or the same value,
# this causes error for the complexHeatmap
ix <- which(abs(apply(df, 1, sd)) < 1e-20)
if(length(ix) > 0) {
df <- df[-1 * ix, ]
if(!is.null(bar)) {
bar <- bar[-1 * ix]
# Color scale
if (min(df) < 0) {
col_fun <- circlize::colorRamp2(
c(min(df), 0, max(df)),
} else {
col_fun <- circlize::colorRamp2(
c(min(df), median(df), max(df)),
groups <- detect_groups(colnames(df))
group_count <- length(unique(groups))
groups_colors <- gg_color_hue(2 + group_count)
top_ann <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(
Group = groups,
col = list(
Group = setNames(groups_colors[1:group_count], unique(groups))
annotation_legend_param = list(
Group = list(nrow = 1, title = NULL)
show_annotation_name = list(Group = FALSE),
show_legend = FALSE
row_ann <- NULL
if (!is.null(bar)) {
bar[bar == -1] <- "Negative"
bar[bar == 1] <- "Positive"
groups <- bar
num_cols_needed <- length(unique(groups)) - 1 # determines length of col
row_ann <- ComplexHeatmap::rowAnnotation(
Change = groups,
col = list(
Change = setNames(
groups_colors[(group_count + 1):(group_count + 1 + num_cols_needed)],
annotation_legend_param = list(
Change = list(nrow = 1, title = NULL)
show_annotation_name = list(Change = FALSE),
show_legend = FALSE
heat <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(
name = "Expression",
col = col_fun,
cluster_rows = cluster_rows,
clustering_method_rows = "average",
clustering_distance_rows = function(x) {
1 - cor(t(x), method = "pearson")
cluster_columns = TRUE,
show_row_dend = FALSE,
show_column_dend = FALSE,
left_annotation = row_ann,
top_annotation = top_ann,
show_row_names = FALSE,
show_column_names = TRUE,
heatmap_legend_param = list(
direction = "horizontal",
legend_width = grid::unit(6, "cm"),
title = "Color Key",
title_position = "topcenter"
heatmap = ComplexHeatmap::draw(
heatmap_legend_side = "bottom"
#' Plot brush selection from main heatmap
#' Create a ComplexHeatmap object from the User brush selection
#' that is a sub plot of the main plot.
#' @param ht_brush Input from the user creating a brush selection
#' on the main heatmap
#' @param ht Main heatmap from the deg_heatmap function
#' @param ht_pos_main Main heatmap position information to use
#' for the sub heatmap
#' @param heatmap_data Original data matrix that was plotted in
#' the main heatmap
#' @param bar, groups of genes for colar bar on the left side
#' @param all_gene_names Data matrix of all the mapped gene names
#' @export
#' @return A ComplexHeatmap object of the brushed selection from
#' the main heatmap.
deg_heat_sub <- function(ht_brush,
select_gene_id) {
max_genes <- 2000
lt <- InteractiveComplexHeatmap::getPositionFromBrush(ht_brush)
pos1 <- lt[[1]]
pos2 <- lt[[2]]
pos <- InteractiveComplexHeatmap::selectArea(
mark = FALSE,
pos1 = pos1,
pos2 = pos2,
verbose = FALSE,
ht_pos = ht_pos_main
# Annotations ----------
column_groups <- detect_groups(colnames(heatmap_data))
group_count <- length(unique(column_groups))
groups_colors <- gg_color_hue(2 + group_count)
top_ann <- ComplexHeatmap::HeatmapAnnotation(
Group = column_groups,
col = list(
Group = setNames(
annotation_legend_param = list(
Group = list(nrow = 1, title = NULL)
show_annotation_name = list(Group = FALSE),
show_legend = TRUE
row_ann <- NULL
if (!is.null(bar)) {
bar[bar == -1] <- "Down"
bar[bar == 1] <- "Up"
row_groups <- bar
row_ann <- ComplexHeatmap::rowAnnotation(
Change = row_groups,
col = list(
Change = setNames(
groups_colors[(group_count + 1):length(groups_colors)],
annotation_legend_param = list(
Change = list(nrow = 1, title = NULL)
show_annotation_name = list(Change = FALSE),
show_legend = TRUE
group_col_return <- setNames(
c(unique(column_groups), unique(row_groups))
} else {
group_col_return <- setNames(
# End annotation ---------
column_index <- unlist(pos[1, "column_index"])
row_index <- unlist(pos[1, "row_index"])
top_ann <- top_ann[column_index]
if (!is.null(bar)) {
row_ann <- row_ann[row_index]
column_groups <- column_groups[column_index]
m <- ht@ht_list[[1]]@matrix
bar_return <- bar[row_index]
if (length(row_index) > max_genes) {
show_rows <- FALSE
} else {
show_rows <- TRUE
if (ncol(all_gene_names) == 3) {
genes <- rowname_id_swap(
data_matrix = m[row_index, column_index, drop = FALSE],
all_gene_names = all_gene_names,
select_gene_id = select_gene_id
} else {
genes <- m[row_index, column_index, drop = FALSE]
submap_data <- genes
ht_select <- ComplexHeatmap::Heatmap(
col = ht@ht_list[[1]]@matrix_color_mapping@col_fun,
show_heatmap_legend = FALSE,
cluster_rows = FALSE,
cluster_columns = FALSE,
show_row_names = show_rows,
top_annotation = top_ann,
left_annotation = row_ann,
name = "heat_1"
# Show a subset of gene names when more than 50 is selected.
# causes problem with returned click info.
# if (length(row_index) > max_genes) {
# loci <- seq(
# from = 1,
# to = nrow(genes),
# by = round(nrow(m) / 30, 0)
# )
# anno <- ComplexHeatmap::anno_mark(
# at = loci,
# labels = row.names(m)[loci],
# which = "row",
# labels_gp = grid::gpar(fontsize = 10),
# padding = ggtree::unit(.5, "mm")
# )
# ht_select <- ht_select + ComplexHeatmap::rowAnnotation(mark = anno)
# }
ht_select = ht_select,
submap_data = submap_data,
group_colors = group_col_return,
column_groups = column_groups,
bar = bar_return
#' HTML code for sub-heatmap selected cell
#' Create HTML code for a cell of information on the cell of the
#' sub-heatmap that the User clicks on. The cell contains the
#' expression value, the sample, the gene, the group and the
#' direction of the fold change.
#' @param click Information fro what cell is clicked in the
#' sub-heatmap
#' @param ht_sub The drawn sub-heatmap
#' @param ht_sub_obj The sub-heatmap ComplexHeatmap object
#' @param ht_pos_sub Position information for the sub-heatmap
#' @param sub_groups Vector of the groups that the samples
#' belong to
#' @param group_colors The color of the top annotation that
#' is used for each group and the side annotation that denotes
#' the direction of the expression regulation
#' @param bar Vector to signify a positive (1) expression fold
#' change or a negative (-1) change
#' @param data Sub data matrix that is plotted in the sub-heatmap
#' @export
#' @return HTML code that will be used in the shiny UI to tell
#' the user the information of the cell they selected.
deg_click_info <- function(click,
data) {
pos1 <- InteractiveComplexHeatmap::getPositionFromClick(click)
pos <- InteractiveComplexHeatmap::selectPosition(
mark = FALSE,
pos = pos1,
verbose = FALSE,
ht_pos = ht_pos_sub
row_index <- pos[1, "row_index"]
column_index <- pos[1, "column_index"]
if (is.null(row_index)) {
return("Select a cell in the heatmap.")
value <- data[row_index, column_index]
col <- ComplexHeatmap::map_to_colors(ht_sub_obj@matrix_color_mapping, value)
sample <- colnames(data)[column_index]
gene <- rownames(data)[row_index]
group_name <- sub_groups[column_index]
group_col <- group_colors[[group_name]]
# HTML for info table
# Pulled from https://github.com/jokergoo/InteractiveComplexHeatmap/blob/master/R/shiny-server.R
# Lines 1669:1678
p <- "
Value: @{round(value, 2)} <span style='background-color:@{col};width=50px;'> </span>
Sample: @{sample}
Group: @{group_name} <span style='background-color:@{group_col};width=50px;'> </span>
if (!is.null(bar)) {
up_down <- bar[row_index]
up_down_col <- group_colors[[up_down]]
p <- paste0(
"Regulation: @{up_down} <span style='background-color:@{up_down_col};width=50px;'> </span>"
p <- paste0(p, "</pre></div>")
html <- GetoptLong::qq(p)
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.