#' Display the enriched terms for a given list of genes.
#' @inheritParams doc_function
#' @param mat \strong{\code{\link[base]{list}}} | Result of over-representation test with clusterProfiler. Accepts only one result, be aware of that if you compute the test for all GO ontologies. Accessed through \strong{\code{mat@result}}.
#' @param n.chars \strong{\code{\link[base]{numeric}}} | Number of characters to use as a limit to wrap the term names. The higher this value, the longer the lines would be for each term in the plots. Defaults to 40.
#' @param n.terms \strong{\code{\link[base]{numeric}}} | Number of terms to display. Defaults to 25.
#' @return A dotplot object with enriched terms.
#' @export
#' @example man/examples/examples_do_TermEnrichmentPlot.R
do_TermEnrichmentPlot <- function(mat,
n.chars = 40,
n.terms = 25,
font.size = 14,
font.type = "sans",
plot.title = NULL,
plot.subtitle = NULL,
plot.caption = NULL,
use_viridis = FALSE,
viridis.palette = "G",
viridis.direction = -1,
sequential.palette = "YlGnBu",
sequential.direction = 1,
dot.scale = 8,
legend.type = "colorbar",
legend.position = "bottom",
legend.framewidth = 0.5,
legend.tickwidth = 0.5,
legend.length = 20,
legend.width = 1,
legend.framecolor = "grey50",
legend.tickcolor = "white",
number.breaks = 5,
xlab = NULL,
ylab = NULL,
na.value = "grey75",
grid.color = "grey90",
grid.type = "dashed",
plot.title.face = "bold",
plot.subtitle.face = "plain",
plot.caption.face = "italic",
axis.title.face = "bold",
axis.text.face = "plain",
axis.text.x.angle = 45,
legend.title.face = "bold",
legend.text.face = "plain"){
# Add lengthy error messages.
withr::local_options(.new = list("warning.length" = 8170))
check_suggests(function_name = "do_TermEnrichmentPlot")
# Define pipe operator internally.
`%>%` <- magrittr::`%>%`
# Check logical parameters
logical_list <- list("use_viridis" = use_viridis)
check_type(parameters = logical_list, required_type = "logical", test_function = is.logical)
# Check numeric parameters.
numeric_list <- list("n.chars" = n.chars,
"n.terms" = n.terms,
"font.size" = font.size,
"legend.framewidth" = legend.framewidth,
"legend.tickwidth" = legend.tickwidth,
"legend.length" = legend.length,
"legend.width" = legend.width,
"viridis.direction" = viridis.direction,
"sequential.direction" = sequential.direction,
"number.breaks" = number.breaks,
"axis.text.x.angle" = axis.text.x.angle)
check_type(parameters = numeric_list, required_type = "numeric", test_function = is.numeric)
# Check character parameters.
character_list <- list("viridis.palette" = viridis.palette,
"sequential.palette" = sequential.palette,
"legend.position" = legend.position,
"legend.framecolor" = legend.framecolor,
"legend.tickcolor" = legend.tickcolor,
"legend.type" = legend.type,
"font.type" = font.type,
"plot.title" = plot.title,
"plot.subtitle" = plot.subtitle,
"plot.caption" = plot.caption,
"plot.title.face" = plot.title.face,
"plot.subtitle.face" = plot.subtitle.face,
"plot.caption.face" = plot.caption.face,
"axis.title.face" = axis.title.face,
"axis.text.face" = axis.text.face,
"legend.title.face" = legend.title.face,
"legend.text.face" = legend.text.face,
"xlab" = xlab,
"ylab" = ylab,
"na.value" = na.value)
check_type(parameters = character_list, required_type = "character", test_function = is.character)
check_parameters(parameter = font.type, parameter_name = "font.type")
check_parameters(parameter = legend.type, parameter_name = "legend.type")
check_parameters(parameter = legend.position, parameter_name = "legend.position")
check_parameters(parameter = plot.title.face, parameter_name = "plot.title.face")
check_parameters(parameter = plot.subtitle.face, parameter_name = "plot.subtitle.face")
check_parameters(parameter = plot.caption.face, parameter_name = "plot.caption.face")
check_parameters(parameter = axis.title.face, parameter_name = "axis.title.face")
check_parameters(parameter = axis.text.face, parameter_name = "axis.text.face")
check_parameters(parameter = legend.title.face, parameter_name = "legend.title.face")
check_parameters(parameter = legend.text.face, parameter_name = "legend.text.face")
check_parameters(parameter = viridis.palette, parameter_name = "viridis.palette")
check_parameters(parameter = sequential.palette, parameter_name = "sequential.palette")
check_parameters(parameter = viridis.direction, parameter_name = "viridis.direction")
check_parameters(parameter = sequential.direction, parameter_name = "sequential.direction")
check_parameters(parameter = grid.type, parameter_name = "grid.type")
# Check the colors provided to legend.framecolor and legend.tickcolor.
check_colors(legend.framecolor, parameter_name = "legend.framecolor")
check_colors(legend.tickcolor, parameter_name = "legend.tickcolor")
check_colors(na.value, parameter_name = "na.value")
check_colors(grid.color, parameter_name = "grid.color")
# Check correct colnames.
for (col_name in c("Description", "GeneRatio", "p.adjust", "Count")){
assertthat::assert_that(col_name %in% colnames(mat),
msg = paste0(add_cross(),
crayon_body("Missing column "),
crayon_body(" in "),
# Generate color gradient.
colors.gradient <- compute_continuous_palette(name = ifelse(isTRUE(use_viridis), viridis.palette, sequential.palette),
use_viridis = use_viridis,
direction = ifelse(isTRUE(use_viridis), viridis.direction, sequential.direction),
enforce_symmetry = FALSE)
# Start processing the matrix.
p <- mat %>%
dplyr::select(dplyr::all_of(c("Description", "GeneRatio", "p.adjust", "Count"))) %>%
# Turn character column GeneRatio into actual numeric GeneRatio.
# -log10 transform p.adjust column.
dplyr::mutate("GeneRatio" = unname(vapply(X = sapply(X = .data$GeneRatio,
FUN = function(x){stringr::str_split(x, "/")}),
FUN = function(x){as.numeric(x[1]) / as.numeric(x[2])},
FUN.VALUE = numeric(1))),
"p.adjust" = -log10(.data$p.adjust)) %>%
tibble::rownames_to_column(var = "Term") %>%
# Retrieve most significant ones.
dplyr::arrange(dplyr::desc(.data$Count), dplyr::desc(.data$p.adjust)) %>%
# Turn Description column into a factor to get the values ordered.
dplyr::mutate("Description" = factor(.data$Description, levels = rev(.data$Description))) %>%
tibble::as_tibble() %>%
dplyr::slice_head(n = n.terms) %>%
# Start plotting.
ggplot2::ggplot(mapping = ggplot2::aes(x = .data$GeneRatio,
y = .data$Description,
fill = .data$p.adjust,
size = .data$Count)) +
# Geom point.
ggplot2::geom_point(shape = 21,
color = "black") +
# Color scale.
ggplot2::scale_fill_gradientn(colors = colors.gradient,
na.value = na.value,
name = expression(bold(paste("-", log["10"], "(p.adj)"))),
breaks = scales::extended_breaks(n = number.breaks)) +
# Add wrapping around Y labels.
ggplot2::scale_y_discrete(labels = stringr::str_wrap(mat$Description,
width = n.chars)) +
# Add a size scale.
ggplot2::scale_size_continuous(range = c(3, dot.scale)) +
# Add labs.
ggplot2::labs(title = plot.title,
subtitle = plot.subtitle,
caption = plot.caption,
x = ifelse(is.null(xlab), "Gene Ratio", xlab),
y = ifelse(is.null(ylab), "", ylab)) +
# Modify the legend aesthetics of size.
ggplot2::guides(size = ggplot2::guide_legend(title = "Count",
title.position = "top",
title.hjust = 0.5,
ncol = 2,
override.aes = ggplot2::aes(fill = "black"))) +
# Add a base theme.
ggplot2::theme_minimal(base_size = font.size) +
# Add theme customization.
ggplot2::theme(axis.text.x = ggplot2::element_text(color = "black",
face = axis.text.face,
angle = get_axis_parameters(angle = axis.text.x.angle, flip = TRUE)[["angle"]],
hjust = get_axis_parameters(angle = axis.text.x.angle, flip = TRUE)[["hjust"]],
vjust = get_axis_parameters(angle = axis.text.x.angle, flip = TRUE)[["vjust"]]),
axis.text.y = ggplot2::element_text(face = axis.text.face, color = "black"),
axis.ticks = ggplot2::element_line(color = "black"),
axis.line.y = ggplot2::element_line(color = "black"),
axis.line.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
axis.title = ggplot2::element_text(face = axis.title.face),
plot.title = ggplot2::element_text(face = plot.title.face, hjust = 0),
plot.subtitle = ggplot2::element_text(face = plot.subtitle.face, hjust = 0),
plot.caption = ggplot2::element_text(face = plot.caption.face, hjust = 1),
plot.title.position = "plot",
panel.grid.major.y = ggplot2::element_line(color = grid.color, linetype = grid.type),
panel.grid.major.x = ggplot2::element_blank(),
panel.grid = ggplot2::element_blank(),
text = ggplot2::element_text(family = font.type),
plot.caption.position = "plot",
legend.text = ggplot2::element_text(face = legend.text.face),
legend.position = legend.position,
legend.title = ggplot2::element_text(face = legend.title.face),
legend.justification = "center",
plot.margin = ggplot2::margin(t = 10, r = 10, b = 10, l = 10),
panel.grid.major = ggplot2::element_blank(),
plot.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
panel.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"),
legend.background = ggplot2::element_rect(fill = "white", color = "white"))
# Modify fill legend to look nice.
p <- modify_continuous_legend(p = p,
# nocov start
legend.title = expression(bold(paste("-", log["10"], "(p.adj)"))),
# nocov end
legend.aes = "fill",
legend.type = legend.type,
legend.position = legend.position,
legend.length = legend.length,
legend.width = legend.width,
legend.framecolor = legend.framecolor,
legend.tickcolor = legend.tickcolor,
legend.framewidth = legend.framewidth,
legend.tickwidth = legend.tickwidth)
# Return the plot.
Add the following code to your website.
For more information on customizing the embed code, read Embedding Snippets.