do_RankedEnrichmentHeatmap: Compute a heatmap of enrichment of gene sets on the context...

View source: R/do_RankedEnrichmentHeatmap.R

do_RankedEnrichmentHeatmapR Documentation

Compute a heatmap of enrichment of gene sets on the context of a dimensional reduction component.


Compute a heatmap of enrichment of gene sets on the context of a dimensional reduction component.


  assay = NULL,
  slot = NULL,
  scale.enrichment = TRUE,
  dims = 1:2,
  subsample = 2500,
  reduction = NULL, = NULL,
  colors.use = NULL,
  colorblind = FALSE,
  raster = FALSE,
  interpolate = FALSE,
  nbin = 24,
  ctrl = 100,
  flavor = "Seurat",
  main.heatmap.size = 0.95,
  enforce_symmetry = ifelse(isTRUE(scale.enrichment), TRUE, FALSE),
  use_viridis = FALSE,
  viridis.palette = "G",
  viridis.direction = -1,
  sequential.palette = "YlGnBu",
  sequential.direction = 1,
  font.size = 14,
  font.type = "sans",
  na.value = "grey75",
  legend.width = 1,
  legend.length = 20,
  legend.framewidth = 0.5,
  legend.tickwidth = 0.5,
  legend.framecolor = "grey50",
  legend.tickcolor = "white",
  legend.type = "colorbar",
  legend.position = "bottom",
  legend.nrow = NULL,
  legend.ncol = NULL,
  legend.byrow = FALSE,
  number.breaks = 5,
  diverging.palette = "RdBu",
  diverging.direction = -1,
  axis.text.x.angle = 45,
  border.color = "black",
  return_object = FALSE,
  verbose = FALSE,
  plot.title.face = "bold",
  plot.subtitle.face = "plain",
  plot.caption.face = "italic",
  axis.title.face = "bold",
  axis.text.face = "plain",
  legend.title.face = "bold",
  legend.text.face = "plain"



Seurat | A Seurat object, generated by CreateSeuratObject.


named_list | Named list of lists of genes to be used as input.


character | Assay to use. Defaults to the current assay.


character | Data slot to use. Only one of: counts, data, Defaults to "data".


logical | Should the enrichment scores be scaled (z-scored) for better comparison in between gene sets? Setting this to TRUE should make intra- gene set comparisons easier at the cost ot not being able to compare inter- gene sets in absolute values.


numeric | Vector of 2 numerics indicating the dimensions to plot out of the selected reduction. Defaults to c(1, 2) if not specified.


numeric | Number of cells to subset for the analysis. NA will use all. Cells are selected at random.


character | Reduction to use. Can be the canonical ones such as "umap", "pca", or any custom ones, such as "diffusion". If you are unsure about which reductions you have, use Seurat::Reductions(sample). Defaults to "umap" if present or to the last computed reduction if the argument is not provided.

character | Metadata variable to group the output by. Has to be a character of factor column.


list | A named list of named vectors. The names of the list correspond to the names of the values provided to metadata and the names of the items in the named vectors correspond to the unique values of that specific metadata variable. The values are the desired colors in HEX code for the values to plot. The used are pre-defined by the package but, in order to get the most out of the plot, please provide your custom set of colors for each metadata column!


logical | Whether to use colorblind-friendly colors for categorical variables. In place when colors.use is not used. Allows for a maximum of 85 different classes within a categorical variable.


logical | Whether to raster the resulting plot. This is recommendable if plotting a lot of cells.


logical | Smoothes the output heatmap, saving space on disk when saving the image. However, the image is not as crisp.


numeric | Number of bins to use in AddModuleScore.


numeric | Number of genes in the control set to use in AddModuleScore.


character | One of: Seurat, UCell. Compute the enrichment scores using AddModuleScore or AddModuleScore_UCell.


numeric | A number from 0 to 1 corresponding to how big the main heatmap plot should be with regards to the rest (corresponds to the proportion in size).


logical | Return a symmetrical plot axes-wise or continuous color scale-wise, when applicable.


logical | Whether to use viridis color scales.


character | A capital letter from A to H or the scale name as in scale_fill_viridis.


numeric | Either 1 or -1. Controls how the gradient of viridis scale is formed.


character | Type of sequential color palette to use. Out of the sequential palettes defined in brewer.pal.


numeric | Direction of the sequential color scale. Either 1 or -1.


numeric | Overall font size of the plot. All plot elements will have a size relationship with this font size.


character | Base font family for the plot. One of:

  • mono: Mono spaced font.

  • serif: Serif font family.

  • sans: Default font family.


character | Color value for NA.

legend.length, legend.width

numeric | Length and width of the legend. Will adjust automatically depending on legend side.

legend.framewidth, legend.tickwidth

numeric | Width of the lines of the box in the legend.


character | Color of the lines of the box in the legend.


character | Color of the ticks of the box in the legend.


character | Type of legend to display. One of:

  • normal: Default legend displayed by ggplot2.

  • colorbar: Redefined colorbar legend, using guide_colorbar.


character | Position of the legend in the plot. One of:

  • top: Top of the figure.

  • bottom: Bottom of the figure.

  • left: Left of the figure.

  • right: Right of the figure.

  • none: No legend is displayed.


numeric | Number of rows in the legend.


numeric | Number of columns in the legend.


logical | Whether the legend is filled by row or not.


numeric | Controls the number of breaks in continuous color scales of ggplot2-based plots.


character | Type of symmetrical color palette to use. Out of the diverging palettes defined in brewer.pal.


numeric | Either 1 or -1. Direction of the divering palette. This basically flips the two ends.


numeric | Degree to rotate the X labels. One of: 0, 45, 90.


character | Color for the border of the heatmap body.


logical | Returns the Seurat object with the modifications performed in the function. Nomally, this contains a new assay with the data that can then be used for any other visualization desired.


logical | Whether to show extra comments, warnings,etc.

plot.title.face, plot.subtitle.face, plot.caption.face, axis.title.face, axis.text.face, legend.title.face, legend.text.face

character | Controls the style of the font for the corresponding theme element. One of:

  • plain: For normal text.

  • italic: For text in itallic.

  • bold: For text in bold.

  • bold.italic: For text both in itallic and bold.


A list of ggplot2 objects, one per dimensional reduction component, and a Seurat object if desired.


  # Check Suggests.
  value <- SCpubr:::check_suggests(function_name = "do_RankedEnrichmentHeatmap", passive = TRUE)
  if (isTRUE(value)){
    # Consult the full documentation in
    # Define your Seurat object.
    sample <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/seurat_dataset_example.rds", package = "SCpubr"))
    # Genes have to be unique.
    genes <- list("Gene set A" = rownames(sample)[1:5],
                  "Gene set B" = rownames(sample)[6:10],
                  "Gene set C" = rownames(sample)[11:15])
    # This will query, for the provided components, the enrichment of the gene 
    # sets for all cells and plot them in the context of the cells reordered by 
    # the position alongside each dimensional reduction component. 
    p <- SCpubr::do_RankedEnrichmentHeatmap(sample = sample,
                                            input_gene_list = genes,
                                            nbin = 1,
                                            ctrl = 5,
                                            flavor = "Seurat",
                                            subsample = NA,
                                            dims = 1:2,
                                            verbose = FALSE)
  } else if (base::isFALSE(value)){
    message("This function can not be used without its suggested packages.")
    message("Check out which ones are needed using `SCpubr::state_dependencies()`.")

enblacar/SCpubr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 12:40 a.m.