do_SavePlot: Save a plot as png, pdf and svg.

View source: R/do_SavePlot.R

do_SavePlotR Documentation

Save a plot as png, pdf and svg.


Save a plot as png, pdf and svg.


  figure_path = NULL,
  create_path = TRUE,
  file_name = NULL,
  dpi = 300,
  output_format = "publication",
  width = 8,
  height = 8,
  limitsize = TRUE



Plot to save.


character | Path where the figure will be stored.


logical | Whether to create the path.


character | Name of the file (without extension, it will be added automatically).


logical | Whether to remove size limitation when saving ggplot2 objects.


character | Output format of the saved figure. One of:

  • pdf: Saves the figure as a PDF file.

  • png: Saves the figure as a PNG file.

  • jpeg: Saves the figure as a JPEG file.

  • tiff: Saves the figure as a TIFF file.

  • svg: Saves the figure as a SVG file.

  • publication: Saves the figure as PDF, PNG and SVG files.

  • all: Saves the figure in all possible formats.

width, height

numeric | Width and height of the figure (inches).




## Not run: 
  # Check Suggests.
  value <- SCpubr:::check_suggests(function_name = "do_SavePlot", passive = TRUE)

  if (isTRUE(value)){
    # Define your Seurat object.
    sample <- readRDS(system.file("extdata/seurat_dataset_example.rds", package = "SCpubr"))

    # Generate a plot.
    p <- SCpubr::do_DimPlot(sample = sample)

    # Default parameters.
    SCpubr::do_SavePlot(plot = p)

    # Specifying the name and folder.
    SCpubr::do_SavePlot(plot = p,
                        figure_path = "/path/to/my/figures/",
                        file_name = "my_figure")

    # Specify to also create a new folder.
    SCpubr::do_SavePlot(plot = p,
                        figure_path = "/path/to/my/figures/",
                        file_name = "my_figure",
                        create_path = TRUE)

    # Set dimensions for the figure.
    SCpubr::do_SavePlot(plot = p,
                        figure_path = "/path/to/my/figures/",
                        file_name = "my_figure",
                        create_path = TRUE,
                        width = 8,
                        height = 8)

    # Set quality (dpi).
    SCpubr::do_SavePlot(plot = p,
                        figure_path = "/path/to/my/figures/",
                        file_name = "my_figure",
                        create_path = TRUE,
                        width = 8,
                        height = 8,
                        dpi = 300)
  } else if (base::isFALSE(value)){
    message("This function can not be used without its suggested packages.")
    message("Check out which ones are needed using `SCpubr::state_dependencies()`.")

## End(Not run)

enblacar/SCpubr documentation built on Feb. 16, 2025, 12:40 a.m.