#' Replace 0 with NA if not all entries for a given condition are 0.
#' This will hopefully handle a troubling corner case in Volker's data:
#' He primarily wants to find proteins which are found in one condition, but
#' _not_ in another. However, due to the unknown unknown problem in DIA
#' acquisition, answering this question is difficult. If one uses a normal
#' expressionset or msnset or whatever, one of two things will happen:
#' either the 0/NA proteins will be entirely removed/ignored, or they will
#' lead to spurious 'significant' calls. MSstats, to its credit, does a lot to
#' try to handle these cases; but in the case Volker is most interested, it will
#' exclude the interesting proteins entirely.
#' So, here is what I am going to do: Iterate through each element of the chosen
#' experimental design factor, check if all samples for that condition are 0, if
#' so; leave them. If not all the samples have 0 for the given condition, then
#' replace the zero entries with NA. This should allow for stuff like
#' rowMeans(na.rm = TRUE) to provide useful information.
#' Finally, this will add columns to the annotations which tell the number of
#' observations for each protein after doing this.
#' @param expt Expressionset to examine.
#' @param fact Experimental design factor to use.
#' @param method Specify whether to leave the NAs as NA,
#' or replace them with the mean of all non-NA values.
#' @return New expressionset with some, but not all, 0s replaced with NA.
#' @export
add_conditional_nas <- function(expt, fact = "condition", method = "NA") {
exprs_set <- expt[["expressionset"]]
mtrx <- exprs(expt)
annotations <- fData(expt)
if (length(fact) == 1) {
design <- pData(expt)
fact <- design[[fact]]
names(fact) <- rownames(design)
types <- levels(fact)
used_columns <- c()
observations_df <- data.frame(row.names = rownames(mtrx))
for (t in seq_along(types)) {
type <- types[t]
used_columns <- grep(pattern = type, x = fact)
if (length(used_columns) < 1) {
warning("The level ", type, " of the factor has no columns in the data.")
sub_mtrx <- mtrx[, used_columns]
## Make a note of how many samples are in this factor
total_observations <- ncol(sub_mtrx)
## These are the columns we will leave 0
zero_sum_idx <- rowSums(sub_mtrx) == 0
all_zeros <- rownames(sub_mtrx)[zero_sum_idx]
zero_idx <- sub_mtrx == 0
## Now we set the zeros to NA and then reset the all-zeros to 0.
if (method == "NA") {
sub_mtrx[zero_idx] <- NA
} else if (method == "mean") {
all_mean <- mean(mtrx, na.rm = TRUE)
sub_mtrx[zero_idx] <- all_mean
} else if (method == "sub_mean") {
sub_mean <- mean(sub_mtrx, na.rm = TRUE)
sub_mtrx[zero_idx] <- sub_mean
sub_mtrx[all_zeros, ] <- 0
message("In condition ", type, " there are ", length(all_zeros),
" rows which are all zero.")
## Record the number of observations for each protein for each condition.
observation_column <- total_observations - rowSums(zero_idx)
observations_df <- cbind(observations_df, observation_column)
colnames(observations_df)[t] <- glue::glue("{type}_observations")
for (c in seq_along(used_columns)) {
replace_col <- used_columns[c]
mtrx[, replace_col] <- sub_mtrx[, c]
## Now put the pieces back together.
## I am choosing not to use cbind to ensure that the orders are not screwed up.
## annotations <- cbind(annotations, observations_df)
annotations <- merge(annotations, observations_df, by = "row.names")
rownames(annotations) <- annotations[["Row.names"]]
annotations[["Row.names"]] <- NULL
exprs(exprs_set) <- mtrx
fData(exprs_set) <- annotations
expt[["expressionset"]] <- exprs_set
#' Read output from mayu to get the IP/PP number corresponding to a given FDR value.
#' @param file Mayu output file.
#' @param fdr Chosen fdr value to acquire.
#' @return List of two elements: the full mayu table sorted by fdr and the number
#' corresponding to the chosen fdr value.
#' @export
extract_mayu_pps_fdr <- function(file, fdr = 0.01) {
mayu_df <- readr::read_csv(file)
fdr_df <- mayu_df[, c("IP/PPs", "protFDR")]
fdr_idx <- order(fdr_df[["protFDR"]])
fdr_df <- fdr_df[fdr_idx, ]
mayu_df <- mayu_df[fdr_idx, ]
keepers <- fdr_df[["protFDR"]] <= fdr
fdr_df <- fdr_df[keepers, ]
result <- tail(fdr_df, n = 1)[[1]]
retlist <- list(
"fdr_number" = result,
"table" = mayu_df)
#' Read a mzML/mzXML file and extract from it some important metadata.
#' When working with swath data, it is fundamentally important to know the
#' correct values for a bunch of the input variables. These are not trivial
#' to acquire. This function attempts to make this easier (but slow) by reading
#' the mzXML file and parsing out helpful data.
#' @param file Filename to read.
#' @param id An id to give the result.
#' @param write_acquisitions If a filename is provided, write a tab separated
#' table of windows.
#' @param format Either mzXML or mzML.
#' @param allow_window_overlap One may choose to foce windows to not overlap.
#' @param start_add Add a minute to the start of the windows to avoid overlaps?
#' @return List containing a table of scan and precursor data.
#' @export
extract_scan_data <- function(file, id = NULL, write_acquisitions = TRUE, format = "mzXML",
allow_window_overlap = FALSE, start_add = 0) {
if (format == "mzML") {
extract_mzML_scans(file, id = id, write_acquisitions = write_acquisitions,
allow_window_overlap = allow_window_overlap, start_add = start_add)
} else {
extract_mzXML_scans(file, id = id, write_acquisitions = write_acquisitions,
allow_window_overlap = allow_window_overlap, start_add = start_add)
#' Parse a mzXML file and return the relevant data.
#' This does the actual work for extract_scan_data(). When I wrote this
#' function, I had forgotten about the mzR library; with that in mind, this
#' seems to give a bit more information and be a bit faster than my short tests
#' with mzR (note however that my tests were to compare mzR parsing mzML files
#' vs. this function with mzXML, which is a classic apples to oranges).
#' This goes a step further to pull out the windows acquired in the MS/MS scan
#' and print them in formats acceptable to TPP/OpenMS (eg. with and without
#' headers).
#' @param file Input mzXML file to parse.
#' @param id Chosen ID for the given file.
#' @param write_acquisitions Write acquisition windows.
#' @param allow_window_overlap Some downstream tools cannot deal with
#' overlapping windows. Toggle that here.
#' @param start_add Other downstream tools appear to expect some padding at the
#' beginning of each window. Add that here.
#' @return The list of metadata, scan data, etc from the mzXML file.
#' @export
extract_mzXML_scans <- function(file, id = NULL, write_acquisitions = TRUE,
allow_window_overlap = FALSE, start_add = 0) {
if (is.null(id)) {
id <- file
message("Reading ", file)
input <- xml2::read_html(x = file, options = "NOBLANKS")
## peaks <- rvest::xml_nodes(input, "peaks")
message("Extracting instrument information for ", file)
instruments <- rvest::xml_nodes(x = input, css = "msinstrument")
instrument_data <- data.frame(row.names=(1:length(instruments)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
instrument_values <- c("msmanufacturer", "msmodel", "msionisation",
"msmassanalyzer", "msdetector")
for (v in instrument_values) {
datum <- rvest::xml_nodes(instruments, v)
instrument_data[[v]] <- datum %>% rvest::html_attr("value")
datum <- rvest::xml_nodes(instruments, "software")
instrument_data[["software_type"]] <- datum %>% rvest::html_attr("type")
instrument_data[["software_name"]] <- datum %>% rvest::html_attr("name")
instrument_data[["software_version"]] <- datum %>% rvest::html_attr("version")
message("Extracting scan information for ", file)
scans <- rvest::xml_nodes(input, "scan")
scan_data <- data.frame(row.names=(1:length(scans)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
scan_wanted <- c("peakscount", "scantype", "centroided", "mslevel", "polarity",
"retentiontime", "collisionenergy", "lowmz", "highmz", "basepeakmz",
"basepeakintensity", "totioncurrent")
scan_numeric <- c("peakscount", "collisionenergy", "lowmz", "highmz", "basepeakmz",
"basepeakintensity", "totioncurrent")
scan_factor <- c("polarity", "mslevel", "centroided", "scantype")
## We will also extract the html_text() of the precursors.
for (w in scan_wanted) {
scan_data[[w]] <- scans %>% rvest::html_attr(w)
for (n in scan_numeric) {
scan_data[[n]] <- as.numeric(scan_data[[n]])
for (f in scan_factor) {
scan_data[[n]] <- as.factor(scan_data[[n]])
message("Extracting precursor information for ", file)
precursors <- rvest::xml_nodes(scans, "precursormz")
precursor_data <- data.frame(row.names=(1:length(precursors)), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
precursor_wanted <- c("precursorintensity", "activationmethod",
"windowwideness", "precursorscannum")
precursor_numeric <- c("precursorintensity", "precursorscannum",
"window_center", "windowwideness")
precursor_factor <- c("activationmethod")
for (w in precursor_wanted) {
precursor_data[[w]] <- precursors %>% rvest::html_attr(w)
precursor_data[["window_center"]] <- precursors %>% rvest::html_text()
for (n in precursor_numeric) {
precursor_data[[n]] <- as.numeric(precursor_data[[n]])
for (f in precursor_factor) {
precursor_data[[f]] <- as.factor(precursor_data[[f]])
precursor_data[["window_start"]] <- precursor_data[["window_center"]] -
(precursor_data[["windowwideness"]] / 2)
precursor_data[["window_end"]] <- precursor_data[["window_center"]] +
(precursor_data[["windowwideness"]] / 2)
message("Coalescing the acquisition windows for ", file)
acquisition_windows <- precursor_data[, c("window_start", "window_end")]
acquisition_unique <- !duplicated(x = acquisition_windows)
acquisition_windows <- acquisition_windows[acquisition_unique, ]
colnames(acquisition_windows) <- c("start", "end")
if (!isTRUE(allow_window_overlap)) {
previous_end <- acquisition_windows[1, "end"]
## If we are not allowing windows to overlap, then we will add 0.01 to the previous endpoint.
for (it in seq(from = 2, to = nrow(acquisition_windows))) {
new_start <- acquisition_windows[it, "start"]
if (new_start != previous_end) {
acquisition_windows[it, "start"] <- previous_end
previous_end <- acquisition_windows[it, "end"]
} else if (!is.null(start_add)) {
## Conversely, we can add a static amount of time to the start of each window.
acquisition_windows[["start"]] <- acquisition_windows[["start"]] + start_add
## If requested, write out the acquisition windows in a format acceptable to openswath.
if (write_acquisitions != FALSE) {
acq_dir <- "windows"
acq_file <- "acquisitions.txt"
if (isTRUE(write_acquisitions)) {
acq_file <- paste0(gsub(pattern = "\\.mzXML", replacement = "", x = basename(file)), ".txt")
} else {
acq_dir <- dirname(write_acquisitions)
acq_file <- write_acquisitions
if (!file.exists(acq_dir)) {
dir.create(acq_dir, recursive = TRUE)
## To any sane person, the following lines must look bizarre.
## When performing a swath analysis, one step requires windows with _no_
## column headers (part of making the spectral libraries), while the
## invocation of OpenSwathWorkFlow or whatever it is, _requires_ them.
## So, yeah, that is annoying, but whatever.
pre_file <- file.path(acq_dir, acq_file)
message("Writing acquisition file to: ", pre_file)
no_cols <- write.table(x = acquisition_windows, file = pre_file, sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = FALSE)
osw_file <- file.path(acq_dir, glue("openswath_{acq_file}"))
## This is the file for openswathworkflow.
message("Writing osw acquisitions to: ", osw_file)
plus_cols <- write.table(x = acquisition_windows, file = osw_file,
sep = "\t", quote = FALSE,
row.names = FALSE, col.names = TRUE)
retlist <- list(
"file" = file,
"instrument" = instrument_data,
"scans" = scan_data,
"precursors" = precursor_data,
"acquisitions" = acquisition_windows)
#' Parse a mzML file and return the relevant data.
#' This does the actual work for extract_scan_data(). This levers mzR to
#' provide the data and goes a step further to pull out the windows acquired in
#' the MS/MS scan and print them in formats acceptable to TPP/OpenMS (eg. with
#' and without headers).
#' @param file Input mzML file to parse.
#' @param id Chosen ID for the given file.
#' @param write_acquisitions Write acquisition windows.
#' @param allow_window_overlap Some downstream tools cannot deal with
#' overlapping windows. Toggle that here.
#' @param start_add Other downstream tools appear to expect some padding at the
#' beginning of each window. Add that here.
#' @return The list of metadata, scan data, etc from the mzXML file.
#' @export
extract_mzML_scans <- function(file, id = NULL, write_acquisitions = TRUE,
allow_window_overlap = FALSE, start_add = 0) {
if (is.null(id)) {
id <- file
message("Reading ", file)
input <- mzR::openMSfile(file)
instrument <- mzR::instrumentInfo(input)
info <- mzR::runInfo(input)
scan_data <- mzR::header(input)
closed <- mzR::close(input)
retlist <- list(
"instrument" = instrument,
"info" = info,
"scan" = scan_data)
#' Read a bunch of mzXML files to acquire their metadata.
#' I have had difficulties getting the full set of correct parameters for a
#' DDA/DIA experiment. After some poking, I eventually found most of these
#' required prameters in the mzXML raw files. Ergo, this function uses them.
#' 20190310: I had forgotten about the mzR library. I think much (all?) of this
#' is redundant with respect to it and perhaps should be removed in deference to
#' the more complete and fast implementation included in mzR.
#' @param metadata Data frame describing the samples, including the mzXML
#' filenames.
#' @param write_windows Write out SWATH window frames.
#' @param id_column What column in the sample sheet provides the ID for the samples?
#' @param file_column Which column in the sample sheet provides the filenames?
#' @param allow_window_overlap What it says on the tin, some tools do not like
#' DIA windows to overlap, if TRUE, this will make sure each annotated window
#' starts at the end of the previous window if they overlap.
#' @param start_add Another strategy is to just add a static amount to each
#' window.
#' @param format Currently this handles mzXML or mzML files.
#' @param parallel Perform operations using an R foreach cluster?
#' @param savefile If not null, save the resulting data structure to an rda file.
#' @param ... Extra arguments, presumably color palettes and column names and
#' stuff like that.
#' @return List of data extracted from every sample in the MS run (DIA or DDA).
#' @export
extract_msraw_data <- function(metadata, write_windows = TRUE, id_column = "sampleid",
file_column = "raw_file", allow_window_overlap = FALSE,
start_add = 0, format = "mzXML",
parallel = TRUE, savefile = NULL, ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
## Add a little of the code from create_expt to include some design
## information in the returned data structure.
## Since I am using this code now in two places, if I can use it without
## changes, I will split it into its own function so make changes in one place
## happen in both but until I can ensure to myself that it is functional in
## both contexts I will not. Palette for colors when auto-chosen
chosen_palette <- "Dark2"
if (!is.null(arglist[["palette"]])) {
chosen_palette <- arglist[["palette"]]
sample_definitions <- data.frame()
if (class(metadata)[1] == "data.frame") {
sample_definitions <- metadata
} else {
sample_definitions <- extract_metadata(metadata, ...)
## sample_definitions <- extract_metadata(metadata)
sample_column <- "sampleid"
if (!is.null(arglist[["sample_column"]])) {
sample_column <- arglist[["sample_column"]]
sample_column <- tolower(sample_column)
sample_column <- gsub(pattern = "[[:punct:]]", replacement = "", x = sample_column)
chosen_colors <- generate_expt_colors(sample_definitions, ...)
## chosen_colors <- generate_expt_colors(sample_definitions)
meta <- sample_definitions[, c(sample_column, file_column)]
colnames(meta) <- c("id", "file")
existing_files <- complete.cases(meta[["file"]])
if (sum(existing_files) != nrow(meta)) {
warning("It appears that some files are missing in the metadata.")
meta <- meta[existing_files, ]
## Set up the 'cluster' and process the mzXML files.
returns <- list()
res <- list()
num_files <- nrow(meta)
if (isTRUE(parallel)) {
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("parallel"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("doParallel"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("iterators"))
tt <- sm(requireNamespace("foreach"))
tt <- sm(try(attachNamespace("foreach"), silent = TRUE))
## cores <- parallel::detectCores() / 2
cores <- 4
cl <- parallel::makeCluster(cores)
show_progress <- interactive() & is.null(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(max = num_files, style = 3)
progress <- function(n) {
setTxtProgressBar(bar, n)
pb_opts <- list()
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
pb_opts <- list("progress" = progress)
res_names <- c()
res <- foreach(i = seq_len(num_files),
## .combine = "c", .multicombine = TRUE,
## .combine = "c",
.packages = c("hpgltools", "doParallel"),
.export = c("extract_scan_data")) %dopar% {
file <- meta[i, "file"]
id <- meta[i, "id"]
file_result <- try(extract_scan_data(file, id = id, write_acquisitions = write_windows,
allow_window_overlap = allow_window_overlap,
format = format, start_add = start_add))
if (class(file_result)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("There was an error reading ", file, ".")
} else {
res_names <- c(file, res_names)
returns[[file]] <- file_result
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
} else {
res_names <- c()
for (i in seq_len(num_files)) {
file <- meta[i, "file"]
id <- meta[i, "id"]
file_result <- try(extract_scan_data(file, id = id, write_acquisitions = write_windows,
allow_window_overlap = allow_window_overlap,
format = format, start_add = start_add), silent = TRUE)
if (class(file_result)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("There was an error reading ", file, ".")
} else {
res_names <- c(file, res_names)
res[[file]] <- file_result
try(names(res) <- res_names, silent = TRUE)
rownames(sample_definitions) <- make.names(sample_definitions[[id_column]], unique = TRUE)
retlist <- list(
"colors" = chosen_colors,
"metadata" = sample_definitions,
"sample_data" = res)
if (!is.null(savefile)) {
mzxml_data <- retlist
save_result <- try(save(list = c("mzxml_data"), file = savefile), silent = TRUE)
#' Get some data from a peptideprophet run.
#' I am not sure what if any parameters this should have, but it seeks to
#' extract the useful data from a peptide prophet run. In the situation in
#' which I wish to use it, the input command was:
#' > xinteract -dDECOY_ -OARPpd -Nfdr_library.xml comet_result.pep.xml
#' Eg. It is a peptideprophet result provided by TPP.
#' I want to read the resulting xml table and turn it into a data.table so that
#' I can plot some metrics from it.
#' @param pepxml The file resulting from the xinteract invocation.
#' @param decoy_string What prefix do decoys have in the data.
#' @param ... Catch extra arguments passed here, currently unused.
#' @return data table of all the information I saw fit to extract
#' The columns are:
#' * protein: The name of the matching sequence (DECOYs allowed here)
#' * decoy: TRUE/FALSE, is this one of our decoys?
#' * peptide: The sequence of the matching spectrum.
#' * start_scan: The scan in which this peptide was observed
#' * end scan: Ibid
#' * index This seems to just increment
#' * precursor_neutral_mass: Calculated mass of this fragment assuming no
#' isotope shenanigans (yeah, looking at you C13).
#' * assumed_charge: The expected charge state of this peptide.
#' * retention_time_sec: The time at which this peptide eluted during the run.
#' * peptide_prev_aa: The amino acid before the match.
#' * peptide_next_aa: and the following amino acid.
#' * num_tot_proteins: The number of matches not counting decoys.
#' * num_matched_ions: How many ions for this peptide matched?
#' * tot_num_ions: How many theoretical ions are in this fragment?
#' * matched_ion_ratio: num_matched_ions / tot_num_ions, bigger is better!
#' * cal_neutral_pep_mass: This is redundant with precursor_neutral_mass, but
#' recalculated by peptideProphet, so if there is a discrepency we should yell
#' at someone!
#' * massdiff How far off is the observed mass vs. the calculated? (also
#' redundant with massd later)
#' * num_tol_term: The number of peptide termini which are consistent with the
#' cleavage (hopefully 2), but potentially 1 or even 0 if digestion was
#' bad. (redundant with ntt later)
#' * num_missed_cleavages: How many cleavages must have failed in order for this
#' to be a good match?
#' * num_matched_peptides: Number of alternate possible peptide matches.
#' * xcorr: cross correlation of the experimental and theoretical spectra (this
#' is supposedly only used by sequest, but I seem to have it here...)
#' * deltacn: The normalized difference between the xcorr values for the best hit and next
#' best hit. Thus higher numbers suggest better matches.
#' * deltacnstar: Apparently 'important for things like phospho-searches
#' containing homologous top-scoring peptides when analyzed by
#' peptideprophet...' -- the comet release notes.
#' * spscore: The raw value of preliminary score from the sequest algorithm.
#' * sprank: The rank of the match in a preliminary score. 1 is good.
#' * expect: E-value of the given peptide hit. Thus how many identifications
#' one expect to observe by chance, lower is therefore better
#' * prophet_probability: The peptide prophet probability score, higher is
#' better.
#' * fval: 0.6(the dot function + 0.4(the delta dot function) - (the dot bias
#' penalty function) -- which is to say... well I dunno, but it is supposed to
#' provide information about how similar this match is to other potential
#' matches, so I presume higher means the match is more ambiguous.
#' * ntt: Redundant with num_tol_term above, but this time from peptide prophet.
#' * nmc: Redundant with num_missed_cleavages, except it coalesces them.
#' * massd: Redundant with massdiff
#' * isomassd: The mass difference, but taking into account stupid C13.
#' * RT: Retention time
#' * RT_score: The score of the retention time!
#' * modified_peptides: A string describing modifications in the found peptide
#' * variable_mods: A comma separated list of the variable modifications
#' observed.
#' * static_mods: A comma separated list of the static modifications observed.
#' @export
extract_peprophet_data <- function(pepxml, decoy_string = "DECOY_", ...) {
input <- xml2::read_html(pepxml, options = "NOBLANKS")
message("Extracting spectrum queries.")
spectrum_queries <- rvest::xml_nodes(input, "spectrum_query")
spectra <- spectrum_queries %>% rvest::html_attr("spectrum")
query_data <- data.frame(row.names = spectra)
## The interesting material at the beginning of a spectrum, these are in the
## <spectrum query> tag.
message("Extracting the spectrum_query metadata.")
toplevel_interesting <- c("start_scan", "end_scan", "precursor_neutral_mass",
"assumed_charge", "index", "retention_time_sec")
for (t in toplevel_interesting) {
query_data[[t]] <- spectrum_queries %>%
message("Extracting the search_result metadata.")
search_results <- rvest::xml_nodes(spectrum_queries, "search_result")
search_hits <- search_results %>%
rvest::html_node(xpath = "search_hit")
## The set of fields which look interesting to me in the search_hit data.
search_fields <- c("peptide", "peptide_prev_aa", "peptide_next_aa",
"protein", "num_tot_proteins",
"num_matched_ions", "tot_num_ions",
"calc_neutral_pep_mass", "massdiff", "num_tol_term",
"num_missed_cleavages", "num_matched_peptides")
for (s in search_fields) {
query_data[[s]] <- search_hits %>%
query_data[["decoy"]] <- FALSE
decoy_regex <- glue("^{decoy_string}")
decoy_idx <- grepl(pattern = decoy_regex, x = query_data[["protein"]])
query_data[decoy_idx, "decoy"] <- TRUE
query_data[["matched_ion_ratio"]] <- as.numeric(query_data[["num_matched_ions"]]) /
## Get modification info
message("Extracting modification metadata.")
query_data[["modified_peptides"]] <- search_hits %>%
rvest::html_node(xpath = "modification_info") %>%
na_idx <- is.na(query_data[["modified_peptides"]])
query_data[na_idx, "modified_peptides"] <- ""
query_data[["variable_mods"]] <- ""
query_data[["static_mods"]] <- ""
modification_test <- search_hits %>%
rvest::html_node(xpath = "modification_info")
message("Filling in modification information, this is slow.")
show_progress <- interactive() & is.null(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(style = 3)
for (i in seq_along(modification_test)) {
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
pct_done <- i / length(modification_test)
setTxtProgressBar(bar, pct_done)
test <- modification_test[[i]]
if (!is.na(test)) {
variables <- test %>%
rvest::html_nodes(xpath = "mod_aminoacid_mass") %>%
statics <- test %>%
rvest::html_nodes(xpath = "mod_aminoacid_mass") %>%
positions <- test %>%
rvest::html_nodes(xpath = "mod_aminoacid_mass") %>%
masses <- test %>%
rvest::html_nodes(xpath = "mod_aminoacid_mass") %>%
variable_idx <- !is.na(variables)
if (sum(variable_idx) > 0) {
variable_string <- toString(
glue("position: {positions[variable_idx]} mass: {masses[variable_idx]}\\
mod: {variables[variable_idx]}"))
query_data[i, "variable_mods"] <- variable_string
static_idx <- !is.na(statics)
if (sum(static_idx) > 0) {
static_string <- toString(
glue("position: {positions[static_idx]} mass: {masses[static_idx]}\\
mod: {statics[static_idx]}"))
query_data[i, "static_mods"] <- static_string
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
## Extracting the search_score tags
message("Extracting the search_score metadata.")
score_results <- rvest::xml_nodes(search_hits, "search_score")
score_names <- score_results %>%
score_values <- score_results %>%
names(score_values) <- score_names
for (v in unique(score_names)) {
query_data[[v]] <- score_values[names(score_values) == v]
## Get the peptideprophet_result
message("Extracting the peptideprophet_result probabilities.")
peptide_prophets <- rvest::xml_nodes(spectrum_queries, "peptideprophet_result")
query_data[["prophet_probability"]] <- peptide_prophets %>%
## Get the peptideprophet parameters
message("Extracting the search parameters.")
parameter_results <- rvest::xml_nodes(spectrum_queries, "parameter")
parameter_names <- parameter_results %>%
parameter_values <- parameter_results %>%
names(parameter_values) <- parameter_names
for (p in unique(parameter_names)) {
query_data[[p]] <- parameter_values[names(parameter_values) == p]
numeric_columns <- c("start_scan", "end_scan", "precursor_neutral_mass", "index",
"retention_time_sec", "calc_neutral_pep_mass", "massdiff",
"num_matched_peptides", "xcorr", "deltacn",
"deltacnstar", "spscore", "expect",
"prophet_probability", "fval", "massd", "RT", "RT_score")
factor_columns <- c("assumed_charge", "num_tot_proteins", "num_matched_ions", "num_tol_term",
"num_missed_cleavages", "sprank", "ntt", "nmc", "isomassd")
for (n in numeric_columns) {
query_data[[n]] <- as.numeric(query_data[[n]])
for (f in factor_columns) {
query_data[[f]] <- as.factor(query_data[[f]])
new_order <- c("protein", "decoy", "peptide", "start_scan", "end_scan",
"index", "precursor_neutral_mass", "assumed_charge",
"retention_time_sec", "peptide_prev_aa", "peptide_next_aa",
"num_tot_proteins", "num_matched_ions", "tot_num_ions",
"matched_ion_ratio", "calc_neutral_pep_mass", "massdiff",
"num_tol_term", "num_missed_cleavages", "num_matched_peptides",
"xcorr", "deltacn", "deltacnstar", "spscore", "sprank",
"expect", "prophet_probability", "fval", "ntt", "nmc", "massd",
"isomassd", "RT", "RT_score", "modified_peptides",
"variable_mods", "static_mods")
query_data <- query_data[, new_order]
check_masses <- testthat::expect_equal(query_data[["precursor_neutral_mass"]],
tolerance = 0.1)
result <- data.table::as.data.table(query_data)
#' Read a bunch of scored swath outputs from pyprophet to acquire their metrics.
#' This function is mostly cribbed from the other extract_ functions in this file.
#' With it, I hope to be able to provide some metrics of a set of openswath runs, thus
#' potentially opening the door to being able to objectively compare the same
#' run with different options and/or different runs.
#' Likely columns generated by exporting OpenMS data via pyprophet include:
#' transition_group_id: Incrementing ID of the transition in the MS(.pqp)
#' library used for matching (I am pretty sure).
#' decoy: Is this match of a decoy peptide?
#' run_id: This is a bizarre encoding of the run, OpenMS/pyprophet re-encodes
#' the run ID from the filename to a large signed integer.
#' filename: Which raw mzXML file provides this particular intensity value?
#' rt: Retention time in seconds for the matching peak group.
#' assay_rt: The expected retention time after normalization with the iRT. (how
#' does the iRT change this value?)
#' delta_rt: The difference between rt and assay_rt
#' irt: (As described in the abstract of Claudia Escher's 2012 paper: "Here we
#' present iRT, an empirically derived dimensionless peptide-specific value that
#' allows for highly accurate RT prediction. The iRT of a peptide is a fixed
#' number relative to a standard set of reference iRT-peptides that can be
#' transferred across laboratories and chromatographic systems.")
#' assay_irt: The iRT observed in the actual chromatographic run.
#' delta_irt: The difference. I am seeing that all the delta iRTs are in the
#' -4000 range for our actual experiment; since this is in seconds, does that
#' mean that it is ok as long as they stay in a similar range?
#' id: unique long signed integer for the peak group.
#' sequence: The sequence of the matched peptide
#' fullunimodpeptidename: The sequence, but with unimod formatted modifications
#' included.
#' charge: The assumed charge of the observed peptide.
#' mz: The m/z value of the precursor ion.
#' intensity: The sum of all transition intensities in the peak group.
#' aggr_prec_peak_area: Semi-colon separated list of intensities (peak areas)
#' of the MS traces for this match.
#' aggr_prec_peak_apex: Intensity peak apexes of the MS1 traces.
#' leftwidth: The start of the peak group in seconds.
#' rightwidth: The end of the peak group in seconds.
#' peak_group_rank: When multiple peak groups match, which one is this?
#' d_score: I think this is the score as retured by openMS (higher is better).
#' m_score: I am pretty sure this is the result of a SELECT QVALUE operation in pyprophet.
#' aggr_peak_area: The intensities of this fragment ion separated by semicolons.
#' aggr_peak_apex: The intensities of this fragment ion separated by semicolons.
#' aggr_fragment_annotation: Annotations of the fragment ion traces by semicolon.
#' proteinname: Name of the matching protein.
#' m_score_protein_run_specific: I am guessing the fdr for the pvalue for this run.
#' mass: Mass of the observed fragment.
#' @param metadata Data frame describing the samples, including the mzXML
#' filenames.
#' @param pyprophet_column Which column from the metadata provides the requisite filenames?
#' @param savefile If not null, save the data from this to the given filename.
#' @param ... Extra arguments, presumably color palettes and column names and
#' stuff like that.
#' @return List of data from each sample in the pyprophet scored DIA run.
#' @export
extract_pyprophet_data <- function(metadata, pyprophet_column = "diascored",
savefile = NULL, ...) {
arglist <- list(...)
## Add a little of the code from create_expt to include some design
## information in the returned data structure.
## Since I am using this code now in two places, if I can use it without changes, I will
## split it into its own function so make changes in one place happen in both
## but until I can ensure to myself that it is functional in both contexts I will not.
## Palette for colors when auto-chosen
chosen_palette <- "Dark2"
if (!is.null(arglist[["palette"]])) {
chosen_palette <- arglist[["palette"]]
sample_definitions <- data.frame()
if ("data.frame" %in% class(metadata)) {
sample_definitions <- metadata
} else {
sample_definitions <- extract_metadata(metadata,
## sample_definitions <- extract_metadata(metadata)
if (is.null(sample_definitions[[pyprophet_column]])) {
stop("This required a column with the tsv scored pyprophet data.")
chosen_colors <- generate_expt_colors(sample_definitions,
## chosen_colors <- generate_expt_colors(sample_definitions)
meta <- sample_definitions[, c("sampleid", pyprophet_column)]
colnames(meta) <- c("id", "scored")
existing_files <- complete.cases(meta[["scored"]])
if (sum(existing_files) != nrow(meta)) {
warning("It appears that some files are missing in the metadata.")
meta <- meta[existing_files, ]
res <- list()
num_files <- nrow(meta)
failed_files <- c()
for (i in seq_len(num_files)) {
file <- meta[i, "scored"]
id <- meta[i, "id"]
message("Attempting to read the tsv file for: ", id, ": ", file, ".")
file_result <- sm(try(readr::read_tsv(file), silent = TRUE))
if (class(file_result)[1] != "try-error") {
colnames(file_result) <- tolower(colnames(file_result))
file_result <- file_result %>%
dplyr::rowwise() %>%
dplyr::mutate(mass = gather_masses(sequence)) %>%
dplyr::mutate(seqlength = nchar(sequence))
res[[id]] <- file_result
} else {
message("Failed to read: ", id, ".")
failed_files <- c(failed_files, file)
found_ids <- names(res)
## Now cull the sample definitions to only include those we actually found.
sample_idx <- sample_definitions[["sampleid"]] %in% found_ids
sample_definitions <- sample_definitions[sample_idx, ]
retlist <- list(
"failed" = failed_files,
"colors" = chosen_colors,
"metadata" = sample_definitions,
"sample_data" = res)
if (!is.null(savefile)) {
pyprophet_data <- retlist
save_result <- try(save(list = c("pyprophet_data"), file = savefile), silent = TRUE)
class(retlist) <- c("pyprophet_tables", "list")
#' Use BRAIN to find the peptide mass from a sequence.
#' This rounds the avgMass from BRAIN to deal with isotopes, maybe this should be changed.
#' @param sequence Sequence to count.
#' @return Rounded average mass.
gather_masses <- function(sequence) {
atoms <- try(BRAIN::getAtomsFromSeq(sequence), silent = TRUE)
if (class(atoms)[1] != "try-error") {
d <- BRAIN::useBRAIN(atoms)
ret <- round(d[["avgMass"]])
} else {
ret <- 0
#' Impute missing values using code from DEP reworked for expressionsets.
#' [impute_expt()] imputes missing values in a proteomics dataset.
#' @param expt An ExpressionSet (well, expt), I think it is assumed that this should have
#' been normalized and filtered for features which have no values across 'most' samples.
#' @param filter Use normalize_expt() to filter the data?
#' @param p When filtering with pofa, use this p parameter.
#' @param fun "bpca", "knn", "QRILC", "MLE", "MinDet",
#' "MinProb", "man", "min", "zero", "mixed" or "nbavg",
#' Function used for data imputation based on
#' [MSnbase::impute-methods()]
#' @param ... Additional arguments for imputation functions.
#' @return An imputed expressionset.
#' @seealso [MSnbase]
#' @export
impute_expt <- function(expt, filter = TRUE, p = 0.5,
fun = c("bpca", "knn", "QRILC", "MLE",
"MinDet", "MinProb", "min", "zero",
"mixed", "nbavg"), ...) {
## Show error if inputs do not contain required columns
fun <- match.arg(fun)
## Caveat: Imputation works only on NA values. I reset NAs to 0,
## so I will need to send them back...
found_zeros <- sum(exprs(expt) == 0)
if (found_zeros == 0) {
warning("No missing values in the expressionset, returning it unchanged.")
} else {
message("Found ", found_zeros, " zeros in the data.")
if (isTRUE(filter)) {
if (expt[["state"]][["filter"]] == "raw") {
message("The data has not been filtered.")
} else {
message("The data was already filtered with: ", expt[["state"]][["filter"]], ".")
message("Filtering the data, turn off 'filter' to stop this.")
expt <- normalize_expt(expt, filter = "pofa", p = p)
exprs_set <- expt[["expressionset"]]
## Annotate whether or not there are missing values and how many
num_zeros <- apply(exprs(expt) == 0, 1, any)
fData(exprs_set)[["imputed"]] <- num_zeros
zero_idx <- exprs(expt) == 0
fData(exprs_set)[["num_nas"]] <- rowSums(zero_idx)
exprs(exprs_set)[zero_idx] <- NA
msn_data <- as(exprs_set, "MSnSet")
starting_counts <- exprs(exprs_set)
message("Invoking impute from MSnbase with the ", fun, " method.")
imputed_data <- MSnbase::impute(msn_data, method = fun,
imputed_exprs <- as(imputed_data, "ExpressionSet")
imputed_counts <- exprs(imputed_exprs)
same <- all.equal(starting_counts, imputed_counts)
if (isTRUE(same)) {
message("The counts remained the same.")
expt[["expressionset"]] <- imputed_exprs
#' An attempt to address a troubling question when working with DIA data.
#' My biggest concern when treating DIA data in a RNASeqish manner is the fact
#' that if a given peptide is not identified, that is not the same thing as
#' stating that it was not translated. It is somewhat reminiscent of the often
#' mocked and repeated Donald Rumsfeld statement regarding known unknowns
#' vs. unknown unknowns. Thus, in an RNASeq experiment, if one sees a zero, one
#' may assume that transcript was not transcribed, it may be assumed to be a
#' known zero(unknown). In contrast, if the same thing happens in a DIA data
#' set, that represents an unknown unknown. Perhaps it was not translated, and
#' perhaps it was not identified.
#' This function therefore does the following:
#' 1. Backfill all 0s in the matrix to NA.
#' 2. Performs a mean across all samples which are known technical replicates
#' of the same biological replicate. This mean is performed using
#' na.rm = TRUE. Thus the entries which used to be 0 should no longer affect
#' the result.
#' 3. Recreate the expressionset with the modified set of samples.
#' @param expt Starting expressionset to mangle.
#' @param fact Metadata factor to use when taking the mean of biological
#' replicates.
#' @param fun Assumed to be mean, but one might want median.
#' @return new expressionset
#' @export
mean_by_bioreplicate <- function(expt, fact = "bioreplicate", fun = "mean") {
## Set all the zeros to NA so that when we do cpm and mean they will get dropped.
exprs_set <- expt[["expressionset"]]
mtrx <- exprs(expt)
zero_idx <- mtrx == 0
new <- mtrx
new[zero_idx] <- NA
new_libsize <- colSums(new, na.rm = TRUE)
new <- edgeR::cpm(new, lib.size = new_libsize)
exprs(exprs_set) <- new
expt[["expressionset"]] <- exprs_set
annot <- fData(expt)
final <- median_by_factor(expt, fact = fact, fun = fun)[["medians"]]
current_design <- pData(expt)
new_design <- data.frame()
for (c in seq_along(colnames(final))) {
colname <- colnames(final)[c]
possible_rows <- which(current_design[[fact]] == colname)
chosen_row_idx <- possible_rows[1]
chosen_row <- current_design[chosen_row_idx, ]
new_design <- rbind(new_design, chosen_row)
rownames(new_design) <- colnames(final)
new_design[["sampleid"]] <- rownames(new_design)
new_design[["batch"]] <- "undefined"
new_set <- create_expt(count_dataframe = final, metadata = new_design, gene_info = annot)
#' Parse the difficult thermo fisher xlsx file.
#' The Thermo(TM) workflow has as its default a fascinatingly horrible excel
#' output. This function parses that into a series of data frames.
#' @param xlsx_file The input xlsx file
#' @param test_row A single row in the xlsx file to use for testing, as I have
#' not yet seen two of these accursed files which had the same headers.
#' @return List containing the protein names, group data, protein dataframe,
#' and peptide dataframe.
#' @export
read_thermo_xlsx <- function(xlsx_file, test_row = NULL) {
old_options <- options(java.parameters = "-Xmx20G")
message("Reading ", xlsx_file)
result <- readxl::read_xlsx(path = xlsx_file, sheet = 1, col_names = FALSE)
group_data <- list()
show_progress <- interactive() & is.null(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(style = 3)
for (r in seq_len(nrow(result))) {
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
pct_done <- r / nrow(result)
setTxtProgressBar(bar, pct_done)
row <- as.data.frame(result[r, ])
row[, is.na(row)] <- ""
## The following 3 stanzas handle the creation of the levels of our data structure
## The first defines the protein group
if (row[, 1] == "Checked") {
group_colnames <- as.character(row)
group_keepers <- !grepl(pattern = "^$", x = group_colnames)
group_keepers[1] <- FALSE
group_colnames <- group_colnames[group_keepers]
## When the 2nd column is 'Checked', then this defines a new protein in the group.
if (row[, 2] == "Checked") {
protein_colnames <- as.character(row)
protein_keepers <- !grepl(pattern = "^$", x = protein_colnames)
protein_keepers[2] <- FALSE
protein_colnames <- protein_colnames[protein_keepers]
## When the 3rd column is 'Checked', then this starts a peptide definition
if (row[, 3] == "Checked") {
peptide_colnames <- as.character(row)
peptide_keepers <- !grepl(pattern = "^$", x = peptide_colnames)
peptide_keepers[3] <- FALSE
peptide_colnames <- peptide_colnames[peptide_keepers]
## Once the column names for the data are defined, we consider how to
## Fill in the actual data, the protein group is probably the least interesting.
if (row[, 1] == FALSE | row[, 1] == TRUE) {
group_information <- row[group_keepers]
colnames(group_information) <- group_colnames
group_information[["ID"]] <- sub(pattern = "^.* GN=(\\w+) .*$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = group_information[["Group Description"]])
group_accession <- group_information[["Protein Group ID"]]
group_list <- list(
"summary" = group_information,
"data" = list())
group_data[[group_accession]] <- group_list
## When the 2nd column is FALSE, then this defined a protein in the group.
## The protein data structure is likely the most interesting.
if (row[, 2] == FALSE | row[, 2] == TRUE) {
protein_information <- row[protein_keepers]
colnames(protein_information) <- protein_colnames
protein_information[["ID"]] <- sub(pattern = "^.* GN=(\\w+) .*$",
replacement = "\\1",
x = protein_information[["Description"]])
protein_accession <- protein_information[["Accession"]]
protein_list <- list(
"summary" = protein_information,
"data" = data.frame())
group_data[[group_accession]][["data"]][[protein_accession]] <- protein_list
## When the 3rd group is FALSE, then this adds a peptide.
## The peptide data structure is the most detailed, but probably not the most interesting.
if (row[, 3] == FALSE | row[, 3] == TRUE) {
peptide_information <- row[peptide_keepers]
colnames(peptide_information) <- peptide_colnames
current <- group_data[[group_accession]][["data"]][[protein_accession]][["data"]]
new <- rbind(current, peptide_information)
group_data[[group_accession]][["data"]][[protein_accession]][["data"]] <- new
} ## End iterating over ever row of this unholy stupid data structure.
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
message("Finished parsing, reorganizing the protein data.")
protein_df <- data.frame()
peptide_df <- data.frame()
protein_names <- c()
message("Starting to iterate over ", length(group_data), " groups.")
show_progress <- interactive() & is.null(getOption("knitr.in.progress"))
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
bar <- utils::txtProgressBar(style = 3)
for (g in seq_along(group_data)) {
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
pct_done <- g / length(group_data)
setTxtProgressBar(bar, pct_done)
group <- as.character(names(group_data)[g])
protein_group <- group_data[[group]][["data"]]
protein_accessions <- names(protein_group)
for (p in seq_along(protein_accessions)) {
protein <- protein_accessions[p]
protein_names <- c(protein_names, protein)
protein_summary <- group_data[[group]][["data"]][[protein]][["summary"]]
protein_df <- rbind(protein_df, protein_summary)
peptide_data <- group_data[[group]][["data"]][[protein]][["data"]]
peptide_df <- rbind(peptide_df, peptide_data)
} ## End of the for loop
if (isTRUE(show_progress)) {
current_colnames <- colnames(protein_df)
current_colnames <- tolower(current_colnames)
## percent signs are stupid in columns.
current_colnames <- gsub(
pattern = "%", replacement = "pct", x = current_colnames)
## as are spaces.
current_colnames <- gsub(
pattern = " ", replacement = "_", x = current_colnames)
## A bunch of columns have redundant adjectives.
current_colnames <- gsub(
pattern = "_confidence", replacement = "", x = current_colnames)
## Extra text in a column name is useless
current_colnames <- gsub(
pattern = "\\(by_search_engine\\)", replacement = "", x = current_colnames)
## Get rid of a bunch of doofusy punctuation.
current_colnames <- gsub(
pattern = "\\[|\\]|#|:|\\.|\\/|\\,|\\-", replacement = "", x = current_colnames)
## At this point we should not have any leading underscores.
current_colnames <- gsub(
pattern = "^_", replacement = "", x = current_colnames)
## Now should we have any double underscores.
current_colnames <- gsub(
pattern = "__", replacement = "_", x = current_colnames)
## Finally, because of the previous removals, there might be some duplicated
## terms left behind.
current_colnames <- gsub(
pattern = "_ht", replacement = "", x = current_colnames)
current_colnames <- gsub(
pattern = "_mascot_mascot", replacement = "_mascot", x = current_colnames)
current_colnames <- gsub(
pattern = "_sequest_sequest", replacement = "_sequest", x = current_colnames)
colnames(protein_df) <- current_colnames
## Now make sure the columns which should be numeric, are numeric.
numeric_cols <- c(
"protein_fdr_mascot", "protein_fdr_sequest", "exp_qvalue_mascot",
"expt_qvalue_sequest", "coverage_pct", "unique_peptides", "aas", "mw_kda",
"calc_pi", "score_mascot", "score_sequest", "peptides_mascot",
for (col in numeric_cols) {
if (!is.null(protein_df[[col]])) {
protein_df[[col]] <- as.numeric(protein_df[[col]])
## Make sure columns which are 'found_in' are factors
for (col in colnames(protein_df)) {
if (grepl(pattern = "^found_in_", x = col)) {
protein_df[[col]] <- as.factor(protein_df[[col]])
retlist <- list(
"names" = protein_names,
"group_data" = group_data,
"protein_data" = protein_df,
"peptide_data" = peptide_df)
#' Gather together the various SWATH2stats filters into one place.
#' There are quite a few filters available in SWATH2stats. Reading the
#' documentation, it seems at least possible, if not appropriate, to use them
#' together when filtering DIA data before passing it to MSstats/etc. This
#' function attempts to formalize and simplify that process.
#' @param s2s_exp SWHAT2stats result from the sample_annotation()
#' function. (s2s_exp stands for: SWATH2stats experiment)
#' @param column What column in the data contains the protein name?
#' @param pep_column What column in the data contains the peptide name (not
#' currently used, but it should be.)
#' @param fft Ratio of false negatives to true positives, used by
#' assess_by_fdr() and similar functions.
#' @param plot Print plots of the various rates by sample?
#' @param target_fdr When invoking mscore4assayfdr, choose an mscore which
#' corresponds to this false discovery date.
#' @param upper_fdr Used by filter_mscore_fdr() to choose the minimum threshold
#' of identification confidence.
#' @param mscore Mscore cutoff for the mscore filter.
#' @param percentage Cutoff for the mscore_freqobs filter.
#' @param remove_decoys Get rid of decoys in the final filter, if they were not
#' already removed.
#' @param max_peptides A maximum number of peptides filter.
#' @param min_peptides A minimum number of peptides filter.
#' @param do_mscore Perform the mscore filter? SWATH2stats::filter_mscore()
#' @param do_freqobs Perform the mscore_freqobs filter?
#' SWATH2stats::filter_mscore_freqobs()
#' @param do_fdr Perform the fdr filter? SWATH2stats::filter_mscore_fdr()
#' @param do_proteotypic Perform the proteotypic filter?
#' SWATH2stats::filter_proteotypic_peptides()
#' @param do_peptide Perform the single-peptide filter?
#' SWATH2stats::filter_all_peptides()
#' @param do_max Perform the maximum peptide filter?
#' SWATH2stats::filter_max_peptides()
#' @param do_min Perform the minimum peptide filter?
#' SWATH2stats::filter_min_peptides()
#' @param ... Other arguments passed down to the filters.
#' @return Smaller SWATH2stats data set.
#' @seealso [SWATH2stats]
#' @export
s2s_all_filters <- function(s2s_exp, column = "proteinname", pep_column = "fullpeptidename",
fft = 0.7, plot = FALSE, target_fdr = 0.02, upper_fdr = 0.05,
mscore = 0.01, percentage = 0.75, remove_decoys = TRUE,
max_peptides = 15, min_peptides = 2,
do_mscore = TRUE, do_freqobs = TRUE, do_fdr = TRUE,
do_proteotypic = TRUE, do_peptide = TRUE,
do_max = TRUE, do_min = TRUE, ...) {
retlist <- list()
retlist[["decoy_lists"]] <- SWATH2stats::assess_decoy_rate(s2s_exp)
decoy_ratio <- as.numeric(retlist[["decoy_lists"]][["ratio"]])
decoy_number <- grepl(pattern = "^DECOY", x = s2s_exp[["proteinname"]])
message("There were ", sum(!decoy_number),
" observations and ", sum(decoy_number), " decoy observations.")
retlist[["fdr_overall"]] <- SWATH2stats::assess_fdr_overall(
output = "Rconsole",
plot = plot)
retlist[["byrun_fdr"]] <- SWATH2stats::assess_fdr_byrun(
FFT = fft,
plot = plot,
output = "Rconsole")
retlist[["chosen_mscore"]] <- SWATH2stats::mscore4assayfdr(
FFT = fft,
fdr_target = target_fdr,
retlist[["prot_score"]] <- SWATH2stats::mscore4protfdr(
FFT = fft,
fdr_target = target_fdr,
message("Starting mscore filter.")
retlist[["raw"]] <- s2s_exp
filt <- s2s_exp
if (isTRUE(do_mscore)) {
message("Starting mscore filter.")
filt <- try(SWATH2stats::filter_mscore(
if (class(filt)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("The mscore filter failed, reverting to the raw data.")
filt <- s2s_exp
retlist[["mscore_filtered"]] <- "error"
} else {
retlist[["mscore_filtered"]] <- filt
} else {
message("Skipping mscore filter.")
retlist[["mscore_filtered"]] <- NULL
filt_backup <- filt
if (isTRUE(do_freqobs)) {
message("Starting freqobs filter.")
filt <- try(SWATH2stats::filter_mscore_freqobs(
if (class(filt)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("The mscore filter failed, reverting to the mscore filtered data.")
filt <- filt_backup
retlist[["freqobs_filtered"]] <- "error"
} else {
retlist[["freqobs_filtered"]] <- filt
} else {
message("Skipping freqobs filter.")
retlist[["freqobs_filtered"]] <- NULL
filt_backup <- filt
if (isTRUE(do_fdr)) {
message("Starting fdr filter.")
## filter_mscore_fdr should probably be modified for flexibility.
filt <- try(SWATH2stats::filter_mscore_fdr(
FFT = fft,
overall_protein_fdr_target = retlist[["prot_score"]],
upper_overall_peptide_fdr_limit = upper_fdr,
if (class(filt)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("The fdr filter failed, reverting to the freqobs filtered data.")
filt <- filt_backup
retlist[["fdr_filtered"]] <- "error"
} else {
retlist[["fdr_filtered"]] <- filt
} else {
message("Skipping fdr filter.")
retlist[["fdr_filtered"]] <- NULL
filt_backup <- filt
if (isTRUE(do_proteotypic)) {
message("Starting proteotypic filter.")
filt <- try(SWATH2stats::filter_proteotypic_peptides(
column = column,
if (class(filt)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("The proteotypic filter failed, reverting to the fdr filtered data.")
filt <- filt_backup
retlist[["proteotypic_filtered"]] <- "error"
} else {
retlist[["proteotypic_filtered"]] <- filt
} else {
message("Skipping proteotypic filter.")
retlist[["proteotypic_filtered"]] <- NULL
filt_backup <- filt
if (isTRUE(do_peptide)) {
message("Starting peptide filter.")
## Looking at this function, it just renames the peptides to remove the 1/!
## That is not a filter!
filt <- try(SWATH2stats::filter_all_peptides(
column = column))
if (class(filt)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("The peptide filter failed, reverting to the proteotypic filtered data.")
filt <- filt_backup
retlist[["peptide_filtered"]] <- "error"
} else {
retlist[["peptide_filtered"]] <- filt
} else {
message("Skipping peptide filter.")
retlist[["peptide_filtered"]] <- NULL
filt_backup <- filt
if (isTRUE(do_max)) {
message("Starting maximum peptide filter.")
filt <- try(SWATH2stats::filter_on_max_peptides(
data = filt,
column = column,
n_peptides = max_peptides,
if (class(filt)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("The maximum peptide filter failed, reverting to the proteotypic filtered data.")
filt <- filt_backup
retlist[["maxpeptide_filtered"]] <- "error"
} else {
retlist[["maxpeptide_filtered"]] <- filt
} else {
message("Skipping max peptide filter.")
filt_backup <- filt
if (isTRUE(do_min)) {
message("Starting minimum peptide filter.")
filt <- try(SWATH2stats::filter_on_min_peptides(
data = filt,
n_peptides = min_peptides,
column = column,
rm.decoy = remove_decoys))
if (class(filt)[1] == "try-error") {
warning("The minimum peptide filter failed, reverting to the maximum peptide filtered data.")
filt <- filt_backup
retlist[["minpeptide_filtered"]] <- "error"
} else {
retlist[["minpeptide_filtered"]] <- filt
} else {
message("Skipping min peptide filter.")
retlist[["minpeptide_filtered"]] <- NULL
retlist[["final"]] <- filt
start_proteins <- length(unique(s2s_exp[[column]]))
start_peptides <- length(unique(s2s_exp[["fullpeptidename"]]))
end_proteins <- length(unique(retlist[["final"]][[column]]))
end_peptides <- length(unique(retlist[["final"]][["fullpeptidename"]]))
message("We went from ", start_proteins, "/", start_peptides, " proteins/peptides to:")
message(" ", end_proteins, "/", end_peptides, " proteins/peptides.")
subset_pyprophet_data <- function(lst, subset = NULL, column = "protein_id", operator = "in") {
data <- lst[["sample_data"]]
## First, I want to get the simple Rv ID from the data, this is annoyingly Tb
## specific and should be removed or in some way made generic for other data.
for (c in seq_along(data)) {
datum <- data[[c]]
datum[["protein_id"]] <- gsub(x = datum[["proteinname"]], pattern = "^1/",
replacement = "")
datum[["protein_id"]] <- gsub(x = datum[["protein_id"]], pattern = "_.*$",
replacement = "")
data[[c]] <- datum
## Now, separately subset the data to find the proteins of interest.
for (c in seq_along(data)) {
datum <- data[[c]]
datum_idx <- rep(TRUE, nrow(datum))
if (operator == "in") {
datum_idx <- datum[[column]] %in% subset
} else if (operator == "equals") {
datum_idx <- datum[[column]] == subset
} else if (operator == "gt") {
datum_idx <- datum[[column]] > subset
} else if (operator == "lt") {
datum_idx <- datum[[column]] < subset
} else {
message("I do not know this operator, doing nothing.")
datum <- datum[datum_idx, ]
data[[c]] <- datum
lst[["sample_data"]] <- data
## EOF
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