#' Computing kinase activity using mean value and multiple linear regression (ridge regression) except KSEA
#' @param ptypes_data A data frame of phosphorylation data after normalization.
#' @param species A string representing the species of imported data, the options are human, mouse and rat.
#' @param log2_label A boolean value representing whether data is logarithmetics, the default is FALSE.
#' @param method A string for the method to compute kinase activity, the options are 'mean' and 'mlr' (multiple linear regression),
#' the default is mean.
#' @author Dongdong Zhan and Mengsha Tong
#' @return A data frame that consists of kinase, psite, substrate, counting byond ratio_cutoff and corresponding original value.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' \dontrun{
#' ftp_url <- "https://github.com/ecnuzdd/PhosMap_datasets/function_demo_data/get_ka_by_mean_or_mlr.RData"
#' load_data <- load_data_with_ftp(ftp_url, 'RData')
#' writeBin(load_data, "get_ka_by_mean_or_mlr.RData")
#' load("get_ka_by_mean_or_mlr.RData")
#' kinase_activity_df <- get_ka_by_mean_or_mlr(
#' cluster_df,
#' species = 'human',
#' log2_label = TRUE,
#' method = 'mean'
#' )
#' head(kinase_activity_df)
#' }
get_ka_by_mean_or_mlr <- function(
species = 'human',
log2_label = FALSE,
method = 'mean'
# read relationship of kinase-substrate provided by PhosMap
# KSRR: kinase substrate regulation relationship
# A data frame contanning relationship of kinase-substrate that consists of "kinase", "substrate", "site", "sequence" and "predicted" columns.
KSRR_FILE_NAME <- paste(species, 'ksrr.csv', sep = '_')
KSRR_FILE_PATH <- normalizePath(
'kinase_substrate_regulation_relationship_table', species, KSRR_FILE_NAME,
package = "PhosMap"
mustWork = FALSE
cat(KSRR_FILE_PATH, ' -> ', 'No the file')
kinase_substrate_regulation_relationship <- utils::read.csv(KSRR_FILE_PATH, header = TRUE, sep= ",", stringsAsFactors = NA)
ID <- as.vector(ptypes_data[,1])
ptypes_data_ratio <- ptypes_data[,-1]
ptypes_data_ratio <- log2(ptypes_data_ratio)
symbol <- apply(data.frame(ID), 1, function(x){
x <- strsplit(x, split = '_')[[1]]
site <- apply(data.frame(ID), 1, function(x){
x <- strsplit(x, split = '_')[[1]]
ptypes_data_ID <- data.frame(site, symbol)
sites_id <- paste(site, symbol, sep = '|')
ksea_regulons <- unique(
kinase_substrate <- kinase_substrate_regulation_relationship
kinases_site_substrate <- NULL
site_substrate <- NULL
sites_id_count <- length(sites_id)
for(i in seq_len(sites_id_count)){
# cat('\n complete: ', i, '/', sites_id_count)
substrate_site <- as.vector(ptypes_data_ID[i,1])
substrate_symbol <- as.vector(ptypes_data_ID[i,2])
# extract kinase from a table called relationship of kinase-substrate
index_of_kinases_i <- which(kinase_substrate[,3]==substrate_site & kinase_substrate[,2]==substrate_symbol)
if(length(index_of_kinases_i) > 0){
kinase_substrate_i_df <- kinase_substrate[index_of_kinases_i, c(1,3,2)] # kinase, site, substrate
kinases_site_substrate_i <- paste(kinase_substrate_i_df[,1], kinase_substrate_i_df[,2], kinase_substrate_i_df[,3], sep = '|')
site_substrate_i <- paste(kinase_substrate_i_df[,2], kinase_substrate_i_df[,3], sep = '|')
kinases_site_substrate <- c(kinases_site_substrate, kinases_site_substrate_i)
site_substrate <- c(site_substrate, site_substrate_i)
regulons_list <- list()
regulons_list_index <- 0
ksea_regulons_count <- length(ksea_regulons)
regulons_count <- NULL
regulons_list_names <- NULL
for(i in seq_len(ksea_regulons_count)){
ksea_regulon <- ksea_regulons[i]
index_of_match <- which(grepl(ksea_regulon, kinases_site_substrate))
regulons_list_index <- regulons_list_index + 1
regulons <- site_substrate[index_of_match]
regulons_list[[regulons_list_index]] <- regulons
regulons_count <- c(regulons_count, length(index_of_match))
regulons_list_names <- c(regulons_list_names, ksea_regulon)
regulons_list <- lapply(regulons_list, function(x){gsub(' ', '', x)})
names(regulons_list) <- regulons_list_names
if(method == 'mean'){
regulons_list_count <- length(regulons_list)
kinase_site_substrate_activity_df <- NULL
for(i in seq_len(regulons_list_count)){
ksea_regulon_i <- regulons_list_names[i]
substrate_i <- regulons_list[[i]]
substrate_count_i <- length(substrate_i)
index_of_match_i <- NULL
for(j in seq_len(substrate_count_i)){
substrate_j <- substrate_i[j]
index_of_match_j <- which(sites_id==substrate_j)
index_of_match_j <- index_of_match_j[1] # keep only one
ptypes_data_ratio_j <- ptypes_data_ratio[index_of_match_j,]
index_of_match_i <- c(index_of_match_i, index_of_match_j)
substrate_ratio_all_exps <- t(ptypes_data_ratio[c(index_of_match_i),])
substrate_ratio_all_exps <- ptypes_data_ratio[index_of_match_i,]
ksea_regulon_i_activity <- 2^colMeans(substrate_ratio_all_exps) # The original value, not log2
kinase_site_substrate_activity_df <- rbind(kinase_site_substrate_activity_df, ksea_regulon_i_activity)
result_df <- data.frame(regulons_list_names, kinase_site_substrate_activity_df)
colnames(result_df) <- c('Kinase', colnames(kinase_site_substrate_activity_df))
}else if(method == 'mlr'){
x_vector <- sort(regulons_list_names)
x_vector_count <- length(x_vector)
y_vector <- sort(unique(as.vector(unlist(regulons_list))))
y_vector_count <- length(y_vector)
y_vector_assign_value_count <- rep(0, y_vector_count)
xy_mat1 <- matrix(0, y_vector_count, x_vector_count, dimnames = list(y_vector, x_vector))
xy_mat2 <- matrix(0, y_vector_count, ncol(ptypes_data_ratio), dimnames = list(y_vector, colnames(ptypes_data_ratio)))
for(i in seq_len(x_vector_count)){
regulons <- regulons_list_names[i]
i_substrates <- regulons_list[[i]]
xy_mat1_match_index <- which(y_vector == i_substrates)
xy_mat1[xy_mat1_match_index, regulons] <- 1
i_substrates_count <- length(i_substrates)
for(j in seq_len(i_substrates_count)){
ij_substrate <- i_substrates[j]
ij_match_index <- which(sites_id == ij_substrate)
ij_match_value <- as.vector(unlist(ptypes_data_ratio[ij_match_index,]))
xy_mat2_match_index = which(y_vector == ij_substrate)
if(y_vector_assign_value_count[xy_mat2_match_index] == 0){
xy_mat2[xy_mat2_match_index,] <- ij_match_value
xy_mat2[xy_mat2_match_index,] <- xy_mat2[xy_mat2_match_index,] + ij_match_value
y_vector_assign_value_count[xy_mat2_match_index] <- y_vector_assign_value_count[xy_mat2_match_index] + 1
xy_mat2 <- xy_mat2/y_vector_assign_value_count
# xy_mat2 <- 2^xy_mat2
x <- xy_mat1
coefV_df <- NULL
for(i in seq_len(ncol(xy_mat2))){
y <- as.vector(unlist(xy_mat2[,i]))
# alpha = 0 -> ridge regression
cv_fit_ridge <- glmnet::cv.glmnet(
x, y, alpha = 0,
intercept = FALSE, grouped=FALSE,
thresh = 0.001, family="gaussian",
type.measure = "mse", standardize = TRUE,
standardize.response = TRUE
# plot(cv_fit_ridge)
coefV <- as.vector(stats::coef(cv_fit_ridge))
coefV_df <- cbind(coefV_df, coefV)
result_df <- data.frame(regulons_list_names, coefV_df[-1,])
colnames(result_df) <- c('Kinase', colnames(xy_mat2))
stop('The input parameters may be wrong.')
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