
Defines functions .is_numeric_character get_priors.mcmc.list get_priors.blavaan get_priors.BFBayesFactor .fix_metabma_priorname get_priors.meta_fixed get_priors.meta_random get_priors.bcplm .match_brms_priors_to_params .print_brmsprior_preparation get_priors.brmsfit get_priors.stanmvreg get_priors.stanreg get_priors

Documented in get_priors get_priors.brmsfit

#' @title Get summary of priors used for a model
#' @name get_priors
#' @description Provides a summary of the prior distributions used
#'   for the parameters in a given model.
#' @param x A Bayesian model.
#' @param verbose Toggle warnings and messages.
#' @param ... Currently not used.
#' @return A data frame with a summary of the prior distributions used
#'   for the parameters in a given model.
#' @examplesIf require("rstanarm", quietly = TRUE)
#' \donttest{
#' library(rstanarm)
#' model <- stan_glm(Sepal.Width ~ Species * Petal.Length, data = iris)
#' get_priors(model)
#' }
#' @export
get_priors <- function(x, ...) {

# =========================================================================
# RSTANARM ----------------------------------------------------------------
# =========================================================================

#' @export
get_priors.stanreg <- function(x, verbose = TRUE, ...) {

  ps <- rstanarm::prior_summary(x)

  l <- compact_list(lapply(ps[c("prior_intercept", "prior")], function(.x) {
    if (!is.null(.x)) {
      # quick and dirty fix for flat priors
      # else, compact_list() will set this item as "NA"
      if (is.na(.x$dist)) {
        .x$dist <- "uniform"
        .x$location <- 0
        .x$scale <- 0
        .x$adjusted_scale <- 0
      .x <- do.call(cbind, .x)

  # find all column names, add missing columns manually, so merge() works
  cn <- unique(unlist(lapply(l, colnames)))
  l <- lapply(l, function(.x) {
    missing_cols <- setdiff(cn, colnames(.x))
    if (length(missing_cols)) {
      .x[missing_cols] <- NA

  if (length(l) > 1L) {
    prior_info <- do.call(rbind, l)
  } else {
    cn <- colnames(l[[1]])
    prior_info <- as.data.frame(l)
    colnames(prior_info) <- cn

  # fix parameters for flat priors here
  flat <- which(prior_info$dist == "uniform")
  if (length(flat) > 0) {
    prior_info$location[flat] <- NA
    prior_info$scale[flat] <- NA
    prior_info$adjusted_scale[flat] <- NA

  params <- find_parameters(x, parameters = "^(?!(R2|log-fit_ratio))")$conditional

  # this is a particular fix for the "R2" prior, which conveys prior
  # information about *all* the parameters. In this case, number of
  # parameters doesn't match number of priors

  if (length(params) != nrow(prior_info)) {
    if (length(params) == 1) {
      prior_info$parameter <- "(Intercept)"
    } else if ("R2" %in% prior_info$dist) {
      prior_info$parameter <- prior_info$dist
      prior_info$parameter[prior_info$dist != "R2"] <- "(Intercept)"
  } else {
    prior_info$parameter <- params
  prior_info <- prior_info[, intersect(c("parameter", "dist", "location", "scale", "adjusted_scale"), colnames(prior_info))]

  colnames(prior_info) <- gsub("dist", "distribution", colnames(prior_info), fixed = TRUE)
  colnames(prior_info) <- gsub("df", "DoF", colnames(prior_info), fixed = TRUE)

  priors <- as.data.frame(lapply(prior_info, function(x) {
    if (.is_numeric_character(x)) {
    } else {
  }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  string <- strsplit(names(priors), "_", fixed = TRUE)
  string <- lapply(string, format_capitalize)
  names(priors) <- unlist(lapply(string, paste0, collapse = "_"))


#' @export
get_priors.stanmvreg <- function(x, ...) {

  ps <- rstanarm::prior_summary(x)

  l <- compact_list(lapply(ps[c("prior_intercept", "prior")], function(.x) { # nolint
    lapply(.x, function(.i) {
      if (!is.null(.i)) do.call(cbind, .i)

  prior_info <- do.call(rbind, lapply(l, function(.x) {
    if (length(.x) > 1L) {
      out <- lapply(names(.x), function(.i) {
        if (!("adjusted_scale" %in% colnames(.x[[.i]]))) .x[[.i]] <- cbind(.x[[.i]], adjusted_scale = NA)
        data.frame(.x[[.i]], response = .i, stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
      do.call(rbind, out)
    } else {
      cn <- colnames(.x[[1]])
      prior_info <- as.data.frame(.x)
      colnames(prior_info) <- cn

  # find parameter names
  params <- unlist(lapply(find_parameters(x), function(.i) .i$conditional))
  params <- params[c(which(params == "(Intercept)"), which(params != "(Intercept)"))]
  prior_info$parameter <- params

  prior_info <- prior_info[, intersect(c("parameter", "dist", "location", "scale", "adjusted_scale", "response"), colnames(prior_info))]

  colnames(prior_info) <- gsub("dist", "distribution", colnames(prior_info), fixed = TRUE)
  colnames(prior_info) <- gsub("df", "DoF", colnames(prior_info), fixed = TRUE)

  priors <- as.data.frame(lapply(prior_info, function(x) {
    if (.is_numeric_character(x)) {
    } else {
  }), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

  string <- strsplit(names(priors), "_", fixed = TRUE)
  string <- lapply(string, format_capitalize)
  names(priors) <- unlist(lapply(string, paste0, collapse = "_"))

  # minor fixes
  priors$Parameter <- sprintf("%s|%s", priors$Response, priors$Parameter)


# =========================================================================
# BRMS ----------------------------------------------------------------
# =========================================================================

#' @rdname get_priors
#' @export
get_priors.brmsfit <- function(x, verbose = TRUE, ...) {
  info <- as.data.frame(.print_brmsprior_preparation(x$prior))
  info$Parameter <- .match_brms_priors_to_params(info)

  priors <- data.frame(Parameter = info$Parameter)

  # Format the prior string ------------------------------------
  priors$Distribution <- gsub(
    "(.*)\\(.*", "\\1",
    ifelse(info$prior == "(flat)",
  priors$Distribution[priors$Distribution == "lkj_corr_cholesky"] <- "lkj"

  # Initialize empty
  priors$Location <- NA
  priors$Scale <- NA
  priors$df <- NA

  # student_t(df, location, scale)
  is_student_t <- priors$Distribution == "student_t"
  priors$Location[is_student_t] <- gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\,(.*)\\,(.*)\\)", "\\3", info$prior[is_student_t])
  priors$Scale[is_student_t] <- gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\,(.*)\\,(.*)\\)", "\\4", info$prior[is_student_t])
  priors$df[is_student_t] <- gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\,(.*)\\,(.*)\\)", "\\2", info$prior[is_student_t])

  # normal(location, scale)
  is_normal <- priors$Distribution == "normal"
  priors$Location[is_normal] <- gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\,(.*)\\)", "\\2", info$prior[is_normal])
  priors$Scale[is_normal] <- gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\,(.*)\\)", "\\3", info$prior[is_normal])

  # lkj(eta)
  is_lkj <- priors$Distribution == "lkj"
  priors$Location[is_lkj] <- gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\)", "\\2", info$prior[is_lkj])

  # Transform to numeric
  priors$Location <- as.numeric(priors$Location)
  priors$Scale <- as.numeric(priors$Scale)
  priors$df <- as.numeric(priors$df)

  # Get parameters
  params <- find_parameters(x, ..., flatten = TRUE)

  # remove random
  params <- params[!grepl("^r_(.*)\\]$", params)]
  params <- params[!grepl("^r_(.*)\\.\\d$", params)]

  # Loop through all parameters and try to retrieve its correct prior
  out <- data.frame()
  for (p in params) {
    prior_subset <- priors[priors$Parameter == p, ]

    # If nothing corresponding directly to the parameter...
    if (nrow(prior_subset) == 0) {
      # Special treatment for cor_*
      prior_subset <- priors[sapply(priors$Parameter, grepl, x = p), ]

      # If still empty, make empty df
      if (nrow(prior_subset) == 0) {
        prior_subset <- stats::setNames(data.frame(t(rep(NA, 5))), c("Parameter", "Distribution", "Location", "Scale", "df"))

    # Rbind the stuff
    prior_subset$Parameter <- p
    out <- rbind(out, prior_subset)

  row.names(out) <- NULL
  attr(out, "priors") <- info


# Utils -------

.print_brmsprior_preparation <- function(x) {
  # This function is taken from brms:::print.brmsprior
  # which adds information using private functions upon printing
  # but doesn't return it

  .stan_base_prior <- function(prior) {
    stopifnot(length(unique(prior$class)) <= 1)
    take <- with(prior, !nzchar(coef) & nzchar(prior))
    prior <- prior[take, ]
    if (!NROW(prior)) {
    vars <- c("group", "nlpar", "dpar", "resp", "class")
    for (v in vars) {
      take <- nzchar(prior[[v]])
      if (any(take)) {
        prior <- prior[take, ]
    stopifnot(NROW(prior) == 1)

  .find_rows <- function(x, ..., info_list = list(), fun = "%in%") {
    x <- as.data.frame(x)
    if (!nrow(x)) {
    out <- rep(TRUE, nrow(x))
    info_list <- c(info_list, list(...))
    if (!length(info_list)) {
    if (is.null(names(info_list))) {
      format_error("Argument `info_list` must be named.")
    for (name in names(info_list)) {
      out <- out & brms::do_call(fun, list(x[[name]], info_list[[name]]))

  if (is.null(x$source)) {
    x$source <- "(unknown)"
  x$source[!nzchar(x$source)] <- "(unknown)"
  # column names to vectorize over
  cols <- c("group", "nlpar", "dpar", "resp", "class")
  empty_strings <- rep("", 4)
  for (i in which(!nzchar(x$prior))) {
    info_list <- x[i, cols]
    info_list <- rbind(info_list, c(empty_strings, info_list$class))
    info_list <- as.list(info_list)
    sub_prior <- x[.find_rows(x, info_list = info_list, fun = "%in%"), , drop = FALSE]
    base_prior <- .stan_base_prior(sub_prior)
    if (nzchar(base_prior)) {
      x$prior[i] <- base_prior
      x$source[i] <- "(vectorized)"
    } else {
      x$prior[i] <- "(flat)"

.match_brms_priors_to_params <- function(prior_summary) {
  # Rename for easier manipulation
  pr <- prior_summary

  # Initialize empty string
  p <- rep("", nrow(pr))

  # class == Intercept -------------------------
  p <- ifelse(pr$class == "Intercept",
      ifelse(pr$dpar != "", paste0("_", pr$dpar), ""), # nolint

  # class == b ------------------------------
  # Are there other possible parameters?
  p <- ifelse(
    pr$class == "b",
      ifelse(pr$dpar != "", paste0(pr$dpar, "_"), ""), # nolint

  # class == L ------------------------------
  p <- ifelse(pr$class == "L", paste0("cor_", pr$group, "_"), p)

  # class == sigma ------------------------------
  # TODO: I only saw it alone, but possibly can have other parameters
  p <- ifelse(pr$class == "sigma", "sigma", p)

  # class == sd  -------------------------------
  p <- ifelse(
    pr$class == "sd",
      ifelse(pr$dpar != "", paste0(pr$dpar, "_"), ""), # nolint

  # class == sds  -------------------------------
  # TODO: Fix coef for sds_
  # TODO: Fix beta for smooth term (bs_coef instead of b_coef)
  # p <- ifelse(
  #   pr$class == "sds",
  #   paste0("sds", ifelse(pr$coef  != "", paste0("_", pr$coef), "")),
  #   p)


# =========================================================================
# BCPLM ----------------------------------------------------------------
# =========================================================================

#' @export
get_priors.bcplm <- function(x, ...) {
  params <- setdiff(find_parameters(x, flatten = TRUE), c("phi", "p"))

  location <- eval(parse(text = safe_deparse(x@call))[[1]]$prior.beta.mean)
  if (is.null(location)) location <- 0

  prior_scale <- eval(parse(text = safe_deparse(x@call))[[1]]$prior.beta.var)
  if (is.null(prior_scale)) {
    prior_scale <- 10000

    Parameter = params,
    Distribution = "normal",
    Location = location,
    Scale = prior_scale,
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

# =========================================================================
# meta -------------------------------------------------------------
# =========================================================================

#' @export
get_priors.meta_random <- function(x, ...) {
  params <- rownames(x$estimates)
  params[params == "d"] <- "(Intercept)"

  prior_info1 <- attr(x$prior_d, "param")
  prior_info2 <- attr(x$prior_tau, "param")

  fam1 <- attr(x$prior_d, "family")
  fam2 <- attr(x$prior_tau, "family")

  loc1 <- which(names(prior_info1) %in% c("mean", "location", "shape"))[1]
  loc2 <- which(names(prior_info2) %in% c("mean", "location", "shape"))[1]

  scale1 <- which(names(prior_info1) %in% c("scale", "sd"))[1]
  scale2 <- which(names(prior_info2) %in% c("scale", "sd"))[1]

  out <- data.frame(
    Parameter = params,
    Distribution = c(fam1, fam2),
    Location = c(prior_info1[loc1], prior_info2[loc2]),
    Scale = c(prior_info1[scale1], prior_info2[scale2]),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
    row.names = NULL


#' @export
get_priors.meta_fixed <- function(x, ...) {
  params <- rownames(x$estimates)
  params[params == "d"] <- "(Intercept)"

  prior_info <- attr(x$prior_d, "param")
  fam <- attr(x$prior_d, "family")

  loc <- which(names(prior_info) %in% c("mean", "location", "shape"))[1]
  prior_scale <- which(names(prior_info) %in% c("scale", "sd"))[1]

  out <- data.frame(
    Parameter = params,
    Distribution = fam,
    Location = prior_info[loc],
    Scale = prior_info[prior_scale],
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE


.fix_metabma_priorname <- function(x) {
  x$Distribution <- gsub("t", "Student's t", x$Distribution, fixed = TRUE)
  x$Distribution <- gsub("norm", "Normal", x$Distribution, fixed = TRUE)
  x$Distribution <- gsub("invgamma", "Inverse gamma", x$Distribution, fixed = TRUE)

# =========================================================================
# BayesFactor -------------------------------------------------------------
# =========================================================================

#' @export
get_priors.BFBayesFactor <- function(x, ...) {
  prior <- compact_list(utils::tail(x@numerator, 1)[[1]]@prior[[1]])
  bf_type <- .classify_BFBayesFactor(x)

  prior_names <- switch(bf_type,
    correlation = "rho",
    ttest1 = ,
    ttest2 = "Difference",
    meta = "Effect",
    proptest = "Proportion",
    xtable = "Ratio",

  # Distribution
  if (bf_type == "xtable") {
    Distribution <- x@denominator@type[[1]]
  } else if (bf_type == "correlation") {
    Distribution <- "beta"
  } else {
    Distribution <- "cauchy"

  # Prior
  prior_scale <- unlist(prior)

  if (length(prior_names) != length(prior_scale)) {
    prior_names <- unlist(lapply(prior_names, function(i) {
      if (!is.null(names(prior[[i]]))) {
      } else {
        rep(i, times = length(prior[[i]]))

  if (bf_type == "correlation") {
    # "A shifted, scaled beta(1/rscale,1/rscale) prior distribution is assumed for rho"
    prior_scale <- 1 / prior_scale

  # Location
  if (bf_type == "correlation") {
    location <- prior_scale
  } else {
    location <- 0

  # Prepare output
  if (bf_type == "linear") {
    # find data types, to match priors
    data_types <- x@numerator[[1]]@dataTypes
    params <- find_parameters(x)

    # create data frame of parameter names and components
    out <- as.data.frame(utils::stack(params), stringsAsFactors = FALSE)
    colnames(out) <- c("Parameter", "Component")
    out$Distribution <- Distribution
    out$Location <- location
    out$Scale <- NA

    # find parameter names pattern to match data types
    find_types <- do.call(rbind, strsplit(out$Parameter, "-", fixed = TRUE))[, 1, drop = TRUE]
    interactions <- grepl(":", find_types, fixed = TRUE)
    find_types[interactions] <- gsub("(.*):(.*)", "\\2", find_types[interactions])
    cont_types <- data_types == "continuous"
    data_types[cont_types] <- paste0(data_types[cont_types], ".", names(data_types[cont_types]))
    for (i in seq_along(data_types)) {
      out$Scale[find_types == names(data_types)[i]] <- prior_scale[data_types[i]]

    # missing information to NA
    out$Distribution[is.na(out$Scale)] <- NA
    out$Location[is.na(out$Scale)] <- NA
    out[c("Parameter", "Distribution", "Location", "Scale")]
  } else {
      Parameter = prior_names,
      Distribution = Distribution,
      Location = location,
      Scale = prior_scale,
      stringsAsFactors = FALSE,
      row.names = NULL

# =========================================================================
# blavaan -------------------------------------------------------------
# =========================================================================

#' @export
get_priors.blavaan <- function(x, ...) {

  PE <- lavaan::parameterEstimates(
    se = FALSE, ci = FALSE, remove.eq = FALSE, remove.system.eq = TRUE,
    remove.ineq = FALSE, remove.def = FALSE, add.attributes = TRUE

  if (!("group" %in% names(PE))) PE$group <- 1

  newpt <- x@ParTable
  pte2 <- which(newpt$free > 0)

  relevant_rows <- match(
    with(newpt, paste0(lhs[pte2], op[pte2], rhs[pte2], group[pte2])),
    paste0(PE$lhs, PE$op, PE$rhs, PE$group)

  # Priors
  priors <- rep(NA, nrow(PE))
  priors[relevant_rows] <- newpt$prior[pte2]
  priors[is.na(PE$prior)] <- NA

    Parameter = paste0(PE$lhs, PE$op, PE$rhs),
    Distribution = gsub("(.*)\\((.*)", "\\1", priors),
    Location = as.numeric(gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\,(.*)\\)(.*)", "\\2", priors)),
    Scale = as.numeric(gsub("(.*)\\((.*)\\,(.*)\\)(.*)", "\\3", priors)),
    stringsAsFactors = FALSE

#' @export
get_priors.mcmc.list <- function(x, ...) {

# Utils -------------------------------------------------------------------

.is_numeric_character <- function(x) {
  (is.character(x) && !anyNA(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(stats::na.omit(x[nzchar(x, keepNA = TRUE)]))))) ||
    (is.factor(x) && !anyNA(suppressWarnings(as.numeric(levels(x)))))
easystats/insight documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:19 a.m.