format_ci: Confidence/Credible Interval (CI) Formatting

View source: R/format_ci.R

format_ciR Documentation

Confidence/Credible Interval (CI) Formatting


Confidence/Credible Interval (CI) Formatting


format_ci(CI_low, ...)

## S3 method for class 'numeric'
  ci = 0.95,
  digits = 2,
  brackets = TRUE,
  width = NULL,
  width_low = width,
  width_high = width,
  missing = "",
  zap_small = FALSE,
  ci_string = "CI",



Lower CI bound. Usually a numeric value, but can also be a CI output returned bayestestR, in which case the remaining arguments are unnecessary.


Arguments passed to or from other methods.


Upper CI bound.


CI level in percentage.


Number of digits for rounding or significant figures. May also be "signif" to return significant figures or "scientific" to return scientific notation. Control the number of digits by adding the value as suffix, e.g. digits = "scientific4" to have scientific notation with 4 decimal places, or digits = "signif5" for 5 significant figures (see also signif()).


Either a logical, and if TRUE (default), values are encompassed in square brackets. If FALSE or NULL, no brackets are used. Else, a character vector of length two, indicating the opening and closing brackets.


Minimum width of the returned string. If not NULL and width is larger than the string's length, leading whitespaces are added to the string. If width="auto", width will be set to the length of the longest string.

width_low, width_high

Like width, but only applies to the lower or higher confidence interval value. This can be used when the values for the lower and upper CI are of very different length.


Value by which NA values are replaced. By default, an empty string (i.e. "") is returned for NA.


Logical, if TRUE, small values are rounded after digits decimal places. If FALSE, values with more decimal places than digits are printed in scientific notation.


String to be used in the output to indicate the type of interval. Default is "CI", but can be changed to "HDI" or anything else, if necessary.


A formatted string.


format_ci(1.20, 3.57, ci = 0.90)
format_ci(1.20, 3.57, ci = NULL)
format_ci(1.20, 3.57, ci = NULL, brackets = FALSE)
format_ci(1.20, 3.57, ci = NULL, brackets = c("(", ")"))
format_ci(c(1.205645, 23.4), c(3.57, -1.35), ci = 0.90)
format_ci(c(1.20, NA, NA), c(3.57, -1.35, NA), ci = 0.90)

# automatic alignment of width, useful for printing multiple CIs in columns
x <- format_ci(c(1.205, 23.4, 100.43), c(3.57, -13.35, 9.4))
cat(x, sep = "\n")

x <- format_ci(c(1.205, 23.4, 100.43), c(3.57, -13.35, 9.4), width = "auto")
cat(x, sep = "\n")

easystats/insight documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:19 a.m.