
Defines functions .is_fraction .is_integer .convert_missing .format_value .format_value_unless_integer format_percent format_value.numeric format_value.data.frame format_value

Documented in format_percent format_value format_value.data.frame format_value.numeric

#' @title Numeric Values Formatting
#' @name format_value
#' @description
#' `format_value()` converts numeric values into formatted string values, where
#' formatting can be something like rounding digits, scientific notation etc.
#' `format_percent()` is a short-cut for `format_value(as_percent = TRUE)`.
#' @param x Numeric value.
#' @param digits Number of digits for rounding or significant figures. May also
#'   be `"signif"` to return significant figures or `"scientific"`
#'   to return scientific notation. Control the number of digits by adding the
#'   value as suffix, e.g. `digits = "scientific4"` to have scientific
#'   notation with 4 decimal places, or `digits = "signif5"` for 5
#'   significant figures (see also [signif()]).
#' @param protect_integers Should integers be kept as integers (i.e., without
#'   decimals)?
#' @param missing Value by which `NA` values are replaced. By default, an
#'   empty string (i.e. `""`) is returned for `NA`.
#' @param width Minimum width of the returned string. If not `NULL` and
#'   `width` is larger than the string's length, leading whitespaces are
#'   added to the string.
#' @param as_percent Logical, if `TRUE`, value is formatted as percentage
#'   value.
#' @param zap_small Logical, if `TRUE`, small values are rounded after
#'   `digits` decimal places. If `FALSE`, values with more decimal
#'   places than `digits` are printed in scientific notation.
#' @param lead_zero Logical, if `TRUE` (default), includes leading zeros, else
#'   leading zeros are dropped.
#' @param style_positive  A string that determines the style of positive numbers.
#'   May be `"none"` (default), `"plus"` to add a plus-sign or `"space"` to
#'   precede the string by a Unicode "figure space", i.e., a space equally as
#'   wide as a number or `+`.
#' @param style_negative  A string that determines the style of negative numbers.
#'   May be `"hyphen"` (default), `"minus"` for a proper Unicode minus symbol or
#'   `"parens"` to wrap the number in parentheses.
#' @param ... Arguments passed to or from other methods.
#' @return A formatted string.
#' @examples
#' format_value(1.20)
#' format_value(1.2)
#' format_value(1.2012313)
#' format_value(c(0.0045, 234, -23))
#' format_value(c(0.0045, .12, .34))
#' format_value(c(0.0045, .12, .34), as_percent = TRUE)
#' format_value(c(0.0045, .12, .34), digits = "scientific")
#' format_value(c(0.0045, .12, .34), digits = "scientific2")
#' format_value(c(0.045, .12, .34), lead_zero = FALSE)
#' # default
#' format_value(c(0.0045, .123, .345))
#' # significant figures
#' format_value(c(0.0045, .123, .345), digits = "signif")
#' format_value(as.factor(c("A", "B", "A")))
#' format_value(iris$Species)
#' format_value(3)
#' format_value(3, protect_integers = TRUE)
#' format_value(head(iris))
#' @export
format_value <- function(x, ...) {

#' @rdname format_value
#' @export
format_value.data.frame <- function(x,
                                    digits = 2,
                                    protect_integers = FALSE,
                                    missing = "",
                                    width = NULL,
                                    as_percent = FALSE,
                                    zap_small = FALSE,
                                    lead_zero = TRUE,
                                    style_positive = "none",
                                    style_negative = "hyphen",
                                    ...) {
    digits = digits,
    protect_integers = protect_integers,
    missing = missing,
    width = width,
    as_percent = as_percent,
    zap_small = zap_small,
    lead_zero = lead_zero,
    style_positive = style_positive,
    style_negative = style_negative,
    simplify = FALSE

#' @rdname format_value
#' @export
format_value.numeric <- function(x,
                                 digits = 2,
                                 protect_integers = FALSE,
                                 missing = "",
                                 width = NULL,
                                 as_percent = FALSE,
                                 zap_small = FALSE,
                                 lead_zero = TRUE,
                                 style_positive = "none",
                                 style_negative = "hyphen",
                                 ...) {
  # check input
  style_positive <- match.arg(style_positive, choices = c("none", "plus", "space"))
  style_negative <- match.arg(style_negative, choices = c("hyphen", "minus", "parens"))

  if (protect_integers) {
    out <- .format_value_unless_integer(
      digits = digits,
      .missing = missing,
      .width = width,
      .as_percent = as_percent,
      .zap_small = zap_small,
  } else {
    out <- .format_value(
      digits = digits,
      .missing = missing,
      .width = width,
      .as_percent = as_percent,
      .zap_small = zap_small,

  # following changes do not apply to factors

  if (!is.factor(x)) {
    # Deal with negative zeros
    whitespace <- ifelse(is.null(width), "", " ")
    out[out == "-0"] <- paste0(whitespace, "0")
    out[out == "-0.0"] <- paste0(whitespace, "0.0")
    out[out == "-0.00"] <- paste0(whitespace, "0.00")
    out[out == "-0.000"] <- paste0(whitespace, "0.000")
    out[out == "-0.0000"] <- paste0(whitespace, "0.0000")

    # drop leading zero?
    if (!lead_zero) {
      out <- gsub("(.*)(0\\.)(.*)", "\\1\\.\\3", out)

    # find negative values, to deal with sign
    negatives <- startsWith(out, "-")

    if (style_positive == "plus") {
      out[!negatives] <- paste0("+", out[!negatives])
    } else if (style_positive == "space") {
      out[!negatives] <- paste0("\u2007", out[!negatives])

    if (style_negative == "minus") {
      out[negatives] <- gsub("-", "\u2212", out[negatives], fixed = TRUE)
    } else if (style_negative == "parens") {
      out[negatives] <- gsub("-(.*)", "\\(\\1\\)", out[negatives])


#' @export
format_value.double <- format_value.numeric

#' @export
format_value.character <- format_value.numeric

#' @export
format_value.factor <- format_value.numeric

#' @export
format_value.logical <- format_value.numeric

# shortcut

#' @rdname format_value
#' @export
format_percent <- function(x, ...) {
  format_value(x, ..., as_percent = TRUE)

.format_value_unless_integer <- function(x,
                                         digits = 2,
                                         .missing = "",
                                         .width = NULL,
                                         .as_percent = FALSE,
                                         .zap_small = FALSE, ...) {
  x_nonmiss <- x[!is.na(x)]
  if (is.numeric(x) && !all(.is_integer(x_nonmiss))) {
      digits = digits,
      .missing = .missing,
      .width = .width,
      .as_percent = .as_percent,
      .zap_small = .zap_small
  } else if (anyNA(x)) {
    .convert_missing(x, .missing)
  } else if (is.numeric(x) && all(.is_integer(x_nonmiss)) && !is.null(.width)) {
    format(x, justify = "right", width = .width)
  } else {

.format_value <- function(x, digits = 2, .missing = "", .width = NULL, .as_percent = FALSE, .zap_small = FALSE, ...) {
  # proper character NA
  if (is.na(.missing)) .missing <- NA_character_

  # sometimes, digits can be `NULL` - sanity check
  if (is.null(digits)) {
    digits <- 2

  if (is.numeric(x)) {
    if (isTRUE(.as_percent)) {
      need_sci <- (abs(100 * x) >= 1e+5 | (log10(abs(100 * x)) < -digits)) & x != 0
      if (.zap_small) {
        x <- ifelse(is.na(x), .missing, sprintf("%.*f%%", digits, 100 * x))
      } else {
        x <- ifelse(is.na(x), .missing,
          ifelse(need_sci, # nolint
            sprintf("%.*e%%", digits, 100 * x),
            sprintf("%.*f%%", digits, 100 * x)
    } else if (is.character(digits) && grepl("scientific", digits, fixed = TRUE)) {
      digits <- tryCatch(
        expr = {
          as.numeric(gsub("scientific", "", digits, fixed = TRUE))
        error = function(e) {
      if (is.na(digits)) digits <- 5
      x <- sprintf("%.*e", digits, x)
    } else if (is.character(digits) && grepl("signif", digits, fixed = TRUE)) {
      digits <- tryCatch(
        expr = {
          as.numeric(gsub("signif", "", digits, fixed = TRUE))
        error = function(e) {
      if (is.na(digits)) digits <- 3
      x <- as.character(signif(x, digits))
    } else {
      need_sci <- (abs(x) >= 1e+5 | (log10(abs(x)) < -digits)) & x != 0
      if (.zap_small) {
        x <- ifelse(is.na(x), .missing, sprintf("%.*f", digits, x))
      } else {
        x <- ifelse(is.na(x), .missing,
          ifelse(need_sci, # nolint
            sprintf("%.*e", digits, x),
            sprintf("%.*f", digits, x)
  } else if (anyNA(x)) {
    x <- .convert_missing(x, .missing)

  if (!is.null(.width)) {
    x <- format(x, justify = "right", width = .width)


.convert_missing <- function(x, .missing) {
  if (is.na(.missing)) {
    .missing <- NA_character_
  } else {
    .missing <- as.character(.missing)

  if (length(x) == 1) {

  missings <- which(is.na(x))
  x[missings] <- .missing
  x[!missings] <- as.character(x)

.is_integer <- function(x) {
    expr = {
      ifelse(is.infinite(x), FALSE, x %% 1 == 0)
    warning = function(w) {
    error = function(e) {

.is_fraction <- function(x) {
  !all(.is_integer(x)) && is.numeric(x) && n_unique(x) > 2
easystats/insight documentation built on Oct. 2, 2024, 8:19 a.m.