#' Select probes for use in cellular deconvolution
#' Using a DNA methylation dataset containing profiles for a panel of
#' reference cell types this function selects the sites for cellular
#' deconvolution and estimates the nessecary coefficients
#' This function is adapted from minfi pickCompProbes()
#' to take a matrix of beta values rather than mset
#' @param rawbetas A matrix of DNA methylation levels from reference
#' cell types
#' @param cellInd A vector specifying which cell type each column of
#' rawbetas represents
#' @param cellTypes A vector of which cell types in cellInd to include
#' in generation of reference panel
#' @param numProbes The number of probes for each cell type to select
#' @param probeSelect How should probes be selected to distinguish
#' cell types? Options include
#' "both", which selects an equal number (50) of probes (with F-stat
#' p-value < 1E-8) with the greatest magnitude of effect from the
#' hyper- and hypo-methylated sides, and "any", which
#' selects the 100 probes (with F-stat p-value < 1E-8) with the
#' greatest magnitude of difference regardless of direction of effect.
#' @return A list with the estimate coefficients, summary of F tests
#' and cell type means.
#' @export
#' @examples
#' # create mean DNAm levels for 100 sites
#' set.seed(1327)
#' meanBetas <- runif(100, min = 0, max = 1)
#' # generate cell type diffs
#' meanCTDiff <- rnorm(100, mean = 0, sd = 0.2)
#' # create reference training data
#' refBetas <- cbind(
#' matrix(meanBetas + rnorm(500, mean = 0, sd = 0.01),
#' nrow = 100, byrow = FALSE
#' ),
#' matrix(meanBetas + rnorm(500, mean = 0, sd = 0.01) + meanCTDiff,
#' nrow = 100, byrow = FALSE
#' )
#' )
#' # force to lie between 0 and 1
#' refBetas[refBetas < 0] <- runif(sum(refBetas < 0), 0, 0.05)
#' refBetas[refBetas > 1] <- runif(sum(refBetas > 1), 0.95, 1)
#' cellInd <- c(rep("A", 5), rep("B", 5))
#' rownames(refBetas) <- paste0("cg", seq_len(100))
#' pickCompProbesMatrix(
#' rawbetas = refBetas,
#' cellTypes = c("A", "B"),
#' cellInd = cellInd, numProbes = 10
#' )
pickCompProbesMatrix <- function(rawbetas, cellInd, cellTypes = NULL,
numProbes = 50, probeSelect = "both") {
if (!is.null(cellTypes)) {
if (!all(cellTypes %in% as.character(cellInd))) {
stop("elements of argument 'cellTypes' is not part of 'cellInd'")
keep <- which(as.character(cellInd) %in% cellTypes)
rawbetas <- rawbetas[, keep]
cellInd <- cellInd[keep]
## make cell type a factor
cellInd <- factor(cellInd)
ffComp <- rowFtests(rawbetas, cellInd)
prof <- sapply(splitit(cellInd), function(i) rowMeans(rawbetas[, i]))
r <- matrixStats::rowRanges(rawbetas)
compTable <- cbind(ffComp, prof, r, abs(r[, 1] - r[, 2]))
names(compTable)[1] <- "Fstat"
names(compTable)[c(-2, -1, 0) + ncol(compTable)] <- c("low", "high",
tIndexes <- splitit(cellInd)
tstatList <- lapply(tIndexes, function(i) {
x <- rep(0, ncol(rawbetas))
x[i] <- 1
return(rowttests(rawbetas, factor(x)))
if (probeSelect == "any") {
probeList <- lapply(tstatList, function(x) {
y <- x[x[, "p.value"] < 1e-8, ]
yAny <- y[order(abs(y[, "dm"]), decreasing = TRUE), ]
c(rownames(yAny)[seq_len(numProbes * 2)])
} else {
probeList <- lapply(tstatList, function(x) {
y <- x[x[, "p.value"] < 1e-8, ]
yUp <- y[order(y[, "dm"], decreasing = TRUE), ]
yDown <- y[order(y[, "dm"], decreasing = FALSE), ]
trainingProbes <- unique(na.omit(unlist(probeList)))
if (length(grep("NA", trainingProbes)) > 0) {
trainingProbes <- trainingProbes[-grep("NA", trainingProbes)]
rawbetas <- rawbetas[trainingProbes, ]
pMeans <- colMeans(rawbetas)
names(pMeans) <- cellInd
form <- as.formula(sprintf(
"y ~ %s - 1",
paste(levels(cellInd), collapse = "+")
phenoDF <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(~ cellInd - 1))
colnames(phenoDF) <- sub("cellInd", "", colnames(phenoDF))
if (ncol(phenoDF) == 2) { # two group solution
X <- as.matrix(phenoDF)
coefEsts <- t(solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% t(rawbetas))
} else { # > 2 group solution
tmp <- validationCellType(
Y = rawbetas, pheno = phenoDF,
modelFix = form
coefEsts <- tmp$coefEsts
out <- list(
coefEsts = coefEsts, compTable = compTable,
sampleMeans = pMeans
pickCompProbes <- function(mSet, cellTypes = NULL, numProbes = 50,
compositeCellType = compositeCellType,
probeSelect = probeSelect) {
p <- getBeta(mSet)
pd <- as.data.frame(colData(mSet))
if (!is.null(cellTypes)) {
if (!all(cellTypes %in% pd$CellType)) {
"elements of argument 'cellTypes' is not part of ",
keep <- which(pd$CellType %in% cellTypes)
pd <- pd[keep, ]
p <- p[, keep]
# NOTE: Make cell type a factor
pd$CellType <- factor(pd$CellType, levels = cellTypes)
ffComp <- rowFtests(p, pd$CellType)
prof <- vapply(
X = splitit(pd$CellType),
FUN = function(j) rowMeans2(p, cols = j),
FUN.VALUE = numeric(nrow(p))
r <- rowRanges(p)
compTable <- cbind(ffComp, prof, r, abs(r[, 1] - r[, 2]))
names(compTable)[1] <- "Fstat"
names(compTable)[c(-2, -1, 0) + ncol(compTable)] <-
c("low", "high", "range")
tIndexes <- splitit(pd$CellType)
tstatList <- lapply(tIndexes, function(i) {
x <- rep(0, ncol(p))
x[i] <- 1
return(rowttests(p, factor(x)))
if (probeSelect == "any") {
probeList <- lapply(tstatList, function(x) {
y <- x[x[, "p.value"] < 1e-8, ]
yAny <- y[order(abs(y[, "dm"]), decreasing = TRUE), ]
c(rownames(yAny)[seq(numProbes * 2)])
} else {
probeList <- lapply(tstatList, function(x) {
y <- x[x[, "p.value"] < 1e-8, ]
yUp <- y[order(y[, "dm"], decreasing = TRUE), ]
yDown <- y[order(y[, "dm"], decreasing = FALSE), ]
trainingProbes <- unique(unlist(probeList))
p <- p[trainingProbes, ]
pMeans <- colMeans2(p)
names(pMeans) <- pd$CellType
form <- as.formula(
sprintf("y ~ %s - 1", paste(levels(pd$CellType), collapse = "+"))
phenoDF <- as.data.frame(model.matrix(~ pd$CellType - 1))
colnames(phenoDF) <- sub("^pd\\$CellType", "", colnames(phenoDF))
if (ncol(phenoDF) == 2) {
# Two group solution
X <- as.matrix(phenoDF)
coefEsts <- t(solve(t(X) %*% X) %*% t(X) %*% t(p))
} else {
# > 2 groups solution
tmp <- validationCellType(Y = p, pheno = phenoDF, modelFix = form)
coefEsts <- tmp$coefEsts
coefEsts = coefEsts,
compTable = compTable,
sampleMeans = pMeans
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