.isMatrixBackedOrStop <- function(object, FUN) {
if (!.isMatrixBacked(object)) {
stop("'", FUN, "()' only supports matrix-backed minfi objects.",
call. = FALSE
.isMatrixBacked <- function(object) {
stopifnot(is(object, "SummarizedExperiment"))
all(vapply(assays(object), is.matrix, logical(1L)))
.isRGOrStop <- function(object) {
if (!is(object, "RGChannelSet")) {
"object is of class '", class(object),
"', but needs to be of ",
"class 'RGChannelSet' or 'RGChannelSetExtended'"
validationCellType <- function(Y, pheno, modelFix, modelBatch = NULL,
L.forFstat = NULL, verbose = FALSE) {
N <- dim(pheno)[1]
pheno$y <- rep(0, N)
xTest <- model.matrix(modelFix, pheno)
sizeModel <- dim(xTest)[2]
M <- dim(Y)[1]
if (is.null(L.forFstat)) {
# NOTE: All non-intercept coefficients
L.forFstat <- diag(sizeModel)[-1, ]
colnames(L.forFstat) <- colnames(xTest)
rownames(L.forFstat) <- colnames(xTest)[-1]
# Initialize various containers
sigmaResid <- sigmaIcept <- nObserved <- nClusters <- Fstat <- rep(NA, M)
coefEsts <- matrix(NA, M, sizeModel)
coefVcovs <- list()
if (verbose) message("[validationCellType] ")
# Loop over each CpG
for (j in seq_len(M)) {
# Remove missing methylation values
ii <- !is.na(Y[j, ])
nObserved[j] <- sum(ii)
pheno$y <- Y[j, ]
if (j %% round(M / 10) == 0 && verbose) message(".") # Report progress
# Try to fit a mixed model to adjust for plate
if (!is.null(modelBatch)) {
fit <- try(
lme(modelFix, random = modelBatch, data = pheno[ii, ])
# NOTE: If LME can't be fit, just use OLS
OLS <- inherits(fit, "try-error")
} else {
if (OLS) {
fit <- lm(modelFix, data = pheno[ii, ])
fitCoef <- fit$coef
sigmaResid[j] <- summary(fit)$sigma
sigmaIcept[j] <- 0
nClusters[j] <- 0
} else {
fitCoef <- fit$coef$fixed
sigmaResid[j] <- fit$sigma
sigmaIcept[j] <- sqrt(getVarCov(fit)[1])
nClusters[j] <- length(fit$coef$random[[1]])
coefEsts[j, ] <- fitCoef
coefVcovs[[j]] <- vcov(fit)
useCoef <- L.forFstat %*% fitCoef
useV <- L.forFstat %*% coefVcovs[[j]] %*% t(L.forFstat)
Fstat[j] <- (t(useCoef) %*% solve(useV, useCoef)) / sizeModel
if (verbose) message(" done\n")
# Name the rows so that they can be easily matched to the target data set
rownames(coefEsts) <- rownames(Y)
colnames(coefEsts) <- names(fitCoef)
degFree <- nObserved - nClusters - sizeModel + 1
# Get P values corresponding to F statistics
Pval <- 1 - pf(Fstat, sizeModel, degFree)
coefEsts = coefEsts,
coefVcovs = coefVcovs,
modelFix = modelFix,
modelBatch = modelBatch,
sigmaIcept = sigmaIcept,
sigmaResid = sigmaResid,
L.forFstat = L.forFstat,
Pval = Pval,
orderFstat = order(-Fstat),
Fstat = Fstat,
nClusters = nClusters,
nObserved = nObserved,
degFree = degFree
splitit <- function(x) {
split(seq(along = x), x)
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