############################## filter_cluster_size ##############################
#' @title Filter out gene clusters containing few genes
#' @description This function filters out gene clusters from a ClusterSet object
#' based on their size.
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param min_cluster_size An integer indicating the minimum size for a clusters to be kept.
#' @return A ClusterSet object where clusters not passing the filter have been removed.
#' @examples
#' # Set verbosity to 1 to display info messages only.
#' set_verbosity(1)
#' # Load a dataset
#' load_example_dataset('7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium_clusters')
#' clust_size(pbmc3k_medium_clusters)
#' # Remove the cluster with less than 20 genes
#' clust_set <- filter_cluster_size(pbmc3k_medium_clusters,
#' min_cluster_size = 20)
#' clust_size(clust_set)
#' @export filter_cluster_size
filter_cluster_size <- function(object = NULL,
min_cluster_size = 5) {
## Check format object arg
# Store the initial number of clusters (used to compute the number of cluster filtered out)
nb_clusters_before_filtering <- names(object@gene_clusters)
cluster_to_keep <- lapply(object@gene_clusters, length) >= min_cluster_size
" clusters with less than", min_cluster_size, "were filtered out."
msg_type = "INFO"
object <- object[cluster_to_keep, ]
c <- rename_clust(object)
print_msg(paste0("Number of clusters left ", nclust(object)), msg_type = "INFO")
############################## filter_nb_supporting_cells ##############################
#' @title Filter out cluster supported by few cells.
#' @description
#' This function filters out the gene clusters based on the number of cells expressing a
#' certain percentage of genes present in this gene cluster.
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param min_nb_supporting_cell An integer indicating the minimum number of cell supporting a cluster.
#' A cell supports a cluster if it expresses at least min_pct_gene_expressed \% of the genes from the cluster.
#' @param min_pct_gene_expressed See min_nb_supporting_cell argument.
#' @examples
#' load_example_dataset("7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium_clusters")
#' new_cs <- filter_nb_supporting_cells(pbmc3k_medium_clusters, 3, 50)
#' @return A ClusterSet object where clusters that did not pass the filter have been removed.
#' @export filter_nb_supporting_cells
filter_nb_supporting_cells <- function(object = NULL,
min_nb_supporting_cell = 3,
min_pct_gene_expressed = 50) {
print_msg('Please provide a valid object.')
## Check format object arg
# Store the initial number of clusters (used to compute the number of cluster filtered out)
nb_clusters_before_filtering <- names(object@gene_clusters)
cluster_to_keep <- vector()
for (i in seq_along(object@gene_clusters)) {
cur_clust <- object@data[object@gene_clusters[[i]], , drop=FALSE]
# Compute the percentage of genes expressed per cell
cur_clust[cur_clust < 1 ] <- 0
cur_clust[cur_clust > 1 ] <- 1
pct_gene_expressed_cur <- apply(cur_clust, 2, sum) / nrow(cur_clust) * 100
min_nb_supporting_cell_cur <- length(pct_gene_expressed_cur[pct_gene_expressed_cur >= min_pct_gene_expressed])
if (min_nb_supporting_cell_cur >= min_nb_supporting_cell) {
cluster_to_keep <- append(cluster_to_keep, i)
# Print number of cluster filtered out
nb_cluster_out <- length(nb_clusters_before_filtering) - length(cluster_to_keep)
" clusters with less than ", min_nb_supporting_cell, " cells expressing at least ", min_pct_gene_expressed, "% of genes were filtered out."
msg_type = "INFO"
object <- object[-c(1:nclust(object)),]
object <- object[cluster_to_keep, ]
object <- rename_clust(object)
print_msg(paste0("Number of clusters left ", nclust(object)), msg_type = "INFO")
############################## filter_by_dot_prod ##############################
# median_of_max_dot_prod()
# Expect a binary matrix as input. Calculates the dot product for
# this matrix, which produces a gene-gene matrix showing the
# number of cells/spots where each pair of genes are expressed
# together. The function then calculates the median value of the
# maximum concordances across all genes, which can be used to
# determine whether a cluster should be filtered out or not.
median_of_max_dot_prod <- function(cur_clust){
cur_dot_prod <- cur_clust %*% t(cur_clust)
diag(cur_dot_prod) <- NA
cur_dot_prod_median_of_max <- median(apply(cur_dot_prod,
na.rm = T))
#' @title Filter cluster from a ClusterSet object using dot product.
#' @description
#' This function filters clusters of gene expression data based
#' on their dot products. It aims to remove clusters that have a
#' lot of zeros and are supported by only a few cells or spots.
#' To do this, the function first converts the gene expression
#' data for each cluster into a binary form (values greater than
#' 1 are set to 1). Then it calculates the dot product for this
#' binary matrix, which produces a gene-gene matrix showing the
#' number of cells/spots where each pair of genes are expressed
#' together. The function then calculates the median value of the
#' maximum concordances across all genes, which can be used to
#' determine whether a cluster should be filtered out or not.
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param av_dot_prod_min Any cluster with average dot product below this value is discarded. This allow to delete
#' clusters in which correlation is influenced/supported by very few samples (typically 1).
#' @examples
#' load_example_dataset("7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium_clusters")
#' pbmc3k_medium_clusters <- top_genes(pbmc3k_medium_clusters)
#' nclust(pbmc3k_medium_clusters)
#' obj <- filter_by_dot_prod(pbmc3k_medium_clusters, av_dot_prod_min=5)
#' nclust(obj)
#' @export filter_by_dot_prod
filter_by_dot_prod <- function(object = NULL, av_dot_prod_min = 2) {
## Check format object arg
if (is.null(object) | !inherits(object, "ClusterSet"))
print_msg("Please provide a ClusterSet objet.",
msg_type = "STOP")
if (!is.numeric(av_dot_prod_min) | av_dot_prod_min < 0)
print_msg("The av_dot_prod_min argument should be a positive numeric value.",
msg_type = "STOP")
selected_cluster <- names(object@gene_clusters)
all_dot_prod <- vector()
for (i in 1:length(object@gene_clusters)) {
print_msg(paste0("Computing dot product for cluster: ", i),
msg_type = "DEBUG")
cur_clust <- object@data[object@gene_clusters[[i]],]
cur_clust[cur_clust > 1] <- 1
cur_clust[cur_clust < 1] <- 0
all_dot_prod[i] <- median_of_max_dot_prod(cur_clust)
# Dot product filtering
if (all_dot_prod[i] <= av_dot_prod_min) {
selected_cluster[i] <- NA
# Extract number of filtered out clusters
nb_cluster_out <- length(selected_cluster[is.na(selected_cluster)])
# Extract selected clusters
selected_cluster <- selected_cluster[!is.na(selected_cluster)]
print_msg(paste0("Number of selected clusters: ", length(selected_cluster)),
msg_type = "DEBUG")
# Update ClusterSet object
## Add dot product values
object@gene_clusters_metadata$all_dot_prod <- all_dot_prod[selected_cluster]
names(object@gene_clusters_metadata$all_dot_prod) <- object@gene_clusters_metadata$cluster_id[selected_cluster]
print_msg(paste0("Selected clusters : ", selected_cluster), msg_type = "DEBUG")
object <- object[selected_cluster, ]
print_msg("Renaming.", msg_type = "DEBUG")
object <- rename_clust(object)
############################## filter_cluster_sd ##############################
#' @title Filter out gene clusters with small standard deviation.
#' @description Filter out gene clusters with small standard deviation.
#' @param object A ClusterSet object.
#' @param min_sd An integer indicating the minimum standard deviation for a clusters to be kept.
#' @return A ClusterSet object where clusters not passing the filter have been removed.
#' @examples
#' load_example_dataset("7871581/files/pbmc3k_medium_clusters")
#' df <- cluster_stats(pbmc3k_medium_clusters)
#' plot_cluster_stats(df)
#' plot_cluster_stats(df, highlight=df$sd_total > 0.3)
#' pbmc3k_medium_clusters_sub <- filter_cluster_sd(pbmc3k_medium_clusters, min_sd=0.3)
#' plot_cluster_stats(cluster_stats(pbmc3k_medium_clusters_sub))
#' @export filter_cluster_sd
filter_cluster_sd <- function(object = NULL,
min_sd = 0.2) {
## Check format object arg
# Store the initial number of clusters (used to compute the number of cluster filtered out)
nb_clusters_before_filtering <- names(object@gene_clusters)
gene_clust <- as.factor(gene_cluster(object))
df_split <- split(object@data, gene_clust)
sd_total <- unlist(lapply(df_split, sd))
cluster_to_keep <- sd_total >= min_sd
" clusters with std dev lower than", min_sd, " will be filtered out."
msg_type = "INFO"
object <- object[-c(1:nclust(object)),]
object <- object[cluster_to_keep, ]
object <- rename_clust(object)
print_msg(paste0("Number of clusters left ", nclust(object)), msg_type = "INFO")
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