# optimiseFactorSet
# description
# Parameters:-
# layerList,
# factorSet,
# testing.function,
# target.layer,
# target.vec,
# n.iter=10,
# target.score=1,
# mut.rate=0.1,
# modsPerCycle=100,
# test.layer0.binding=FALSE,
# method="fast",
# logFile="",
# logCycle=10, record scores every 'logCycle' iterations
# maxNoChange=n.iter,
# verbose=FALSE,
# use.parallel=FALSE,
# n.cores=1
# max.factors=50 # max number of factors allowed. (when reached, removes "insert" and "duplicate" mut_types
optimiseFactorSet <- function(layerList, factorSet, testing.function, target.layer, target.vec, n.iter=10, target.score=1, mut.rate=0.1, modsPerCycle=100,
test.layer0.binding=FALSE, method="fast", logFile="",logCycle=10, maxNoChange=n.iter, verbose=FALSE, use.parallel=FALSE, n.cores=1,
max.factors=50, mut_type_list = c("subRandomFactor" , "switch", "duplicate" , "insert", "delete")) {
if(logFile != "") write.table(cbind("iter", "best.score"), row.names=F, col.names=F, sep="\t", quote=F,file=logFile)
target.count <- length(target.vec)
target.coverage <- sum(width(target.vec))
chrom.size <- nchar(layerList$layerSet$LAYER.0)
currentFactorSet <- factorSet
scores.vector <- numeric()
print("Calculating initial scores")
if(method =="fast") {
print("using fast algorithm")
initialModLayer <- runLayerBinding(layerList=layerList, factorSet = factorSet, iterations=modsPerCycle, verbose=verbose)
} else {
print("using slow algorithm")
initialModLayer <- runLayerBinding(layerList=layerList, factorSet = factorSet, iterations=modsPerCycle, verbose=verbose)
initialScore <- testing.function(initialModLayer, targetLayer=target.layer, target.vec=target.vec)
if(is.na(initialScore )) {
stop("initialScore was NA")
currentBestScore <- initialScore
if(logFile != "") write.table(cbind(0, currentBestScore), row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F,sep="\t",file=logFile, append=TRUE)
iSinceLastImprovement <- 0 # use to break from following loop if very many rounds without improvement
if(use.parallel) {
# attempt at parallel runs
mc <- getOption("cl.cores", n.cores)
if(verbose) print(paste("Cores to use:" ,mc))
cl <- makeCluster(mc)
# TEMP need to export all functions to the nodes but don't know what they are.
func.vec <- sapply(ls(.GlobalEnv), FUN =function(x) class(get(x)))
func.names <- names(func.vec[func.vec == "function"])
if(verbose) print(func.names)
# TODO package code to avoid above
clusterExport(cl, c( func.names, "layerList",
"modsPerCycle", "verbose", "target.layer","target.vec"), envir = environment())
n.tries <- 10
for(i in 1:n.iter) {
# write to log file if appropriate
if((i %% logCycle ) == 0 & logFile != "") {
write.table(cbind(i, currentBestScore), row.names=F, col.names=F, quote=F,sep="\t",file=logFile, append=TRUE)
# could also save the current best factor set at this point.
save(currentFactorSet, file=paste(dirname(logFile), "/", "currentFactorSet.",i,".Rdata",sep=""))
if(iSinceLastImprovement > maxNoChange) {
print(paste("No improvement in ", iSinceLastImprovement, " iterations, exiting!", sep=""))
break ;
if(length(currentFactorSet) >= max.factors) { # stop the factor set growing larger than this
use_mut_types <- setdiff(mut_type_list, c("insert", "duplicate"))
if(verbose) print(paste("Factor set limited to max.factors: ", max.factors))
} else {
use_mut_types <- mut_type_list
better <- FALSE
if(use.parallel) {
# create n.cores new factorSet by mutating the currentSet.
factorSet.list <- replicate(mc, mutateFactorSet(currentFactorSet, layerList$layerSet,type_list = use_mut_types, mut_type= "random", n.muts=floor(length(currentFactorSet) * mut.rate), verbose=verbose, test.layer0.binding=T, name.prefix=paste("m",i,sep="")), simplify=FALSE)
# list(...) added when cluster not picking up layerList
#n.tries <- 10 # VERY WEIRDLY , the below command sometimes fails on first call but works on second (or later). TODO: fix this!
while(tries <= n.tries) {
worked <- try(mod.list <- parLapply(cl, factorSet.list, fun=function(x) runLayerBinding(layerList=layerList, factorSet = x, iterations=modsPerCycle, verbose=verbose)), TRUE)
tries <- tries +1
if(class(worked) != "try-error") {
if(verbose) print(paste("parallel mod list tries: " , tries))
if(verbose) print(paste(tries, "of", n.tries, "attempted"))
#clusterExport(cl, "mod.list", envir = environment())
par.scores <- parSapply(cl, mod.list, FUN=function(x) testing.function(layerList=x, targetLayer=target.layer, target.vec=target.vec))
print(paste("x", mc, sep=""))
best.index <- which.max(par.scores)
newFactorSet <- factorSet.list[[best.index]]
newModLayer <- mod.list[[best.index]]
newScore <- par.scores[best.index]
} else {
newFactorSet <- mutateFactorSet(currentFactorSet, layerList$layerSet,n.muts=floor(length(currentFactorSet) * mut.rate),type_list = use_mut_types, mut_type= "random", verbose=verbose, test.layer0.binding=test.layer0.binding, name.prefix=paste("m",i,sep=""))
if(method =="fast") {
#print("using fast algorithm")
newModLayer <- runLayerBinding(layerList=layerList, factorSet = newFactorSet, iterations=modsPerCycle, verbose=verbose)
} else {
#print("using slow algorithm")
newModLayer <- runLayerBinding(layerList=layerList, factorSet = newFactorSet, iterations=modsPerCycle, verbose=verbose)
newScore <- testing.function(newModLayer, targetLayer=target.layer, target.vec=target.vec)
n.regions <- length(newModLayer$layerSet[[target.layer]])
coverage <- sum(width(newModLayer$layerSet[[target.layer]]))
regionsWithHit <- sum(overlapsAny(newModLayer$layerSet[[target.layer]], target.vec))
targetsWithHit <- sum(overlapsAny(target.vec, newModLayer$layerSet[[target.layer]]))
scores.vector[i] <- newScore
print(paste("Round", i, ". Facors:", length(newFactorSet),". Marks on target layer:", n.regions, ", Coverage:", coverage, ", Regions with a hit:", regionsWithHit,
", Targets Hit:", targetsWithHit, ", Chrom size:", chrom.size, ", Target count:", target.count, ", Target coverage:", target.coverage))
print(paste("Round", i, ". OldScore", currentBestScore, "NewScore", newScore, "Better?"))
if(is.na(newScore)) {
print("Newscore = NA, skipping to next")
next ;
if(newScore > currentBestScore) {
better <- TRUE
currentBestScore <- newScore
currentFactorSet <- newFactorSet
iSinceLastImprovement <- 0
} else {
iSinceLastImprovement <- iSinceLastImprovement + 1
#print(paste("Round", i, "oldScore", currentBestScore, "newScore", newScore, "Better?",better))
if(use.parallel) stopCluster(cl)
currentFactorSet$optimScores <- scores.vector
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