# changed function name from 'color.from.01.value' to 'color.from.value'. Function used in plot.utilities.R
color.from.value <- function(value, mol.type, global.parameters.list) {
if (mol.type == "gene") {
min.value <- global.parameters.list$min.gene.value
max.value <- global.parameters.list$max.gene.value
mid.value <- global.parameters.list$mid.gene.value
high <- global.parameters.list$col.gene.high
mid <- global.parameters.list$col.gene.mid
low <- global.parameters.list$col.gene.low
} else if (mol.type == "cpd") {
min.value <- global.parameters.list$min.cpd.value
max.value <- global.parameters.list$max.cpd.value
mid.value <- global.parameters.list$mid.cpd.value
high <- global.parameters.list$col.cpd.high
mid <- global.parameters.list$col.cpd.mid
low <- global.parameters.list$col.cpd.low
if (is.na(value) | identical(value, "no.user.data")) {
if (is.na(mid)) {
low <- col2rgb(low)
high <- col2rgb(high)
red <- (low[1, 1] + (high[1, 1] - low[1, 1]) * (value - min.value)/(max.value -
blue <- (low[2, 1] + (high[2, 1] - low[2, 1]) * (value - min.value)/(max.value -
green <- (low[3, 1] + (high[3, 1] - low[3, 1]) * (value - min.value)/(max.value -
} else {
isodd <- value%%2 == 1
low <- col2rgb(low)
row.names(low) <- c("red", "blue", "green")
mid <- col2rgb(mid)
row.names(mid) <- c("red", "blue", "green")
high <- col2rgb(high)
row.names(high) <- c("red", "blue", "green")
# lower <- floor(value/2) upper <- value - lower
if (value < mid.value) {
red <- (low[1, 1] + (mid[1, 1] - low[1, 1]) * (max(min.value, value) -
min.value)/(mid.value - min.value))/255 # if the value is out of color key range, use the color as min/max value
blue <- (low[2, 1] + (mid[2, 1] - low[2, 1]) * (max(min.value, value) -
min.value)/(mid.value - min.value))/255
green <- (low[3, 1] + (mid[3, 1] - low[3, 1]) * (max(min.value, value) -
min.value)/(mid.value - min.value))/255
} else {
red <- (mid[1, 1] + (high[1, 1] - mid[1, 1]) * (min(max.value, value) -
mid.value)/(max.value - mid.value))/255
blue <- (mid[2, 1] + (high[2, 1] - mid[2, 1]) * (min(max.value, value) -
mid.value)/(max.value - mid.value))/255
green <- (mid[3, 1] + (high[3, 1] - mid[3, 1]) * (min(max.value, value) -
mid.value)/(max.value - mid.value))/255
return(rgb(red, blue, green))
# color.panel(100,100,10)
color.panel <- function(x, y, mol.type, col.panel.w, global.parameters.list, if.insert.sbgn.link = TRUE) {
if (mol.type == "gene") {
min.value <- global.parameters.list$min.gene.value
max.value <- global.parameters.list$max.gene.value
mid.value <- global.parameters.list$mid.gene.value
} else if (mol.type == "cpd") {
min.value <- global.parameters.list$min.cpd.value
max.value <- global.parameters.list$max.cpd.value
mid.value <- global.parameters.list$mid.cpd.value
n.grid <- global.parameters.list$color.panel.n.grid
if (n.grid%%2 == 1) {
n.grid <- n.grid - 1
col.values <- seq(max.value, min.value, by = (min.value - max.value)/n.grid)
panel.grid.w <- col.panel.w/n.grid
col.panel.h <- col.panel.w/7
y.loc.text <- y + (2 + 1/3) * col.panel.h
y.loc.link.to.SBGN.notation <- y.loc.text + col.panel.h * 1.2
font.size.color.panel <- col.panel.h
alignment.baseline <- "baseline"
svg <- ""
for (i in seq_len(length.out = length(col.values))) {
col <- color.from.value(col.values[i], global.parameters.list = global.parameters.list,
mol.type = mol.type)
x.loc.text <- x - (i - 0.5) * panel.grid.w
svg.rect <- plot.rectangle(x = x - i * panel.grid.w, y = y, h = col.panel.h,
w = panel.grid.w + 1, id = "col.pan", rx = 0, ry = 0, stroke.width = 0,
fill.color = col, stroke.opacity = 0, fill.opacity = 1)
svg <- paste(svg, svg.rect, sep = "\n")
j <- 0
if (min.value > 100)
min.value <- formatC(min.value, format = "e", digits = 0)
if (mid.value > 100)
mid.value <- formatC(mid.value, format = "e", digits = 0)
if (max.value > 100)
max.value <- formatC(max.value, format = "e", digits = 0)
for (x.loc in seq(x - col.panel.w - panel.grid.w, x, length.out = 11)) {
j <- j + 1
LineCoordinates <- paste("x1=", x.loc, " y1=", y, " x2=", x.loc, " y2=",
y + col.panel.h * 5/4, "", sep = "\"")
svg.tick <- plot.line(LineCoordinates, id = "tick", stroke.width = col.panel.w/100)
svg <- paste(svg, svg.tick, sep = "\n")
if (j == 11) {
svg.text.high <- sprintf(template.text, x.loc, y.loc.text, "color.panel.max.value",
font.size.color.panel, "middle", alignment.baseline, 1, alignment.baseline,
"black", as.character(max.value))
} else if (j == 6) {
svg.text.mid <- sprintf(template.text, x.loc, y.loc.text, "color.panel.mid.value",
font.size.color.panel, "middle", alignment.baseline, 1, alignment.baseline,
"black", as.character(mid.value))
if (if.insert.sbgn.link) {
svg.text.link.to.SBGN.panel <- sprintf(template.text, x.loc, y.loc.link.to.SBGN.notation,
"Link to SBGN notation", font.size.color.panel, "middle", alignment.baseline,
1, alignment.baseline, "blue", "Link to SBGN notation")
svg.text.link.to.SBGN.panel <- paste(link.to.sbgn.start, svg.text.link.to.SBGN.panel,
link.to.sbgn.end, sep = "\n")
} else {
svg.text.link.to.SBGN.panel <- ""
} else if (j == 1) {
svg.text.low <- sprintf(template.text, x.loc, y.loc.text, "color.panel.low.value",
font.size.color.panel, "middle", alignment.baseline, 1, alignment.baseline,
"black", as.character(min.value))
svg <- paste(svg, svg.text.high, svg.text.low, svg.text.mid,
svg.text.link.to.SBGN.panel, sep = "\n")
find.col.panel.range <- function(user.data, max.gene.value, mid.gene.value, min.gene.value,
max.cpd.value, mid.cpd.value, min.cpd.value) {
if (!"max.gene" %in% names(user.data)) {
user.data[["max.gene"]] <- 1
user.data[["min.gene"]] <- -1
if.has.gene.data <- FALSE
} else {
if.has.gene.data <- TRUE
if (!"max.cpd" %in% names(user.data)) {
user.data[["max.cpd"]] <- 1
user.data[["min.cpd"]] <- -1
if.has.cpd.data <- FALSE
} else {
if.has.cpd.data <- TRUE
if (is.null(max.gene.value))
max.gene.value <- signif(user.data[["max.gene"]], 2) + 0.1
if (is.null(min.gene.value))
min.gene.value <- signif(user.data[["min.gene"]], 2) - 0.1
if (is.null(max.cpd.value))
max.cpd.value <- signif(user.data[["max.cpd"]], 2) + 0.1
if (is.null(min.cpd.value))
min.cpd.value <- signif(user.data[["min.cpd"]], 2) - 0.1
if (is.null(mid.gene.value)) {
mid.gene.value <- signif(median(c(max.gene.value, min.gene.value)), 2) +
if (is.null(mid.cpd.value)) {
mid.cpd.value <- signif(median(c(max.cpd.value, min.cpd.value)), 2) + 0.1
return(list(if.has.gene.data = if.has.gene.data, if.has.cpd.data = if.has.cpd.data,
max.gene.value = max.gene.value, mid.gene.value = mid.gene.value, min.gene.value = min.gene.value,
max.cpd.value = max.cpd.value, mid.cpd.value = mid.cpd.value, min.cpd.value = min.cpd.value))
find.col.panel.position.and.plot <- function(y.margin, global.parameters.list, if.has.gene.data,
if.has.cpd.data, parse.glyph.out.list, max.x, max.y, min.x, min.y) {
add.scale.factor <- 14
if(global.parameters.list$if.scale.compartment.font.size) {
y.margin <- y.margin - (add.scale.factor * 100*global.parameters.list$node.width.adjust.factor.compartment)
if (global.parameters.list$if.scale.complex.font.size){
y.margin <- y.margin - (add.scale.factor * 100*global.parameters.list$node.width.adjust.factor.complex)
if (global.parameters.list$font.size.scale.compartment != 1.6) { # 1.6 default for font.size.scale.compartment
y.margin <- y.margin - (add.scale.factor*global.parameters.list$font.size.scale.compartment)
if (global.parameters.list$font.size.scale.complex != 1.1) { # 1.1 default for font.size.scale.complex
y.margin <- y.margin - (add.scale.factor*global.parameters.list$font.size.scale.complex)
if (global.parameters.list$font.size != 3) { # 3 default for font.size
y.margin <- y.margin - (4*global.parameters.list$font.size)
if (global.parameters.list$pathway.name.font.size != 1) { # 1 default for pathway.name.font.size
y.margin <- y.margin - (add.scale.factor*global.parameters.list$pathway.name.font.size)
col.panel.w <- y.margin * 2.4 * global.parameters.list$color.panel.scale # scale color.panel
if (global.parameters.list$key.pos == "none") {
print("no color panel and pathway name will be plotted")
col.panel.svg <- ""
col.panel.svg.chemical <- ""
col.panel.h <- 0
col.panel.y <- 0
else {
if (all(if.has.gene.data, if.has.cpd.data)) {
col.panel.h <- col.panel.w
} else {
col.panel.h <- col.panel.w/2
result.list <- find.key.pos(parse.glyph.out.list, col.panel.w, col.panel.h,
ymargin = y.margin, max.y, max.x, min.x, min.y, key.pos = global.parameters.list$key.pos,
space.between.color.panel.and.entity = global.parameters.list$space.between.color.panel.and.entity)
col.panel.x <- result.list$col.panel.x
col.panel.y <- result.list$col.panel.y
# plot color panel
if (if.has.gene.data & if.has.cpd.data) {
col.panel.svg <- color.panel(x = col.panel.x, y = col.panel.y, mol.type = "gene",
col.panel.w = col.panel.w, global.parameters.list = global.parameters.list,
if.insert.sbgn.link = FALSE)
col.panel.svg.chemical <- color.panel(x = col.panel.x, y = col.panel.y +
col.panel.w * 0.45, mol.type = "cpd", col.panel.w = col.panel.w,
global.parameters.list = global.parameters.list)
} else if (if.has.cpd.data) {
col.panel.svg <- ""
col.panel.svg.chemical <- color.panel(x = col.panel.x, y = col.panel.y,
mol.type = "cpd", col.panel.w = col.panel.w, global.parameters.list = global.parameters.list)
} else if (if.has.gene.data) {
col.panel.svg.chemical <- ""
col.panel.svg <- color.panel(x = col.panel.x, y = col.panel.y, mol.type = "gene",
col.panel.w = col.panel.w, global.parameters.list = global.parameters.list)
} else {
col.panel.svg.chemical <- ""
col.panel.svg <- ""
col.panel.svg <- paste(col.panel.svg, col.panel.svg.chemical, sep = "\n")
return(list(col.panel.svg = col.panel.svg, col.panel.w = col.panel.w,
col.panel.y = col.panel.y, col.panel.h = col.panel.h))
# new version of find.key.pos. If key.pos equals 'topleft' or 'bottomleft', the output is messed up
# since we have stamps and lables in top/bottom left
# so only accept key.pos of 'topright' or 'bottomright'. if other, default to 'topright'
# and show message to user
find.key.pos <- function(parse.glyph.out.list, col.panel.w, col.panel.h, ymargin,
max.y, max.x, min.x, min.y, key.pos, space.between.color.panel.and.entity) {
#dist.to.top <- ymargin + min.y # original
dist.to.top <- ymargin + 10
glyph.coors <- parse.glyph.out.list$glyph.coors
if(!key.pos %in% c("bottomleft", "topleft", "bottomright", "topright", "none")) {
stop("Not a valid input for key.pos arguemnt. Please check renderSbgn function documentation.")
if(key.pos %in% c("bottomleft", "topleft")) {
print("key.pos cannot be 'topleft' or 'bottomleft' because it will interfere with labels in those positions. key.pos value set to 'topright'")
key.pos <- "topright"
if(key.pos == "none"){
return("no color key")
else if (key.pos == "bottomright") {
if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area <- glyph.coors[, "xw"] > (max.x - col.panel.w) -
space.between.color.panel.and.entity & glyph.coors[, "yh"] > max.y -
col.panel.h - space.between.color.panel.and.entity
} else if (key.pos == "topright") {
if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area <- glyph.coors[, "xw"] > (max.x - col.panel.w) -
space.between.color.panel.and.entity & glyph.coors[, "y"] < dist.to.top +
col.panel.h + space.between.color.panel.and.entity
if (any(if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area)) {
nodes.within.col.panel.best.area <- glyph.coors[if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area,
if (is.vector(nodes.within.col.panel.best.area)) {
nodes.within.col.panel.best.area <- as.matrix(t(nodes.within.col.panel.best.area))
if (key.pos == "bottomright") {
col.panel.y <- max(nodes.within.col.panel.best.area[, "yh"]) + col.panel.h/10
col.panel.x <- max.x
} else if (key.pos == "topright") {
#col.panel.y <- max(0 + dist.to.top/10, min(nodes.within.col.panel.best.area[, "y"]) - col.panel.h - col.panel.h/10)
col.panel.y <- dist.to.top/2 + 10
col.panel.x <- max.x
} else {
if (key.pos == "bottomright") {
col.panel.y <- max.y - col.panel.h + col.panel.h/10
col.panel.x <- max.x
} else if (key.pos == "topright") {
col.panel.y <- dist.to.top
col.panel.x <- max.x
return(list(col.panel.x = col.panel.x, col.panel.y = col.panel.y))
### old version of function that allows key.pos to be set to 'bottomleft', 'topleft', 'none'
### replaced with new version (above) that only allows key.pos to be set to 'topright' or 'bottomright'
### since other locations contain stamps and labels which interfere with key.pos if set to those locations.
# find.key.pos <- function(parse.glyph.out.list, col.panel.w, col.panel.h, ymargin,
# max.y, max.x, min.x, min.y, key.pos, space.between.color.panel.and.entity) {
# dist.to.top <- ymargin + min.y
# glyph.coors <- parse.glyph.out.list$glyph.coors
# if (key.pos == "none") {
# return("no color key")
# } else if (key.pos == "bottomright") {
# if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area <- glyph.coors[, "xw"] > (max.x - col.panel.w) -
# space.between.color.panel.and.entity & glyph.coors[, "yh"] > max.y -
# col.panel.h - space.between.color.panel.and.entity
# } else if (key.pos == "topright") {
# # if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area =
# # glyph.coors[,'xw']>(max.x-col.panel.w)-space.between.color.panel.and.entity &
# # glyph.coors[,'y'] < ymargin + col.panel.h +
# # space.between.color.panel.and.entity
# if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area <- glyph.coors[, "xw"] > (max.x - col.panel.w) -
# space.between.color.panel.and.entity & glyph.coors[, "y"] < dist.to.top +
# col.panel.h + space.between.color.panel.and.entity
# } else if (key.pos == "bottomleft") {
# if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area <- glyph.coors[, "x"] < (col.panel.w +
# min.x) + space.between.color.panel.and.entity & glyph.coors[, "yh"] >
# max.y - col.panel.h - space.between.color.panel.and.entity
# } else if (key.pos == "topleft") {
# if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area <- glyph.coors[, "x"] < (col.panel.w +
# min.x) + space.between.color.panel.and.entity & glyph.coors[, "y"] <
# dist.to.top + col.panel.h + 4
# }
# if (any(if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area)) {
# nodes.within.col.panel.best.area <- glyph.coors[if.nodes.within.col.panel.best.area,
# ]
# if (is.vector(nodes.within.col.panel.best.area)) {
# nodes.within.col.panel.best.area <- as.matrix(t(nodes.within.col.panel.best.area))
# }
# if (key.pos == "bottomright") {
# col.panel.y <- max(nodes.within.col.panel.best.area[, "yh"]) + col.panel.h/10
# col.panel.x <- max.x
# } else if (key.pos == "topright") {
# col.panel.y <- max(0 + dist.to.top/10, min(nodes.within.col.panel.best.area[,
# "y"]) - col.panel.h - col.panel.h/10)
# col.panel.x <- max.x
# } else if (key.pos == "bottomleft") {
# col.panel.y <- max(nodes.within.col.panel.best.area[, "yh"]) + col.panel.h/10
# col.panel.x <- col.panel.w + min.x
# } else if (key.pos == "topleft") {
# col.panel.y <- max(0 + dist.to.top/10, min(nodes.within.col.panel.best.area[,
# "y"]) - col.panel.h - col.panel.h/10)
# col.panel.x <- col.panel.w + min.x
# }
# } else {
# if (key.pos == "bottomright") {
# col.panel.y <- max.y - col.panel.h + col.panel.h/10
# col.panel.x <- max.x
# } else if (key.pos == "topright") {
# col.panel.y <- dist.to.top
# col.panel.x <- max.x
# } else if (key.pos == "bottomleft") {
# col.panel.y <- max.y - col.panel.h + col.panel.h/10
# col.panel.x <- col.panel.w + min.x
# } else if (key.pos == "topleft") {
# col.panel.y <- dist.to.top
# col.panel.x <- col.panel.w + min.x
# }
# }
# return(list(col.panel.x = col.panel.x, col.panel.y = col.panel.y))
# }
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