
Defines functions checkAlreadyDownloaded GDCclientInstall GDCclientExists GDCclientPath humanReadableByteCount GDCdownload.aux GDCdownload.by.chunk getManifest GDCdownload

Documented in GDCdownload getManifest

#' @title Download GDC data
#' @description
#'   Uses GDC API or GDC transfer tool to download gdc data
#'   The user can use query argument
#'   The data from query will be save in a folder: project/data.category
#' @param query A query for GDCquery function
#' @param token.file Token file to download controlled data (only for method = "client")
#' @param method Uses the API (POST method) or gdc client tool. Options "api", "client".
#' API is faster, but the data might get corrupted in the download, and it might need to be executed again
#' @param directory Directory/Folder where the data was downloaded. Default: GDCdata
#' @param files.per.chunk This will make the API method only download n (files.per.chunk) files at a time.
#' This may reduce the download problems when the data size is too large. Expected a integer number (example files.per.chunk = 6)
#' @importFrom tools md5sum
#' @importFrom utils untar
#' @import httr
#' @importFrom methods is
#' @export
#' @examples
#' query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-ACC",
#'                  data.category =  "Copy number variation",
#'                  legacy = TRUE,
#'                  file.type = "hg19.seg",
#'                  barcode = c("TCGA-OR-A5LR-01A-11D-A29H-01", "TCGA-OR-A5LJ-10A-01D-A29K-01"))
#' # data will be saved in  GDCdata/TCGA-ACC/legacy/Copy_number_variation/Copy_number_segmentation
#' GDCdownload(query, method = "api")
#' \dontrun{
#'     # Download clinical data from XML
#'     query <- GDCquery(project = "TCGA-COAD", data.category = "Clinical")
#'     GDCdownload(query, files.per.chunk = 200)
#'     query <- GDCquery(project = "TARGET-AML",
#'                   data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
#'                   data.type = "miRNA Expression Quantification",
#'                   workflow.type = "BCGSC miRNA Profiling",
#'                   barcode = c("TARGET-20-PARUDL-03A-01R","TARGET-20-PASRRB-03A-01R"))
#'     # data will be saved in:
#'     # example_data_dir/TARGET-AML/harmonized/Transcriptome_Profiling/miRNA_Expression_Quantification
#'     GDCdownload(query, method = "client", directory = "example_data_dir")
#'     acc.gbm <- GDCquery(project =  c("TCGA-ACC","TCGA-GBM"),
#'                         data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
#'                         data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification",
#'                         workflow.type = "HTSeq - Counts")
#'     GDCdownload(acc.gbm, method = "api", directory = "example", files.per.chunk = 50)
#' }
#' @return Shows the output from the GDC transfer tools
GDCdownload <- function(query,
                        method = "api",
                        directory = "GDCdata",
                        files.per.chunk = NULL) {
    if(missing(query)) stop("Please set query argument")

    if(!(method %in% c("api","client"))) stop("method arguments possible values are: 'api' or 'client'")
    if(length(unique(getResults(query)$data_type)) > 1) stop("We can only download one data type. Please use data.type argument in GDCquery to filter results.")

    source <- ifelse(query$legacy,"legacy","harmonized")

    dir.create(directory, showWarnings = FALSE, recursive = TRUE)
    for(proj in unique(unlist(query$project))){
        message("Downloading data for project ", proj)
        query.aux <- query
        results <- getResults(query.aux)[getResults(query.aux)$project == proj,]
        query.aux$results[[1]] <- results

        manifest <- getManifest(query.aux)

        path <- unique(file.path(proj, source,
                                 gsub(" ","_", results$data_category),
                                 gsub(" ","_",results$data_type)))
        path <- file.path(directory, path)

        # Check if the files were already downloaded by this package
        manifest <- checkAlreadyDownloaded(path,manifest)

        # There is a bug in the API, if the files has the same name it will not download correctly
        # so method should be set to client if there are files with duplicated names
        # However for clinical XML recurrent and primary are the same file. So we will ignore that case
        if(nrow(manifest) > length(unique(manifest$filename))) method <- "client"
        if(nrow(manifest) != 0 & method == "client") {
            # There exists two options to download the data, using the query or using a manifest file
            # The second option was created to let users use legacy data or the API to search

            # This will find gdc clinet, if not installed it will install it
            gdc.client.bin <- GDCclientInstall()

            # Using the query argument we will organize the files to the user
            # Creates a file with the gdc manifest format
            write_delim(manifest,"gdc_manifest.txt",delim = "\t")

            cmd <- paste0(gdc.client.bin, " download -m gdc_manifest.txt")

            if(!missing(token.file)) cmd <- paste0(cmd," -t ", token.file)

            # Download all the files in the manifest using gdc client
            message(paste0("GDCdownload will download: ",
            message(paste0("Executing GDC client with the following command:\n",cmd))
            result = tryCatch({
            }, warning = function(w) {
            }, error = function(e) {
            }, finally = {
                # moving the file to make it more organized
                for(i in manifest$id) move(i,file.path(path,i))

        } else if (nrow(manifest) != 0 & method =="api"){
            if(nrow(manifest) > 1) {
                name <- paste0(gsub(" |:","_",date()),".tar.gz")
                message(paste0("GDCdownload will download ", nrow(manifest), " files. A total of " ,
            } else {
                # case with one file only. This is not at tar.gz
                name <- manifest$filename
                message(paste0("GDCdownload will download: ",

            server <- ifelse(query$legacy,"https://api.gdc.cancer.gov/legacy/data/", "https://api.gdc.cancer.gov/data/")

            if(is.null(files.per.chunk) & sum(as.numeric(manifest$size)) > 10^9) {
                message("The total size of files is big. We will download files in chunks")
                files.per.chunk <- floor(10^9/mean(as.numeric(manifest$size)))

            if(is.null(files.per.chunk)) {
                message(paste0("Downloading as: ", name))
                    GDCdownload.aux(server, manifest, name, path)
                }, error = function(e) {
                    message("Download failed. We will retry with smaller chunks")
                    # split in groups of 100 MB
                    manifest <- checkAlreadyDownloaded(path,manifest)
                    step <- ceiling(100000000/manifest$size[1])
                    if(step == 0) step <- 1
                    GDCdownload.by.chunk(server, manifest, name, path, step)
            } else {
                step <- files.per.chunk
                # If error we will try another time.
                    GDCdownload.by.chunk(server, manifest, name, path, step)
                }, error = function(e) {
                    message("At least one of the chunks download was not correct. We will retry")
                    manifest <- checkAlreadyDownloaded(path,manifest)
                    GDCdownload.by.chunk(server, manifest, name, path, step)
        } else {
            message("All samples have been already downloaded")

#' @title Get a Manifest from GDCquery output that can be used with GDC-client
#' @description
#' Get a Manifest from GDCquery output that can be used with GDC-client
#' @param query A query for GDCquery function
#' @param save Write Manifest to a txt file (tab separated)
#' @examples
#' query <- GDCquery(project = "TARGET-AML",
#'                   data.category = "Transcriptome Profiling",
#'                   data.type = "Gene Expression Quantification",
#'                   workflow.type = "HTSeq - Counts",
#'                   barcode = c("TARGET-20-PADZCG-04A-01R","TARGET-20-PARJCR-09A-01R"))
#' getManifest(query)
#' @export
getManifest <- function(query, save = FALSE) {
    manifest <- query$results[[1]][,c("file_id","file_name","md5sum","file_size","state")]
    colnames(manifest) <- c("id","filename","md5","size","state")
    if(save)  {
        fname <- "gdc_manifest.txt"
        write_delim(manifest,fname,delim = "\t")
        file <- file.path(getwd(),fname)
        message("Manifest saved as: ", file)

GDCdownload.by.chunk <- function(server, manifest, name, path, step){
    for(idx in 0:ceiling(nrow(manifest)/step - 1)){
        end <- ifelse(((idx + 1) * step) > nrow(manifest), nrow(manifest),((idx + 1) * step))
        manifest.aux <- manifest[((idx * step) + 1):end,]
        size <- humanReadableByteCount(sum(as.numeric(manifest.aux$size)))
        name.aux <- gsub(".tar",paste0("_",idx,".tar"),name)
        message(paste0("Downloading chunk ", idx + 1, " of ", ceiling(nrow(manifest)/step) ,
                       " (", nrow(manifest.aux)," files, size = ", size,") ",
                       "as ", name.aux))
        repeat {
            ret <- GDCdownload.aux(server, manifest.aux, name.aux, path)
            if(ret == 1) break

GDCdownload.aux <- function(server, manifest, name, path){
    result = tryCatch({
        bin <- getURL(server,
                      body =  list(ids=list(manifest$id)),
                      encode = "json",
        if(bin[[2]] == "405"){
            message("ERROR accessing GDC. Trying again...")
            bin <- getURL("https://api.gdc.cancer.gov/data/",
                          body =  list(ids=list(manifest$id)),
                          encode = "json",
        writeBin(getURL(bin,content, as= "raw",encoding = "UTF-8"), name)

        if(nrow(manifest) > 1) {
            success <- untar(name)
            unlink(name) # remove tar
            if(success != 0){
                stop("There was an error in the download process, please execute it again")
        # moving to project/source/data_category/data_type/file_id
        for(i in seq_along(manifest$filename)) {
            if(nrow(manifest) > 1) file <- file.path(manifest$id[i], manifest$filename[i])
            if(nrow(manifest) == 1) file <- file.path(manifest$filename[i])
            id <- manifest$id[i]

            # Check status
            if(!(md5sum(file) == manifest$md5[i])){
                message(paste0("File corrupted:", file))
                message("Run GDCdownload again to download it")
            if(nrow(manifest) > 1) {
            if(nrow(manifest) == 1) move(file,file.path(path,id,file))
    }, warning = function(w) {
    }, error = function(e) {
        unlink(name) # remove tar
    if(result == -1) stop(paste0("There was an error in the download process (we might had a connection problem with GDC server).",
                                 "\nPlease run this function it again.",
                                 "\nTry using method = `client` or setting files.per.chunk to a small number."))
    message("Download completed")

humanReadableByteCount <- function(bytes) {
    unit <- 1000
    if (bytes < unit) return (paste0(bytes + " B"))
    exp <- floor(log(bytes) / log(unit))
    pre <- paste0(substr("KMGTPE",exp,exp))
    pre <- paste0(pre,"B")
    nb <- bytes / (unit ^ exp)
    return (paste(nb, pre))
GDCclientPath <- function(){
    global <- Sys.which("gdc-client")
    if (global != "") return(global)
    local <- dir(pattern = "gdc-client*[^zip]$")
    if (length(local) > 0) return(dir(pattern = "gdc-client*[^zip]$", full.names = TRUE))

GDCclientExists <- function(){
    return(Sys.which("gdc-client.exe") != "" || Sys.which("gdc-client") != "" || length(dir(pattern = "gdc-client*[^zip]$") > 0))
#' @importFrom xml2 read_html
#' @importFrom downloader download
#' @importFrom rvest html_nodes html_attr %>%
GDCclientInstall <- function(){
    if (GDCclientExists()) return(GDCclientPath())

    links = tryCatch({
        read_html("https://gdc.cancer.gov/access-data/gdc-data-transfer-tool")  %>% html_nodes("a") %>% html_attr("href")
    }, error = function(e) {
    bin <- links[grep("public.*zip",links)]
    if (is.windows()) bin <- bin[grep("client*.*windows", bin,ignore.case = TRUE)]
    if (is.mac()) bin <- bin[grep("client*.*OSX", bin)]
    if (is.linux()) {
        if (grepl("ubuntu",Sys.info()["version"],ignore.case = TRUE)){
            bin <- bin[grep("client*.*Ubuntu", bin)]
        } else {
            bin <- bin[grep("client*.*Cent", bin)]
    if (is.windows()) mode <- "wb" else  mode <- "w"
    download(bin, basename(bin), mode = mode)

checkAlreadyDownloaded <- function(path,manifest){
    files2Download <- !(file.exists(file.path(path,manifest$id,manifest$filename)) | file.exists(file.path(path,manifest$filename)))
    if (any(files2Download == FALSE)) {
        message("Of the ", nrow(manifest), " files for download ",
                table(files2Download)["FALSE"] , " already exist.")
        if (any(files2Download == TRUE)) message("We will download only those that are missing ones.")
daniel615212950/TCGAbiolinks documentation built on Dec. 19, 2021, 8:06 p.m.